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Topic: A Word From God
davidben1's photo
Mon 08/04/08 01:00 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Mon 08/04/08 01:01 PM
so if one be afraid of another this prove they be of god?

does not this show a heart that long most for power?

even a power that loves to make others afraid?

are not many afraid of satan as well?

then how could this serve as any prove to any mind what be truth or half-truth?

what ones were afraid of jesus except religious scribes and pharisees, as these followed the desire of power and greed, and therefore created as satan, or bad, or not love, and did not wish thier true hearts to be exposed......

nothing is afraid of perfect love unless it has hidden aganda, so the decpetion is easily believed, and yes perfect love can cast out bad things, but to cast them out is to explain them.....

the text said "cast them out" to ensnare any that read for the purpose of gaining self power, as it never stated HOW they were cast out.........

splendidlife's photo
Mon 08/04/08 01:26 PM

indeed, nothing spoken here is not all true in many and some aspects, but indeed the only way to battle such forces if they be present would be to outsmart them, and no amount of looking at something and recognizing it as evil will allow wisdom to be had, that must first understand the purpose, which create a being that is capable of having power to defeat any evil force, or if not, in tring to defeat evil, more evil become created by the one trying to vanquish it, so what create this wisdom, and then power, seems to be of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE, for such things that have resided in this life to become disolved........

You cannot outsmart satan.....the only one smarter is God.....and until God is truly planted then satan can have a field day with anyone.......The only true shield between you and satan is God.....Because God is so firmly planted in my life.....this is what enables me to tell satan exactly where he can go. My Lord is always there...and trust me on this satan will try everything in his power to tempt me away from God...not going to happen and thats why they are scared of me instead of vise versa....

Fear tactics have worked for entire nations... I suppose that, for many, it's been fairly effective.

I can tell when fear tactics are being used and have always reacted to that approach by recoiling.

For the record...

I don't wish to debunk a single idea here... Nor do I wish to devalue or alter ANY belief...

Just saying that the energy behind the delivery has me stepping back.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 01:28 PM

so if one be afraid of another this prove they be of god?

does not this show a heart that long most for power?

even a power that loves to make others afraid?

are not many afraid of satan as well?

then how could this serve as any prove to any mind what be truth or half-truth?

what ones were afraid of jesus except religious scribes and pharisees, as these followed the desire of power and greed, and therefore created as satan, or bad, or not love, and did not wish thier true hearts to be exposed......

nothing is afraid of perfect love unless it has hidden aganda, so the decpetion is easily believed, and yes perfect love can cast out bad things, but to cast them out is to explain them.....

the text said "cast them out" to ensnare any that read for the purpose of gaining self power, as it never stated HOW they were cast out.........

I am afraid of no one david. I am not sure what your are asking.....I am not nor will I ever be the "power" that is reserved for God and God alone. And what you all fail to realize the most is that My Love of the Lord is what enables me to be afraid of no one. If the Lord gives me gifts then I use them with "His" guidance. And is satan afraid of me....you bet he is....Because he has no way to get to me....Because no one is going to guard me from his evil nasty ways better then God. The only ones afraid of satan are those not covered by God. Just like when people are afraid of dying, or afraid of living, or afraid of anything....It's because they choose to do life their way....it's their choice....

No again you take it a twist it to fit you...The pharisees and the scribes were not afraid of Jesus they felt that because they lived by the law they were above Christ...But no one is...if anyone was a hypocrite is was the pharisees because they thought that because they lived strictly by the law that they were right with God......Turn away God's son and that is turning against God, which is what the pharisees and scribes did. When they thought it was blasphemy for Christ to come and pray on a Sunday or heal a blind man or heal a sick man. It was not......rejecting Christ was the greatest sin against God they could of done.....

It is this in a nutshell David.....If all that I do is for the Love of Christ and to honor him....If through Christ I am given gifts....do I sit on them....do I not use them. If God calls me to bring people to Christ do I say no....because I am afraid.....because I might get a lil heat from people...Heck no......I do what I do and am led in all by Christ, for Christ, and with hopefully most of the time, a heart like Christ....Does this mean I don't falter or I don't sin, Heck no.....

The only perfect Agape love is that from God to us.

