Topic: Proof
AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:05 PM

Because she has a different belief structure.

they believe in their paper n puters.

she believes in herself.

they will never see her belief structure as a truth... No matter how many words are thrown at them...
Just as you yourself will (or so it seems)never engagage in word based belief structures that are not based upon your own words. Or see there possible proofs... When one asks questions one must pause for a moment to receive the answere else one is not truely asking a question... Rather one is stating a position.

"AdventureBegins" are you saying that "JennieBean" wouldn't ask for the same type of documents from someone else if she would place in the same not do so is called negligence

How would I know what she would do... I am as I am...
she is as she is.

Her I am is different from my I am.

Ask me a question I can answer... Not one that, no matter what I answer, would be wrong. I can not answer for her.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:10 PM
I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:14 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:15 PM

Because she has a different belief structure.

they believe in their paper n puters.

she believes in herself.

they will never see her belief structure as a truth... No matter how many words are thrown at them...
Just as you yourself will (or so it seems)never engagage in word based belief structures that are not based upon your own words. Or see there possible proofs... When one asks questions one must pause for a moment to receive the answere else one is not truely asking a question... Rather one is stating a position.

"AdventureBegins" are you saying that "JennieBean" wouldn't ask for the same type of documents from someone else if she would place in the same not do so is called negligence

How would I know what she would do... I am as I am...
she is as she is.

Her I am is different from my I am.

Ask me a question I can answer... Not one that, no matter what I answer, would be wrong. I can not answer for her.

"AdventureBegins" since you claim not to know about "JennieBean" then how do you answer for her that she has a different belief system...

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:18 PM

Because she has a different belief structure.

they believe in their paper n puters.

she believes in herself.

they will never see her belief structure as a truth... No matter how many words are thrown at them...
Just as you yourself will (or so it seems)never engagage in word based belief structures that are not based upon your own words. Or see there possible proofs... When one asks questions one must pause for a moment to receive the answere else one is not truely asking a question... Rather one is stating a position.

"AdventureBegins" are you saying that "JennieBean" wouldn't ask for the same type of documents from someone else if she would place in the same not do so is called negligence

How would I know what she would do... I am as I am...
she is as she is.

Her I am is different from my I am.

Ask me a question I can answer... Not one that, no matter what I answer, would be wrong. I can not answer for her.

"AdventureBegins" since you claim not to know about "JennieBean" then how do you answer for her that she has a different belief system...

I did not say she has a different belief system... I said THEY had a belief system differnt from hers...

Was not answering for her but about her. is a difference.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:25 PM

I did not say she has a different belief system...

"AdventureBegins" are you sure you didn't say that ...well anyway here's your quote

AdventureBegins saids

Because she has a different belief structure.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:32 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

That doesnt matter. People can rattle off whatever they want. This is an open forum I am requesting that we decide on one premise to investigate, it could be "chupacabra" for all I care.

Let's set aside some mutually agreed upon guidelines and dispute whether this creature exists and is part of the natural animal kingdom or shall be relegated to crap.

Its up to you.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:38 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

That doesnt matter. People can rattle off whatever they want. This is an open forum I am requesting that we decide on one premise to investigate, it could be "chupacabra" for all I care.

Let's set aside some mutually agreed upon guidelines and dispute whether this creature exists and is part of the natural animal kingdom or shall be relegated to crap.

Its up to you.

And how do you think could we all mutually agree on guidelines, when some think they don't need any?

Just askingembarassed

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:41 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

Actually, we've all silently agreed to disagree:tongue:

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:47 PM

I did not say she has a different belief system...

"AdventureBegins" are you sure you didn't say that ...well anyway here's your quote

AdventureBegins saids

Because she has a different belief structure.

Tell you what funch- why don't you explain what your belief's are so we can have a go at your concept of what this life is all about? how's that for a good debate huh? tell us the funch truths to life? start an ew thread if you like, no matter, i'd like to hear funches take on things for once, the true truth of how it is. how bout it funchster? huh, huh,huh,???

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:50 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

That doesnt matter. People can rattle off whatever they want. This is an open forum I am requesting that we decide on one premise to investigate, it could be "chupacabra" for all I care.

Let's set aside some mutually agreed upon guidelines and dispute whether this creature exists and is part of the natural animal kingdom or shall be relegated to crap.

Its up to you.

And how do you think could we all mutually agree on guidelines, when some think they don't need any?

Just askingembarassed

Well if they (meaning whoever you have invented in your head) have decided they dont require any kind of guidelines to substantiate their premises then I will laugh at them and spit in their face tequila with a lot of lime and make sure to get it in their eyeball because that hurts and it is proof that acidic acid originating from fruit stings aqueous membranes and will cause their eye to tear up. Next!

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:52 PM

I realize that sometimes I annoy people with my statements of the nature of reality, perhaps because I state them as if they are facts.

(I do this on purpose to annoy Tribo. laugh laugh tongue2)

For example:

"This reality is a three dimensional reflection which is holographic in nature which is generated from a collective or "universal" mind."

