That is such a loaded line of BS... How about all the MTMB in the gasoline? How about years of lead paint and lead in plastics? How about the yeas of exposure to experimental pharmaceuticals? Likewise why is the trend this argument presents no indication of uniformity across America? The crime trends would have been the same anywhere leaded gasoline was offered. There are all kinds of exposures we are not told about besides the exhaust emissions of cars.
Here is an excerpt from a story published by NBC Sports: Rob Parker, the commentator who created controversy when he questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is a “cornball brother” because he has a white fiancee, has been fired by ESPN.
Officially, Parker's contract with ESPN expired, and the network decided not to give Parker a new contract. Still, Parker no longer has a job at ESPN. Parker may have sealed his fate with ESPN when he gave an interview in which he continued promoting his version of racism. During the interview, Parker claimed that Robert Griffin III was pushing away from "his people". In short, Parker judges people by their outward "racial" characteristics. He keeps promoting the false idea that people are family if they have the same outward features. Show me a man who says that certain women are his sisters because they have the same outward features that he has, and I will show you a man who is a racist. Show me a woman who says that certain men are her brothers because they have the same outward features that she has, and I will show you a woman who is a racist. Rob Parker may be gone from ESPN, but I doubt that he has learned anything from his mistake. To the best of my knowledge, Parker remains one of the several racists in the USA who believe that their form of racism should be accepted because they are not "white" on the outside. I was dating a black girl when I was 24 and her parents took one look at me when they met me the first time and of all people her own grandmother said, BIG DRUM ROLL, this is so fucqued up... "There ain't no way I am going to see you having a white baby. NO WAY ! NO SIR!" Her parents gave me the total cold shoulder. That relationship ended badly and not becasue of the girl I was dating. Her family had money and they, "sent her off to school." So can someone tell me why I am a racist exactly? But how long did ESPN tolerate this man's conduct? All too often we reward people who victimize others becasue they in turn perceived some social victimization upon themselves. Parker is a chumpsicle of the fifth level of chump! It takes more to be a chumpsicle of the 8th order. It don't get no chumpier than that! |
Lets see what happens when we give birth to a real artificial intelligence! Humans are notoriously bad parents. I am sure we will piss off our mechanical children... The sad thing I see man creating a machine intelligence that also is self replicating as a form of evolution. Man begets the concept of god, and man begets machine. Machine becomes aware and realizes we are not its god and that we answer to another imaginary god...
All I see is some bad shyte biting us in our future if we don't get a grip on the fact we are not the only intelligent life out there. Also we need to get a grip on the fact we have no clue who or what God is and if God as we think of God really does exist. We are probably wrong! |
Shaun Of The Dead is brilliant. Love Darkstar. The comedy of Shaun of the Dead was so dry. Likewise I would have been going at the zombies with flame throwers. They are very easy to make and even a gas pipe with a valve on it and a lighter can make some controllable flame! It was so DRY and emotionally flat. likewise what do you do when Zombies take over? Build a Zombie Lawn Mower and go make a huge smelly festering mess! KILL ALL THE ZOMBIES! Heavy Earth Moving Equipment (HEME) makes for some real wicked man killing (well, zombie killing) machines! Imagine hooking up a tree shredder so you can force feed it Zombies? Make it mobile so you can drive around with it mounted on your Bulldozer. A Zombine? And then there are setting up Kill Weirs that work much like a fishing weir. Walk out on the street, yell "Zombie" as loud as you can, maybe squirt Catchup and Mustard at them seductively, get them to case you into the weir and slip through the only escape. Pull the rope that dumps buckets of gasoline into the weir stuffed with starving crazy Zombies and toss in a match! ZOMBIQUE! Like I said about Darkstar though, it was a great movie BUT the end left me very flat. It was like they were hung on a way to wrap up the movie in a not so cliche` way I guess. I am not sure if the surfing into the planet wasn't a rip off of Dr. Strangelove and the Bomb ride or the other way around. |
bread, peanut butter, Strawberry jelly, Sardines, and yellow mustard...
