But, but, but...
Edited by
Tue 06/30/09 11:34 AM
This is just another thought...... Oh no, Mom is still holding out that a miracle will happen and I'll give her "blood line" grand babies. Although, it is not physically possible... hence the "miracle" comment. And as for knowing me, she doesn't and never has. She knows what she wants to know, made up or real. On the religious aspect, she "told" my family we were becoming Catholic when I was 12. Although I went along with what I was told to do as a child, I never really conformed. However, as an adult, I chose my own path, much to her regret. That's not going to change. Period. The biggest thing for her is control. She is a control freak to the Nth degree. Always has been. Now that I have severed the ties of her control, she still strikes out from time to time in an attempt to regain that control. Ain't happening! ![]() I honestly don't want to embarrass my Mom, but sometimes there comes point when you have to resort to drastic measures. I'll gauge things when I get there. I'm going down Thursday evening to Texas and we'll see what happens by Saturday. She also knows I'm online. She just thinks I need to be on a "wholesome" site, rather than the "sludge of the earth" (her words, not mine) that I'm currently surfing. ![]() I'm doing my best at looking at this positively, but this isn't the first time she's done this. Last time was extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved except her. |
But, but, but...
You guys are a trip. I had thought about that. I might just do it.
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But, but, but...
People treat you the "way" you allow them....... You've obviously never met my Mother! ![]() She could make the Pope become a Pagan! |
But, but, but...
If it wasn't for the fact that I promised to come down this weekend and have my house being fumigated, I'd not go at all.
And, I've tried the "worse possible boyfriend" type before. Didn't work. |
But, but, but...
You could always tell your mom she is overstepping her boundaries and that you are a big girl and Catholic men are a huge turn off. Tell her you are into Buddhism. That should get a rise out of her. I've done that already. Except, I told her I was Wiccan. She feigned a fainting spell. (She's a big time drama queen) It was a good chuckle for me though to see the look on her face. ![]() |
But, but, but...
So should i call your mom and tell i can't make it? ![]() |
But, but, but...
What do you do when family members try to set you up?
Here goes... I'm going to my Mom's for the holiday weekend. My step father called to inform me that he found out that my Mom has invited a "friend from church" to come over to spend the 4th with us because he doesn't have any family in the area. Knowing my Mom, he's near my age, single and Catholic and she brow beat him into coming over... it's just her style! ![]() I talked to my Mom last night and she said that she was "just trying to help". She wants me to make sure I bring a couple of nice outfits to make sure I look "presentable". ![]() My main problem is that my Mom is trying to fix me up. Secondly, I'm not a practicing Catholic anymore and haven't been in over a decade, nor am I interested in going back to Catholicism. Third, she never bothered to ask if I might be seeing someone. I love my Mom, but this is the one place in my life I don't want her help or assistance in. Not to mention that I am enjoying being single! Has anyone else had this happen? What did you do? How did you handle it? Do I jsut grin and bear it? |
Bad Company review
Mitch, I'm sorry it wasn't as good as you had hoped. But did you at least have a good time with your girls? The weekend was excellent. Thanks Kimmi! Wonderful! I'm glad. |
Bad Company review
I'm sorry it wasn't as good as you had hoped. But did you at least have a good time with your girls? |
Awwww! Murdering those poor, pitiful, tiny, cute ants.
![]() Just kidding. I hate those little suckers! ![]() |
Meeting at grocery stores...
I actually dated a guy that I met at the grocery, and am still good friends with him. We seemed to be going to get groceries at the same time on a regular basis. We even joking "fought" over apples one day. After seeing each other there, we'd joke and say I'll see you next time for "our date".
One afternoon I peeked in his buggy & asked what the specific ingredients were for and he told me some dish he was making. I said it sounded good and would he give me the recipe. He asked me if I'd be interested in coming over to try it for myself. I did and we off and on dated for a little while. The chemistry wasn't there, but we are still friends and still see each other at the grocery and get together for dinner from time to time. It does happen, you just have to be open to it. Then again, I'm the kind of person who can talk to anyone. |
I've been told that my eyes and my smile/lips/mouth are my best features, facial or otherwise.
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Ooo... I just found a rival for my vodka cranberry with lime.
Barefoot Winery's Moscato. Yummy! Nice, light, fruity dessert wine. Perfect for summer. |
In front or to the side?
Hmm... On a first date in a booth, across from each other. If it's at a table, beside them.
If it's "someone" then beside them in both situations. |
what you think
Hey there! And welcome to our little slice of insanity!
The profile is thorough, decent grammar and spelling. You also tell some about you and what you're looking for. Very good. The only suggestion I have is more pictures. |
Vodka, with cranberry and lime. Yummy!
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Me time
Oh, if I'm sleeping and she thinks I need to be awake, she'll lick the tip of my nose with her sandpaper tongue and do her "poor pitiful" meow until I acknowledge her.
i NEED a man
Damn it! You made me spit out perfectly good Mountain Dew! Damn Man! ![]() well i wont make an innuendo outta that statement as i'm sure u can manage that just fine on ur own! ![]() I much prefer swallowing... Mountain Dew that is... than spitting. ![]() |
i NEED a man
Damn it! You made me spit out perfectly good Mountain Dew! Damn Man!
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whos had a crappy day?
Wow, I had a crappy day, but not that bad. I'll hush about mine.
Sorry to hear about your job, hon. ![]() |