Topic: A Word From God | |
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. JB |
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. JB well since "kojak" is a christian and said that he see demons everyday then that's why I explained what a Christian Demon was .. |
no funch Lola told me nothing.....God told me to be his warrior and that I am right where I am supposed to be...OMG are you that new.....who said anything about self gain........not one red cent ever you ding a ling. Now your making me gigglesnort for real. It has nothing at all to do with EGO......
\ That is all you get out of any of this......but in reality funch this is what you get. |
no funch Lola told me nothing.....God told me to be his warrior and that I am right where I am supposed to be...OMG are you that new.....who said anything about self gain........not one red cent ever you ding a ling. Now your making me gigglesnort for real. It has nothing at all to do with EGO...... come on "Feralcatlady" of course Lola told already admitted that ..remember you said that she prophetized it ..also you said she told you how to live your life for the better and that falls into the category of self improvement or self-gain and not the glorification of God either way if was something you could have figure out to do for yourself quit trying to waste God's time or I'm going to tell Jesus on you |
Deb, It is appartent after reading the majority of these replies that many have forgotten that Christ was ridiculed by those of his time. Many who opposed him were religious types of their age. However, even for the adverstiy he chose to continue. Why? Because no matter whether they understood it or not it was what he had to do. He was considered insane by his family, a heretic by the religious, he was rejected, beaten, threatened with stoning, and finally crucified. In looking at the history of the church we see countless individuals who lost their prestiege, wealth and lives for the sake of the gospel. So know that there are those who understand your zeal, and commitment. Ahhhhh the amazing amazing man that was the best part of this thread.....I got to meet, e-mail and then chat with this amazing man of God. Also his other half Laura....Truly amazing servants of the Lord. This amazing man has written a book that I was honored to get to read the manuscript...I will be doing thread on it as soon as the Lord puts exactly how into my heart. Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I truly believe that God put Angels here on earth.....Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dale & Laura.....Lord.....They are Mighty & Precious in your eyes. Tank you for your kind words Laurie and I are just happy to be able to serve in our own small way. However, if you can remember our discussion on judgement....go back and view all the replies....It amazes me that so many with finite minds seem to think that they can even begin to understand the infinite mind of God. Exactly the point I've been trying to make for more than a year on these threads 'atrueone', and to my great surprise, it turns out to be with an overwhelming number of people whom get their false understanding of their 'conviction' of god's 'inifinity' from the bible. How can any of us, christians or otherwise, all equipped with (most definite) finite minds, ever be so arrogant to pretend (delusionally so) that we could ever grasp, or 'know for absolutely sure... from the bible, or from 'voices' heard in one's head, as some claim, ... that which belongs to the infinite plane of the divine dimension?!?!? Hope many others will, as you have 'atueone', wake up to this critical distinction of the 'unaccessibility' of 'a' GOD from our very limited and finite material and physical human plane. God is either a most powerful and indefinite abstraction and mystery, ... or we're all barking at a most pathetic perversion of god. Thanks for pointing that out 'atrueone'. ...but you can know the will of God... We can't possibley know everything in this lifetime but we can know God's will for us as individuals. Why do you think that is arrogant or something unattainable? I don't get that. Maybe that is where the inconsistancies come from. There is discussion about the inconsistancies of God's word. I don't & will never know all there is to know about God in this life but it doesn't mean that His word is not true. How do I know...because of experiencing the ressurection life. Many here consistantly deny the power of God...why is that? How can you be so sure you are right? Inquiring minds wanna know.... |
there's a common theme that god is all knowing, all seeing and all powerfull. if that assumption is correct than he is responsible of all that is good or bad, because everything is supposed to originate from him, even Satan. if he knows all then he knows what everyone will do before they do and if that is true then their really is no free will. if he is all powerful than why just banish Satan to hell, why let Satan torture, mislead and hurt people? why not just wipe him out completely? if Satan is all evil then god should know that he won't change and the only reason to keep him around seems to be a petty contest, childish game. ( most evident in JOB) if he isn't all powerful or all knowing then that would mean that he is more imperfect than people think and is capable of faults. this would make more sense because he created us in his own image and we are inherently imperfect. tremendous wisdom