Could you...
Drive a car made from a coffin?
![]() Is happiness truly a Quality Box? ![]() Or is it more fun to go to heaven in a coffin built for two? ![]() Could it be economical? ![]() Or is it that you are tired of what everyone else is driving? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is a lot our science has yet to see. There is a strange exophile (an animal or plant not occurring or conforming to life as we know it) called a Rod that looks like a worm about anywhere from four inches long with four wings looking similar to a dragonfly with oddly placed wings to examples up to ten inches or more with up to ten wings in pairs down their length. The wings appear like squid wings on the back of a squid with the shape of a rubbery hummingbird wing. They are seen in remote locations usually near stone faces or tunnels or caves. one place they are seen is in a huge cave that goes straight down in Brazil. Fleeting blurry images of them are all we have so far but one thing is clear. They are NOT birds and move insanely fast. Its like they swim through air and no one has managed to catch one. one day they will catch one and describe it scientifically. It is possible a worm but a creature like a centipede is not out of the question either.
Now if you want strange cloud formations, I passed Edwards AFB one time when a Thunder Storm was racing in. There was a perfect three ring target above the base with the Bull's Eye right over the base! I was not seeing things that day for sure. the geometry of the rings was too perfect to be a fluke of nature. And it stayed there unmoving the whole time while other clouds were moving past! Weather Manipulation is not exactly far fetched as an idea. And if someone could manipulate the weather it would make warfare a whole different ball game. |
Next, Obama plays the part of the Terminator!
sumtyms i see sum people. gettin tensed abt small amounts of mone.... bein selfish to others for small stuff... even stuff dat doent matter at all..... then i think... WAT A PATHETIC WORLD WE R IN....... It is like the musician Frank Zappa said about the world. He said, "if you really want to see how bad the world really is just turn on the news." But the world is not bad. It is humans who make the world bad. And worst is people will kill each other over an immaterial concept like god. People think they know who and what God is and if they kill people for him (her, or it, who knows what Gender God really is) that they will secure a place in the afterlife. People kill over money, women (or men in some cases), things, and just out of a sense of ego. But again it is not the world that is Pathetic, it is the people making the world a pathetic place who are the real pathetic ones. But some of us do get it. God and money do not rule me at least. i just want to live a good life but have to do so under the shadow of evil power tripping humans who feel we should serve them rather than them serving us from their public office. Far too many people assume us Americans have it easy. Many of us are not "privileged." Honestly of people could get past religion, especially Christianity and Islam mankind might be able to wake up and realize what a bunch of SHYTE HEADS we have become as a species. We are more akin to a disease than a "evolved and enlightened" people. But there is hope we will one day rise above... |
I would bet if the Ground Zero was New York we would be sending a mission to blow it up or something gay like that! If it were heading to say New Delhi? Who cares?
Now for something frightening, What if, WHAT IF a fairly big, say a half mile across asteroid slammed into say Yellowstone? Bear in mind estimates for the Dinosaur Slayer was 6 to 8 miles in diameter. But it did not hit a Volcanic Caldera. I would say the effect would be about the same if not somewhat bigger. Shock waves propagate differently in thick fluids vs. rock or water. |
Edited by
Mon 02/18/13 03:57 PM
Is it just me or do they hand out Nobel Peace Prizes to WAR MONGERS?
And all this time Hillary Clinton has been pushing us to get involved with Syria. All she wants to do is piss off the Russians at the behest of the Chinese. And what did Obama deserve to get a Nobel Peace Prize? Honestly I would turn it down if I suddenly was offered one. And I would present them a list of people who did not deserve to get one and why. Obama would top that list! Make war to make peace? Not, they make war to promote our economy and control our population. Why was WWII so deadly? Europe was facing massive overpopulation for the time and they were not ready for the subsequent population boom! Our economist need perpetual growth to keep things going. And there is no growth when populations reach certain heights. Only stagnation... which is what we are getting now, manipulated stagnation. And all this over worthless paper that carries more value than life itself. Money is so imaginary yet we are so restrained by it. And yet the people making the mess we live in have to pat themselves on the back repeatedly! Nobel Peace Prize = WORTHLESS! |
Really? Love is a battlefield... ![]() |
From the same guy who had Palin as his VP running mate. ![]() Damn, you are so hot to blame the Republican party for everything under the sun. What about your BOY Obama? So let me guess, you are all for being ruled under NWO? |
It is the same thing if a Nuclear attack was inbound. We would not be notified becasue of the panic it would cause. Not like there would be any time to evacuate.