Now understand something for me also.....If I am casting out satan from where I am it is with great purpose that I do so....If the Lord has sent me to teach and satan is here undermining it....then it does me no good.....I have the power and authority from Jesus Christ to tell satan where he can go....for the simple fact that satan has no control of me...and the only one that does is Christ Jesus.

You guys wear me out.......and I leave and I pray, and God brings me right back....why? Because there are a lot of people that need to hear the word of God.....and so I put up with you all to be blessed in getting the ones that e-mail me asking me for more.....to want to know....To want to have a personal relationship with Christ......that is my purpose...I am not here to change yours or any others for their beliefs......I frankly don't care...But I do and am here for those truly seeking.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 01:33 PM

indeed, nothing spoken here is not all true in many and some aspects, but indeed the only way to battle such forces if they be present would be to outsmart them, and no amount of looking at something and recognizing it as evil will allow wisdom to be had, that must first understand the purpose, which create a being that is capable of having power to defeat any evil force, or if not, in tring to defeat evil, more evil become created by the one trying to vanquish it, so what create this wisdom, and then power, seems to be of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE, for such things that have resided in this life to become disolved........

You cannot outsmart satan.....the only one smarter is God.....and until God is truly planted then satan can have a field day with anyone.......The only true shield between you and satan is God.....Because God is so firmly planted in my life.....this is what enables me to tell satan exactly where he can go. My Lord is always there...and trust me on this satan will try everything in his power to tempt me away from God...not going to happen and thats why they are scared of me instead of vise versa....

Fear tactics have worked for entire nations... I suppose that, for many, it's been fairly effective.

I can tell when fear tactics are being used and have always reacted to that approach by recoiling.

For the record...

I don't wish to debunk a single idea here... Nor do I wish to devalue or alter ANY belief...

Just saying that the energy behind the delivery has me stepping back.

May I ask then.....what are the fear tactics....I don't fear satan....and if you do or it makes you step back....then maybe you need to be thinking where you are in your life.....what is the purpose of your life.....I laugh at how silly that sounds....I am not here to bring fear to anyone....that comes from you and what your dealing with. It is what it is.....believe it or don't that is entirely up to you.......But once again I am not going to sugar coat it or hide the truth out of some misguided fear that I might hurt feelings or might step on toes....If the Lord my God has made me a warrior then how effective would I be just to agree with everyone and what they believe....I put it out there....what people do with it is entirely up to them. I am nor will I ever claim to be anyones judge....not my job....But my job given to the me by the Lord God Almighty is to bring the word of the gospels and the word of God to the masses. And the only time I would stop is when God pulls me away and places me somewhere else.

tribo's photo
Mon 08/04/08 02:11 PM
deb, according to your own book - Satan has nor has had any power over you since Christs death and ressurection? Whether he's free to roam the earth or not - he has no power over you! So why now do you think he has had till this forth-telling you speak of? do you not have faith in the word of your god? hell and death has been put under his feet, he conquered hell and death, satan is not a threat to christains anymore! So why the rant?

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 02:15 PM
Satan has as much power over me as God gives him. Satan loves to break people, so he is constantly petitioning God for the rights to test people. God allows testing, because it can make us stronger people.

So Satan is allowed to interfere in my life, but only to the extent that God allows for testing me.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 02:17 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Mon 08/04/08 02:18 PM

deb, according to your own book - Satan has nor has had any power over you since Christs death and ressurection? Whether he's free to roam the earth or not - he has no power over you! So why now do you think he has had till this forth-telling you speak of? do you not have faith in the word of your god? hell and death has been put under his feet, he conquered hell and death, satan is not a threat to christains anymore! So why the rant?

I am not telling him to go away for me....but for others who he may hinder....who may listen to his crap....It is important to be vocal and tell satan he has no power......Because as long as those are influenced by him.......then there hearts will not be open to God.

whenever I pray I tell satan where he can go.....because he needs to know that no matter how he tries he will not tempt me....he will never get to me....nor to those that have entered my life. And for anyone to think he is not out there reeking havok is the reason I do it....he is and he will until Christ Jesus cast him away forever and ever....and he will.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 02:23 PM
When God spoke this to me.....

