Topic: A Word From God
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Tue 08/05/08 10:07 AM

Once again...

I'm way behind here.

Just want to place this quote right here, Deb, and ask you to remember what you said:

And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life.

Can you honestly say that all of your words lift the lives of others?

Feralcat said:

Well no because they are not my words....if you read correctly I said GOD never gives a negative word....not me.

I do not recognize your authority to speak for God, sorry Feral, if that is what you are implying.

If you are talking about scripture, I find many negative things in scripture.

(But then what one person's opinion of "negative" is may not be the same as another's.)

You cannot know for certain what words may lift a person's life, or what will be taken as negative.

You can hope to say the right thing, and you can even lie to them to make them feel good. But truth is truth and it may not always be joyful.

If a person asks for truth and you know the truth will not give them joy do you then lie or do you give them the truth which they request?

I have to give the truth as I see it. To do otherwise is to join in with all the rest of the liars of this world.


davidben1's photo
Tue 08/05/08 10:11 AM


any that would call me anything NEVER HEARD SUCH VAIN PROFESSIONS COME FROM MY LIPS.........


if brainstorming just dumb and ignorant ideas is pleasing, then two have pleasure in learning together to erase ignorance.........

a deciever prolcaimes, DO NOT TOUCH ME NOR JUDGE ME, I AM GOD'S ANNOINTED, when indeed, judgement by others IS ONES ONLY BEST FRIEND, and is as truth and the only "god" that exist.........

the whole truth is what create all that is good, and deceptions of self professions of goodness and SELF PROCLAIMED GODS are as flattery and vanity, and consume and rot the soul until deacy............


I wasn't going to ever do this....because I do have a heart but when I prayed about you david...the Lord said stay away......stay far away......

You can think whatever you wish about me david that is your right........But again ask me if I care what you think.....Not in the least....I am here to serve one....and to do the work of one......and it has nothing whatsoever to do with you.

it is apparent you have slightly altered your words, leaving out "I am here to do GODS work, and I AM HERE TO SERVE GOD, but rather insert instead here to do the work of ONE, lol....

perhaps words you hate are having some effect?

why do you cast others aside as satan, that do not agree or question you, BASED ON THE PROFESSIONS YOU MAKE, AND BASED ON THE VERY WORD THAT YOU SAY IS ALIVE IN YOU?

none is commanded to love or obey the truth, as IF the text be PROPHECY OF GOD, then what human have need to atempt to fulfil it, but if one professes to speak the truth, and proclaims to speak it FOR GOD, do they not put themselves up to the light of the very text proclaimed?

did god tell jesus to stay away even from legion, who was possessed and delusional, and that even the diciples could not cast out his evil spirits?

it seems these things are NOT described within your very text as SPIRITS OF LOVE, BUT RATHER OF HATRED AND VIOLENCE.......

indeed the very carcass of such truths shall rot in the desert, and give way for TRUE peace to reign.............

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 10:25 AM

Do you not read.....I don't care what David is.......I don't care what any of you want to believe...thats the whole point voil....I am not here for you think you have all the answers and your eyes and ears are be it..

And no I don't........see the pharisees in me voil.....nothing I do is "for me" Like I told David why don't you go to the other threads I am in and ask the people who truly know me......Ask all the people I have given a word too....prayed for, talked to on the phone.....You think your so clever the bunch of you....but you are not...

satan can't work through me love because he has no power over me......and this is not becuase of me....but because of God.....


With all due respect, why would I go and ask other people about you, when YOU, the source, are right here.

YOU speak words here. YOUR words are divisive HERE!!!

Maybe they are not divisive everywhere you go. I would hope so for your sake. But that is totally irrelevant with regards to your written words here.

It is right here, right now that you are being divisive. No need to check with god, or some friends of yours on other sites.

God gave all of us a conscience to filter these sort of 'soul inconsistencies' ON THE SPOT!!!

You are being divisive thorugh the simple words you writ on these treads here.

Divisiveness IS NOT the way of Jesus, nor the way of the lord, IT IS THE WAY OF AN ILLUSION AND FALSEHOOD YOU CALL 'SATAN'.

Just stop being, and writing devisive, and get back to god!!!

No mind games. No third party references. Just plain spirit and god's light.

As you often summarize:


davidben1's photo
Tue 08/05/08 10:32 AM
IF god be as ONE, and he the truth comes back and make for ONE peaceful world and place, the HOW can a WHOLE TRUTH OF GOD make for TWO, evil and satanic and demonic, and one good and righeouss and of GOD?


no photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:08 AM

Insincere words are not worth the letters they add up to!

While I don't hate you by any stretch of the imagination 'spider', if I referred to you as my 'cutiful', you would be right to find that insincere and hypocrytical.

