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Topic: A Word From God
feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:42 AM
You are wrong funch.....Through Jesus I do command that satan has no place where I am.....or to interfere with what God is doing through me......This is a fact......

Also remember call it demons or whatever you wish...anything that is bad and ugly is of satan. Now there is a difference in telling satan he has no authroity over me.....and someone truly being possessed.....I would in that case pray over them......whether it is satan or as you think demons....praying over someone in the name of Christ is just that....And he is the Authority and the only one who has the power to cast demons out. Now when Lola gave me the word from God and said that through God I will have these gifts....this is new.....do you think honestly I am going to go around and do it....Heck no.....It takes time and anyone who has the arrogance to think they can just do it then and there does not truly listen to God. I do......and as with other gifts....I pray and I listen and when it is right in his eyes then we will see. And never never never people do I think I am better or any different then anyone else....It's all from and for God.

I have seen satan try to take control of a room.....I have seen the Holy Spirit come in and take what satan tried to accomplish and turn it all around......It's truly an amazing thing......That would be a great thing if I could just banish satan now to the pitts of hell for all of humanity....but I am afraid I have not that authority.......for me personally yes....for the rest of the world....no

Remember also that in 'The Exorcist" they were using holy water and working through God.....and what did the evil within do......He whithered and backed away from the holy water and anything that was of God.......Why because it is God that has the ultimate authority over satan.......and when Christ comes back.......then satan will be dealt with once and for all.........the bible says banished to the lake of fire forever and ever and ever.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:43 AM
Here in California people come from all over the world to hear Lola speak not only God's truths......but what is going to happen and gives a word from God to each person.

You say that Lola never charges for what she does. Tell me this, do they pass around a collection plate after the services where she talks?

I would bet that she does get paid for her services, just as any pastor would.

Religion is big business Feralcat, don't kid yourself that she does not take money.


feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:46 AM

Lola is not a psychic and she would never charge for what God does through her....that is the big difference.

I don't think the difference between a "psychic" and a "prophet "is a matter of whether or not a person charges for it. But then we could be just having a problem with word meanings.

I know psychics who just know things, and they never charge or even practice. They don't know how they know. They just see them.

My friend never charges for her readings either. So she must be a "prophet" then by your definition.


a phychic is for themselves for profit.....a prophet is of God and would never charge for gifts of God.....Lola spends from 6:00 p.m. to 2-3 pm doing what she does.....not ever ever ever for money......now go to sylvia browns website....it's all about money and bringing the glory to herself not god...Also if not grounded in the Lord then yes a psychic can just be that a phychic....and it really depends on each one and what they are telling people....whether they are charging or not. It's what they are telling the people that matters.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:48 AM

Here in California people come from all over the world to hear Lola speak not only God's truths......but what is going to happen and gives a word from God to each person.

You say that Lola never charges for what she does. Tell me this, do they pass around a collection plate after the services where she talks?

I would bet that she does get paid for her services, just as any pastor would.

Religion is big business Feralcat, don't kid yourself that she does not take money.


She get not one red cent.....sometimes people will leave her gift offerings but that is far and few between. I know her I am a personal friend....and I also worked with Lola when she worked out of our church......she is not on any payroll......and that is the truth.......

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:50 AM

You are wrong funch.....Through Jesus I do command that satan has no place where I am.....or to interfere with what God is doing through me......This is a fact......

the fact is "feralcatlady" is that you are a sinner and as a sinner you have no power over Satan ...how can a sinner command Satan ..if a demon wanted you it's a chance you may be able to fight ..but if Satan wanted you Satan would have you

davidben1's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:51 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 08/05/08 07:55 AM
does anything that come from god and humility and meekness proclaim "my" gifts? that "I" have a word from GOD....

the sheer diobolical nature of such a self "holy" spirit is not other spirit mentioned time and again in text, as the SPIRIT OF GOD.........

a holy spirit inspired the great inquisition, by HOLY FOLLOWERS.....

a holy spirit inspired hitler in all he did?


does anything that prolcaim it do a service for "god" actually not see it is the will of the mind, being led astray to what one wishes for themself?

what that believe persecution of simple qestions of logic of ones own statments held up to the very same standards as professed believed, and calls it persecution of the devil, has not become diluted with self power, that can easily wish it's persecutores dead, so is easily led by many that wish all evil that believe not in such devisive things to be annililated?

is it not totally apparent what this is setting the stage for?

was it not also written, many will come in my name (jesus) speaking, saying they have cast out devils, healed the sick, even raised others from the dead, and it is spoken "depart from me i never knew you"

is it not apparent that whatever "god" or TRUTH that come will not be the percieved HOLY jesus?

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:53 AM
I was not saying witches to be disrespectful.....it was in reference to your charmed comment.

I don't care what they are....if it is done with the sole of intension of the Glory to God...then I am fine with it.

