Topic: god hates us all
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Tue 09/16/08 07:06 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 09/16/08 07:19 AM

I'm asking that you not assume I am addressing you personally or your own life experience. I am simply explaining what I know to be legitimate explanations offered by medical science as it relates to near death experience.
That's cool. But unless said scientist has had a near death experience, I can't really relate to that. What do they know about it.I mean really?

Here is a brain scientist who had a near death experience with a stroke. She talks about the differing hemispheres of the brain there function and her first hand experiences with the collapse of her cognitive system.

The brain is an amazing computer, more advanced then anything we have ever built by a factor of 1000, factor of 100 if all you do is count transistors, but complexity is more then parts its form and function.

When it starts to disorganize perception is the first thing effected, becuase consciousness and perception are the highest ordered functions that require all parts of the brain to function in normal mode.

Our brains have an Average number of neurons around 100 billion.

Our greatest achievement, the microprocessor, has 1 billion now, and it works in series, not parallel. Modern brain researchers believe our brains use quantum mechanics to communicate in parallel.

This all means that this structure is extremely complex, and research is very slow becuase of the amazing complexity.

It seems to me premature to expect to have a complete answer of some people's near death experiences. I have no doubt that we will. Everything I have read on near death experiences sounds like a crashing perception system and the lady in the ted vid says it all.

Amazing vid btw.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:09 AM

I'm asking that you not assume I am addressing you personally or your own life experience. I am simply explaining what I know to be legitimate explanations offered by medical science as it relates to near death experience.
That's cool. But unless said scientist has had a near death experience, I can't really relate to that. What do they know about it.I mean really?

Here is a brain scientist who had a near death experience with a stroke. She talks about the differing hemispheres of the brain there function and her first hand experiences with the collapse of her cognitive system.

The brain is an amazing computer, more advanced then anything we have ever built by a factor of 1000.

When it starts to disorganize perception is the first thing effected, becuase consciousness and perception are the highest ordered functions that require all parts of the brain to function in normal mode.

Amazing vid btw.
Thanks, i'll check it out

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:11 AM
"Almah," which can be translated as "young woman" and/or "young virgin."

But do not disclose that Mary was exactly who she was.....

Matthew 1:18
[ The Birth of Jesus Christ ] This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:20
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 1:24
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
Matthew 1:23-25 (in Context) Matthew 1 (Whole Chapter)

You have to look beyond your nose. It clearly states the family lines and all that led to the birth of Jesus Christ. Now this was correct in one small are of the Hebrew text but no mistaken that in later text it was Mary.....and believe it's whatever you want and I will do the same.

So no mischaracterizations.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:12 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 09/16/08 07:34 AM
It is you that refuses to reveal your true agenda as it relates to this sudden attack and probing investigation into my personal belief system. I've got news for you. Those issues are my own and I reveal them to whom I choose to reveal them to and at the appropriate moment in time. I will not simply be bullied by anonymous strangers on the internet thank you. That is my business and Im not sure that it would matter what religion or spirituality nor perspective a doctor or research investigator who has conducted analysis in this particular field held either. Would you badger them for their background as it related to their own personal beliefs and spirituality also? Its not relevant to this discussion but I suppose you would choose to throw their perspective completely out the door if they told you that they did not find that germane to their course of investigative study in the realm of NDE.


You can stay behind your curtain as long as you want, it does not really bother me.

I engage people for the purpose of looking for new and useful information and particularly for new ideas I have not considered.

Your refusal to reveal your ideas or opinions show you as one who hides in the bushes and jumps out to attack other people's personal belief systems while keeping yours neatly and safely hidden away.

You put up a very defensive posture to anyone who probes even slightly into your posts. I merely wanted to know if you had any real scientific basis for the cut and paste opinion of the unknown atheist who voiced his opinion in your behalf. It was not an attack on you personally. I was looking for some real information that I might not have.

But I don't think you have any new information. And you won't reveal any of your personal ideas or theories or beliefs, so I can't learn anything from you.

You have proven to me that you like to debate but you won't take a position of your own. You probably fancy yourself as a person who can debate on either side of any issue. For all I know you are just practicing to be a politician.

So if you can think of something new to bring to the table I'm all ears.


no photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:23 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 09/16/08 07:24 AM
When studying something I hold belief in reserve for evidence.

I learned long ago from personal experiences that perception, and experience are shaped by the function of the brain.

I had a 103 degree fever and was hallucinating . . . . If anything I would believe the process of synapse shutdown (due to dying) would be MORE not less deranging then a mere fever . . . .

I was near death for a few hours until my fever broke . . . should my delusional fantasy be considered a message from god?

