Topic: A Word From God
no photo
Wed 08/06/08 05:21 PM

You are wrong funch.....Through Jesus I do command that satan has no place where I am.....or to interfere with what God is doing through me......This is a fact......

the fact is "feralcatlady" is that you are a sinner and as a sinner you have no power over Satan can a sinner command Satan ..if a demon wanted you it's a chance you may be able to fight ..but if Satan wanted you Satan would have you

The word of God says one of us can send a thousand to flight...two can send 10 thousand to flight.

Let's say you don't believe. You really should know what God's word says before you make false statements. Just sayin'....

"Quipstepper" if what you say was true then there would never be any demons around..surely there are far more Christians then there were ever fallen angels or demons all if would take is about 100 christians to send all the demons to flight what's the hold up? ..

Uh... It's God who will seperate the tares from the wheat at the end. ITMT, it's also God who empowers His people to all good works in spite of the curse.

"Quipstepper" that doesn't answer the question are you going to explain why you christians haven't got rid of all the demons ..I mean how hard can it be

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 08/06/08 05:26 PM
I don't make the rules...I only abide by them. Sorry you don't like the answer... but that IS the answer.

Until the curse is lifted we suffer with their consequences. We don't control people's choices but we can control demonic forces in Jesus' name. So...

People who think sin is harmless...well, they should think again about what THEY BRING ON THEMSELVES & OTHERS.

no photo
Wed 08/06/08 05:34 PM
Funches, they need the demons. Otherwise they would be out of business and bored to death.


no photo
Wed 08/06/08 05:59 PM

I don't make the rules...I only abide by them. Sorry you don't like the answer... but that IS the answer.

Until the curse is lifted we suffer with their consequences. We don't control people's choices but we can control demonic forces in Jesus' name. So...

People who think sin is harmless...well, they should think again about what THEY BRING ON THEMSELVES & OTHERS.

"Quipstepper" now you're chewing biscuits and back pedaling ..if was you that said that it take only one christian to send a thousand demons to flight you're talking about you can't get rid of demons because of some curse ...make up your mind women ..can 10,000 or more christians acting as a unit send all the demons to flight ..yes or no

no photo
Wed 08/06/08 06:04 PM

Funches, they need the demons. Otherwise they would be out of business and bored to death.


sounds like a love hate relationship ...with demonic overtones...

no photo
Wed 08/06/08 09:23 PM
To me we create our own demons . . . there is enough evil thoughts and actions in this world without making up demonic forces to explain tragic things.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:26 AM

To me we create our own demons . . . there is enough evil thoughts and actions in this world without making up demonic forces to explain tragic things.

Thank you for saying so. That is what I was pointing out. Some don't like to be confused with the facts. :smile:

Actually...this is something I don't really discuss too much about. It's like revelations...I know enough but prefer not to dwell on it.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:37 AM

To me we create our own demons . . . there is enough evil thoughts and actions in this world without making up demonic forces to explain tragic things.

Thank you for saying so. That is what I was pointing out. Some don't like to be confused with the facts. :smile:

Actually...this is something I don't really discuss too much about. It's like revelations...I know enough but prefer not to dwell on it.

"Quikstepper" "Bushidobillyclub" said that demons only exist in our minds but you said that there are actual Demons that exist outside the mind you agreeing with him is a total contradiction on your part

besides you keep evading the question whether if one christian can send a thousand demons to flight then why don't the christians ban together and get rid of all the demons ...

either the christians are to lazy to get rid of the demons or they actually perfer to tortured by Demons ..either way it's something strange going on can you clear it up for us 'Quikstepper" ?

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:57 AM


It is appartent after reading the majority of these replies that many have forgotten that Christ was ridiculed by those of his time. Many who opposed him were religious types of their age. However, even for the adverstiy he chose to continue. Why? Because no matter whether they understood it or not it was what he had to do. He was considered insane by his family, a heretic by the religious, he was rejected, beaten, threatened with stoning, and finally crucified. In looking at the history of the church we see countless individuals who lost their prestiege, wealth and lives for the sake of the gospel.

So know that there are those who understand your zeal, and commitment.

Ahhhhh the amazing amazing man that was the best part of this thread.....I got to meet, e-mail and then chat with this amazing man of God. Also his other half Laura....Truly amazing servants of the Lord. This amazing man has written a book that I was honored to get to read the manuscript...I will be doing thread on it as soon as the Lord puts exactly how into my heart.

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I truly believe that God put Angels here on earth.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dale & Laura.....Lord.....They are Mighty & Precious in your eyes.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 08/07/08 10:27 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Thu 08/07/08 10:32 AM
Please copy and paste into browser.....

This explains it for me perfectly

"You Raise Me Up"

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:10 PM

To me we create our own demons . . . there is enough evil thoughts and actions in this world without making up demonic forces to explain tragic things.