So I think once again JB you misunderstood and it was becuase of something you wrote not me.

so I think once again an apology is warranted because I don't feel I am being arrogant,....I am answering everyone to the best of my ability. And Christians don't own God, God owns us.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:55 AM

My friend never charges either. She just feels it is wrong to charge, and she does not do readings on a regular basis, only when she sees a need.

I can't stand Sylvia Brown. She is blunt, arrogant, rude, and gives stupid answers to people sometimes.

One woman asked her when she would ever be happy. Sylvia Brown answered "In five years." DUH! How stupid is that?

I believe a person can find their own happiness inside. Now this woman has the word from Sylvia Brown that she won't find happiness for another five years. She may as well go lock herself up in her room. I don't like Sylvia.

My friend Val is much better than her. She is just recently learning how and when to use her gift.


feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:56 AM

satan can take any form or do whatever to get what he wants.....

I want proof jb

and "feralcatlady" that was the point I was trying to make earlier ..couldn't Satan be your friend "Lola" the prophet

because false prophets are the means Satan use to lead believers astray from the truth

Heck no funch......could satan be working through people like sylvia brown or others that claim to see the dead.....oh yes yes yes. And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life. If a psychic says your brother is going to die or died and this is who did it....satan satan all over the place.

those that give a positive word in your life is called a guildance counselor not a prophet ..those like Slyvia Brown that cater to the spiritual crowd called themselves psychics those that cater to the religious crowd called themselves prophets... it's the same scam

If a gift being used for anything other then to glorify God, then it is of satan.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 07:58 AM

I was not saying witches to be disrespectful.....it was in reference to your charmed comment.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

If truth be told I was getting even with you for your "star trec" and "beam me up" comments.

No hard feelings. laugh laugh

Thanks Feral for your explanations.


no photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:01 AM

satan can take any form or do whatever to get what he wants.....

I want proof jb

and "feralcatlady" that was the point I was trying to make earlier ..couldn't Satan be your friend "Lola" the prophet

because false prophets are the means Satan use to lead believers astray from the truth

Heck no funch......could satan be working through people like sylvia brown or others that claim to see the dead.....oh yes yes yes. And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life. If a psychic says your brother is going to die or died and this is who did it....satan satan all over the place.

those that give a positive word in your life is called a guildance counselor not a prophet ..those like Slyvia Brown that cater to the spiritual crowd called themselves psychics those that cater to the religious crowd called themselves prophets... it's the same scam

If a gift being used for anything other then to glorify God, then it is of satan.

when Lola gave you advice it wasn't being used to glorify God it was used to supposely glorify your new position in life ..that makes Lola's advice Satanic ...

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:01 AM

Here in California people come from all over the world to hear Lola speak not only God's truths......but what is going to happen and gives a word from God to each person.

You say that Lola never charges for what she does. Tell me this, do they pass around a collection plate after the services where she talks?

I would bet that she does get paid for her services, just as any pastor would.

Religion is big business Feralcat, don't kid yourself that she does not take money.


No there is no collection plate passed around.......Yes people will hand one of her assistants money......which of course Lola uses to give back to the church for her using it. You have to remember something really important here.....If you are doing something anything for God.....that is all the reward you need.....Do you know how many people want to send me gifts, money. I tell them it is not necessary that if they want they can help a poor family with food or something else. We don't do it for the money? Do you think that I get paid to spend 12 hours a day in here every day. No.....I do what I do for that one person that may come to Christ....that is my reward that one more person be saved through Grace.

davidben1's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:02 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 08/05/08 08:04 AM

satan can take any form or do whatever to get what he wants.....

I want proof jb

and "feralcatlady" that was the point I was trying to make earlier ..couldn't Satan be your friend "Lola" the prophet

because false prophets are the means Satan use to lead believers astray from the truth

Heck no funch......could satan be working through people like sylvia brown or others that claim to see the dead.....oh yes yes yes. And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life. If a psychic says your brother is going to die or died and this is who did it....satan satan all over the place.

those that give a positive word in your life is called a guildance counselor not a prophet ..those like Slyvia Brown that cater to the spiritual crowd called themselves psychics those that cater to the religious crowd called themselves prophets... it's the same scam

FERALCAT........."And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life. If a psychic says your brother is going to die or died and this is who did it....satan satan all over the place".

how did your jesus give positive words to the scribes and pharisees?


words spoken with self profession of greatness and goodness and "godness" seek only to perpetuate a greater fall from one's own perch, built upon decpetion's..........

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:03 AM

I was not saying witches to be disrespectful.....it was in reference to your charmed comment.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

If truth be told I was getting even with you for your "star trec" and "beam me up" comments.

No hard feelings. laugh laugh

Thanks Feral for your explanations.


YW and I am sorry for the star trek and beam me up comments....I promise will not happen again. And when I on my 12th hour.....I promise I will wait on answering the cutieful JB's questions.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:06 AM

satan can take any form or do whatever to get what he wants.....