Or was it just delusion becuase I didn't see any bright lights? lol

I love this topic makes me laugh.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:29 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 09/16/08 07:32 AM
Well it sounds to me that you DO in fact want me to entertain ONLY your thoughts and feelings as it relates to this matter. The conclusion you have drawn is that you simply can not debate ANY topic with me because you do not know who I am or the position I might take at any given moment as to how it relates to my personal belief structure. So I guess that means you can only debate on this forum with those who choose to announce and define themselves in a conceptualized box of their own design? Well good luck there. You wont be debating with me again any time soon if thats the case. Its too bad because I really liked you and enjoyed your observations if only because they were so unique and genuine. Im sad to say, you can not see the same in mine simply because they are a little more grounded and based in the realm of scientific research and academia and are not confined nor limited to any one spiritual doctrine.


I could probably debate any topic with you under the sun and literally clean your clock if I so chose but that is not my agenda or intention. Besides, that is only a "tear down" tactic, it is not a "lets get to know each other and maybe learn something" form of communication.

I don't have to know you or your belief system to discuss your posts or your statements as they stand. But if you post a cut and past opinion of someone else I would at least like to know why you posted it, or if you agree with that person and if so why do you agree with that person.

Other than that, I don't need to know that unknown person's opinion. Opinions I can find all over the Internet.

I have nothing against scientific research if it is valid and progressive and specific. I believe in science and I believe all things can be explained scientifically as long as the scientists can get their heads out of their little boxes.


SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:30 AM
interesting video bushido, drinker

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:34 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 09/16/08 07:39 AM

It is you that refuses to reveal your true agenda as it relates to this sudden attack and probing investigation into my personal belief system. I've got news for you. Those issues are my own and I reveal them to whom I choose to reveal them to and at the appropriate moment in time. I will not simply be bullied by anonymous strangers on the internet thank you. That is my business and Im not sure that it would matter what religion or spirituality nor perspective a doctor or research investigator who has conducted analysis in this particular field held either. Would you badger them for their background as it related to their own personal beliefs and spirituality also? Its not relevant to this discussion but I suppose you would choose to throw their perspective completely out the door if they told you that they did not find that germane to their course of investigative study in the realm of NDE.

You can stay behind your curtain as long as you want, it does not really bother me.

I engage people for the purpose of looking for new and useful information and particularly for new ideas I have not considered.

Your refusal to reveal your ideas or opinions show you as one who hides in the bushes and jumps out to attack other people's personal belief systems while keeping yours neatly and safely hidden away.

You put up a very defensive posture to anyone who probes even slightly into your posts. I merely wanted to know if you had any real scientific basis for the cut and paste opinion of the unknown atheist who voice his opinion in your behalf. It was not an attack on you personally. I was looking for some real information that I might not have.

But I don't think you have any new information. And you won't reveal any of your personal ideas or theories or beliefs, so I can't learn anything from you.

You have proven to me that you like to debate but you won't take a position of your own. You probably fancy yourself as a person who can debate on either side of any issue. For all I know you are just practicing to be a politician.

So if you can think of something new to bring to the table I'm all ears.


So in other words, you have seen all there is to see of the ongoing scientific research that is and ever will be done on this particular field of study in NDE. You continuously brush it off as "been there, done that" and I dont need to look at it again. Im simply telling you that it is indeed a valid opinion, and in fact every bit as reliable as your own JB.

Im not sure that I am "standing behind any curtains" as you so dramatically feel the need to characterize it. What about you JB? Where do you live? What do you do with yourself? Are you retired? It would behoove you to not assume that everyone is comfortable answering questions of this nature on an open forum. Not to mention that you and I have had no personal contact. I know nothing about you and we have never conversed even by private message. Now I am expected to reveal a very personal aspect of my life to you? Are you joking? I have also explained repeatedly that the reason I choose not to reveal the designation of my own spirituality on forum is simply because it is irrelevant to the positions that I choose to take on these threads. Some on forum are only arguing their point of view from the standpoint of their personal belief system. I am not one of them. Im sorry to once again avoid your attempts at "netting me" as either this or that.

Anyway, you have clearly indicated that you are unable to debate simply because you can not label me or characterize me into a specific category of origin or designation in regards to my spirituality. Thats just ridiculous in my opinion. I am also not sure what you perceive as "defensive" . Just about everyone who peruses these religious forums takes a position. Others are then able to argue this position and bring supportive evidence to the table. I am no different in that respect. I dont believe that you or anyone else defines the manner in which we can make these various assertions. It sounds to me like you are attempting to say that we all MUST conduct ourselves like JB or get the hell out of here. Just an observation.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:35 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 09/16/08 07:36 AM

Well it sounds to me that you DO in fact want me to entertain ONLY your thoughts and feelings as it relates to this matter. The conclusion you have drawn is that you simply can not debate ANY topic with me because you do not know who I am or the position I might take at any given moment as to how it relates to my personal belief structure. So I guess that means you can only debate on this forum with those who choose to announce and define themselves in a conceptualized box of their own design? Well good luck there. You wont be debating with me again any time soon if thats the case. Its too bad because I really liked you and enjoyed your observations if only because they were so unique and genuine. Im sad to say, you can not see the same in mine simply because they are a little more grounded and based in the realm of scientific research and academia and are not confined nor limited to any one spiritual doctrine.