I sincerely think that your's and feral's hearts are in the right place, but find that your words and actions are profoundly divisive.

Of course be divisive all you wish, but devisive will never be the way of the spirit, nor the way of Jesus and christianity IMO.

If anything, Jesus fought the divisive, and exclusive club of the pharisees et all, and gave his life to 'OPEN' the monotheist Israelite exclusive religion that was his, way beyond the Israël 'nation' and 'people'.

That's what he died for. Confronting the closed divisive mentality of the day, with inclusiveness.

They weren't ready for it then. And you IMO insist that we are not ready for it now!!!

I am clear that we do not agree on most every topic that are touched upon. While that is not a problem, calling you or feral 'MY CUTIFULS' would be insincere and hypocritical.

The reverse is perceived as such coming from feral, as it would coming from you 'spider'.

Not complicated.

This whole schoolyard feud has boiled down to 'BEING DEVISIVE' OR 'REFUSING BEING DEVISIVE'!!! No possible wins either way!!!

... and 'cutifuls', are just hollow sounding cat calls...

I'm not going to lie, I'm confused.

The post I read by DavidBen claimed that FeralCatLady only called people who agreed with her "cutiful". Now it's morphed into an argument of if she's sincere or not. I don't know if she's sincere or not, I'm not omniscient and I don't know FCL on a personal basis. The truth is, neither do you or DavidBen. If you are going to take her words as insincere, then that's a judgement call on your part. But I still stand by my claim that FCL has called most regular posters (Christian and non-Christian) "cutiful". Personally, I wouldn't be willing to debate that someone who treats everyone the same (by calling them "cutiful") is being divisive. If everyone is treated the same, where is the divisiveness?

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:23 AM
to be fair..I'm not offended when "feralcatlady" call me "cutiful" I know she means it as a term of endearment

compare to some of the names I've been called in this forum ...being called "cutiful" is most welcome from my little bible thumper

tribo's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:26 AM
there was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy,

they say he wandered very far................. very far........................................ over land and sea.........

a little shy, and sad of eye, but - very wise was he.

And then one day, one magic day he past my way,

and while we spoke of many things ---- fools and kings ----- this he said to me:

" The greatest thing............................

you'll ever learn................................

is just to love -------

And be Loved --- in return"

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:27 AM

You don't need to recognize anything JB it's between God and myself and who He puts on my heart to speak to.....especially as it is God's word not mine.

And it's your right to look at scripture as a negative...I however, do not.

again if you guys need proof of what I speak......go out and ask the people......go to the match thread....I will stay away.
Go to the coffehouse.....ask away...and again not for me because I know the truth.....but if you need this for you then by golly go for it.......I have nothing to hide....I am who I am here just as in life.

And again not knowing the real me.....I don't ever ever ever lie about anything.....ever....

tribo's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:31 AM
there was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy,

they say he wandered very far................. very far........................................ over land and sea.........

a little shy, and sad of eye, but - very wise was he.

And then one day, one magic day he past my way,

and while we spoke of many things ---- fools and kings ----- this he said to me:

" The greatest thing............................

you'll ever learn................................

is just to love -------

And be Loved --- in return"

kojack's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:33 AM
Praised be God !

1. God Loves You!
The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"

The problem is that . . .

2. All of us have done, said or thought things that are wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God.
The Bible says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever. The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.”

The good news is that, about 2,000 years ago,

3. God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. “God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”

Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior.

4. If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this:
"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:38 AM
awwww thanks Scott....that was perfect.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 11:55 AM
You can think whatever you wish about me david that is your right........But again ask me if I care what you think.....Not in the least....I am here to serve one....and to do the work of one......and it has nothing whatsoever to do with you.

That is what I said......and to do the work of one GOD and to serve the one GOD......stop just pathetic.

Question me don't accuse me......big difference......All of you have heard countless times why I am here.....and you reach and reach and twist it to fit your sick needs........please david make very very sure before you cast that first stone at me.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:01 PM

You don't need to recognize anything JB it's between God and myself and who He puts on my heart to speak to.....especially as it is God's word not mine.

And it's your right to look at scripture as a negative...I however, do not.

again if you guys need proof of what I speak......go out and ask the people......go to the match thread....I will stay away.
Go to the coffehouse.....ask away...and again not for me because I know the truth.....but if you need this for you then by golly go for it.......I have nothing to hide....I am who I am here just as in life.

And again not knowing the real me.....I don't ever ever ever lie about anything.....ever....