dear friend, and it would seem that satan then could be kept around if ignorance is had as to what he is, which was said to be nothing more than the serpent, the mind of any man, and wisdom as the heart or god of any man...... would not then that be just a state of not admitting ones own faults as heard from their own mind, each and any time the heart feel condemed by the mind, and simply only admitting then is what make perfect, not perfect actions, but rather perfect REACTIONS to imperfect actions, of ones own self, as spoken from the mind....... the perfect reaction only being an empahtic yes, and not running to change by some willed conscious effort by what the mind say, and NOT doing this would then be the perfect state looked for or seen as prefect, and the state spoken of when said, "go and be ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven".......... not perfect like me jesus, not as your mind says, but as the heart says, as it was said as YOUR father in heaven, not as OUR father in heaven, which would eliminate the theory that there is one one great eye in the sky as god, but rather each is as god in their heart, all being DIFFERENT, the reason for YOUR, and is most just want of a being without willed do gooding as a service to god........ since god was said to reside, in all creatures, in the heart, it was added then even jesus has decended to sit on the "right hand" of god, the same truths or scriptures that came to jesus, being ont he right hand or in the MIND of each being, meaning that the same truths that were in jesus will be whispered from the mind, and would explain why it said if your "right hand" cause you to sin, CUT IT OFF....... to cut off the law, that make all sin to be created by trying not to do it, to be self righteouss, holy, as this is like a force of opposing oneself, and would it not be the same law that jesus had to say in the desert to get behind him, as satan came from the MIND of jesus, as a scripture, and jesus told it to get behind him, the same as to say, text is not my guide, my heart is my guide where god sit, or wisdom, not my mind that quote scriptures to me, and THEN jesus was filled with the wisdom to bear his own destiny, as the story describes........just ideas, ideas, ideas.......peace |
feralcat..... any that would call me anything NEVER HEARD SUCH VAIN PROFESSIONS COME FROM MY LIPS......... I DO NOT WISH TO BE A PROPHET, NOR A LEADER, NOR A SERVANT OF GOD, NOR A RELIGIOUS MAN, NOR A BIBLE TEACHER....... if brainstorming just dumb and ignorant ideas is pleasing, then two have pleasure in learning together to erase ignorance......... a deciever prolcaimes, DO NOT TOUCH ME NOR JUDGE ME, I AM GOD'S ANNOINTED, when indeed, judgement by others IS ONES ONLY BEST FRIEND, and is as truth and the only "god" that exist......... the whole truth is what create all that is good, and deceptions of self professions of goodness and SELF PROCLAIMED GODS are as flattery and vanity, and consume and rot the soul until deacy............ IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE DECEPTION OF THE MIND IN CALLING AND PROCLAIMING YOURSELF A "SERVANT OF GOD", then so be it as you wish for yourself........... I don't know where you come up with this stuff David. Brainstorming, or taking in tongues, or whatever,... But wherever it comes from it is truly awesome. Your words are not the least bit judgmental, they are simply reflections of pure truth, nothing but pure truth. I am humbled by your wisdom. I have been following David's posts through this whole thread and I must agree with you Abra - his presentation is much clearer, and the meaning of what he is saying is quite clear. I only wish he would use more periods though. If it means anything to you David - your message comes through so much clearer when you use numerous paragraphs. As one who is truly interested in your input - I request that you continue posting this way. elijay.......missed the reading of much of these post on this thread, and as such wanted to let you know that your input is also ALWAYS wanted, the good and MOST the bad, as it is the bad spoken that bring forth good most, as it allow then bad to be turned into good, and it is only ideas that are given here, to be done with as any see fit, as to speak the true heart where god was said to reside, in ALL and BY all, is all each have as the way most possible to allow all truth to come forth..... amazing truth written here by all, and even though at times it may seem as a blood-bath as a friend said, a blood bath of words be far better than a blood bath of war, which is what all less truth create if not turned into more truth, as each speak and create understanding of the things that at first looked one way, but then seem as another.......... will indeed be more aware each day of the things written and how they are worded..........peace |
Edited by
Sat 08/09/08 09:10 AM