Demons flee from you, they don't like you. This is satan and all his cronies........They don't and won't ever break me because my love for God will always be stronger then anything that satan thinks he can do....But others especially those with no faith or belief....he will eat up and spit out......While I have a breath....I do cast him out.....from anyone who is set in my path. And this I say to all with a living heart as a testament to the power my Lord gives me.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 03:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 08/04/08 03:22 PM
Feralcatlady wrote:

There is no mind control of anyone.....It's all satan.....if you give him an inch he will take a mile.....And it's all about humans who have no control of their lives because they choose to do things there way.....It will never ever ever ever ever ever work that way.....Believe all this dribble but it is what it is......and satan is behind it......And however you slice or dice it.....listen to satan and evil things will incure...Be firmly planted in God....and he could and would never touch a hair on your head.

I speak of satan and satan only....and all that follow him are doomed.......and I don't only think this...I KNOW IT.

Your so-called "Satan" has never touched a hair on my head.

(And he is not a fallen angel of the Lord as you believe, who thought he was better than God.) He is an alien race of beings called the Draconians.

You are so wrapped up in your Biblical mythology story that when these creatures "become real" (enter our dimension) and begin walking the earth in plain sight you will still attempt to deny their existence. But when you see one in person, you will know you are looking at what you call "Satan."

They are the Draconions.

And you think I'm delusional. laugh You are so funny. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I know people who have claimed to have seen the devil himself. They swear to it! And guess how they describe him? Just like any other description of the Draconian Royalty. They look just like devils with horns and a tail.

And they do look like our idea of a devil. Where do you think that description of the devil came from in the first place? Someone saw them. They are real.

You speak as if you truly believe that Satan exists, yet you don't really believe he exists for real because when I tell you what kind of creature he is and how he works on this earth you deny it all, and fall into some kind of trance-like state of mythical ideas of a "fallen angel" who apposes your all mighty god.

There are many different kinds of mind control. You are a good example of one kind accomplished through religious dogma.

You worship one alien as god and you blame all evil in the world on another one of them. They are all aliens.

Alien worshiper! laugh

Aliens, ...they are not our friends.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:00 PM

May I ask then.....what are the fear tactics....I don't fear satan....

"Feralcatlady" Satan is the fear tactics that you are trying to use but unknowingly you are using Satan against yourself.. if you knew anything about Satan then you would know because God has created you as a sinner that you are helpless against Satan..

Satan has untold knowledge power and even God needed help to get him out of Heaven which means if Satan actually wanted you Satan would have you ..

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:15 PM

Feralcatlady wrote:

There is no mind control of anyone.....It's all satan.....if you give him an inch he will take a mile.....And it's all about humans who have no control of their lives because they choose to do things there way.....It will never ever ever ever ever ever work that way.....Believe all this dribble but it is what it is......and satan is behind it......And however you slice or dice it.....listen to satan and evil things will incure...Be firmly planted in God....and he could and would never touch a hair on your head.

I speak of satan and satan only....and all that follow him are doomed.......and I don't only think this...I KNOW IT.

Your so-called "Satan" has never touched a hair on my head.

(And he is not a fallen angel of the Lord as you believe, who thought he was better than God.) He is an alien race of beings called the Draconians.

You are so wrapped up in your Biblical mythology story that when these creatures "become real" (enter our dimension) and begin walking the earth in plain sight you will still attempt to deny their existence. But when you see one in person, you will know you are looking at what you call "Satan."

They are the Draconions.

And you think I'm delusional. laugh You are so funny. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I know people who have claimed to have seen the devil himself. They swear to it! And guess how they describe him? Just like any other description of the Draconian Royalty. They look just like devils with horns and a tail.

And they do look like our idea of a devil. Where do you think that description of the devil came from in the first place? Someone saw them. They are real.

You speak as if you truly believe that Satan exists, yet you don't really believe he exists for real because when I tell you what kind of creature he is and how he works on this earth you deny it all, and fall into some kind of trance-like state of mythical ideas of a "fallen angel" who apposes your all mighty god.

There are many different kinds of mind control. You are a good example of one kind accomplished through religious dogma.

You worship one alien as god and you blame all evil in the world on another one of them. They are all aliens.

Alien worshiper! laugh

Aliens, ...they are not our friends.

JB please you keep talking about this alien nonsense and then wonder why I say they are going to beam you up......there is not one lil tiny thing to prove and credabilty to what your saying....If you believe is some alien whatever ok so be it.......But please don't act like you know anything about satan or where he came from because it's evident in what you write that your lost in space some where.....