Besides, what a nicer way to cause a little depopulation rather than get your own hands messy. But the biggest reason why they will not tell us the big one is coming is becasue they will not waste any effort in trying to stop it. It isn't like we DON'T have the capacity to nudge big rocks like that away from us. We actually DO. But it takes planning and money which is time and money they don't want to give up. They can mobilize in a moments notice to get to a safe place but can the rest of us? All we would do is slow them down. Maybe if we are REALLY REALLY lucky the Pentagon will be the ground zero of a BIG meteor. Or better yet Washington DC! The best would be Mecca getting smacked though. |
And now we should trust our military implicitly?
NWO would not be a bad thing if they had a bill of rights to present us. They don't. Likewise do they have a constitutional framework defining their powers and our rights? NO. And who uses the threat of force of arms against those who do not wish to allow us as a nation to become part of NWO as we are presented it? So in this case I see the CTC being the pot calling the kettle black. AS long as they can define and are allowed to define us as POTENTIAL TERRORISTS they in turn have become the terrorists we should be after! But I think the most frightening thing is how the politicians we have use carrots to bait all these overwhelming numbers of 'poor' people to vote for the hand outs they desire and in turn give up our freedoms for them to have their three hots and a cot at our taxpayers expense. We need to do an Iceland on the bankers here BADLY! We need to toss Obama out of office and force elections to get someone other than Biden in who is part of the great sell off of America. But how do we organize American Voters into doing the right thing? |
what up reeferside
Hoping the folks will be coming around 4:20 PM? Or AM?
who actually gains from all the wars and conflicts i read in the daily news? Who are the people selling their 'goods'? Who instigates these conflicts? Who smiles to the bank at last? Who profits from both sides of a war? BANKS. Who can write a contract and change the terms of it without your knowledge or consent? BANKS. Who controls the flow of money? Want to say it with me this time? BANKS! WHO OPERATES ABOVE THE LAWS OF MOST NATIONS? BANKS!!!! So it is BANKERS who smile going to banks! |
Who leaves if either cheats?
And therein lies the whole trust issue. It isn't that fidelity is more of the issue than trust.
We have forgotten that being animals we are given to instinct and reproduction is one of the strongest short of fear and hunger. Only fear and hunger can in OUR case override the need for reproduction. SOME animals cannot avoid reproduction as an urge like Shrews, Moles, Salmon, and Squid where either the males dies shortly after mating (Shrews, and Moles) or BOTH sexes dies shortly after mating (Salmon and Squid). In their case the urge to reproduce is so overriding that fear, pain, and starvation mean nothing to them during their sexual season. Reproduction is the second tier instinct for us. In some animals it is indeed first tier once they are sexually mature. But being a second tier means that all other instincts short of fear and hunger (especially at near starvation) are secondary. All instinct accumulate into a inbred need to survive. With that said... First of all the honesty issue. If there was a promise to "Forsake all others," a promise is a promise. As Auntie said in Thunderdome, "Break a deal, FACE THE WHEEL!" A broken promise is broken trust. Next is the issue of what led to the incident. If one partner in a relationship is being a bastard (or bytch) towards the other and communication breaks down... "Hurt me hurt you," as it might be said, well, the trust there was blown a long time ago. And now for the CULTURAL ISSUE! In a lot of European nations, Germany and France for two of them it is overlooked for most MEN to have a mistress but God forbid a woman should be caught cheating. Then again in some cases no one cares about that either. America has taken infidelity to all new heights. So when President Clinton got a blow job in the Whitehouse most Europeans just shrugged their shoulder s over it while Congress went for Impeachment. Also there is also people who play the hold out or what I call "Dog Bone Sex." Some women and even some men view sex as a reward. They use it to manipulate the other person. Well, this likewise plays against itself in a lot of relationships. Men who are cut off by their wives will do what they need to to scratch that itch much a like a woman will when her man cannot or will not feed their needs. And last what is the root dynamic of the relationship? So many people marry pretentiously or are driven to marry over an accidental pregnancy. If you look deep into some relationships they are a lie and both people are responsible for perpetrating that lie on each other. Some people actually could care less what their partner does as long as they "don't bring it home." Its like I have said before and here I will say it again, MOST women size men up by their wallets! PERIOD! I am generalizing for the sake of argument based on PERSONAL FIRST HAND OBSERVATION AND THAT OF THE OBSERVATIONS OF STUDIES AND A LOT OF OTHER FACTORS