there's a common theme that god is all knowing, all seeing and all powerfull. if that assumption is correct than he is responsible of all that is good or bad, because everything is supposed to originate from him, even Satan. if he knows all then he knows what everyone will do before they do and if that is true then their really is no free will. if he is all powerful than why just banish Satan to hell, why let Satan torture, mislead and hurt people? why not just wipe him out completely? if Satan is all evil then god should know that he won't change and the only reason to keep him around seems to be a petty contest, childish game. ( most evident in JOB) if he isn't all powerful or all knowing then that would mean that he is more imperfect than people think and is capable of faults. this would make more sense because he created us in his own image and we are inherently imperfect. tremendous wisdom dear friend, and it would seem that satan then could be kept around if ignorance is had as to what he is, which was said to be nothing more than the serpent, the mind of any man, and wisdom as the heart or god of any man...... would not then that be just a state of not admitting ones own faults as heard from their own mind, each and any time the heart feel condemed by the mind, and simply only admitting then is what make perfect, not perfect actions, but rather perfect REACTIONS to imperfect actions, of ones own self, as spoken from the mind....... the perfect reaction only being an empahtic yes, and not running to change by some willed conscious effort by what the mind say, and NOT doing this would then be the perfect state looked for or seen as prefect, and the state spoken of when said, "go and be ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven".......... not perfect like me jesus, not as your mind says, but as the heart says, as it was said as YOUR father in heaven, not as OUR father in heaven, which would eliminate the theory that there is one one great eye in the sky as god, but rather each is as god in their heart, all being DIFFERENT, the reason for YOUR, and is most just want of a being without willed do gooding as a service to god........ since god was said to reside, in all creatures, in the heart, it was added then even jesus has decended to sit on the "right hand" of god, the same truths or scriptures that came to jesus, being ont he right hand or in the MIND of each being, meaning that the same truths that were in jesus will be whispered from the mind, and would explain why it said if your "right hand" cause you to sin, CUT IT OFF....... to cut off the law, that make all sin to be created by trying not to do it, to be self righteouss, holy, as this is like a force of opposing oneself, and would it not be the same law that jesus had to say in the desert to get behind him, as satan came from the MIND of jesus, as a scripture, and jesus told it to get behind him, the same as to say, text is not my guide, my heart is my guide where god sit, or wisdom, not my mind that quote scriptures to me, and THEN jesus was filled with the wisdom to bear his own destiny, as the story describes........just ideas, ideas, ideas.......peace david, and all here hmmmmm..... putting things on the right or on the left and discarding the left is not what Jesus meant, or he would not have said that the goats on the left were outside of God, as written in Matthew. When Jesus rebuked the devil in the wilderness, he quoted back scripture, too. Elsewhere, he said that demons do not cast out demons because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, he is not suggesting that the devil is scripture or he himself is guilty of demonic influence, also. God forbid. All of that is scripture. Cpmpartmentalizing the whole of scripture and selectively constructing a metaphorical conclusion of scripture solely to focus on evil as a fixed object and an inanimate one is unscriptural, indeed. Jesus revealed that we have burdens to bear and that those burdens may be lifted, but he didn't say that these burdens are the fabrication of our own device. he said that these burdens are burdens that are to be lifted and eased in Him alone. Or he wouldn't have said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The burdens upon mankind are not from God, or jesus Christ is not from God if one believes that there is no burden to be lifted from their own lives, let alone only lifted by Jesus Christ in His resurrection power from the Father. He divided the house by virtue of his message, if not at the very least elucidating that the house of God is not inherent in man at all. Dividing it not by declaring it as so divided when he revealed that truth, but divided since the fall of man. We are not born with the Holy Spirit, period. We are born today as found in the age of grace, but this age is without the accusations of the "tempter" before God, and this age is one subsequent to the cross, or the law would still be the schoolmaster of men to judge what is from God, still. The advocate at the right hand of the Father is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. That is not metaphoric of all men in wisdom filtered and seived, personally, throughout time and exercise, as though we are an island each unto oneself. The accusations of any spiritual reminder of man's errors is not possible anymore in the light of Jesus' Christ's resurrection. Meaning, we are not accused anymore at the throne of judgement which had thertofore prevented man from being completely reconciled to God. The accusastiuons against any for error are legal without sadvocacy for mercy and grace and peace hav9ing been yet established. He has said that he will not accuse us while we are here, nor cast the first stone, so, He will most certainly not allow it in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit given through belief in Him. That would be " a house divided against itself". And that cannot cast out accusation, nor error, nor offer remedy, if the house is not divided. But if there be seperate houses, then each is distinct