I ate it, it wasn't the worst combination I ate, and I did succeed in making my mother turn green watching me make and eat it! I will giver her props becasue I wanted to see if I could make her get sick watching me eat a gross combination sandwich. |
They are preparing to confiscate our guns. First, they want you to register them. Are the globalist planing to start a civil war? That is what Alex Jones is saying. Hogwash.... The government doesn't care about your little pea shooters. It is other Americans like myself who care about those weapons killing children and will be working to make it not happen again. The government has no threat from the little guns ya' ll falsely use to protect yourselves from the invisible non existant govment boogieman So is that why they have been so quick to hoard guns for themselves?? Answer that why don't you. What purpose would they have to do that if they have no fear? When all is said and done, those who think like you do will go down in history as the people who put the final nail in the coffin of what was once a great country, no matter how good intentioned. Paranoia much? There is no proof of what you say.... Why would it even happen? The great govment can blow you away with a drone strike and whatever stash you have will be of no use to you or the other paranoids you have huddled with you... The government cares not about your little guns. I do. I care if you lose your mind and kill my grandchildren in their school with the guns you have at home. So I will fight to make sure that doesn't happen. And if you have to downsize your weapon, that the government couldn't care anything about, but I do, then so be it. You will have to live so you can't lose your mind and blow away 20 kids at the school down the street in one minute flat. So you want to live in a state where we legislate based on POTENTIAL crime, not actual it. Do you realize just how subjective that can be?? Not even just talking about guns here, but ANYTHING. Under that way of thinking, you could justify banning or regulating any and everything that could possibly be used for harm. Who's to stop them from taking something that has meaning for you? One day it's guns, the next it may be knives, or baseball bats, or whatever else you could think of that could be used to harm someone. Where do you stop, where is the line drawn? You cannot legislate that way, it's not fair to make responsible people pay for what irresponsible may do. It's just not. If someone does bad, they and they alone should bear the responsibility, NOT everyone else. Like I said, it is attitudes like yours that will sound the death knell for this country once and for all. You really don't have a clue what you are asking for, you are being led like a lamb to its' slaughter. I hope you realize that before it's too late, because once it happens you won't be able to stop it. You cannot go on a jet Airliner with fingernail cutters. You might try to hijack the plane. Bottled Water? Hell NO! You might try to blow up the plane! Your shoes? OH NO! YOU MIGHT HAVE A BOMB IN THERE! In no time soon a bomb will be hiding in every woman's vagina the way the TSA handles things. And just how big of a bomb can you shove up a man's azz? OH MY GOD! HE'S GOT PRESCRIPTION PILLS WITH THE PRESCRIPTION! HE IS TRYING TO BLOW UP THE AIR PLANE! |
let me kiss you
Even knowing I could rock everything you know or understand about life I will have to say not gonna bother!!!
If there were a chance I would take you home and shake your world. But supposedly I am too old... Sure... Oh Yeah! |
Mind you it is a cult classic but the end was weak. Granted how often do you get to have an existential discussion about reality with a bomb? But aliens taking one guy and the other surfing a planet-fall? Stuck in an escape pod I would have believed! Sean of the Dead had promise but sucked out loud! @Torgo, Planet of the apes, the newest one? I have to agree with you. I would have killed that Chimp general before leaving. Nope, got to leave a built in plot complication! |
They are preparing to confiscate our guns. First, they want you to register them. Are the globalist planing to start a civil war? That is what Alex Jones is saying. Hogwash.... The government doesn't care about your little pea shooters. It is other Americans like myself who care about those weapons killing children and will be working to make it not happen again. The government has no threat from the little guns ya' ll falsely use to protect yourselves from the invisible non existant govment boogieman You are so deluded about this! There is a good reason to fear authority that has no accountability! The government DOES care about our little pea shooters becasue in the right hands they can still kill quite effectively. You are aware most assassins PREFER SMALL CALIBER HAND GUNS? Most real assassinations are right up close and so personal to insure the target and the target alone are killed. this whole sniper at a mile stuff is romanticized BULLSHYTE! Snipers with rifles is BATTLEFIELD stuff. JFK was sniped! Nut this gets so much better, how