And you my sweet are way way to wrapped up in star trek and darconians....lol

And for mythological creatures as you call satan......hmmmmm a lot of people have been cleansed and the evil myth taken from their souls....and there is my friend proof of this.....but your darconians.....give me any at all proof of this star trek episode...

Oh this is to much.......satan can take many forms.....he is not a darconians whatever.....but hey if you want to believe that....your choice.

So then I guess the Lord my God say all darconians will flee and be scared of me....lol

Because I laugh because satan is no an alien brought here in a spaceship to come to people like that I Love Lucy episode where aliends invade NYC.....

Beam me up God.......

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:24 PM

May I ask then.....what are the fear tactics....I don't fear satan....

"Feralcatlady" Satan is the fear tactics that you are trying to use but unknowingly you are using Satan against yourself.. if you knew anything about Satan then you would know because God has created you as a sinner that you are helpless against Satan..

Satan has untold knowledge power and even God needed help to get him out of Heaven which means if Satan actually wanted you Satan would have you ..

Again I say to the funch-meister...what fear tactic....the only ones that fear him......are who?

Ahhhhhh wrong again....yes I am a sinner but I also through belief and faith have God truly.......and God never lets his be hurt or bothered with by satan....Satan can only take those that are not of God.

And show me where God needed help when he cast satan out of the heavenlies.....I think not.....Satan is afraid of me......are you not listening.....To be firmly planted in Christ.....satan can do nothing...it's only the ones that don't have Christ firmly planted that he can mess with.....It's not rocket science.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:49 PM

Again I say to the funch-meister...what fear tactic....the only ones that fear him......are who?

well ..er.. so far only Christians

Ahhhhhh wrong again....yes I am a sinner but I also through belief and faith have God truly.......and God never lets his be hurt or bothered with by satan....Satan can only take those that are not of God.

I just need to remind you of what happen to "JOB" I think you might agree that JOB was hurt and bothered by Satan with God's blessings of course

And show me where God needed help when he cast satan out of the heavenlies

well "feralcatlady" in the war in Heaven do you believe that God fought Satan alone or did other angels fight at his side ..come on "Feralcatlady" this is basic bible stuff

.....I think not.....Satan is afraid of me......are you not listening.....To be firmly planted in Christ.....satan can do nothing...it's only the ones that don't have Christ firmly planted that he can mess with.....It's not rocket science.

or perhaps it is rocket sceience because "feralcatlady" explain why is Satan afraid of you ..Satan isn't the one praying to God for protection from you...you are the one praying to God for protection from him

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 04:57 PM
how funny that the only one that bring it up as a fear tactic is the ones that are not saved...hmmmmmm

Yes this is true......but for what purpose did Job need to learn this?

God said that's it...and it was done..and satan was cast out....end of story.....and also all satans cronies...this is God funch. Was there the classic war of good vs. evil...of course.....

Satan is afraid because he wants the power over me....he
doesn't want me to bring the word of God to anyonee...and he going to try but to no avail....but will he use others here and other places to try....yep

God protects me because of my belief in God.....and because it is unwavering. I don't pray or cast out satan from here or anywhere else for me...I know where I stand....I like I said before cast him out for the people who are searching that he has no strongholds over them.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 05:31 PM

how funny that the only one that bring it up as a fear tactic is the ones that are not saved...hmmmmmm

..er.."Feralcatlady" how many non-believers do you believe bring up Satan in their everyday life to scare people except on Halloween .. only Christians constantly use Satan as a scare tactic

Yes this is true......but for what purpose did Job need to learn this?

the moral of the story when it comes to JOB is...if God let Satan do that to JOB who showed complete devotion to God then surely you don't believe God wouldn't let Satan do the same to you

God said that's it...and it was done..and satan was cast out....end of story.....and also all satans cronies...this is God funch. Was there the classic war of good vs. evil...of course.....

well I got my story from the bible that angels fought in Heaven ... so where did you get your story ...again this is basic bible stuff ...are you sure you read the bible

Satan is afraid because he wants the power over me....he
doesn't want me to bring the word of God to anyonee...and he going to try but to no avail....but will he use others here and other places to try....yep

"feralcatlady" neither God or Satan need humans for anything ...all you are doing is spreading your own paranoia in both God and Satan's name

God protects me because of my belief in God.....and because it is unwavering. I don't pray or cast out satan from here or anywhere else for me...I know where I stand....I like I said before cast him out for the people who are searching that he has no strongholds over them.

that's probably the same thing "JOB" was thinking ..it didn't seem to do him much good

splendidlife's photo
Mon 08/04/08 05:48 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Mon 08/04/08 05:54 PM

how funny that the only one that bring it up as a fear tactic is the ones that are not saved...hmmmmmm

Yes this is true......but for what purpose did Job need to learn this?