and different. There are burdens on mankind. The burdens are not entirely man's instigation, but the consequences of those instigations having been embraced without remedial advocacy have changed since the Cross. What is left is a dead influence left as a reminder, but men still embrace it as though it is alive. It is alive in the mind which is death disguised. It is only alive in the willful acknowledgement of men that will, and that is a burden leaving a a lesser stain for all to cleanse themselves of, if they can see and discern it as such, naturally. None can. That is why we have an advocate with the Father. That is why Jesus is so loved. He comes to us with the Holy Spirit. Therein is the victory over death and the grave, even though we are not dead. LOL We died in Adam and are risen in Jesus Christ to dwell with him in ther heavenlies........... but like Adam, in that we were dead yet remained alive to some degree, we are risen with Jesus and yet still not dead in Adam as we will, in part, so be. Adam's death, Jesus' resurrection, and our own observance of the truth in Christ are not contradictory, but complimentary when apprehended of by that which was intended to be apprehended of and consequently manifests itself in the heart and soul of the believer. Death does not prevent those which died in a hope of something better who had not realized or consummated such to their person before the cross of Jesus, but are, since the cross of Jesus and faith in that is secondary to faith in Christ. Secondary in that we can be assured that they are so covered by jesus' resurrection when our own is manifest to us in faithful germination and begins to grow within. Jesus said he came to seek the lost in the land of the living, and yet he also said that some were dead while he was doing so. Or he wouldn't have also said, let the dead bury the dead, come and follow me. There is more to it than you realize, david. But what you realize is a beautiful thing. Were it possible to be the answer as such, but it is more than that and there is much more yet to be revealed being born again to that which is more than grace, mercy and peace. grace mercy and peace can come from our representive reflection to others, and they are but attributes, not God Himself. It is the attributes that instill faith to ignite on a personal level, but it is not the attributes that are faith itself. Faith is a seed that germinates when watered. The water is the living word of God. Discernment must be coherent as to which water is the water of the word of God and that is not found on pages nor from things solely on the lips of men. It does come from God. We all have experienced some measure of the living water of the word of God, but it is not until we comprehend Jesus Christ's words as given that that water can germinate the seed of faith as given by god to all mankind, inherently. It comes through the course of living that we seek the coherence to that water which was once heard and would not yet quite germinate and sprout. It is this that is given all men, but not all men are willing to be patient and wait for the germination to occur in a timely and coherent way when forcefully applied through intellectual rationalizations alone. Or germination, as a witnessing tool of the work of God would not have been established in nature as a metaphorical employ of God in so relating through Jesus Christ when he said, if you had the faith of a seed of mustard, you would say t this mountain, be cast into the sea and it should obey you. leveling mountains and filling valleys to make one's way straight and easy is metaphorical of the burdens Jesus seeks to lift off of our shoulders in Himself. It is a free gift, and one that is a coherent gift when received, even though it has already been given. Or thanksgiving to God would not be thanksgiving to God at all. and gratitude would not be gratitude either. and that is all we have to give to God for HAVING REALIZED this free gift. Thanks be to God, not man. learn, grow, and be at peace. |
there's a common theme that god is all knowing, all seeing and all powerfull. if that assumption is correct than he is responsible of all that is good or bad, because everything is supposed to originate from him, even Satan. if he knows all then he knows what everyone will do before they do and if that is true then their really is no free will. if he is all powerful than why just banish Satan to hell, why let Satan torture, mislead and hurt people? why not just wipe him out completely? if Satan is all evil then god should know that he won't change and the only reason to keep him around seems to be a petty contest, childish game. ( most evident in JOB) if he isn't all powerful or all knowing then that would mean that he is more imperfect than people think and is capable of faults. this would make more sense because he created us in his own image and we are inherently imperfect. tremendous wisdom dear friend, and it would seem that satan then could be kept around if ignorance is had as to what he is, which was said to be nothing more than the serpent, the mind of any man, and wisdom as the heart or god of any man...... would not then that be just a state of not admitting ones own faults as heard from their own mind, each and any time the heart feel condemed by the mind, and simply only admitting then is what make perfect, not perfect actions, but rather perfect REACTIONS to imperfect actions, of ones own self, as spoken from