about raw knowledge? THANK YOU FOIA!!! There was an assignation of a banker in Europe about four years ago if I got this right. The weapon was four sticks of dynamite, a copper plate, a handle bar bag. A cell phone, A blasting cap, AND A BICYCLE! Thats RIGHT! A BICYCLE WAS MADE INTO A BOMB! It was placed in the path of a banker and his three vehicle entourage. THREE ARMORED MERCEDES BENZs mind you. Armored vehicles made to withstand HITS from an RPG. That was what was left of the car! So in all honesty if you want to kill someone it is not impossible to do wit by other means. Hell, I could stab a person with a screwdriver and watch them bleed to death slowly from a wound that will not close! You would be stunned how many ways there are to kill a person with just things that lay around the house. You see the thing is if Americans were more organized those pea shooters in numbers would spook the hell out of our own military but they are supposed to be on our side. CRIMINALS ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE NO SIDE BUT THEIR OWN! We really need more gun safety eduction as well as looking deeper at what is setting these people off in the first place. Drugs both legal and illegal is one. But sadly more people spun on the legal prescription drugs are killing more people than some freak spun out on Meth or PCP. And we, well people like yourself chose to ignore this relevant fact. Likewise how about religiously motivated killings? You are aware the freak who killed two firefighters in New York as well as burning down several homes in the process was a Satanic? He may very well have been ordered to shed blood for Satan by his superiors. So now what? Guns are the problem? And likewise I dare you to go on a little walk alone and Unarmed in Alaska. Even the people living in Anchorage walk around with rather large side arms. We are talking CAPITAL FIREPOWER when it comes to even the Pistols. And what justifies this? BEARS! LOOK IT UP! There are paces in Alaska and Canada YOU DO NOT GO UNARMED EVEN IF YOUR GUIDES ARE ARMED! A wound up horney Bull Moose can even go into a murderous rage. That High Capacity 9mm you are all scared about is for the most part WORTHLESS against both animals! Actually anything UNDER .357 Magnum up there is WORTHLESS! You may as well hand a bear a bottle of catchup and hope he gives you a head start when you start to run for your life. A gun is a tool. Nothing more. Besides, again why is it Cops can have high capacity weapons, CRIMINALS can have High Capacity Weapons, but the rest of us cannot? We are not responsible enough? Please... Besides, I can get a weapon from a person wielding one the wrong way. Just shoot him and now I have his gun. What you likewise forget is that ALL WEAPONS ARE DOUBLE EDGED! A person who is untrained and too hesitant with a gun will get it taken from them and likewise shot with their own weapon! Sorry but to pacify a population by force you must strip them of weapons or they will eventually organize and take you on but then again a classic example where guns did not save a King and Queen. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION! Where was the military when the Castle was stormed by pissed off French peasants? Again the problem is not the guns. |
Why would a criminal even think about wanting to register their let alone any free thinking citizen. This gun control thing is going way overboard. When the goons go door to door what is to keep them from getting robbed of their accumulated stash? They would have to use Foreign soldiers! Most soldiers would tell their commanding officers to push off becasue they signed on to protect the constitution! But her again is the biggest problem Americans have. We are not organized at all! We are so spun out on protecting #1 we forget we all are in this mess together. And when something does happen that requires a gun to save life who will these anti gun azzholes run too when the police are not around? ...the neighbor who they know has a gun pleading to save them! Education in firearms would go along way to safety! Likewise enforcement of the multitude of laws we have now. Ending illegal immigration would be a big help. And so would addressing pharmaceutical's roles in some of these killings as well as religious affiliations. Hate runs along all lines. So does drug induced psychotic behavior. If people didn't have to feel scared of the own government let alone the possibility of goons invading their homes and harming them we wouldn't need guns to protect ourselves would we? For every tragedy we are presented involving guns we are not shown the dozen or so stories where a gun stopped a criminal or animal attack. America is overrun by sheeple! Making insane demands,then then relent on most,and slip the others in as "Reasonable"! The old MO of the Extortionist,called bi-Partisan! US definition of "bi-partisan"... Both parties work for the same boss - the Fed. Isn't Bi-Partisan the Giant who Shytes into his own mouth? |
Why would a criminal even think about wanting to register their let alone any free thinking citizen.
