Community > Posts By > KimmiM

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Sun 07/05/09 04:28 PM

My Mom set me up... and after behaving myself for a little while, I verbally filleted the SOB. bigsmile

oh god, it went that well huh?noway

Heh... well, lets just say that I didn't fit into his mold of the ideal woman and her "place". rofl

Is this the guy from the 4th of July party that your Mom set up?

Oh yeah. Piece of work!

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Sun 07/05/09 04:13 PM
I've never been brave enough to do the speed dating thing. Plus, I live in podunk Southwest Oklahoma. They don't do anything fast... so it could take a week to make it through the full set of people there.

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Sun 07/05/09 04:11 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Sun 07/05/09 04:12 PM

Piss on dating altogether. I'm just gonna find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.

(footnote: I don't know who the comedian was that I first heard this from, but I thought it was good)

Ok, I get first dibs! Where's the house? I don't have ties anywhere... and I can move in next week. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 04:09 PM

My Mom set me up... and after behaving myself for a little while, I verbally filleted the SOB. bigsmile

oh god, it went that well huh?noway

Heh... well, lets just say that I didn't fit into his mold of the ideal woman and her "place". rofl

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 04:02 PM
My Mom set me up... and after behaving myself for a little while, I verbally filleted the SOB. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 03:42 PM
So, um, Mitch... how was it watching the Statue of Liberty being put together? Were you one of the first to go up? bigsmile

You know I lust ya! flowers

no photo
Thu 07/02/09 05:29 AM
Going to spend it with my family in Texas, painting a porch, watching fireworks, eating BBQ and dodging the guy that Mom has invited for me to meet. whoa

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 06:07 PM

ya when the opposite party is nervous :banana:

Well, that could just mean they really have to pee. shades

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:36 PM

I make it much easier. If it fits in my hand without spilling out all over the place, it's the right size.


But that depends on the size of your hand. bigsmile

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:35 PM

If they ever invent a perfume called "cheeseburger", I'm a goner.

A good friend of mine says he's going to create "Ribeye Medium Rare" perfume and that he'll be a zillionaire! whoa

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:32 PM
Ok... here's the "math" :

First, take the tape measure and measure around your body right under your breasts. This would be the area where your bra will strap around, the area right on top your rib cage. We'll call this Measurement 1.

Now take the same measurement, but a little further up over the fullest part of your breast. This will help determine your cup size. We'll call this Measurement 2.

Now, add 5 to Measurement 2. If it ends up an odd number, round up one. This is because bras only come in even numbers, and you'd rather have it a little big and be able to size it down than have it too tight around.

In order to find your CUP size, you want to take the difference between Measurement 1 and Measurement 2. Use the information below to get an idea of your cup size:

Less than 1/2 inch is an AA cup.
1/2 to 1 inch is an A cup.
1 to 2 1/2 inches is a B cup.
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches is a C cup.
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches is a D cup.
4 1/2 to 6 inches is a DD cup (or E).
6 to 7 inches is a DDD cup (or F).
7 to 8 inches is a G cup.

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:29 PM
Welcome to our little slice of insanity! Hey, I know where you live! I used to live in El Cajon and still have friends in Ramona!

Anyway, back to the topic at hand... In a less bossy manner, I do agree with Loo. (I still lust ya Mitch flowerforyou )

More photos, more about you and what you are looking for.

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:21 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 07/01/09 05:22 PM

A Useful Tip to Test the Grease or Oil Content of Make up Cream.

It is very important to test the grease or oil content of make up cream to avoid acne flare ups.

test grease oil content, grease oil content of make up cream, oily make up, greasy make up, oily skin

Oily skin is the basic problem in acne sufferers. Many OTC and prescribed make up creams contain higher amounts of grease or oil base. This can aggravate the acne problem in people with oily skin or acne prone skin. Hence it is very important to find out the grease content of your make up preparation before you use them.

The grease content or oiliness in your cosmetic face make up cream can be found out very easily through this simple test:

1. Take a normal bond typing paper sheet
2. Apply a little make up cream, keep it (with the cream on top) in a safe place.
3. After about 24 hours, take it out and examine it
4. There will be a varying amount of oil ring around the cream
5. The size of oil ring indicates the grease or oil content of your make up cream
6. Avoid using cosmetics with large oil rings. These are potential acne inducers!

Where do you come up with stuff? It's just so random! :laughing:


no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:19 PM

44DD's will rule the world!

Eventually. LOL


no photo
Wed 07/01/09 05:11 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 07/01/09 05:13 PM
I was actually told by a guy I was dating that my DDs were too big and just not nearly as fun as a B-C cup. Eh, we didn't date long. tongue2

As a girl I went from nada to D to DD. Kinda skipped the rest of the letters. :laughing: Classic overachiever, I suppose. :angel:

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:21 PM
I upgraded from an ancient SLR to the Rebel XT a few years ago. I love it.

When the ex and I had our photog business, he also got and XT then an XTi. He just plunked down some cash for the 50D and LOVES it. Unfortunately, I don't have upgrade cash at the moment, but maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas. bigsmile

The nice thing is that you can intermix the lenses from the various cameras. Unfortunately, with the divorce, the ex got custody of the majority of my babies (cameras and lenses). Oh well. I'll built back up again eventually. ohwell

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 11:12 AM
They range from 1 month to 4 months old. The most current is the first "person" one.

And no, they aren't all of me. What? You don't like the curves of my 333 or the boxer pic? And the heart one is a rendering of my actual heart.

I actually met up with some folks from another site and they paid me to take head & body shots for their profiles. Hmm... maybe I could do that as a side line. think

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 11:06 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 07/01/09 11:06 AM

...what's next? Obama TP? huh

That would tickle the sh!t out of me. rofl

Sorry, I couldn't resist! :angel:

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:28 PM

That's what makes Phuque's idea so interesting ... it might just become less comfortable for your mother. devil

Not that my mom would ever try to "fix me up", but the basic meddlesomeness is why I don't mind living most of the way across the country from my family. I only have to see them once (maybe twice) a year. :wink:

Oh, I've lived most of my adult life across the country from my family for a reason. bigsmile I still live almost 3 hours away. That way no one can just "pop in". There is a method to my madness for living in Oklahoma. :laughing:

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:40 PM

Too bad I can't fake being a scrungy punk rocker and meet your mom and happily announce that you and Chainsaw are an item...

"Hi MOM! Love your house! Can I sleep over?"


Aww, can't you just pretend to be a psychopath for one weekend? She's an excellent cook! rofl

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