Community > Posts By > KimmiM

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Wed 05/13/09 04:41 PM
Well, this one flopped like bunny rabbit ears. frustrated

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Wed 05/13/09 04:35 PM
Hell if I know Mitch. But I think I probably still couldn't get a date on either one! frustrated

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Wed 05/13/09 04:33 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 05/13/09 04:34 PM
I've seen it all now...

Established Men... Sugar Daddy Dating!

What the hell??? slaphead

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Wed 05/13/09 04:32 PM

Sounds like someone is in the mood for a weiner:tongue:

Not just any weiner... it's gotta be an Oscar Mayer! bigsmile

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Wed 05/13/09 04:28 PM

That stupid whistle in the Smiling Bob Enzyte commercial! noway

OMG!! When I was living in Utah, one of my neighbors looked like Smiling Bob's twin! Guess what his name was? BOB! I actually spit out my soda when I met him. rofl

I hate the whistle, too!

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Wed 05/13/09 04:19 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 05/13/09 04:19 PM
Do you ever get stupid jingles stuck in your head? frustrated

What's the one that really drives you bonkers?

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Wed 05/13/09 04:00 PM
Well, the key is hidden... in a concrete vault... buried in a deep, dark, murky swamp that is my subconscious.

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Wed 05/13/09 03:10 PM
Vacation? I've heard of that word... but don't understand the concept. spock

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Wed 05/13/09 02:57 PM

sick your gonna watch porn and O'Reilly in the same nightill

I think as long as it is not O'Reilly in the porn, it should be ok.

Eww... I think I just made my self throw up a little. ill

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Wed 05/13/09 02:57 PM
No strippers? rofl

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Wed 05/13/09 02:55 PM
:laughing: Ears, nose, etc. It is possible!

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Wed 05/13/09 02:52 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Wed 05/13/09 03:12 PM
What is the strangest thing you've seen stuck in an orifice?

Let's attempt to keep it on the cleaner side of things. Although I have a feeling it won't last long in General. :laughing:

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Wed 05/13/09 02:35 PM
Eh, tie them to the bed, spread eagle. No much else to do after they finish screaming, but to open up a little. pitchfork

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Wed 05/13/09 02:28 PM
No, damn it. I can't even get a good "I lust ya"! tears

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Wed 05/13/09 02:17 PM
Umm... did I say that out loud? rofl

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Wed 05/13/09 02:14 PM
No, that was the neighbor's dog sitting at the back door after smelling me cooking bacon. tongue2

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Wed 05/13/09 02:09 PM
Rut Roh... I get boys and girls. Do they know something I've tried to hide? rofl

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Wed 05/13/09 02:04 PM

grumble Some wacked out chick got ahold of a local phone book or something and started calling around my town about me.grumble I live in a very small town and that **** got back to me quick.noway Thats why I am leery of listing my locationflowerforyou

You didn't call me wacked out when you said you loved me. tears

Of course he didn't call you "wacked out"- he just didn't call you. laugh

Fine... just ruin my little fantasy world. Damn man! grumble

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Wed 05/13/09 02:01 PM

i feel all loved now

They are just frisking you to make sure you aren't sneaking in contraband. :laughing:

Welcome to our little slice of insanity. Popcorn is charged separately, but you can use the microwave for free. bigsmile

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Wed 05/13/09 01:58 PM

grumble Some wacked out chick got ahold of a local phone book or something and started calling around my town about me.grumble I live in a very small town and that **** got back to me quick.noway Thats why I am leery of listing my locationflowerforyou

You didn't call me wacked out when you said you loved me. tears

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