"feralcatlady" no one can claim that you are lieing because you may actually believe what you say..I'm saying that the evidence you presented doesn't explain why you believe it

surely you have to realize there are ex-believers that probably once said the same things you are now saying ..and they know that you could never provide any proof ..that everything you speak of exist only in your mind

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 12:08 PM
Thats simple voil.....because no one believes what I say.......Cast it off......go out find the truths for yourself.....You can call me personally all kinds of names I don't care....and if you are all about finding the truth and the science of it all. then go talk to the ones I have prayed with helped through crisis....gather your proof......It's what you need not me.

I mean what I say and say what I mean always.....if your ears and eyes are that my fault.

I say all I say here as well as in other threads....I am proud of who and what I am. I have nothing to hide. I am just as much a Chritian on here as I am on all the threads.....I don't change like a camelion to fit the thread.....I am what I am......don't like it oh well.....again your problem.

And most of the people I talk to only know me from giving them a word and talking about the Lord......They will give you truth.......I know it. And why because dear man I have nothing to hide and this is just proof of that......Ask madamx how she was healed of cancer riddling her body, ask Debbie1980 what is going on with her right now. As snuggles by fire how she was prayed for for over 6 months by alot of people and healed.....I am proud of what the Lord is doing here......

dissension or discord to you voil.......the truth to me.......don't like oh well again you gig.....see this is the sadest part for me. I am a very giving loving person....but I can only be pushed so far......When I was given the word from God and then also confirmed with the pastor message.....I am not going to be nice to the likes of you anymore......because I am not here for you in the first place. I am here as a servant of God.......I am here to save those that want it.....not the mindless dribble of the likes of all of you. With your bashing and nasty....,you want nasty then you got want to be nice and play fair and so will I.....your choice.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 01:14 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 08/05/08 01:15 PM

You don't need to recognize anything JB it's between God and myself and who He puts on my heart to speak to.....especially as it is God's word not mine.

And it's your right to look at scripture as a negative...I however, do not.

again if you guys need proof of what I speak......go out and ask the people......go to the match thread....I will stay away.
Go to the coffehouse.....ask away...and again not for me because I know the truth.....but if you need this for you then by golly go for it.......I have nothing to hide....I am who I am here just as in life.

And again not knowing the real me.....I don't ever ever ever lie about anything.....ever....

I realize you don't care what I recognize. But you claimed to speak for Jesus whom you claim is God. I don't need anyone else to speak for God to me. Perhaps there are others who believe that they need God to speak to them through a person, I don't know.

I can speak to God myself as I have a personal relationship with that prime source of divine Love and light. I trust in that only. I do not trust in any outside authority who claims to speak for God. Not that it matters to you.

How many followers do you have in your congregation?


feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 01:33 PM

You don't need to recognize anything JB it's between God and myself and who He puts on my heart to speak to.....especially as it is God's word not mine.

And it's your right to look at scripture as a negative...I however, do not.

again if you guys need proof of what I speak......go out and ask the people......go to the match thread....I will stay away.
Go to the coffehouse.....ask away...and again not for me because I know the truth.....but if you need this for you then by golly go for it.......I have nothing to hide....I am who I am here just as in life.

And again not knowing the real me.....I don't ever ever ever lie about anything.....ever....

"feralcatlady" no one can claim that you are lieing because you may actually believe what you say..I'm saying that the evidence you presented doesn't explain why you believe it

surely you have to realize there are ex-believers that probably once said the same things you are now saying ..and they know that you could never provide any proof ..that everything you speak of exist only in your mind

I didn't know it was my job to convince anyone of anything......I have given proof all over the's just not the proof you all like or want so you disgard it......fine.....I honestly don't care.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 01:41 PM

I didn't know it was my job to convince anyone of anything......I have given proof all over the's just not the proof you all like or want so you disgard it......fine.....I honestly don't care.

"feralcatlady" ...only proof you provided was "Lola the unable to prophetize prophet"

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 02:20 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 08/05/08 02:22 PM

Insincere words are not worth the letters they add up to!

While I don't hate you by any stretch of the imagination 'spider', if I referred to you as my 'cutiful', you would be right to find that insincere and hypocrytical.

I sincerely think that your's and feral's hearts are in the right place, but find that your words and actions are profoundly divisive.

Of course be divisive all you wish, but devisive will never be the way of the spirit, nor the way of Jesus and christianity IMO.

If anything, Jesus fought the divisive, and exclusive club of the pharisees et all, and gave his life to 'OPEN' the monotheist Israelite exclusive religion that was his, way beyond the Israël 'nation' and 'people'.

That's what he died for. Confronting the closed divisive mentality of the day, with inclusiveness.

They weren't ready for it then. And you IMO insist that we are not ready for it now!!!

I am clear that we do not agree on most every topic that are touched upon. While that is not a problem, calling you or feral 'MY CUTIFULS' would be insincere and hypocritical.

