Topic: Proof
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Fri 10/31/08 08:12 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

I was just being sarcastic. Now if there is anything else you want to tell me about the true nature of reality I am all ears.

If not, now that I know your bottom line, there does not seem to be anything else to discuss. It is simple and to the point but it does not answer the big questions.

According to you, there is yourself and everything all other existence is questionable.

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?

I have already been made aware of those things.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:24 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

I was just being sarcastic. Now if there is anything else you want to tell me about the true nature of reality I am all ears.

If not, now that I know your bottom line, there does not seem to be anything else to discuss. It is simple and to the point but it does not answer the big questions.

According to you, there is yourself and everything all other existence is questionable.

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?
:tongue: When the Draco invade in full force,your gonna be the first on the menu Funches.:tongue:

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:27 PM

if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth then that should be the template to measure all other truths say a belief is truth would be the same as saying you only believe you exist which means you doubt your existence ...hence the phrase "to believe is to doubt"


and again i say, how can a new born that exist ask himself this? or realize it? it cant know "the existance of itself" funch, so how could it "measure all other truths" with that which it does not know? yet it still exist without being able to do so. your meaning to make a statement but it can only apply to those who can comprehend "if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth" they cannot measure anything as of then. so this only holds true for those of an age that can? so it is flawed not impiricle, useless, to those who cant including you when you were a child. an "absolute truth has to apply to everyone at all times in all ways to be absolute! it is conciderably fatally flawed as something to be held as an absolute!!

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:28 PM

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?

I have already been made aware of those things.

I know got it off an episode of Star Trek called "Arena" when kirk had to fight "Gorn" the reptile ruler

"JennieBean" you are such a Trekkie

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Fri 10/31/08 08:34 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

I was just being sarcastic. Now if there is anything else you want to tell me about the true nature of reality I am all ears.

If not, now that I know your bottom line, there does not seem to be anything else to discuss. It is simple and to the point but it does not answer the big questions.

According to you, there is yourself and everything all other existence is questionable.

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?
:tongue: When the Draco invade in full force,your gonna be the first on the menu Funches.:tongue:

"MirrorMirror" I'm under the jurisdiction of the federation of which the Dracoians are memebers of's against the bylaws for them to eat other members

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:42 PM

and again i say, how can a new born that exist ask himself this? or realize it? it cant know "the existance of itself" funch, so how could it "measure all other truths" with that which it does not know? yet it still exist without being able to do so. your meaning to make a statement but it can only apply to those who can comprehend "if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth" they cannot measure anything as of then. so this only holds true for those of an age that can? so it is flawed not impiricle, useless, to those who cant including you when you were a child. an "absolute truth has to apply to everyone at all times in all ways to be absolute! it is conciderably fatally flawed as something to be held as an absolute!!

"Tribo" does the baby get hungry does the baby feel pain does the baby moves does the baby hear doesn't this apply to the baby's existence ...which means just because the baby cannot not comprehend what's going on doesn't mean the baby is not aware

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:50 PM
Edited by tribo on Fri 10/31/08 08:52 PM

and again i say, how can a new born that exist ask himself this? or realize it? it cant know "the existance of itself" funch, so how could it "measure all other truths" with that which it does not know? yet it still exist without being able to do so. your meaning to make a statement but it can only apply to those who can comprehend "if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth" they cannot measure anything as of then. so this only holds true for those of an age that can? so it is flawed not impiricle, useless, to those who cant including you when you were a child. an "absolute truth has to apply to everyone at all times in all ways to be absolute! it is conciderably fatally flawed as something to be held as an absolute!!

"Tribo" does the baby get hungry does the baby feel pain does the baby moves does the baby hear doesn't this apply to the baby's existence ...which means just because the baby cannot not comprehend what's going on doesn't mean the baby is not aware

it is not aware of being able to understand your "absolute truth" funch, this is what i'm saying, your truth can only apply to those who are abble to understand what your saying, a new born can't so it is not an absolute truth just your truth for you, not for everyone everywhere at all times, this would also hold true of those who are mentally disabled and cannot reason as such, yet they still exist, it cannot be understood by them either, yet they also exist.

the only absolute truths that exst here in this reality are the natural truths funch - gravity, etc..

Gravity acts the same wayon everybody all the time no matter what thier condition or age or beliefs, yours truth does not!

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:00 PM

it is not aware of being able to understand your "absolute truth" funch, this is what i'm saying, your truth can only apply to those who are abble to understand what your saying, a new born can't so it is not an absolute truth just your truth for you, not for everyone everywhere at all times, this would also hold true of those who are mentally disabled and cannot reason as such, yet they still exist, it cannot be understood by them either, yet they also exist.

the only absolute truths that exst here in this reality are the natural truths funch - gravity, etc..

