Topic: What happened to good men 35-55?
soufiehere's photo
Fri 03/09/12 08:59 PM

They are disguised with your illusions.
They are everywhere.

I used your words because I thought they
pertained to this thread too. Thanks

I am flattered :-)

loner_plus_one's photo
Fri 03/09/12 09:00 PM the screen name! :banana:

loner_plus_one's photo
Fri 03/09/12 09:13 PM

Not all men in that age range are bitter and jaded. If they are then they shouldn't be here. I believe that no matter what life handed me in the past I played an equal part in letting it happen. I pick myself up, dust myself off and keep searching for the one person who will make it all worthwhile. I know she's out there just maybe not here. Just my opinion.

Well, if they are jaded, I'm sure they are here. I've been called jaded and bitter over the years so many times I lost count...but look at me, on a site. If you're alone ("jaded"), you need some sort of contact with other adults and the net is a safe way to talk with other people (both physically and emotionally safe). And, yes, it takes two...but it isn't to say that it's always equal participation by two parties in whatever knocks a person down. But, I am happy you have that mentality of dusting off and getting back out there. Consider yourself blessed because either you've not been hit hard enough in life yet, or you just naturally have that ability. Not everyone has it, but everyone wants it. I don't know anyone who enjoys "giving up" on things that they once loved and sought out.

loner_plus_one's photo
Fri 03/09/12 09:15 PM
Woo Hoo! I just realized that my replies to some of the other posts have been going into the general topic reply. I'm a newbie on the site, so I didn't know I needed to hit "quote" and not just reply!

Oops!! rofl

loner_plus_one's photo
Fri 03/09/12 09:18 PM

Not all men in that age range are bitter and jaded.

True, some of us are just realistic....!

LOL....As are some of us women!laugh

stealth91's photo
Sat 03/17/12 03:18 PM
lol y is that age is just a number or am i just wrong about that

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/17/12 09:53 PM

lol y is that age is just a number or am i just wrong about that

'age is just a number' the same way 'weight is just a number' or 'height is just a number' or 'distance is just a number'

We all come with preferences, forged by life experiences. Accept them.

...and stay legal.

And, apparently, height is just a number

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:40 AM
so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Sun 03/18/12 09:53 AM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

What he said^

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:00 AM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

I think that the post is revealing that men in that age range are looking for 20 somethings, and relying on phrases like 'age is just a number' which would be fine, but they dont seem to think 35-40 is a good number. So it seems that 'age is just a number they will date if its around 20' I think the op is just annoyed with that. why didn't she just say that then? but still, i have yet to get an email from her, so i still think it is the pickyness factor at play here... i have search settings to not bring up anyone under 35, i think the 20 year olds are a pain in the a$$. but then again, so are the 35+ women too...

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 03/18/12 04:58 PM
just had to reply to wickedllucys response loved it an alot of truth to that an just had to add one of mine to it people who ask us to committ fast scare the hell out of me lol one of those jaded by life in general guys lol hi all an good luck on your search .remember a jaded man may just need a friend to help get going again.smokin

TBRich's photo
Sun 03/18/12 06:02 PM

lol y is that age is just a number or am i just wrong about that

'age is just a number' the same way 'weight is just a number' or 'height is just a number' or 'distance is just a number'

We all come with preferences, forged by life experiences. Accept them.

...and stay legal.

And, apparently, height is just a number
I listed height.

Well I am still upset at the virulent Anti-Shortite movement going on here, with you height Nazis. (sorry rent the Seinfeld Anti-Dentite episode). AND btw, in the "real world" I have dated many women taller than me.

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:11 PM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Well, the title of the topic does specify "good" men....

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:17 PM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Well, the title of the topic does specify "good" men....

true, there is that aspect...i think i'm good at something, still trying figure out what tho..

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:20 PM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Well, the title of the topic does specify "good" men....

true, there is that aspect...i think i'm good at something, still trying figure out what tho..

I think that's part of the trouble, there's a discrepancy in the way various people interpret "good" -- whereas you and I and a lot of guys on here might see ourselves qualifying for the "good" designation, the people on the other side of the gender fence have a different set of criteria for the term....

