Topic: Want NOT Need
PATSFAN's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:15 AM

This is why I love Mannequins!!:tongue:

Cause their independant and inspire you?

Not exactlylaugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:16 AM

This is why I love Mannequins!!:tongue:
gonna hold my mannequin gonna hold it tight gonna get me some plastic putang tonitedrinker

rofl rofl rofl

Unique2468's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:16 AM

This is why I love Mannequins!!:tongue:

Cause their independant and inspire you?

Not exactlylaugh laugh


lilith401's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:17 AM

If one person is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 10% then the relastionship is 90/10.

huh huh huh

franshade's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:23 AM
unique - a relationships is one plateau (why separate into 3?) if I follow your math 100% + 100% now 10% = 210% (dont follow)

relationships usually involve two individuals (each giving their best/utmost = 100%)

these two individuals usually share (they are not fused) a common goal and are working together.

Dan99's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:28 AM
I might not need another beer, but i'll want one.

I dont think this really applies to relationships, not for me at least. If i became single and stayed that way for the rest of my life, im not just gonna curl up and die, but i do think that there would be something missing from my life. So to some degree at least, i think there is a need there.

maryelizabeth10's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:34 AM
i had a conversation about this on mon night with someone. they didnt seem to understand that i dont need a man in my life. one would be nice but i dont need one.

maryelizabeth10's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:34 AM

I might not need another beer, but i'll want one.

I dont think this really applies to relationships, not for me at least. If i became single and stayed that way for the rest of my life, im not just gonna curl up and die, but i do think that there would be something missing from my life. So to some degree at least, i think there is a need there.

i agree with you on the "something missing" part

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:36 AM

I agree with the independent part babe. And not needing anyone to complete me.

I do not see a 'soulmate' as that which completes though.

And i find those that believe in having one glasses

(((((((((( LILITH )))))))))

Agree 100% with this! flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:36 AM

i had a conversation about this on mon night with someone. they didnt seem to understand that i dont need a man in my life. one would be nice but i dont need one.

I told a male friend this once and he said I was cold. I told him I was actually very warm, affectionate and compassionate, just not co-dependant, clingy, or needy.

no photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:39 AM
I may have many "wants" in life, but I find that I have everything/one I "need"...if I ignore the former, the later is beautiful and my life is great....


maryelizabeth10's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:39 AM

i had a conversation about this on mon night with someone. they didnt seem to understand that i dont need a man in my life. one would be nice but i dont need one.

I told a male friend this once and he said I was cold. I told him I was actually very warm, affectionate and compassionate, just not co-dependant, clingy, or needy.

i was told i was depressed lol. or something along that line.
i just meant it as im not settling for anything less than everything im looking for. so until that person comes along im perfectly fine by myself i dont like it but im ok with it.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:39 AM

I had a fantastic conversation with a member about this last night, and I was shocked and thrilled we both agreed on this. I hear so much crap about 50/50, soulmates, being lonely, feeling complete, blah blah...

I do not need anyone in my life. I am quite independent and capable of either doing for myself or finding a resource who can. I do not believe soulmates exist. I can not be completed by anyone. I am whole, I am in no need of completing. I believe a relationship is 100/100 and that a partner enriches and compliments my life. A person who invigorates my mind, body, and spirit, and I theirs. I want a relationship, and therefore would never take it for granted or become complacent. I'd never settle just to have someone.

Anyone agree or disagree?

I tell you that all the time and I still don't get lucky with you....sad sad sad sad

What's a girl gotta do?

Ha, kidding, I'm with you on this, when a guy says they NEED me or they NEED a woman I hit the bricks, that's not what I want or desire.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:40 AM
Why do SOOOOOOOOOOOO many people "need a man or woman" in their life? Is it just that fear of being alone? I mean, I like to have someone their, but the truth of the matter is, I aint gonna have someone their just cause.

cottonelle's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:41 AM

If one person is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 10% then the relastionship is 90/10.

just wondering, where did you go to school?

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:42 AM

If one person is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 100% and the other is putting in 10% then the relastionship is 90/10.

just wondering, where did you go to school?

rofl rofl

lilith401's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:44 AM
Lily I'm planting one on you Saturday night.... I'll wear that lipstick that doesn't kiss away. smitten

I need you, you complete me, you had me at hello.....drool tongue2

Lily0923's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:46 AM

your only complete when you are content with yourself

Very wise.....

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:46 AM
Okay, I know I may get lambasted for this, but I think we do need each other. It's not that I'm not a whole person, complete in my own identity or that I couldn't survive without a man. I can and will quite happily if I don't find that special someone. And, I'm a happy person regardless of the status of my love life.

However, I think that men and women complete each other. It's the male and the female.....the yin and the yang......the light and the dark.....etc. You need one to have the other. It's a completion and a balance that you can't find outside of that kind of relationship. JMO.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:47 AM

Lily I'm planting one on you Saturday night.... I'll wear that lipstick that doesn't kiss away. smitten

I need you, you complete me, you had me at hello.....drool tongue2

Hot damn I'm getting lucky on Saturday...:banana: :banana:

Are you ready to meet Tamba.... I'll have him tame (well as much as possible at least)