Run That By Me Again...
The biggest one I ever heard was "I love you" There is no way I can top that one! |
Cracker thank you for pointing that out to me.... My age filter needs to be corrected! I want an adult man...which is 40 to 50. I realize you don't know me.... BUT ....I would NEVER change anything about myself to prove a point. I like what I Like. that woman with the very fake pic...likes what she likes. I stand by my kiddie pool statement! At least you can definitely say you are not standing IN the Kiddie Pool comment! So YOUR feet are dry! ![]() |
Cell phones
Not true. A lot of the features are worthless but being able to communicate on the fly is nice!
I'm not so sure a semi-permanent leader is such a bad idea for some governments. The way it is right now, billions and billions of dollars are spent on elections, and politicians are so busy trying to stay in office they are not doing their jobs and the elections are rigged anyway. Nothing really gets done. But tax dollars are not supposed to be used for elections! |
Do you have a plan?
My plan right now is lay low, stay as far under the Crazy Radar as I can, and MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS I CAN IND INVEST IN THINGS I CAN USE TO SURVIVE WHEN THINGS DO GO TO HELL! When things do go bad I will go Mad Max! But unlike him I would rather drive this around...
![]() And I would add to it. It may not be the fastest thing on the road but with the toys I add to this baby it would be the one thing the Biker Crazies would be terrified of. Especially when I drop a turret on the top of this puppy and a bulldozer blade on the front! |
And for famous American Sacrificial Lambykins...
All American Ollie North! All American Ollie North! All American Ollie North! All American Ollie North! Oh when I got up today oooooooooh I got a splitting headache... Oh baby......I gotta get away...... I take a day, be taking 25, got cancer in my butt but I gotta stay alive..... Ignore it honey... and it will go away....... OLLIE NORTH! GWAR EVEN WROTE A SONG FOR HIM! Could he ever recall anything? |
![]() Remember here on this topic the OP mentioned a diaper... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Not this kind of Kiddie pool! Please say it isn't so! ![]() |
I predict an escalation in world wide violence to begin near the end of February. An attack on Israel is going to get totally out of control and Palestine will be invaded later march. This will also begin the kick off of major assaults in West and Central Africa by Islamics and will lead to an all out fur ball of secular war. The tension is already there with population figures as high as they are.
The grand economic collapse will happen about August. This is so that the New World Order has by November to attempt a suppression of the American population before Winter makes their efforts harder. They will fail because for all their planning there are variables they didn't take into account or over looked. By the end of this year we may be facing a grand awakening of Americans and a realization that we either put a leash on entitlements and our leaders or we will never break the cycle of stupidity that makes so many more lives miserable than just our own. But who am I to make such grand predictions? |
Repealing term limits is a backwards step. Again I don't advocate violence at all but this would be a clear sign we have to act up and do the only thing these men know to fear. Organize, gain support within the military and turn on these men like wolves.
I thought Obama himself would steer clear of anything like this that would make him look worst than he already is. Whats to say this unto itself is not misinformation? The media has been lying to us harder than hell lately! Instead of turning our attentions for the moment to our leadership maybe we should focus on the messengers and kill the ones delivering LIES! I hate bad news but if it is the truth what can you do about it? So if a news story that is a lie leads to the death of an innocent person/ people does that not make the person "delivering" said lie a murderer? |
I think we all have GREAT cause for concern regarding the likelihood of a major solar flare making a direct hit. For one thing, we probably didn't have this problems for the Carrington Event of 1859 that melted some telegraph wires (the only wiring we had at the time): If we get a flare without a magnetosphere to protect us...LOOK OUT! It could easily break down a large chunk of the global power grid (as in ALL of North America?). If that happens, we will be thrust back to the dark ages overnight.:...No running food (store only have a few days inventory at best and with commerce at a standstill, existing stock will be gone in a day) money (atms & banks will all be "out")...etc. This won't be for a few days, or weeks...It could easily drag on for many months or even into years. As unappetizing as it may sound, there will be nothing to eat but your fat neighbours, who may well be looking at you and salivating. The good news is that for about $400 million, resisters could be put in that could largely protect the grid from solar flares. The bad news is that even though they've known about this crap since about 2006, not one cent has gone toward protecting the grid...not the civilian one anyway...The military has been busy as hell protecting all their stuff and spending untold billions to do it, too. I guess human beings don't count...We don't come very high on their list of priorities. On the other hand, FEMA has built a lot of camps that they would love to fill, if only to justify the investment (much more than $400 mil I'm sure). I'm sure they would probably be able to provide people with some sort of food (probably Monsanto GMO swill) & (fluoridated) water as long as they were willing to work like dogs to "earn their keep." Actually it sounds like a perfect scenario to a gets the useless eaters off the street...ensures a huge pool of cheap, expendable labour, and leaves a lot more free land for those who can afford & appreciate it, since they'll save on the "fumigation" costs of the people who aren't so "lucky" as to find a place in a FEMA camp. Sounds like a banker's dream! I wonder if that isn't why they haven't put a nickel into saving the power grid. What do you think? You would not even be safe underground! The Neutron emissions alone would wipe us good not to mention Gamma Irradiation! No Magnetosphere = no life. I doubt there is a single exoform that could survive such a horrendous blast of energy. Besides, a solar flare technically is not an extinction event unless you are a robot! |
You know if this passes it is time for armed rebellion!