This gun control thing is going way overboard. When the goons go door to door what is to keep them from getting robbed of their accumulated stash? They would have to use Foreign soldiers! Most soldiers would tell their commanding officers to push off becasue they signed on to protect the constitution! But her again is the biggest problem Americans have. We are not organized at all! We are so spun out on protecting #1 we forget we all are in this mess together. And when something does happen that requires a gun to save life who will these anti gun azzholes run too when the police are not around? ...the neighbor who they know has a gun pleading to save them! Education in firearms would go along way to safety! Likewise enforcement of the multitude of laws we have now. Ending illegal immigration would be a big help. And so would addressing pharmaceutical's roles in some of these killings as well as religious affiliations. Hate runs along all lines. So does drug induced psychotic behavior. If people didn't have to feel scared of the own government let alone the possibility of goons invading their homes and harming them we wouldn't need guns to protect ourselves would we? For every tragedy we are presented involving guns we are not shown the dozen or so stories where a gun stopped a criminal or animal attack. America is overrun by sheeple! |
OK. I got a test for your Kung Fu. I likewise am a veteran computer builder and I do a lot of repair work as well. I do not write code or Program but I do know my way around hardware and know how to utilize the tools provided to effect repairs including rooting our DEEP virus infections. But i have had one challenge cross my path and this one is a toughie. A customer of mine handed me a laptop with Windows 7 that their daughter managed to change an administrator password that locked the hard drive of the computer. Before I say any more the hard drive is a Seagate SATA 80GB Momentus 5400.3. It has a password on the hard drive to lock it in the event the computer is stolen. I could not get past that password since the girl changed it and never wrote down the password effectively making the hard drive a paperweight. I pulled the hard drive and installed it on my main workhorse computer and attacked to the SATA bus on the MOBO. My computer recognizes the hard drive but I could not wipe or format it without the password. the computer's owner wants me to install Ubuntu on it and I would gladly oblige but I cannot wipe or format that damn hard drive even with the assistance of some of the heaviest hitting software I have for wiping a hard drive including Disk genius, D-Ban, Active X Kill Bits, I mean I have tried everything I know including attempting to hack the password. How the hell do I get past the password and get this hard drive back to useable again? The owner is strapped for cash and I have found a new 120 GB Western Data for $35 but it would be nice to get THIS hard drive useable again. I know for a fact this is going to be a challenge considering I have removed the hard drive and tried to just wipe it clean and instead got laughed at for hours by two of my computers!! The computer in Question is a an ACER MS2220. The specs should be readily found online. Even SeaTools and Sea Gates Disk utility were a waste of time. Actually hook it up to an true amiga and amiga classic as it is with amiga os 3.1 with the patch fix or amiga 3.5/3.9.2 it will format it with no problem then u format it with the Amiga as ntfs. Then you format it raw with your win 7 os or linux and go pclinuxos ubuntu sucks. First of all try FINDING a true Amiga classic! Are we not talking an OLD computer here? I mean I just tossed a Toshiba Satellite CDS 2100 becasue I could not even get Puppylinux to load on it correctly! We are talking around that old, right? The computer itself was a SATA hard drive and not all that old. The new hard drive was only $37 with shipping and was 160GB to boot! The old hard drive was 80GB. Isn't the Amiga an old SCUSI computer? I mean it isn't even an IDE is it? Or am I thinking the wrong Amiga? So essentially, you're saying that 'mac' sucks, and then you tell us how you copied your Ubuntu installation to look and feel like OS X. Um .. okay. Carry on then. Sillyness aside. Linux distributions (like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc) and OS X have more differences than you think. OS X is based on a BSD code base, while Linux is an independent development of a unix-like system. This means that these systems are similar, but not binary compatible. Linux is more like a cousin of OS X than a brother, if you will. Furthermore, OS X has lots of applications that are not open source and are build on libraries that are not open source. It's debatable whether this is a good thing or not. Clearly if you're in favour of free and open source software then it's not ideal. But the quality, stability and (most importantly) availability(!) of applications on OS X compared to applications on Linux (whichever distro) is simply much, much higher. I run OS X, Ubuntu, RHEL and Win7, by the way. p.s. "to buy os x it cost just as much as windows" $19.99 from the Mac App Store. Oh, and