Community > Posts By > KimmiM

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Sun 08/02/09 02:34 PM
If there's no such thing as second (or third... or more) chances, then what the hell are all of us doing here? what

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Sun 08/02/09 02:19 PM
It happens to women, as well. Happened to me yesterday.

Eh, such is life. ohwell

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Sun 08/02/09 01:36 PM
Acrylic paint and fabric.

Before I moved, I'd have to say books. I gave over 1500 books to my little community library before I left Utah because I didn't have a way to bring them with me or a place to put them. At least someone is getting good use out of them.. I had read most all of them 5-6 times.

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Sun 08/02/09 01:31 PM
Nothing new here. This was brought to light several years ago.

The sad thing is that so few people actually follow what goes on with our own government, then act surprised when things come to light. I don't get it. I guess as long as it doesn't impinge on day to day activities people don't give a damn.

My favorite is when the same people get indignant at the prospect of wire tapping, those wonderful agencies no one is "supposed" to know about, interrogations, or something other than "civilized", etc.

Knowledge is a double edged sword that will slice and dice no matter what side you are on.

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Sun 08/02/09 06:59 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Sun 08/02/09 06:59 AM

Does burning bridges really exist?

If we spend our time building then I have found that burning is left for those who may be spending too much time looking back.

mg1959 -

I think that "burning bridges" really does exist. When you steps to sever ties irrevocably, whether it is intentional or not. Those bridges that you have previously worked to build get blasted to bits.

I know that in the past I've burned bridges. Decisions gone wrong, and even some decisions gone right. For me, looking back isn't the issue. It's "not" looking back to realize that I'm ok with what has happened previously that has caused me to burn bridges. Without taking hindsight into consideration, I've made some bad choices. But, I own my bad choices, just as I own my good ones. They make me who I am.

I like to think of it as learning from my mistakes. ohwell

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:31 PM

Yep, have to be open minded to build a bridge.

And closed minded to burn one. ohwell

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:29 PM
I'm drama and baggage free. However, it seems like those around me revel in it. That's when I walk away. ohwell

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:25 PM
Getting asked out doesn't seem to be a problem. Apparently the problem arises when it's actually time to go ON the date. I get no shows.

At this point, I think I'd prefer not to be asked out at all instead of "something coming up" the day before or even the day of. ohwell

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:14 AM

Oh yeah. I'm drinking a nice cold glass of sweet iced tea. bigsmile


An ex g/f's grandmother asked me if I wanted some iced tea one day./

Wound up giving me sweet tea.

I almost choked. lol

I don't like my tea to be chewy.

Of course, I DO appreciate those who do like it because they keep me in a job. lol

lol My tea is rather strong, but not super sweet. Just enough to accentuate the taste. tongue2

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:09 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Tue 07/28/09 11:09 AM

Well that & a nice piece of ....................

Pie? bigsmile

Something like thatlaugh

Warm apple pie? I've been told it's just like... um... well... pitchfork

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:04 AM

Well that & a nice piece of ....................

Pie? bigsmile

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:00 AM
Oh yeah. I'm drinking a nice cold glass of sweet iced tea. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 08:09 AM
If I can't remember someone's name... they are automatically called "Whatzherbucket" or "Whatzhisbucket". bigsmile

no photo
Mon 07/27/09 05:00 PM
"Hells Bells"
"You're flippin' killing me"
"Wake up, Sparky"
"Oh, good gravy"
"Freakin' hell"
"Holy hell on a roller coaster"

Yeah, I know... I'm weird. :laughing:

no photo
Sun 07/26/09 11:05 AM
Maybe everyone is mellowed out with summer... or trying to enjoy it before it's over.

I can't believe that the kids here start back to school in a couple of weeks.

no photo
Sun 07/26/09 06:43 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Sun 07/26/09 06:43 AM
Send a short, simple message of hi, how are, what's going on, I want to bear your children. Well... maybe not the "what's going on" that might be too much. bigsmile

Anyway, just be yourself. If you want to say hi, say hi. He might be sitting there with the same thoughts of "I don't know what to do". go for it!

Best of luck, Chickie! drinker

no photo
Sun 07/26/09 12:29 AM
I'd wish that everyone would meet and be with the one they are meant to be with. That way hopefully people would be happier, which would lead to fewer troubles, which would lead to a happier world over all.

Idealistic, I know... but it is a wish, after all. ohwell

no photo
Sun 07/26/09 12:24 AM
Wonderful! flowerforyou

So many things to miss, but so many more available to yet experience.

no photo
Sat 07/25/09 06:38 AM

Red heads?
Raven haired?

Blue eyes?

Your preference?

And why?

Eh, I prefer a pulse and a sense of humor. bigsmile

no photo
Sat 07/25/09 06:29 AM
Edited by KimmiM on Sat 07/25/09 06:31 AM

Pour that nasty stuff down the sink, rinse cup well, pour in Mountain Dew. That's how I like mine. bigsmile

love love

Fear, but... but... but... I prefer mine without a side of human remains. :laughing:

And I also like my hot tea... but with honey. No sugar please.

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