Thank you for saying so. That is what I was pointing out. Some don't like to be confused with the facts. :smile:

Actually...this is something I don't really discuss too much about. It's like revelations...I know enough but prefer not to dwell on it.

"Quikstepper" "Bushidobillyclub" said that demons only exist in our minds but you said that there are actual Demons that exist outside the mind you agreeing with him is a total contradiction on your part

besides you keep evading the question whether if one christian can send a thousand demons to flight then why don't the christians ban together and get rid of all the demons ...

either the christians are to lazy to get rid of the demons or they actually perfer to tortured by Demons ..either way it's something strange going on can you clear it up for us 'Quikstepper" ?

I do think demons may play within your brain funch-meister.....

AtrueOne's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:48 PM


It is appartent after reading the majority of these replies that many have forgotten that Christ was ridiculed by those of his time. Many who opposed him were religious types of their age. However, even for the adverstiy he chose to continue. Why? Because no matter whether they understood it or not it was what he had to do. He was considered insane by his family, a heretic by the religious, he was rejected, beaten, threatened with stoning, and finally crucified. In looking at the history of the church we see countless individuals who lost their prestiege, wealth and lives for the sake of the gospel.

So know that there are those who understand your zeal, and commitment.

Ahhhhh the amazing amazing man that was the best part of this thread.....I got to meet, e-mail and then chat with this amazing man of God. Also his other half Laura....Truly amazing servants of the Lord. This amazing man has written a book that I was honored to get to read the manuscript...I will be doing thread on it as soon as the Lord puts exactly how into my heart.

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I truly believe that God put Angels here on earth.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dale & Laura.....Lord.....They are Mighty & Precious in your eyes.
Tank you for your kind words Laurie and I are just happy to be able to serve in our own small way. However, if you can remember our discussion on judgement....go back and view all the replies....It amazes me that so many with finite minds seem to think that they can even begin to understand the infinite mind of God.glasses

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 08:35 PM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 08/07/08 08:38 PM


It is appartent after reading the majority of these replies that many have forgotten that Christ was ridiculed by those of his time. Many who opposed him were religious types of their age. However, even for the adverstiy he chose to continue. Why? Because no matter whether they understood it or not it was what he had to do. He was considered insane by his family, a heretic by the religious, he was rejected, beaten, threatened with stoning, and finally crucified. In looking at the history of the church we see countless individuals who lost their prestiege, wealth and lives for the sake of the gospel.

So know that there are those who understand your zeal, and commitment.

Ahhhhh the amazing amazing man that was the best part of this thread.....I got to meet, e-mail and then chat with this amazing man of God. Also his other half Laura....Truly amazing servants of the Lord. This amazing man has written a book that I was honored to get to read the manuscript...I will be doing thread on it as soon as the Lord puts exactly how into my heart.

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I truly believe that God put Angels here on earth.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dale & Laura.....Lord.....They are Mighty & Precious in your eyes.

Tank you for your kind words Laurie and I are just happy to be able to serve in our own small way. However, if you can remember our discussion on judgement....go back and view all the replies....It amazes me that so many with finite minds seem to think that they can even begin to understand the infinite mind of God.glasses

Exactly the point I've been trying to make for more than a year on these threads 'atrueone', and to my great surprise, it turns out to be with an overwhelming number of people whom get their false understanding of their 'conviction' of god's 'inifinity' from the bible.

How can any of us, christians or otherwise, all equipped with (most definite) finite minds, ever be so arrogant to pretend (delusionally so) that we could ever grasp, or 'know for absolutely sure...
from the bible, or from 'voices' heard in one's head, as some claim,
... that which belongs to the infinite plane of the divine dimension?!?!?

Hope many others will, as you have 'atueone', wake up to this critical distinction of the 'unaccessibility' of 'a' GOD from our very limited and finite material and physical human plane.

God is either a most powerful and indefinite abstraction and mystery, ... or we're all barking at a most pathetic perversion of god.

Thanks for pointing that out 'atrueone'.

Belushi's photo
Thu 08/07/08 08:41 PM

God is either a most powerful and indefinite abstraction and mystery, ... or we're all barking at a most pathetic perversion of god.

... or you are all barking mad and the imaginary friend is just that! Imaginary!

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:03 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Thu 08/07/08 09:06 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why I even read this whole thing, but I did. I'M SO CONFUSED DEB.

You can cast out demons or rather satan, right? Becasue the evil creature is afraid of you, right?

But then in further posts it seems the only one you can be sure of casting out this evil from is yourself. Is that right?

If you COULD cast out this evil from others, then you would be god on earch, wouldn't you? But you can't, however, if you believe in God you can be free YOURSELF of satan. Am I right again?

Now is that one of the gifts you speak of? That through your belief you are evil free? If it's not a gift then every 'believer' should be evil free, is that right?