the mind....... the perfect reaction only being an empahtic yes, and not running to change by some willed conscious effort by what the mind say, and NOT doing this would then be the perfect state looked for or seen as prefect, and the state spoken of when said, "go and be ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven".......... not perfect like me jesus, not as your mind says, but as the heart says, as it was said as YOUR father in heaven, not as OUR father in heaven, which would eliminate the theory that there is one one great eye in the sky as god, but rather each is as god in their heart, all being DIFFERENT, the reason for YOUR, and is most just want of a being without willed do gooding as a service to god........ since god was said to reside, in all creatures, in the heart, it was added then even jesus has decended to sit on the "right hand" of god, the same truths or scriptures that came to jesus, being ont he right hand or in the MIND of each being, meaning that the same truths that were in jesus will be whispered from the mind, and would explain why it said if your "right hand" cause you to sin, CUT IT OFF....... to cut off the law, that make all sin to be created by trying not to do it, to be self righteouss, holy, as this is like a force of opposing oneself, and would it not be the same law that jesus had to say in the desert to get behind him, as satan came from the MIND of jesus, as a scripture, and jesus told it to get behind him, the same as to say, text is not my guide, my heart is my guide where god sit, or wisdom, not my mind that quote scriptures to me, and THEN jesus was filled with the wisdom to bear his own destiny, as the story describes........just ideas, ideas, ideas.......peace david, and all here hmmmmm..... putting things on the right or on the left and discarding the left is not what Jesus meant, or he would not have said that the goats on the left were outside of God, as written in Matthew. When Jesus rebuked the devil in the wilderness, he quoted back scripture, too. Elsewhere, he said that demons do not cast out demons because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, he is not suggesting that the devil is scripture or he himself is guilty of demonic influence, also. God forbid. All of that is scripture. Cpmpartmentalizing the whole of scripture and selectively constructing a metaphorical conclusion of scripture solely to focus on evil as a fixed object and an inanimate one is unscriptural, indeed. Jesus revealed that we have burdens to bear and that those burdens may be lifted, but he didn't say that these burdens are the fabrication of our own device. he said that these burdens are burdens that are to be lifted and eased in Him alone. Or he wouldn't have said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The burdens upon mankind are not from God, or jesus Christ is not from God if one believes that there is no burden to be lifted from their own lives, let alone only lifted by Jesus Christ in His resurrection power from the Father. He divided the house by virtue of his message, if not at the very least elucidating that the house of God is not inherent in man at all. Dividing it not by declaring it as so divided when he revealed that truth, but divided since the fall of man. We are not born with the Holy Spirit, period. We are born today as found in the age of grace, but this age is without the accusations of the "tempter" before God, and this age is one subsequent to the cross, or the law would still be the schoolmaster of men to judge what is from God, still. The advocate at the right hand of the Father is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. That is not metaphoric of all men in wisdom filtered and seived, personally, throughout time and exercise, as though we are an island each unto oneself. The accusations of any spiritual reminder of man's errors is not possible anymore in the light of Jesus' Christ's resurrection. Meaning, we are not accused anymore at the throne of judgement which had thertofore prevented man from being completely reconciled to God. The accusastiuons against any for error are legal without sadvocacy for mercy and grace and peace hav9ing been yet established. He has said that he will not accuse us while we are here, nor cast the first stone, so, He will most certainly not allow it in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit given through belief in Him. That would be " a house divided against itself". And that cannot cast out accusation, nor error, nor offer remedy, if the house is not divided. But if there be seperate houses, then each is distinct and different. There are burdens on mankind. The burdens are not entirely man's instigation, but the consequences of those instigations having been embraced without remedial advocacy have changed since the Cross. What is left is a dead influence left as a reminder, but men still embrace it as though it is alive. It is alive in the mind which is death disguised. It is only alive in the willful acknowledgement of men that will, and that is a burden leaving a a lesser stain for all to cleanse themselves of, if they can see and discern it as such, naturally. None can. That is why we have an advocate with the Father. That is why Jesus is so loved. He comes to us with the Holy Spirit. Therein is the victory over death and the grave, even though we are not dead. LOL We died in Adam and are risen in Jesus Christ to dwell with him in ther heavenlies........... but