God said that's it...and it was done..and satan was cast out....end of story.....and also all satans cronies...this is God funch. Was there the classic war of good vs. evil...of course.....

Satan is afraid because he wants the power over me....he
doesn't want me to bring the word of God to anyonee...and he going to try but to no avail....but will he use others here and other places to try....yep

God protects me because of my belief in God.....and because it is unwavering. I don't pray or cast out satan from here or anywhere else for me...I know where I stand....I like I said before cast him out for the people who are searching that he has no strongholds over them.

Dear Lady,

This is like a Super Hero Comic Book (and I'm not speaking of the Bible), in which all "others" not saved precisely as you believe shall perish? You have knowledge of who is saved and who isn't? Who are you all of the sudden...
Santa Claus?
C'mon, girl... spock rofl flowers

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 05:52 PM

how funny that the only one that bring it up as a fear tactic is the ones that are not saved...hmmmmmm

Yes this is true......but for what purpose did Job need to learn this?

God said that's it...and it was done..and satan was cast out....end of story.....and also all satans cronies...this is God funch. Was there the classic war of good vs. evil...of course.....

Satan is afraid because he wants the power over me....he
doesn't want me to bring the word of God to anyonee...and he going to try but to no avail....but will he use others here and other places to try....yep

God protects me because of my belief in God.....and because it is unwavering. I don't pray or cast out satan from here or anywhere else for me...I know where I stand....I like I said before cast him out for the people who are searching that he has no strongholds over them.

Dear Lady,

This is like a Super Hero Comic Book (and I'm not speaking of the Bible), in which all "others" not saved precisely as you believe shall perish? You have knowledge of who is saved and who isn't? Who are you all of the sudden... Santa Claus?
C'mon, girl... spock rofl flowers

believe as you wish....and show me the same respect tyvm

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 05:54 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 08/04/08 06:03 PM

Your so-called "Satan" has never touched a hair on my head.

(And he is not a fallen angel of the Lord as you believe, who thought he was better than God.) He is an alien race of beings called the Draconians.

You are so wrapped up in your Biblical mythology story that when these creatures "become real" (enter our dimension) and begin walking the earth in plain sight you will still attempt to deny their existence. But when you see one in person, you will know you are looking at what you call "Satan."

They are the Draconions.

And you think I'm delusional. laugh You are so funny. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I know people who have claimed to have seen the devil himself. They swear to it! And guess how they describe him? Just like any other description of the Draconian Royalty. They look just like devils with horns and a tail.

And they do look like our idea of a devil. Where do you think that description of the devil came from in the first place? Someone saw them. They are real.

You speak as if you truly believe that Satan exists, yet you don't really believe he exists for real because when I tell you what kind of creature he is and how he works on this earth you deny it all, and fall into some kind of trance-like state of mythical ideas of a "fallen angel" who apposes your all mighty god.

There are many different kinds of mind control. You are a good example of one kind accomplished through religious dogma.

You worship one alien as god and you blame all evil in the world on another one of them. They are all aliens.

Alien worshiper! laugh

Aliens, ...they are not our friends.

JB please you keep talking about this alien nonsense and then wonder why I say they are going to beam you up......there is not one lil tiny thing to prove and credabilty to what your saying....If you believe is some alien whatever ok so be it.......But please don't act like you know anything about satan or where he came from because it's evident in what you write that your lost in space some where.....

And you my sweet are way way to wrapped up in star trek and darconians....lol

And for mythological creatures as you call satan......hmmmmm a lot of people have been cleansed and the evil myth taken from their souls....and there is my friend proof of this.....but your darconians.....give me any at all proof of this star trek episode...

Oh this is to much.......satan can take many forms.....he is not a darconians whatever.....but hey if you want to believe that....your choice.

So then I guess the Lord my God say all darconians will flee and be scared of me....lol

Because I laugh because satan is no an alien brought here in a spaceship to come to people like that I Love Lucy episode where aliends invade NYC.....

