Topic: Proof
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Fri 10/31/08 05:35 PM
Edited by funches on Fri 10/31/08 05:35 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 05:57 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:28 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

ok "Tribo" since you are looking for an achilles heel I will try to obilige you..but this statment probably won't help you find it..... but anyway

the only "absolute truth" is the existence of yourself to yourself and nothing else because everything else could be an illusion is impossible to prove to yourself that you don't exist and impossible to doubt that you do exist to yourself ....funches 3:16

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Fri 10/31/08 06:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/31/08 06:34 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

ok "Tribo" since you are looking for an achilles heel I will try to obilige you..but this statment probably won't help you find it..... but anyway

the only "absolute truth" is the existence of yourself to yourself and nothing else because everything else could be an illusion is impossible to prove to yourself that you don't exist and impossible to doubt that you do exist to yourself ....funches 3:16

I can't believe it, I totally agree with Funches.


I have renewed faith in funches, he pulls no punches.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:46 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

ok "Tribo" since you are looking for an achilles heel I will try to obilige you..but this statment probably won't help you find it..... but anyway

the only "absolute truth" is the existence of yourself to yourself and nothing else because everything else could be an illusion is impossible to prove to yourself that you don't exist and impossible to doubt that you do exist to yourself ....funches 3:16

I can't believe it, I totally agree with Funches.


I have renewed faith in funches, he pulls no punches.

wait let me get this straight someone else in the forum was attacked for being the bad person today and it wasn't me and now you "JennieBean have agreed with one of my post? ...ok what are you guys up to

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:52 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

ok "Tribo" since you are looking for an achilles heel I will try to obilige you..but this statment probably won't help you find it..... but anyway

the only "absolute truth" is the existence of yourself to yourself and nothing else because everything else could be an illusion is impossible to prove to yourself that you don't exist and impossible to doubt that you do exist to yourself ....funches 3:16

i wasn't looking for a weak spot funch just what you beleived, thnx for that "finally!!!"

but it does raise some questions, such as if we all except this absolute truth - and as individuals believe it - then do we all exist or are we just observing al others as illusions? in other words if i believe i'm real or exist is that true of all whether they beleive it or not? or are/is everyone else possibly an illusion?

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:04 PM

but that's just making a statement about what others beleive or doubt - i asked you what it is that you believe - what is truth to you??

"Tribo" for you to ask me what I believe after I presented you with the phrase "to believe is to doubt" delusional

no - your answer had to do with what the book people believe not what you personally believe' unless your saying that you were or are a believer and feel you have proven why it's not true? It does not address what i asked of you - what is it that you believe, what are your truths you live by, all you've stated is why the believers "believe is to doubt", I'm asking what truth's you hold for yourself to be true. if you still say to believe is to doubt what are or did you believe that led you to your conclusions?

ok "Tribo" since you are looking for an achilles heel I will try to obilige you..but this statment probably won't help you find it..... but anyway

the only "absolute truth" is the existence of yourself to yourself and nothing else because everything else could be an illusion is impossible to prove to yourself that you don't exist and impossible to doubt that you do exist to yourself ....funches 3:16

I can't believe it, I totally agree with Funches.


I have renewed faith in funches, he pulls no punches.

wait let me get this straight someone else in the forum was attacked for being the bad person today and it wasn't me and now you "JennieBean have agreed with one of my post? ...ok what are you guys up to

I agree because I agree. I have no agenda.
I am glad to finally understand your bottom line.

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:09 PM

i wasn't looking for a weak spot funch just what you beleived, thnx for that "finally!!!"

"Tribo" come on you kept asking me for what I believed in even after I kept telling you "to believe is to doubt.. to then say that I believe in something is a contradiction to the phrase it was obvious what you were up to...besides people have ask that same trick question over and over in the thread even though it's self explanatory

but it does raise some questions, such as if we all except this absolute truth - and as individuals believe it - then do we all exist or are we just observing al others as illusions? in other words if i believe i'm real or exist is that true of all whether they beleive it or not? or are/is everyone else possibly an illusion?

the individual has no choice but to accept it as absolute truth not accept it actually prove the statement to be absolute truth

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/31/08 07:16 PM
Funches, not everybody uses your method of asking trick questions to get their point across.

You could have saved us a lot of time if you had just stated what you believe from the start.

Now that we know that the only thing you "know" and are "certain of" is that YOU exist, I might ask you if you ever get out of that tiny little "Only I exist" box and imagine anything else might exist.

Or is everything else that you experience and perceive just your delusion???

If so, then I guess we have you to thank for our existence then because you must be god.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:16 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:18 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/31/08 07:18 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:22 PM

i wasn't looking for a weak spot funch just what you beleived, thnx for that "finally!!!"