If not how does evil take over, if one is a believer? And how does the believer not realize they are being taken over?

See how confusing this is.

NEXT on the agenda is the whole, let's pray to heal someone.

The idea in such a thought is that without prayer no one would ever be healed - is that right?

In such cases, the common cold would literally become a plague, don't you think?

Now here's another thing that makes no sence. When you pray for someone to be healed, how do you know you are not asking for something against your gods will? NOW WATCH FOR IT HERE the catch 22 ends up being this:

If it is god who decides who will be healed and who will not, then all the prayer in the world is in vein. For if any person or persons had the ability to CHANGE god's will, then that would certainly alter the future and make it something even god would not know. Therefore, EVERYTHING, must go accoding to the will of your god, fatefully so and no amount of prayer or belief can make it different.

FINALLY this remark:
I wasn't going to ever do this....because I do have a heart but when I prayed about you david...the Lord said stay away......stay far away......

Do you believe you could possibly change the fate that god has planned for you? Yet there you are believing that you must take the actions your god tells you to take or .... or what??? You will change the fate of the world? If you don't become a pastor, do you really believe the fate of others is to die because of your failing to listen to the word of god? Do you REALLY believe that without your prayers, people will die?

Think about that Deb - think about what it is to pray, what it means,who is the benefactor of that prayer and what harm might be cause if prayer is not offered. Think! Think about the power you grant to yourself when you believe you are the only one through whom god will heal. Think about the burden you accept when you teach others to believe as you do. Think about those who will die, in spite of all the prayer you offer.

There is no burden, is there. There is no burden because YOU are not responsible, because YOU can not heal, because YOU don't REALLY know the fate of anyone. Am I right?

AtrueOne's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:09 PM


It is appartent after reading the majority of these replies that many have forgotten that Christ was ridiculed by those of his time. Many who opposed him were religious types of their age. However, even for the adverstiy he chose to continue. Why? Because no matter whether they understood it or not it was what he had to do. He was considered insane by his family, a heretic by the religious, he was rejected, beaten, threatened with stoning, and finally crucified. In looking at the history of the church we see countless individuals who lost their prestiege, wealth and lives for the sake of the gospel.

So know that there are those who understand your zeal, and commitment.

Ahhhhh the amazing amazing man that was the best part of this thread.....I got to meet, e-mail and then chat with this amazing man of God. Also his other half Laura....Truly amazing servants of the Lord. This amazing man has written a book that I was honored to get to read the manuscript...I will be doing thread on it as soon as the Lord puts exactly how into my heart.

Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I truly believe that God put Angels here on earth.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dale & Laura.....Lord.....They are Mighty & Precious in your eyes.

Tank you for your kind words Laurie and I are just happy to be able to serve in our own small way. However, if you can remember our discussion on judgement....go back and view all the replies....It amazes me that so many with finite minds seem to think that they can even begin to understand the infinite mind of God.glasses

Exactly the point I've been trying to make for more than a year on these threads 'atrueone', and to my great surprise, it turns out to be with an overwhelming number of people whom get their false understanding of their 'conviction' of god's 'inifinity' from the bible.

How can any of us, christians or otherwise, all equipped with (most definite) finite minds, ever be so arrogant to pretend (delusionally so) that we could ever grasp, or 'know for absolutely sure...
from the bible, or from 'voices' heard in one's head, as some claim,
... that which belongs to the infinite plane of the divine dimension?!?!?

Hope many others will, as you have 'atueone', wake up to this critical distinction of the 'unaccessibility' of 'a' GOD from our very limited and finite material and physical human plane.

God is either a most powerful and indefinite abstraction and mystery, ... or we're all barking at a most pathetic perversion of god.

Thanks for pointing that out 'atrueone'.
Thats why its called the carnal mind...we are so bound by our own ideas without looking at the fact that all of our views are in the short term as opposed to God's infinte...You are welcome

tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:10 PM

I'm still trying to figure out why I even read this whole thing, but I did. I'M SO CONFUSED DEB.

You can cast out demons or rather satan, right? Becasue the evil creature is afraid of you, right?

But then in further posts it seems the only one you can be sure of casting out this evil from is yourself. Is that right?

If you COULD cast out this evil from others, then you would be god on earch, wouldn't you? But you can't, however, if you believe in God you can be free YOURSELF of satan. Am I right again?

Now is that one of the gifts you speak of? That through your belief you are evil free? If it's not a gift then every 'believer' should be evil free, is that right?

If not how does evil take over, if one is a believer? And how does the believer not realize they are being taken over?

See how confusing this is.

NEXT on the agenda is the whole, let's pray to heal someone.

The idea in such a thought is that without prayer no one would ever be healed - is that right?

In such cases, the common cold would literally become a plague, don't you think?