I want proof jb

and "feralcatlady" that was the point I was trying to make earlier ..couldn't Satan be your friend "Lola" the prophet

because false prophets are the means Satan use to lead believers astray from the truth

Heck no funch......could satan be working through people like sylvia brown or others that claim to see the dead.....oh yes yes yes. And also remember another very valid point and proof of God or satan. God will always give people a positive word one that lifts their life. If a psychic says your brother is going to die or died and this is who did it....satan satan all over the place.

those that give a positive word in your life is called a guildance counselor not a prophet ..those like Slyvia Brown that cater to the spiritual crowd called themselves psychics those that cater to the religious crowd called themselves prophets... it's the same scam

If a gift being used for anything other then to glorify God, then it is of satan.

when Lola gave you advice it wasn't being used to glorify God it was used to supposely glorify your new position in life ..that makes Lola's advice Satanic ...

ok once again funch.....no listen closely.....God's words to me through Lola (not advise from Lola) were confirmation of what the Lord had already been speaking to me. All that Lola or myself do is to Glorify God. If any of "The gifts" (for david) the Lord chooses to bestow on me......were only for me and for my selfishness then it would not be given.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:09 AM
If a gift being used for anything other then to glorify God, then it is of satan.

God does not need or want to be "glorified" in my humble opinion.

The "gifts" are natural and can be developed by anyone who begins to feel their connection to prime source.

They are used to uplift, teach, help and inspire humanity.

When these abilities are used for spying (government programs called remote viewing are practiced by C.I.A. for spying) or for any kind of control over others, they are not beneficial to humanity.


davidben1's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:17 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 08/05/08 08:20 AM
is it not true the only people "cutiful" to the feralcat are one's that do not question her, lol.....

compliments are dolled out with great discretion it seems, only to those that stroke the ego, and this has made for a bunch of pansies, never caring what the truth is, but greatest what makes one "feel" good about themself.......

is it not apparent this "feeling" is the beginning of a great deception? wash it off, run from it, call it the devil or satan or demon or whatever is believed in, but this "feeling" had by people with POWER IN HIGH PLACES, that each "lower" person love and wish to have, and so follow, has led millions to be killed in the name of god and truth........

the stench of self adulation is overpowering, and fill the air with aromas of dead bodies.........

this "feeling" or spirit is accursed, as the deciever it is and always has been, and any that touch it shall be contaminated, and need to be cleansed, and brought back to sanity of mind thru shame...........

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:21 AM

is it not true the only people "cutiful" to the feralcat are one's that do not question her, lol.....

No, that's not true.

no photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:21 AM

ok once again funch.....no listen closely.....God's words to me through Lola (not advise from Lola) were confirmation of what the Lord had already been speaking to me. All that Lola or myself do is to Glorify God. If any of "The gifts" (for david) the Lord chooses to bestow on me......were only for me and for my selfishness then it would not be given.

"feralcatlady" these so called gifts were nothing that you couldn't have done for yourself and the advice had nothing to do with you glorifing God it was of personal gain which means selfishness and you and Lola are taking the Lord's name in vain claiming that if came from God

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:30 AM

I believe with all my heart, soul, and mind in God, and in his Son Jesus Christ. I went Saturday night to see a friend of mine Lola who is an amazing woman of God and also a gifted prophet....The following is a word from God to me........Between last night and today's service...I am right where the Lord my Father wants me. Now believe this or not....It doesn't really matter....The only thing that matters truly is that I believe.....with all my heart, with all my soul.....with all my mind.

God's Word to me 8/2/08

Before the foundation of time I called you my own and knew what you would be like. You have always known me even before you received me in your heart. I talked to you as a small child. I smile upon you, The enemy brought in a demon spirit and you fell back to a place you never intended to fall back to.

I your Lord came quickly. You will teach my word. I want you to pursue a pastoral degree through INSTE or some other source. You will heal the dead. Demons flee from you, they don't like you. The word of God is on your lips. Your influence is bigger then you think. (Lola now) not God. I am just confirming what you already know. (God again) Your a faithful, dependable friend, once you love you love with your whole heart. You have the Fathers heart.

This did confirm much to me.....especially the gifts the Lord has so graciously bestowed on me.

And as such.....I say to all on every religion thread on Mingle2/JSH

Satan you have no authority here....Your are not now nor will you ever be wanted in this place. The people will decide without any influence of your nasty. I cast you back to the pits of hell.......You no longer have authority over any one or anything.

Be Gone

Be gone..........

In the Holy name of thy Father GOD.......It is so.

If you seek you will find.....If you ask the Lord into your heart....It will be done....If you seek a word from God.....just ask......

And Lord I anoint you.......thank you precious Father for all that you give me.....I am but a humble servant to an awesome God.
flowerforyou Thats very beautiful Deb:heart:

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