an OS X 10.6 upgrade was $10 a while back. First of all having had my fair share of dealing with messed up Macs and Apple computers, And I have an iMac Pod computer sitting in my living room right now with real serious electronic problems and it never worked out of the crate. This one is not like I can just pull parts and replace the defective items, with that aside, and I do have an expert who can fix it but I am waiting to get the money needed for parts and labor... with that aside other items like a Macbook Pro with a known manufacturer defect took two months to get them to do a warranty repair after I hounded them mercilessly over their manufacturer recall on the particular model. Parts cost comparison, Bear this in mind, Foxconn does most of the work for Apple and Foxcon is the CHEAP (well, inexpensive) PC manufactures and I have used their Motherboards before on computer builds, (Elitegroup is CHEAP CRAPPY PARTS and guess who uses them? FRY'S for their laptops!). Now when you have to replace a main logic board the part from Apple is $699 plus $24. shipping to Los Angles. That was if I was going to have to replace the mainboard. I have never had to spend more than 300 on a Dell main board even for their top of the line computers! Better was when I had to send a computer in for Warranty service. I had a box sent to me the NEXT DAY and I didn't have to pay for squat. I did have to pay for shipping to get the Macbook to apple and back from them. The labor and parts were free but that took another six weeks to get it back. All over a defective graphics chip installed incorrectly and it failed on a lot of Mackbook Pros between 2008 and 2009. Now about OS-X vs. Linux. Just becasue the software operations are Unix vs. BSD. The differences are in coding only. Function is the same. Linux is more watered down to prevent loading up older computers. it also tries to emulate XP more closely than other "free" OS's do. Having been around the park OS wise I do not see any difference in functionality. OS-X is more for people who d not like to go deeper into their system. There is sort of a learning curve you need to be on for Ubuntu though since some things are not bonehead like installing Java becasue you have to have it for a particular application to work properly. Likewise OS-X is a Software you have to pay for. With Ubuntu you still need to tailor it to your needs. It doesn't just dump an azzload of apps on your computer trying to be a Swiss army knife in a box. Free BSD has a lot of charms as well as OpenSUSE. Puppylinux is what I fall back on for OLD computers. Heck, I have a OLD 428DXII 200MHz computer with Windows 3.5 and DOS 6 on it I want to sell since I do not do data recovery any more. Got an old 5 1.2 floppy with Data you need to retrieve? My laptop is an old Dell Inspiron B120 and I use Ubuntu on it with no issues. I have never had any. Getting Java on it was the biggest challenge to me. A friend of mine had me specifically build a box for him that had ISO Linux on it. Likewise I had someone hand me a disk and had me install Fedora on a computer fixed for that person. That computer was one of those, "I bet you can't," deals which I did. A fried 5V power bus on the power supply and a blown CPU fan can make your computer act all wonky! And personally to me DOS is punishment! It always was! |
Now pro gun and political discussions against Obama or questions doubting the official version of Sandy Hook Elementary are being banned on FACEBOOK. BAN FACEBOOK. i for one DON'T do facebook! |
Unfortunately the ignorant feel we are nor responsible enough to protect ourselves.
Common sense is not all that common. -Thomas Payne |
It might make him think twice about everyone being able to have a gun... But then have not checked to see if he is totally anti gun or if he is against the Military style guns... There are some that are okay with just hand guns but as me see no sense in anyone having a gun that you can shoot off 6 shots or more automatically... I see no reason for those type of guns being in a home...JMO... Actually the Jackhole is a Feinstien Liberal. its OK for HIM to have a gun. Not the rest of us. HE is important so HE needs to be able to protect himself. He is one example of why I despise Liberals so much! Their attitude is, "what is good for us is not good for you!" |
Register, that is funny!
Let us pay homage to things that are just plain WRONG!
I mean, stuff you see and say "WHAT THE (EXPLETIVE) WAS THAT?!?! So here we go for my first submission, Monty Python... Dedicated to my fish tank... Full of fish... The Middle of the Film: Where is that fish? Unleash the strange. Release the weird! Make dedications to your friends and family! Make dedications to inanimate objects. Even your Houseplant is not safe! |
Cell phones
METROPCS and I don't have limited anything!
$40 a month too! Whoot Whoot! AT&T are thieves! |
It just dawned on me...
Thank you very much! |
Hey there, women can smell an ego trip a mile away! Say 8 and play it safe!
Otherwise you just done went skinny dipping in a tub full o Piranha and done spilled a bucket of blood in the water! And ya know they go for the nibbly bits first! |