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:28 PM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Well, the title of the topic does specify "good" men....

true, there is that aspect...i think i'm good at something, still trying figure out what tho..

I think that's part of the trouble, there's a discrepancy in the way various people interpret "good" -- whereas you and I and a lot of guys on here might see ourselves qualifying for the "good" designation, the people on the other side of the gender fence have a different set of criteria for the term....

i agree, but i think it goes a little deeper than just that. women have a notion of what a man is/should be, and men that do not fall into that preconceived notion are not noticed as easy. it really is a shame, because thats why people (men too) make wrong choices because of these preconceived notions. i once said on here how i date just about any woman, and the woman didn't seem to like that idea very much. I do not know what my perfect woman would be, and the only way to find out is to find out.

Sextoy1027's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:41 AM
Hi im 38 years old just moved here from Texas looking to makes friends.

no photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:51 AM

so what are these types of post trying to accomplish? i've seen so many of these, but nothing ever comes out of them that i know of... it seems like to me, that 80% of the men that post in the forums are in this age bracket, but these posts still keep coming up. so, what is the problem ladies? are the men in the forums not good enough? or is your pickyness getting to be a bigger problem than you realize?

Well, the title of the topic does specify "good" men....

true, there is that aspect...i think i'm good at something, still trying figure out what tho..

I think that's part of the trouble, there's a discrepancy in the way various people interpret "good" -- whereas you and I and a lot of guys on here might see ourselves qualifying for the "good" designation, the people on the other side of the gender fence have a different set of criteria for the term....

i agree, but i think it goes a little deeper than just that. women have a notion of what a man is/should be, and men that do not fall into that preconceived notion are not noticed as easy. it really is a shame, because thats why people (men too) make wrong choices because of these preconceived notions. i once said on here how i date just about any woman, and the woman didn't seem to like that idea very much. I do not know what my perfect woman would be, and the only way to find out is to find out.

I think you've hit on something there -- the idea that there is this standard perception of what a man "should" be -- as far as I can tell, the perception is based almost entirely on tradition, outdated imagery, and a mindset that was already on its deathbed during the Eisenhower administration. "Prince Charming" has left the building.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/19/12 08:47 AM

Oh, hill no. If anything its men who are outdated in their expectations of women. We work full time, then come home and take care of the house.

'Looking to share that' probably means the man she's lookin for will be a part of the work of coexisting, rather than waiting for her to do the Donna Reed impression. I guess more people know 'June Cleaver'. ...So while she's doin the dishes, he can be doin the laundry instead of playing nintendo, or watchin tv. Thats the complaint I see around.

thats what they get for dating douche-bags... i watch people at the pub i hang out at, and i'll watch 5 women all hitting on the same guy, and he just happens to be the biggest douche-bag in the place. i always laugh at this, because some see it right away, and it takes a few a while to figure it out.

no photo
Mon 03/19/12 02:52 PM

Oh, hill no. If anything its men who are outdated in their expectations of women. We work full time, then come home and take care of the house.

'Looking to share that' probably means the man she's lookin for will be a part of the work of coexisting, rather than waiting for her to do the Donna Reed impression. I guess more people know 'June Cleaver'. ...So while she's doin the dishes, he can be doin the laundry instead of playing nintendo, or watchin tv. Thats the complaint I see around.

I guess the thing that puzzles me is why this has to be such a massive conflict -- I mean, I really don't have any problems doing dishes or laundry or taking out the garbage or whatever. It's just stuff that has to be done. And, sure, it would be nice if there were magic garbage fairies to do this stuff for us, but obviously Apple doesn't have them quite ready to put out there just yet.

But that's not what I sense when I hear someone complaining about the lack of "good" men -- I get more of a sense of a regimented existence, i.e., "this is how it's SUPPOSED to be done," and the "SUPPOSED to" part has no room for any sort of flexibility whatsoever. The ones who lament the lack of "good" men seem to be the same ones who have dealt with enough "bad" ones to have painted themselves into a relationship corner.

And we don't have relationship-corner fairies yet, either.