like Adam, in that we were dead yet remained alive to some degree, we are risen with Jesus and yet still not dead in Adam as we will, in part, so be. Adam's death, Jesus' resurrection, and our own observance of the truth in Christ are not contradictory, but complimentary when apprehended of by that which was intended to be apprehended of and consequently manifests itself in the heart and soul of the believer. Death does not prevent those which died in a hope of something better who had not realized or consummated such to their person before the cross of Jesus, but are, since the cross of Jesus and faith in that is secondary to faith in Christ. Secondary in that we can be assured that they are so covered by jesus' resurrection when our own is manifest to us in faithful germination and begins to grow within. Jesus said he came to seek the lost in the land of the living, and yet he also said that some were dead while he was doing so. Or he wouldn't have also said, let the dead bury the dead, come and follow me. There is more to it than you realize, david. But what you realize is a beautiful thing. Were it possible to be the answer as such, but it is more than that and there is much more yet to be revealed being born again to that which is more than grace, mercy and peace. grace mercy and peace can come from our representive reflection to others, and they are but attributes, not God Himself. It is the attributes that instill faith to ignite on a personal level, but it is not the attributes that are faith itself. Faith is a seed that germinates when watered. The water is the living word of God. Discernment must be coherent as to which water is the water of the word of God and that is not found on pages nor from things solely on the lips of men. It does come from God. We all have experienced some measure of the living water of the word of God, but it is not until we comprehend Jesus Christ's words as given that that water can germinate the seed of faith as given by god to all mankind, inherently. It comes through the course of living that we seek the coherence to that water which was once heard and would not yet quite germinate and sprout. It is this that is given all men, but not all men are willing to be patient and wait for the germination to occur in a timely and coherent way when forcefully applied through intellectual rationalizations alone. Or germination, as a witnessing tool of the work of God would not have been established in nature as a metaphorical employ of God in so relating through Jesus Christ when he said, if you had the faith of a seed of mustard, you would say t this mountain, be cast into the sea and it should obey you. leveling mountains and filling valleys to make one's way straight and easy is metaphorical of the burdens Jesus seeks to lift off of our shoulders in Himself. It is a free gift, and one that is a coherent gift when received, even though it has already been given. Or thanksgiving to God would not be thanksgiving to God at all. and gratitude would not be gratitude either. and that is all we have to give to God for HAVING REALIZED this free gift. Thanks be to God, not man. learn, grow, and be at peace. Now this is a teacher....... |
there's a common theme that god is all knowing, all seeing and all powerfull. if that assumption is correct than he is responsible of all that is good or bad, because everything is supposed to originate from him, even Satan. if he knows all then he knows what everyone will do before they do and if that is true then their really is no free will. if he is all powerful than why just banish Satan to hell, why let Satan torture, mislead and hurt people? why not just wipe him out completely? if Satan is all evil then god should know that he won't change and the only reason to keep him around seems to be a petty contest, childish game. ( most evident in JOB) if he isn't all powerful or all knowing then that would mean that he is more imperfect than people think and is capable of faults. this would make more sense because he created us in his own image and we are inherently imperfect. tremendous wisdom dear friend, and it would seem that satan then could be kept around if ignorance is had as to what he is, which was said to be nothing more than the serpent, the mind of any man, and wisdom as the heart or god of any man...... would not then that be just a state of not admitting ones own faults as heard from their own mind, each and any time the heart feel condemed by the mind, and simply only admitting then is what make perfect, not perfect actions, but rather perfect REACTIONS to imperfect actions, of ones own self, as spoken from the mind....... the perfect reaction only being an empahtic yes, and not running to change by some willed conscious effort by what the mind say, and NOT doing this would then be the perfect state looked for or seen as prefect, and the state spoken of when said, "go and be ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven".......... not perfect like me jesus, not as your mind says, but as the heart says, as it was said as YOUR father in heaven, not as OUR father in heaven, which would eliminate the theory that there is one one great eye in the sky as god, but rather each is as god in their heart, all being DIFFERENT, the reason for YOUR, and is most just want of a being without willed do gooding as a service to god........ since god was said to reside, in all creatures, in the heart, it was added then even jesus has