"Tribo" didn't I say that the absolute truth aplies to the individual ...if the absolute truth is the existence of yourself to yourself and that everything else is an illusion ..then if everything else is an illusion then why do you keep asking me about the existence of the baby when only my existence to me is absolute truth

also since gravity only occurs under certain condition it is not an absolute absolute truth is that which exist under all and any condition may float in space because no gravity exist but yet you yourself do exist

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:09 PM

it is not aware of being able to understand your "absolute truth" funch, this is what i'm saying, your truth can only apply to those who are abble to understand what your saying, a new born can't so it is not an absolute truth just your truth for you, not for everyone everywhere at all times, this would also hold true of those who are mentally disabled and cannot reason as such, yet they still exist, it cannot be understood by them either, yet they also exist.

the only absolute truths that exist here in this reality are the natural truths funch - gravity, etc..

"Tribo" didn't I say that the absolute truth aplies to the individual ...if the absolute truth is the existence of yourself to yourself and that everything else is an illusion ..then if everything else is an illusion then why do you keep asking me about the existence of the baby when only my existence to me is absolute truth

also since gravity only occurs under certain condition it is not an absolute absolute truth is that which exist under all and any condition may float in space because no gravity exist but yet you yourself do exist

where it occurs it occurs for all all the time in the same way - not just for some - by this reality i meant here on earth not in outerspace, but where gravity is!

"Tribo" didn't I say that the absolute truth aplies to the individual ...if the absolute truth is the existence of yourself to yourself and that everything else is an illusion ..then if everything else is an illusion then why do you keep asking me about the existence of the baby when only my existence to me is absolute truth

funch, again it applies only to you or those who agree with you - it is not a absolute truth such as gravity. yes hold it as your own, but dont call it a absolute, it is only those who see it your way that can claim it for themselves as "A" truth for them. which so far is you and JB - :tongue: i'll keep looking for truth that is equally appiable to all, not just to some - even if the majority thinks it as truth, i look for core truths not just what someone accepts for themselves as truths, i already have plenty of those.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:14 PM

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?

I have already been made aware of those things.

I know got it off an episode of Star Trek called "Arena" when kirk had to fight "Gorn" the reptile ruler

"JennieBean" you are such a Trekkie

:banana: I love that episode.:banana:Thats the one where Captain Kirk makes a gun out of a tube and some rocksalt while he's getting beat up and shoots the lizard guy.:banana:

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:15 PM

funch, again it applies only to you or those who agree with you - it is not a absolute truth such as gravity. yes hold it as your own, but dont call it a absolute, it is only those who see it your way that can claim it for themselves as "A" truth for them. which so far is you and JB - :tongue: i'll keep looking for truth that is equally appiable to all, not just to some - even if the majority thinks it as truth, i look for core truths not just what someone accepts for themselves as truths, i already have plenty of those.

ok "Tribo" to help you comprehend my concept simply answer this simple question ...

do you believe you exist or do you know you exist

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:18 PM
happy Anybody ever notice how Captain Kirk would always be getting his butt kicked until he got his shirt ripped off and then he would start kickin azz?happy

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:21 PM

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?

I have already been made aware of those things.

I know got it off an episode of Star Trek called "Arena" when kirk had to fight "Gorn" the reptile ruler

"JennieBean" you are such a Trekkie

:banana: I love that episode.:banana:Thats the one where Captain Kirk makes a gun out of a tube and some rocksalt while he's getting beat up and shoots the lizard guy.:banana:

yep that's the one MirrorMirror" when kirk place diamonds in the tube gun ...that means "JennieBean" knows how to make one ...that's nice to know in case the Dracoians attack

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:23 PM

happy Anybody ever notice how Captain Kirk would always be getting his butt kicked until he got his shirt ripped off and then he would start kickin azz?happy

anyone ever notice that Kirk's stand in double for the fight scenes never look like him

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:24 PM

funch, again it applies only to you or those who agree with you - it is not a absolute truth such as gravity. yes hold it as your own, but dont call it a absolute, it is only those who see it your way that can claim it for themselves as "A" truth for them. which so far is you and JB - :tongue: i'll keep looking for truth that is equally appiable to all, not just to some - even if the majority thinks it as truth, i look for core truths not just what someone accepts for themselves as truths, i already have plenty of those.

ok "Tribo" to help you comprehend my concept simply answer this simple question ...

do you believe you exist or do you know you exist

it doesn't matter what i think funch, its whether or not everybody can comprehend it and all cant, especially all the time in all ways. what i believe, at this point, is that we have no way of knowing if were real or not in this thing we call reality, that is all of us don't know, you think you do, and thats fine, i will defend your right to be wrong. but will not include myself a beleiver in your take on it. as i say i will keep my eyes and ears open to other ways that smell of absolute truths for all .