The reverse is perceived as such coming from feral, as it would coming from you 'spider'.

Not complicated.

This whole schoolyard feud has boiled down to 'BEING DEVISIVE' OR 'REFUSING BEING DEVISIVE'!!! No possible wins either way!!!

... and 'cutifuls', are just hollow sounding cat calls...

'spider' wrote:

I'm not going to lie, I'm confused.

That's fine 'spider', you are confused.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Don't fight it, you will be confused as long as you are confused.

That is, if you are truly confused.

If on the other hand you are not confused at all, and are simply being moralistic, while pretending to be confused...

... I would then suggest to you that are not confused at all, and are applying yourself at being moralistic while pretending to be confused.

Still confused ???

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 03:02 PM

... You can call me personally all kinds of names I don't care....

Are you suggesting I have called you 'names'?!?!?

What, by stating that your heart is in the right place???

and if you are all about finding the truth and the science of it all. then go talk to the ones I have prayed with helped through crisis....gather your proof......It's what you need not me.

You read too fast, or didn't read my post at all.

I said your heart is in the right place, and that I trusted that you weren't divisive everywhere you go.

I also said that it was impertinent to ask anyone. This is not an inquiry into 'feral'. It is a simple and straight forward observation that in the post of yours that I read, you are being divisive. The fact that you are not elsewhere is irrlevant, to the fact that you are here.

I mean what I say and say what I mean always.....if your ears and eyes are that my fault.

Well I mean what I say and say what I mean always also...
if YOUR ears and eyes are closed also, and it not MY fault, where do WE go from here. Our seperate ways??? Divide?!?!?

I say all I say here as well as in other threads....I am proud of who and what I am. I have nothing to hide. I am just as much a Chritian on here as I am on all the threads.....I don't change like a camelion to fit the thread.....I am what I am......don't like it oh well.....again your problem.

I hope you say all you say here, as well as in other threads, otherwise I would want to know who is writing for you.

But what you write here is VERY different then what you would write on, let's say, coffeehouse...

I would be very surprised to find out that what you write on 'coffeehouse' is divisive.

I would be very suprised that you would tell people on coffeehouse whom agree with everything you write, that you don't care about what they have to say.

I would be very surprised to fnd out that you threaten people on 'coffeehouse' that you will be 'nasty' with them should they ever not agree with you and point it out.

And most of the people I talk to only know me from giving them a word and talking about the Lord......They will give you truth.......I know it. And why because dear man I have nothing to hide and this is just proof of that......Ask madamx how she was healed of cancer riddling her body, ask Debbie1980 what is going on with her right now. As snuggles by fire how she was prayed for for over 6 months by alot of people and healed.....I am proud of what the Lord is doing here......

Again irrelevant. I know your heart is in the right place.

All I am pointing out to you is don't get all bent out of shape just because people don't agree with you, and stop suggesting you don't care, 'cause you do care.

Your heart is in the right place remember!!!

dissension or discord to you voil.......the truth to me.......don't like oh well again you gig.....

I haven't suggested dissession, nor discord. Although are now moving towards discord.

I pointed that you are being divisive: those whom agree with you and those whom don't, with no respect or care about those whom don't.

'... don't like it, oh well you(r) gig (tough luck your problem)...'

This is pointless, nasty and divisive. The only lowly purpose it could serve is to show off for the gallery!!! That would for show, for attention, for being right and make others wrong.

Not Christ like. Not christian like. Not you.

see this is the sadest part for me. I am a very giving loving person....but I can only be pushed so far......

Who said that you weren't?!?!? Good loving and giving persons, with their heart in ther right place, have been known to slip into divisive bouts!!! You are human! You're allowed!

And no one is 'pushing you'. Where do you get that from???

If there is pushing, I would sincerely propose to you Feral that you are behind it.

... I am not going to be nice to the likes of you anymore......because I am not here for you in the first place. I am here as a servant of God.......I am here to save those that want it.....not the mindless dribble of the likes of all of you. With your bashing and nasty....,you want nasty then you got want to be nice and play fair and so will I.....your choice.

I think this is better left without a reply.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 03:38 PM

That's fine 'spider', you are confused.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Don't fight it, you will be confused as long as you are confused.

That is, if you are truly confused.

If on the other hand you are not confused at all, and are simply being moralistic, while pretending to be confused...

... I would then suggest to you that are not confused at all, and are applying yourself at being moralistic while pretending to be confused.

Still confused ???

I am confused as to why you changed the subject. I'm still confused, because you haven't shed any light on the subject, but you did assure me that there is "nothing wrong with that". Personally, I don't like being confused and I don't want to jump to conclusions, so would you mind explaining what "divisiveness" has to do with if "FeralCatLady has called anyone she disagrees with "cutiful"?