"Tribo" come on you kept asking me for what I believed in even after I kept telling you "to believe is to doubt.. to then say that I believe in something is a contradiction to the phrase it was obvious what you were up to...besides people have ask that same trick question over and over in the thread even though it's self explanatory

but it does raise some questions, such as if we all except this absolute truth - and as individuals believe it - then do we all exist or are we just observing al others as illusions? in other words if i believe i'm real or exist is that true of all whether they beleive it or not? or are/is everyone else possibly an illusion?

the individual has no choice but to accept it as absolute truth not accept it actually prove the statement to be absolute truth

yes but your saying to "believe is to doubt" - yet you say you "believe" this, which according to your statement means you >>doubt<< it? your saying what you state as truth but within the truth you "believe" is attached >is to doubt< so your saying you doubt what you believe to be this ultimate truth?

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:22 PM

Funches, not everybody uses your method of asking trick questions to get their point across.

You could have saved us a lot of time if you had just stated what you believe from the start.

Now that we know that the only thing you "know" and are "certain of" is that YOU exist, I might ask you if you ever get out of that tiny little "Only I exist" box and imagine anything else might exist.

Or is everything else that you experience and perceive just your delusion???

If so, then I guess we have you to thank for our existence then because you must be god.

"JennieBean" you said that you agreed with the statement but I see now that you didn't comprehend the statement

if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth then that should be the template to measure all other truths say a belief is truth would be the same as saying you only believe you exist which means you doubt your existence ...hence the phrase "to believe is to doubt"

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:34 PM
Edited by funches on Fri 10/31/08 07:35 PM

yes but your saying to "believe is to doubt" - yet you say you "believe" this, which according to your statement means you >>doubt<< it? your saying what you state as truth but within the truth you "believe" is attached >is to doubt< so your saying you doubt what you believe to be this ultimate truth?

"Tribo" if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth then that should be the template to measure all other truths say a belief is truth would be the same as saying you only believe you exist which means you doubt your existence ...hence the phrase "to believe is to doubt"

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:38 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 07:49 PM

yes but your saying to "believe is to doubt" - yet you say you "believe" this, which according to your statement means you >>doubt<< it? your saying what you state as truth but within the truth you "believe" is attached >is to doubt< so your saying you doubt what you believe to be this ultimate truth?

"Tribo" if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth then that should be the template to measure all other truths say a belief is truth would be the same as saying you only believe you exist which means you doubt your existence ...hence the phrase "to believe is to doubt"

your still saying no more than to believe is to doubt and you believe this - thus according to your belief in this statement you doubt - thats BS

what of a 1 month old baby does it exist? if you say yes then does it believe it exist? no - its not capable of thinking whether it exist or not, yet it according to you it does. ""beleiving"" you exist has nothing to do with existance funch, either you exist or you dont.

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:00 PM
Edited by tribo on Fri 10/31/08 08:08 PM
besides this is not new thought, this was the greek philosopher
philo's stand that descarte' took up later - philos take was "everything could be doubted but the duobter" which descarte turned into " i think therefore i am" get original anyway funch, pledgerizing does not become you.

if you place this as your ultimate truth funch, then your reading to much old philosophy.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/31/08 08:09 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

I was just being sarcastic. Now if there is anything else you want to tell me about the true nature of reality I am all ears.

If not, now that I know your bottom line, there does not seem to be anything else to discuss. It is simple and to the point but it does not answer the big questions.

According to you, there is yourself and all other existence is questionable.

So is there anything else you would like to share?


no photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:07 PM

your still saying no more than to believe is to doubt and you believe this - thus according to your belief in this statement you doubt - thats BS

"Tribo" you keep harping on "to believe is to doubt" when I just presented all the statment in it's entirety here it is a again

if the existence of yourself to yourself is absolute truth then that should be the template to measure all other truths say a belief is truth would be the same as saying you only believe you exist which means you doubt your existence ...hence the phrase "to believe is to doubt"

what of a 1 month old baby does it exist? if you say yes then does it believe it exist? no - its not capable of thinking whether it exist or not, yet it according to you it does. ""beleiving"" you exist has nothing to do with existance funch, either you exist or you dont.

"Tribo" take some time to comprehend the statement ...if you did then you wouldn't be asking me if the 1 month old baby exist since the only existence that is absolute is the existence of yourself because everything else may be an illusion

try soaking up the statment is flawless logic ..and you will find no way around it

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 08:10 PM

Do you have any other pearls of wisdom you can cast before us swine?

BEHOLD breatheren.. for I'm simply here to place thee on the path to true rigthousness ...

Yep I was right. He is delusional. He thinks or believes or knows that he is god.

"JennieBean" I only meant to place you on the path to show you that you wasn't swine as you suggested that you were

I was just being sarcastic. Now if there is anything else you want to tell me about the true nature of reality I am all ears.

If not, now that I know your bottom line, there does not seem to be anything else to discuss. It is simple and to the point but it does not answer the big questions.

According to you, there is yourself and everything all other existence is questionable.

So is there anything else you would like to share?


you mean like third density planets or Draconian reptile rulers?