decended to sit on the "right hand" of god, the same truths or scriptures that came to jesus, being ont he right hand or in the MIND of each being, meaning that the same truths that were in jesus will be whispered from the mind, and would explain why it said if your "right hand" cause you to sin, CUT IT OFF....... to cut off the law, that make all sin to be created by trying not to do it, to be self righteouss, holy, as this is like a force of opposing oneself, and would it not be the same law that jesus had to say in the desert to get behind him, as satan came from the MIND of jesus, as a scripture, and jesus told it to get behind him, the same as to say, text is not my guide, my heart is my guide where god sit, or wisdom, not my mind that quote scriptures to me, and THEN jesus was filled with the wisdom to bear his own destiny, as the story describes........just ideas, ideas, ideas.......peace david, and all here hmmmmm..... putting things on the right or on the left and discarding the left is not what Jesus meant, or he would not have said that the goats on the left were outside of God, as written in Matthew. When Jesus rebuked the devil in the wilderness, he quoted back scripture, too. Elsewhere, he said that demons do not cast out demons because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, he is not suggesting that the devil is scripture or he himself is guilty of demonic influence, also. God forbid. All of that is scripture. Cpmpartmentalizing the whole of scripture and selectively constructing a metaphorical conclusion of scripture solely to focus on evil as a fixed object and an inanimate one is unscriptural, indeed. Jesus revealed that we have burdens to bear and that those burdens may be lifted, but he didn't say that these burdens are the fabrication of our own device. he said that these burdens are burdens that are to be lifted and eased in Him alone. Or he wouldn't have said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. The burdens upon mankind are not from God, or jesus Christ is not from God if one believes that there is no burden to be lifted from their own lives, let alone only lifted by Jesus Christ in His resurrection power from the Father. He divided the house by virtue of his message, if not at the very least elucidating that the house of God is not inherent in man at all. Dividing it not by declaring it as so divided when he revealed that truth, but divided since the fall of man. We are not born with the Holy Spirit, period. We are born today as found in the age of grace, but this age is without the accusations of the "tempter" before God, and this age is one subsequent to the cross, or the law would still be the schoolmaster of men to judge what is from God, still. The advocate at the right hand of the Father is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. That is not metaphoric of all men in wisdom filtered and seived, personally, throughout time and exercise, as though we are an island each unto oneself. The accusations of any spiritual reminder of man's errors is not possible anymore in the light of Jesus' Christ's resurrection. Meaning, we are not accused anymore at the throne of judgement which had thertofore prevented man from being completely reconciled to God. The accusastiuons against any for error are legal without sadvocacy for mercy and grace and peace hav9ing been yet established. He has said that he will not accuse us while we are here, nor cast the first stone, so, He will most certainly not allow it in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit given through belief in Him. That would be " a house divided against itself". And that cannot cast out accusation, nor error, nor offer remedy, if the house is not divided. But if there be seperate houses, then each is distinct and different. There are burdens on mankind. The burdens are not entirely man's instigation, but the consequences of those instigations having been embraced without remedial advocacy have changed since the Cross. What is left is a dead influence left as a reminder, but men still embrace it as though it is alive. It is alive in the mind which is death disguised. It is only alive in the willful acknowledgement of men that will, and that is a burden leaving a a lesser stain for all to cleanse themselves of, if they can see and discern it as such, naturally. None can. That is why we have an advocate with the Father. That is why Jesus is so loved. He comes to us with the Holy Spirit. Therein is the victory over death and the grave, even though we are not dead. LOL We died in Adam and are risen in Jesus Christ to dwell with him in ther heavenlies........... but like Adam, in that we were dead yet remained alive to some degree, we are risen with Jesus and yet still not dead in Adam as we will, in part, so be. Adam's death, Jesus' resurrection, and our own observance of the truth in Christ are not contradictory, but complimentary when apprehended of by that which was intended to be apprehended of and consequently manifests itself in the heart and soul of the believer. Death does not prevent those which died in a hope of something better who had not realized or consummated such to their person before the cross of Jesus, but are, since the cross of Jesus and faith in that is secondary to faith in Christ. Secondary in that we can be assured that they are so covered by jesus' resurrection when our own is manifest to us in faithful germination and begins to grow within. Jesus