Topic: Me time
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Mon 06/29/09 02:55 PM
So... how do your furry cretins let you know they are ready for some "me time" with you if your not paying attention to them?

Ami's method is rather straight forward...


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Mon 06/29/09 03:02 PM
Ya sure can't ignore that hint!drinks :banana: drinks

ReddBeans's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:07 PM
Must be a puddy tat thing cause my Angel does the same thing!:laughing: I unfortunately haven't gotten a pic of her doin it yet. If I'm sleepin an she wants my attention, she'll climb up onto my chest an plant her d*mn fuzzy tail right in my face an swish it back an forth until I wake up.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:18 PM
Oh, if I'm sleeping and she thinks I need to be awake, she'll lick the tip of my nose with her sandpaper tongue and do her "poor pitiful" meow until I acknowledge her.

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:20 PM
If I'm on the pc my "Pookie" comes and lays right on the keyboard.. And he does the nose thing if I'm in bed....happy

Moondark's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:20 PM
Edited by Moondark on Mon 06/29/09 03:21 PM
I have one that gets on the computer desk and tries to shove the keyboard off the desk when I'm typing. And if I'm in bed, he starts pulling off all the books on the bookshelves.