Of course I should have started that sentence with "I believe..blah blah blah.." or "..its my conclusion..or my opinion...blah blah blah...

But usually I find that nobody cares what my opinions or conclusions are and I don't get enough attention when I do that. LOL

So you will find me stating what I believe or what I am considering as truth as a fact more often than not.

Then someone who disagrees wildly with me will ask for "proof," not because they intend to consider it, but because they want to discredit my bold and sometimes "ridiculous" statement.

"The ruler of this galaxy is a draconian queen."

I just want to say that I don't blame you for asking for proof. Not at all. I would do the very same.

I am inclined to ask for proof when someone starts a sentence with:

"God said....."

Oh really? noway

Or when people make unbelievable claims of miracles and give the credit to their God.

Oh really? That's nice. (I just don't believe it.)

Perhaps if I actually experienced a miracle myself I would believe it... but that is probably the only time I would.

I may not disbelieve something but I may not believe it either. I might just remain neutral...and think, well I'm sure YOU believe it.. but I have my doubts.

So ask for proof and keep asking. But keep an open mind. This is a very weird reality.


well god told me [he likes to be called bucky]- that you were to provide me with "Proof" and if you didn't he would not believe in you. he says - "Show me where i created this holo-matrix you keep talking of or be condemned!!":tongue: flowerforyou

You were probably talking to the false god. He goes by the name of Lucky Bucky. I'm not afraid of him. Tell him to condemn away. drinker

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:53 PM

Well if they (meaning whoever you have invented in your head) have decided they dont require any kind of guidelines to substantiate their premises then I will laugh at them and spit in their face tequila with a lot of lime and make sure to get it in their eyeball because that hurts and it is proof that acidic acid originating from fruit stings aqueous membranes and will cause their eye to tear up. Next!

I do not think that whoever was on my mind will hugely appreciate this action. I, on the other hand, would fully agree with youflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:56 PM

My point being is that Proof is a MATTER OF BELIEF. It is not the document itself.

Now I think I made my point.

"JennieBean"..if proof is a matter of belief then why did you provide any type of documents ..why couldn't you convince them and make them believe on your words alone.. you know that they required something more than just your say so and that is why you provided proof that was factual ..because just you saying you was you was not sufficient proof

Actually they probably did not care who I was. All they really wanted was the proper acceptable evidence to cover their own butts. They wanted papers that proved that my birth was registered with THE STATE so that they could make copies for BIG BROTHER and their computer.

Other than that, they were just cogs in the machine and didn't really care.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/31/08 12:59 PM
Krimsa makes "jacking off motions" with her right hand and waits for someone less "skittery" to join in this debate.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 01:05 PM

Krimsa makes "jacking off motions" with her right hand and waits for someone less "skittery" to join in this debate.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/31/08 01:09 PM

I dont see why anyone needs to be answering for anyone else?

Just come up with a premise and prove it using basic objectivity that we can all agree on.

What the hell man?

At what point have we EVER all agreed on a single thing...pitchfork

Just wonderin...smokin

That doesnt matter. People can rattle off whatever they want. This is an open forum I am requesting that we decide on one premise to investigate, it could be "chupacabra" for all I care.

Let's set aside some mutually agreed upon guidelines and dispute whether this creature exists and is part of the natural animal kingdom or shall be relegated to crap.

Its up to you.

:smile: Yeti?:smile:

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 01:14 PM

This thread was started by Jeanniebean and it is about the subject of Proof and why people ask for it.

A thread highjacker (who has been told not to communicate with me)is breaking the rules.

Any posts by anyone who has been told not to communicate with me are not welcome.

tribo's photo
Fri 10/31/08 01:14 PM
Tell you what funch- why don't you explain what your belief's are so we can have a go at your concept of what this life is all about? how's that for a good debate huh? tell us the funch truths to life? start an ew thread if you like, no matter, i'd like to hear funches take on things for once, the true truth of how it is. how bout it funchster? huh, huh,huh,???

so what will it be funch? what are your truths? That there are no truths? c'mon you can do it funchster, give us some insite on how the mind of funch see's and thinks about what he questions of everyone else, give us the "real truth" funch.

no photo
Fri 10/31/08 01:17 PM

Tell you what funch- why don't you explain what your belief's are so we can have a go at your concept of what this life is all about? how's that for a good debate huh? tell us the funch truths to life? start an ew thread if you like, no matter, i'd like to hear funches take on things for once, the true truth of how it is. how bout it funchster? huh, huh,huh,???

so what will it be funch? what are your truths? That there are no truths? c'mon you can do it funchster, give us some insite on how the mind of funch see's and thinks about what he questions of everyone else, give us the "real truth" funch.

There are those people, Tribo, who hide behind a curtain and whose only agenda is to take shots at other peoples beliefs and conclusions and yet they will not reveal their own.

I don't trust those kind of people.