If i am so sexy why haven't gotten a date yet?
Would I do any better if I just said I was here for an intimate encounter? How about an Intimate encounter of the Third Kind? ![]() ![]() |
our infrastructure is so far behind the times. And I find it hard to believe the magnetic field around earth has significantly weakened. A polar shift will cause it to flux but not die out or weaken significantly. If it collapsed the ambient radiation of the sun would wipe us clean long before the magnetosphere corrected itself.
Damn spy satellites!
I have heard that the CME's are more dangerous than the solar flares. Again it would have to be MASSIVE to harm us directly! we are talking an almost self destructively powerful blast. Our magnetosphere is affected but can never be shut off. The mechanism that makes it is not like a man made device that can easily be shorted out. A CME big enough to short out our magnetosphere would probably blow this planet up instead or burn it to ash. In all reality the only real hazard is to electronics and navigation. I would hate like hell to be the astronaut caught in one though! They guys their balls glow blue at night. The gals, your nipples turn into navigation lights. Not good! |
IS IT TRUE? I was just told Canadian girls are real warm during the winter! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sure...we're real warm because we snuggle real close! ![]() But someone here says Canadian girls hibernate during winter? ![]() Only if they can't find someone to cozy up with to warm up. ![]() |
![]() The moderators get mad when you show real ones! |
First of all the Mega Solar flare is a joke. Granted it is a reality but as far as it being an extinction event bear this in mind, the Earth is shielded by one hell of an electromagnetic barrier. It isn't that it cannot be collapsed but the solar flare would have to be damn near a NOVA explosion to completely overwhelm the Magnetic field that shields us. I would NOT want to be in the vicinity of the poles at all if this happened though. The magnetic fields deflect and the poles ionize giving us the Aurora and Corona Borealis. The poles become a very dangerous place to be much like getting caught in a giant bug zapper.
There is a "Theory" (And I pile poop on this one) that the reason many Dinosaur skeletons are so hot with radiation is that the extinction event was a solar flare. The dinosaur skeletons are so radioactive that they are coated with a special lead paint. They say that a massive solar event radiated the planet. Problem is the isotopes present in the Dinosaur bones are only found as the byproduct of a nuclear weapon. SOOOOOOOO what killed the dinosaurs really may be more of an eye brow raiser than you might expect in that it is POSSIBLE they were nuked off of the planet, cough, by aliens. Now with a polar shift. Think global warming causes climate shifts? if the poles are switching like they do all those GPS gadgets and magnometers are in BIG trouble! And here is the thing. It is possible that not only does the shift happen very fast as in it is all over withing a hand full of days, the Earth's spin increases slightly and also makes gravity seem stronger! If it does happen I can't wait to see how humanity deals with that! Classically with the S pole not the N that makes the planet strangely warmer. the only reason the southern hemisphere never freezes in an ice age is becasue the S hemisphere is the closest part of the planet to the sun all the time. Volcanism is actually more of a threat along with huge releases of Hydrated Methane! |
IS IT TRUE? I was just told Canadian girls are real warm during the winter! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sure...we're real warm because we snuggle real close! ![]() But someone here says Canadian girls hibernate during winter? ![]() |