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:24 PM

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?

I have already been made aware of those things.

I know got it off an episode of Star Trek called "Arena" when kirk had to fight "Gorn" the reptile ruler

"JennieBean" you are such a Trekkie

:banana: I love that episode.:banana:Thats the one where Captain Kirk makes a gun out of a tube and some rocksalt while he's getting beat up and shoots the lizard guy.:banana:

yep that's the one MirrorMirror" when kirk place diamonds in the tube gun ...that means "JennieBean" knows how to make one ...that's nice to know in case the Dracoians attack
happy The crew of the Enterprise were supposed to be peaceful explorers, but every planet they went to Captain Kirk would get in a fight with somebody.happy

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 09:25 PM

happy Anybody ever notice how Captain Kirk would always be getting his butt kicked until he got his shirt ripped off and then he would start kickin azz?happy

anyone ever notice that Kirk's stand in double for the fight scenes never look like him
laugh yeahlaugh

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 05:28 AM
Edited by funches on Sat 11/01/08 05:29 AM

it doesn't matter what i think funch, its whether or not everybody can comprehend it and all cant, especially all the time in all ways. what i believe, at this point, is that we have no way of knowing if were real or not in this thing we call reality, that is all of us don't know, you think you do, and thats fine, i will defend your right to be wrong. but will not include myself a beleiver in your take on it. as i say i will keep my eyes and ears open to other ways that smell of absolute truths for all .

"tribo" don't you see what I say that you was a "Truist" so I gave you a concept that a "True Truist" couldn't disagree with

since a "Truist" can only measure Truth by using their existance as a template is why I introduce the concept of one's own existence as being absolute truth and all you did was agrue against it therefore arguing against your own "Truistism"

that's why you didn't answer the simple question which was ..."do you believe you exist or do you know that you exist" ...because that question popped you back into reality that you were arguing against yourself ..remember...I warned you at the beginning that this would happen

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 06:49 AM

funch, again it applies only to you or those who agree with you - it is not a absolute truth such as gravity. yes hold it as your own, but dont call it a absolute, it is only those who see it your way that can claim it for themselves as "A" truth for them. which so far is you and JB - :tongue: i'll keep looking for truth that is equally appiable to all, not just to some - even if the majority thinks it as truth, i look for core truths not just what someone accepts for themselves as truths, i already have plenty of those.

ok "Tribo" to help you comprehend my concept simply answer this simple question ...

do you believe you exist or do you know you exist

it doesn't matter what i think funch, its whether or not everybody can comprehend it and all cant, especially all the time in all ways. what i believe, at this point, is that we have no way of knowing if were real or not in this thing we call reality, that is all of us don't know, you think you do, and thats fine, i will defend your right to be wrong. but will not include myself a beleiver in your take on it. as i say i will keep my eyes and ears open to other ways that smell of absolute truths for all .


You said "we" have no way of knowing if were real or not.."

Did you mean we have no way of knowing if "we are" real or not?

How do you define "real" and reality?

Why did you use "we" instead of "I?"

I know I exist. Do you doubt if you exist?

tribo's photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:52 AM

it doesn't matter what i think funch, its whether or not everybody can comprehend it and all cant, especially all the time in all ways. what i believe, at this point, is that we have no way of knowing if were real or not in this thing we call reality, that is all of us don't know, you think you do, and that's fine, i will defend your right to be wrong. but will not include myself a believer in your take on it. as i say i will keep my eyes and ears open to other ways that smell of absolute truths for all .

"tribo" don't you see what I say that you was a "Truist" so I gave you a concept that a "True Truist" couldn't disagree with

since a "Truist" can only measure Truth by using their existence as a template is why I introduce the concept of one's own existence as being absolute truth and all you did was agrue against it therefore arguing against your own "Truistism"

that's why you didn't answer the simple question which was ..."do you believe you exist or do you know that you exist" ...because that question popped you back into reality that you were arguing against yourself ..remember...I warned you at the beginning that this would happen

i believe that i exist in this thing we call reality - this moment by moment experience, but that is not proof that its truly real, only that I'm experiencing "something". i only have my mind. and emotions and sensory perceptions to go by, and this only Tell's ""some"" of what all could possibly be. i exist as much as you or others - but that's no proof of it being reality, only that we exist within this same plane for now and experience like things that we can communicate about. what will be true reality is when "all" the curtains are pulled back and the secrets that lie behind them are revealed, then i will know for sure what is/was real and what is/was illusion. Till then i will continue to live in an world of impaired logic and reason as we all do.