I could probably debate any topic with you under the sun and literally clean your clock if I so chose but that is not my agenda or intention. Besides, that is only a "tear down" tactic, it is not a "lets get to know each other and maybe learn something" form of communication.

I don't have to know you or your belief system to discuss your posts or your statements as they stand. But if you post a cut and past opinion of someone else I would at least like to know why you posted it, or if you agree with that person and if so why do you agree with that person.

Other than that, I don't need to know that unknown person's opinion. Opinions I can find all over the Internet.

I have nothing against scientific research if it is valid and progressive and specific. I believe in science and I believe all things can be explained scientifically as long as the scientists can get their heads out of their little boxes.


Bring it on momma. Talk is cheap. I haven't seen you come near me in a debate.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:39 AM

Just so you are aware sharp you can edit your posts for a period of time after you fire them off. I notice you seem to always post again but only one sentence. Maybe you like doing that which is fine but Im just letting you know you can hit that edit and add a thought if need be however the site sets a time limit on how long you can edit retroactively. .
What the heck are you talking about.

If i edit anything, it is usually cause i reread it and corrected spelling, or added to my comment or thought of another way to say something, other than that, don't have any idea what you are referring to, not sure if you do either now.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:41 AM

Just so you are aware sharp you can edit your posts for a period of time after you fire them off. I notice you seem to always post again but only one sentence. Maybe you like doing that which is fine but Im just letting you know you can hit that edit and add a thought if need be however the site sets a time limit on how long you can edit retroactively. .
What the heck are you talking about.

If i edit anything, it is usually cause i reread it and corrected spelling, or added to my comment or thought of another way to say something, other than that, don't have any idea what you are referring to, not sure if you do either now.

I was talking about the edit feature in the box on your posts. I was trying to offer some assistance in that respect. Sorry.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:42 AM

Just so you are aware sharp you can edit your posts for a period of time after you fire them off. I notice you seem to always post again but only one sentence. Maybe you like doing that which is fine but Im just letting you know you can hit that edit and add a thought if need be however the site sets a time limit on how long you can edit retroactively. .
What the heck are you talking about.

If i edit anything, it is usually cause i reread it and corrected spelling, or added to my comment or thought of another way to say something, other than that, don't have any idea what you are referring to, not sure if you do either now.
I notice you edit and post one liners at times also, so what gives with that anyway, if you just want to argue or something I will try to oblige you, but unless i'm missing something, that made no sense at all

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:44 AM

I have not asked you any personal questions such as where you live or what you do or anything of that nature. As for me, my life is an open book and anyone who has been to any of my websites knows that.

As for my agenda on this forum, I posted that in the "What is your agenda" thread. Most people who know me, know what my agenda is.

Bring it on momma. Talk is cheap. I haven't seen you come near me in a debate.

laugh laugh laugh

That's because I did not find any of your subjects very interesting.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:44 AM
just my style of posting i guess, some are long, some are short, I just type and post, sometimes edit and quote, but whats wrong with one liners at a time, sometimes thoughts come to me like that

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:46 AM

just my style of posting i guess, some are long, some are short, I just type and post, sometimes edit and quote, but whats wrong with one liners at a time, sometimes thoughts come to me like that

Nothing at all. Keep em coming! laugh

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:46 AM
Thats what I said "maybe you like doing that". I wasn't sure if you noticed the edit feature sharp. Thats it.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:47 AM
i'm willing to call it a misunderstanding, hows thatflowerforyou

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:48 AM

Thats what I said "maybe you like doing that". I wasn't sure if you noticed the edit feature sharp. Thats it.
No offense taken Krimsa, just wasn't sure what you meant there for a moment

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:49 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 09/16/08 07:50 AM

just my style of posting i guess, some are long, some are short, I just type and post, sometimes edit and quote, but whats wrong with one liners at a time, sometimes thoughts come to me like that

Nothing at all. Keep em coming! laugh

And once again this brings us back to the "tag team". I already noted this would happen. JB Im starting to have a very different take on who you are exactly. Some of the more derogatory adjectives that have been used to describe you (of which I have defended you in the past) may be quite well suited in fact.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:49 AM

Thats what I said "maybe you like doing that". I wasn't sure if you noticed the edit feature sharp. Thats it.
No offense taken Krimsa, just wasn't sure what you meant there for a moment

No problem sharp.