Now here's another thing that makes no sence. When you pray for someone to be healed, how do you know you are not asking for something against your gods will? NOW WATCH FOR IT HERE the catch 22 ends up being this:

If it is god who decides who will be healed and who will not, then all the prayer in the world is in vein. For if any person or persons had the ability to CHANGE god's will, then that would certainly alter the future and make it something even god would not know. Therefore, EVERYTHING, must go accoding to the will of your god, fatefully so and no amount of prayer or belief can make it different.

FINALLY this remark:
I wasn't going to ever do this....because I do have a heart but when I prayed about you david...the Lord said stay away......stay far away......

Do you believe you could possibly change the fate that god has planned for you? Yet there you are believing that you must take the actions your god tells you to take or .... or what??? You will change the fate of the world? If you don't become a pastor, do you really believe the fate of others is to die because of your failing to listen to the word of god? Do you REALLY believe that without your prayers, people will die?

Think about that Deb - think about what it is to pray, what it means,who is the benefactor of that prayer and what harm might be cause if prayer is not offered. Think! Think about the power you grant to yourself when you believe you are the only one through whom god will heal. Think about the burden you accept when you teach others to believe as you do. Think about those who will die, in spite of all the prayer you offer.

There is no burden, is there. There is no burden because YOU are not responsible, because YOU can not heal, because YOU don't REALLY know the fate of anyone. Am I right?

WOW - sad2

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:16 PM

I'm still trying to figure out why I even read this whole thing, but I did. I'M SO CONFUSED DEB.

You can cast out demons or rather satan, right? Becasue the evil creature is afraid of you, right?

But then in further posts it seems the only one you can be sure of casting out this evil from is yourself. Is that right?

If you COULD cast out this evil from others, then you would be god on earch, wouldn't you? But you can't, however, if you believe in God you can be free YOURSELF of satan. Am I right again?

Now is that one of the gifts you speak of? That through your belief you are evil free? If it's not a gift then every 'believer' should be evil free, is that right?

If not how does evil take over, if one is a believer? And how does the believer not realize they are being taken over?

See how confusing this is.

NEXT on the agenda is the whole, let's pray to heal someone.

The idea in such a thought is that without prayer no one would ever be healed - is that right?

In such cases, the common cold would literally become a plague, don't you think?

Now here's another thing that makes no sence. When you pray for someone to be healed, how do you know you are not asking for something against your gods will? NOW WATCH FOR IT HERE the catch 22 ends up being this:

If it is god who decides who will be healed and who will not, then all the prayer in the world is in vein. For if any person or persons had the ability to CHANGE god's will, then that would certainly alter the future and make it something even god would not know. Therefore, EVERYTHING, must go accoding to the will of your god, fatefully so and no amount of prayer or belief can make it different.

FINALLY this remark:
I wasn't going to ever do this....because I do have a heart but when I prayed about you david...the Lord said stay away......stay far away......

Do you believe you could possibly change the fate that god has planned for you? Yet there you are believing that you must take the actions your god tells you to take or .... or what??? You will change the fate of the world? If you don't become a pastor, do you really believe the fate of others is to die because of your failing to listen to the word of god? Do you REALLY believe that without your prayers, people will die?

Think about that Deb - think about what it is to pray, what it means,who is the benefactor of that prayer and what harm might be cause if prayer is not offered. Think! Think about the power you grant to yourself when you believe you are the only one through whom god will heal. Think about the burden you accept when you teach others to believe as you do. Think about those who will die, in spite of all the prayer you offer.

There is no burden, is there. There is no burden because YOU are not responsible, because YOU can not heal, because YOU don't REALLY know the fate of anyone. Am I right?

One powerfull and generous tough-LOVE straight talk GIFT!!!

Amazing 'red'!

Totally inspiring!!!

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:27 PM
Hi Tribo - "WOW" what did that mean? It was just my usual wordy attempt at making the cognition processes ignite in some minds, once again. ohwell

Hi Voil - how nice to see you from time to time. If there was any inspiration it came from that old commercial (the sizzling egg in a frying pan with the words, "this is your brain on...") And finally the words "A brain is a terrible thing to waste!"

So I keep trying to save an egg, somewhere. :wink:

Hey - philosophy 101 this coming semester, I can't wait.

Belushi's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:49 PM

Hi Tribo - "WOW" what did that mean? It was just my usual wordy attempt at making the cognition processes ignite in some minds, once again. ohwell

Hi Voil - how nice to see you from time to time. If there was any inspiration it came from that old commercial (the sizzling egg in a frying pan with the words, "this is your brain on...") And finally the words "A brain is a terrible thing to waste!"

So I keep trying to save an egg, somewhere. :wink:

Hey - philosophy 101 this coming semester, I can't wait.

So, then Red, how do you like your eggs in the morning? :wink:

bigsmile bigsmile