Beam me up God.......

The name is Draconians not "Darconians." Dracos are the dragon race. They are reptilian in their makeup. They are somewhat like the creature described in the Bible whom you claim tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. They walk upright like humans.

You certainly demonstrate your lack of knowledge about Satan in your post. You seem to believe in him and when I tell you that I know people who claim to have actually seen what they describe as "the devil" with horns and a tail and bat wings, you call it "nonsense."

Do you know anyone who has seen Jesus in the flesh or the devil person to person? I doubt if you do. Your only information is what you glean from your book, the Bible.

Then, you say that "Satan takes many forms." This is a very true statement Feralcatlady. Very true. But the creature you refer to as "Satan" is one that comes from the inner earth and another dimension, not from "outer space."

So forget your references to "Star Trec" or any other space fantasy. While it is true that this galaxy is inhabited by many reptilian races the ones who are on this earth have been here before the advent of mankind.

I have more evidence for the existence of these creatures than you have for your alien god or for Jesus.

And for your uninformed information, there were never any Draconians on "Star Trec."laugh laugh laugh

My conclusions about these creatures did not come from any ancient book Feralcat. In fact, I avoided all information I ran into about them in my search for truth concerning what is going on in this reality, but every road I went down lead to these non-human intelligent life forms.

They are inner-terrestrials who live at a different frequency than we do, but they have learned how to traverse from their world to our world. They occupy and control some human bodies, they create clones, they own the technology of this world.

My assertions seem like nonsense to you, as yours do to me. But I think we are seeing the same "Satan." You can disagree if you want to.

I have an enormous amount of evidence and eye witnesses. All you have is scripture, which I am sure was written by an alien. laugh


davidben1's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:05 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Mon 08/04/08 06:11 PM

oh feralcat, your wisdom and insight is a gift, and these do reside is each, and are longing to come forth......

your intent is to help others and is clealy seen, and is indeed created by love of the heart for others.......

these things that you speak perhaps you have not thought about completely yet, as they are some new, and even intoxicating, but the simple truth is never needed to be found anywhere outside of ones own heart........

is satan any more than a mind that listens to no one but their own mind, and only has ears of hearing for what is MOST wished to be heard?

is not this the same "feeling" that make beliefs, that have created all evil and atrocities in the world?

any answer the mind wish to hear can be found dear friend, but if the answer go against love, which believe any that speak are satan's cronies, then how can this answer so readily given by the mind have been filtered thru love of the heart?

the mind is indeed a wellspring of half-truths, for the wise heart to answer back the other half.........

if you believe your answers are the wisdom and love of your heart, then i would say you have more keen insight than you are giving yourself credit for......

many around are as possessed, and each has potential to create evil as satan, as even yesterday i read of one eating another on a bus, but indeed, this one has lost his way, and do you believe that you will have the power by these words to invite him to stay over and help him and not have fear?

then why do you wish for this power that has been offered to you?

if all the world believe that any other that does not believe as they do are satanic, and demon possessed, then what world will this "truth" create?

is this the world your jesus created with his words?

are not your enemies pronounced as satan, and did he not say one would love them as themself if wisdom or the real truth had been found?

if any proclaim they speak for god, then is not this the simplest truth showing they do not, and have been mislead by a half-truth the mind whispered, as what that know god or wisdom speak of it as a distant foreign thing, even as third party, as something in the sky, in the clouds......

indeed, you are gifted, and so is lola.........

if one has gifts, then what speak and prolaim such, as to proclaim such show none are yet being used, as gifts are without calling and repentence indeed, but no statement was made that they would not have to be tempered with wisdom.........

are not these professings no different than one walking into a room and professing I AM GOD, I AM ONE THAT SEES WISDOM......

even a lowly bum on the street would have better insight than to believe such vain professions girl.....

is this the way your jesus spoke?

there is something twisted, which is easy to do, but it is not all that others are saying....

if the guide to truth be what is most WISHED TO BE HEARD, SO WILL IT BE FOUND, AND LOVED WHEN HEARD, but these things lead many to misery, and are as ticking time bombs of misery when they explode in ones heart.......

teachers of these things love to be praised, and worshipped, and sit in high places with fancy rings and fine cars, and love to have power, and believe themself to be good, but is this the example your jesus showed when having truth within.......

the thirst for power can be intoxicating, but just as a drink of this sort is intoxicating, so it the EXTREME HANGOVER OF MISERY, lol......

you need no one to guide you but your own heart, that whisper in the dark with doubt........

doubt is a friend, not an enemy.

enjoy the fine cocktails if you wish, as it be your call as you proclaim, but as for me i believe your heart is suited to many more finer gifts than these, that come from true love........peace

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:07 PM

Your so-called "Satan" has never touched a hair on my head.