said he came to seek the lost in the land of the living, and yet he also said that some were dead while he was doing so. Or he wouldn't have also said, let the dead bury the dead, come and follow me. There is more to it than you realize, david. But what you realize is a beautiful thing. Were it possible to be the answer as such, but it is more than that and there is much more yet to be revealed being born again to that which is more than grace, mercy and peace. grace mercy and peace can come from our representive reflection to others, and they are but attributes, not God Himself. It is the attributes that instill faith to ignite on a personal level, but it is not the attributes that are faith itself. Faith is a seed that germinates when watered. The water is the living word of God. Discernment must be coherent as to which water is the water of the word of God and that is not found on pages nor from things solely on the lips of men. It does come from God. We all have experienced some measure of the living water of the word of God, but it is not until we comprehend Jesus Christ's words as given that that water can germinate the seed of faith as given by god to all mankind, inherently. It comes through the course of living that we seek the coherence to that water which was once heard and would not yet quite germinate and sprout. It is this that is given all men, but not all men are willing to be patient and wait for the germination to occur in a timely and coherent way when forcefully applied through intellectual rationalizations alone. Or germination, as a witnessing tool of the work of God would not have been established in nature as a metaphorical employ of God in so relating through Jesus Christ when he said, if you had the faith of a seed of mustard, you would say t this mountain, be cast into the sea and it should obey you. leveling mountains and filling valleys to make one's way straight and easy is metaphorical of the burdens Jesus seeks to lift off of our shoulders in Himself. It is a free gift, and one that is a coherent gift when received, even though it has already been given. Or thanksgiving to God would not be thanksgiving to God at all. and gratitude would not be gratitude either. and that is all we have to give to God for HAVING REALIZED this free gift. Thanks be to God, not man. learn, grow, and be at peace. Awesome...FC is right. You are a teacher. |
learn what testing the spirits is. look at the prophets. look at saul..not every spirit that speaks is from Yahweh. if it does not follow thr prophets examplr be very leary
learn what testing the spirits is. look at the prophets. look at saul..not every spirit that speaks is from Yahweh. if it does not follow thr prophets examplr be very leary Hi are you love.....and thank you for that.... |
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. Does anyone have all the answers to anything? JB Does anyone have all the answers to anything? |
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. Does anyone have all the answers to anything? JB Does anyone have all the answers to anything? Lola the prophet perhaps? |
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. Does anyone have all the answers to anything? JB Does anyone have all the answers to anything? Lola the prophet perhaps? ahhhhhhhh so since the Lord talks through Lola.......ahhhhhh fuch I think you got it.....The only one with all the true answers is the Lord..... Winner Winner Winner By golly funch I think you got it...... |
If Feral is right then heres cudos to funches
Demons come all in a lot of different forms, even human.... well "kojak" it appears you don't know what demons are Christianity demons were the fallen angels expelled from Heaven by God on Earth they would have been called Nephilim .. since you are supposely a christian then you can not dispute that they were all wiped out by the great flood and none survived so if you see demons in your everyday life as you so claim then they are the demons that exist in your mind ..Sigmund Freud would have called it the "ID" Funches you only described what demons are "in Christianity." Do you think that Christianity has all the answers about demons? I don't. Does anyone have all the answers to anything? JB Does anyone have all the answers to anything? Lola the prophet perhaps? ahhhhhhhh so since the Lord talks through Lola.......ahhhhhh fuch I think you got it.....The only one with all the true answers is the Lord..... Winner Winner Winner By golly funch I think you got it...... oops I meant to write "Lola the false apse Prophet" ...sorry my bad |
funches...If the message can be verified by the Word rather than our emotions then it isn't a false prophet....but the key is that any message can be verified by the Word of God.
funches...If the message can be verified by the Word rather than our emotions then it isn't a false prophet....but the key is that any message can be verified by the Word of God. the message Lola delievered to "Feralcatlady" was that of self improvement and therefore self gain and not for the glorification of God therefore it's false prophecy |
knowing feral I am sure that she didn't quite take it that cut and dry....but it is evident that when it's outside of the written words of Jesus much is left to human interpritation. Feral has a true heart for God. She is a servant whose only true desire is to seek Christ and show His love to the world. For that alone I appreciate her and consider her a good friend.