(And he is not a fallen angel of the Lord as you believe, who thought he was better than God.) He is an alien race of beings called the Draconians.

You are so wrapped up in your Biblical mythology story that when these creatures "become real" (enter our dimension) and begin walking the earth in plain sight you will still attempt to deny their existence. But when you see one in person, you will know you are looking at what you call "Satan."

They are the Draconions.

And you think I'm delusional. laugh You are so funny. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I know people who have claimed to have seen the devil himself. They swear to it! And guess how they describe him? Just like any other description of the Draconian Royalty. They look just like devils with horns and a tail.

And they do look like our idea of a devil. Where do you think that description of the devil came from in the first place? Someone saw them. They are real.

You speak as if you truly believe that Satan exists, yet you don't really believe he exists for real because when I tell you what kind of creature he is and how he works on this earth you deny it all, and fall into some kind of trance-like state of mythical ideas of a "fallen angel" who apposes your all mighty god.

There are many different kinds of mind control. You are a good example of one kind accomplished through religious dogma.

You worship one alien as god and you blame all evil in the world on another one of them. They are all aliens.

Alien worshiper! laugh

Aliens, ...they are not our friends.

JB please you keep talking about this alien nonsense and then wonder why I say they are going to beam you up......there is not one lil tiny thing to prove and credabilty to what your saying....If you believe is some alien whatever ok so be it.......But please don't act like you know anything about satan or where he came from because it's evident in what you write that your lost in space some where.....

And you my sweet are way way to wrapped up in star trek and darconians....lol

And for mythological creatures as you call satan......hmmmmm a lot of people have been cleansed and the evil myth taken from their souls....and there is my friend proof of this.....but your darconians.....give me any at all proof of this star trek episode...

Oh this is to much.......satan can take many forms.....he is not a darconians whatever.....but hey if you want to believe that....your choice.

So then I guess the Lord my God say all darconians will flee and be scared of me....lol

Because I laugh because satan is no an alien brought here in a spaceship to come to people like that I Love Lucy episode where aliends invade NYC.....

Beam me up God.......

The name is Draconians not "Darconians." Dracos are the dragon race. They are reptilian in their makeup. They are somewhat like the creature described in the Bible whom you claim tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. They walk upright like humans.

You certainly demonstrate your lack of knowledge about Satan in your post. You seem to believe in him and when I tell you that I know people who claim to have actually seen what they describe as "the devil" with horns and a tail and bat wings, you call it "nonsense."

Do you know anyone who has seen Jesus in the flesh or the devil person to person? I doubt if you do. Your only information is what you glean from your book, the Bible.

Then, you say that "Satan takes many forms." This is a very true statement Feralcatlady. Very true. But the creature you refer to as "Satan" is one that comes from the inner earth and another dimension, not from "outer space."

So forget your references to "Star Trec" or any other space fantasy. While it is true that this galaxy is inhabited by many reptilian races the ones who are on this earth have been here before the advent of mankind.

I have more evidence for the existence of these creatures than you have for your alien god or for Jesus.

And for your uninformed information, there were never any Draconians on "Star Trec."laugh laugh laugh

My conclusions about these creatures did not come from any ancient book Feralcat. In fact, I avoided all information I ran into about them in my search for truth concerning what is going on in this reality, but every road I went down lead to these non-human intelligent life forms.

They are inner-terrestrials who live at a different frequency than we do, but they have learned how to traverse from their world to our world. They occupy and control some human bodies, they create clones, they own the technology of this world.

My assertions seem like nonsense to you, as yours do to me. But I think we are seeing the same "Satan." You can disagree if you want to.

I have an enormous amount of evidence and eye witnesses. All you have is scripture, which I am sure was written by an alien. laugh


show me the evidence........please........

satan that I have encountered doesn't look like a reptile....

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