BEING TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT! So with that here I am struggling to get ahead and am doing so completely alone. I do not have a woman helping me get ahead nor is there any woman who is part of MY family. Here I am trying to date and have the cards stacked so high against me that it almost seems like having what I really want in life my be beyond my reach. I BARELY MAKE ENDS MEET. How attractive does that make me to most women? SO with that said say somehow my efforts do indeed pay off and I suddenly am in the black surfing a wave of $100 dollar bills and all of a sudden all these women who would have NOTHING to do with me before suddenly find me interesting. Monogamy? Well at that point all Monogamy is to ME is another kind of wood! And I would not be shy about that AT ALL! BUT with that said let us say I DO manage to find a woman who sees past my wallet. And together we found something that grows and BOTH of us prosper from it and I indeed have been faithful to her and clearly am proving that I only have her in mind and keep myself to just her exclusively even with both of us clearly expressing monogamy between us. But then I find out she has been screwing someone behind my back. If it was a friend of mine someone better flee becasue I am going to hurt someone and may not quite be in enough control of myself to NOT kill that person. If it was someone I knew of more than likely the confrontation with that person may not go to well for their continued survival for long either. Someone who I had no knowledge of at all? Chances are she had been lying to that person too. Her, I would have NOTHING to say to her ever again. NOT A WORD other than GOODBYE! I would be GONE and would not ever come back to her. Now if we had kids together I would not let that sin affect them. They are not part of the lie. Likewise a Mortgage? Me? I am not falling into that trap. But mutual assets need to be divided. And with that I would go my own way. The kids are part of me and I will not come between them and their mother ever. But when the magic is gone it is like modern electronics and the blue smoke they contain, When the blue smoke is released the device is now unrepairable and worthless. It is a hard blow but that is something kids need to learn up front that sometimes not all relationships last forever. Trust is all we got in life worth anything. Gold cannot buy my trust and getting my trust back once broken is near impossible. It is not cheating if you ask the other person first. But if the answer is no, then what? You are living a lie when your relationship is hurting you more than satisfying you. Actually BOTH people need happiness and satisfaction. The relationship needs to gratify BOTH sides. But if one person is happy and the other is not, well, you either talk about it and make big decisions, one of them being going your separate ways, or the other is how do the both of you adapt so both of you are happy? And then what if adaptation is impossible? There in lies the greatest problem of any relationship... ...the communication breakdown! At least if communication is maintained fidelity issues can be preemptively dealt with so there is no infidelity. Honestly a lot of people live in odd extensions of the family unit these days. And a lot of it is confusing because of how it conflicts with past cultural teaching. In short, if it were me cheating, well, really it isn't cheating if my other half condones it or I have NOT a promise of exclusivisity. But if I DID cheat I would have to do the right thing and walk away. I blew it. I broke trust. Divide assets in her favor and go my own way. Sorry is far too easy to say and if I have a reason to cheat then that means I have been lying to myself and to others. If she still wants to put up with me then the both of us have a lot of talking to do. I know if I was cheated on I would be far to hurt to talk at all about it. I would be seeing red and that is not good for me or anyone around me. I have been hurt so much I don't think I could ever forgive being back stabbed like that. Why should I even expect what I myself cannot give? The sick thing is CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE. I know. I am the product of a broken home and a manipulative father who's hared of my mother blew up in his face trying to turn me against her. And the sickest thing to me was my mother had enough of my fathers games. She started to go out and have fun but I doubt STRONGLY she cheated on my father previous to her divorce of him. Even if she did their relationship was LONG over. And that has nothing to do with me really. That was BETWEEN THEM! What is worst is to this day my father is a lonely old wasted piece of crap who hates everything in this world while my mom is married and happily traveling the world in retirement with her husband. I want what my mom has... But getting the math right... Math is my WORST subject... Damn if you didn't just touch a nerve here... You make me think too much! ![]() But if I am trying to say something in a bank shot tangent of this I will add this, WE LEARN FROM OUR PARENTS WELL, DON'T WE? Where do you think we get our self indulgent streak? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ever hear the term, "Everybody feeds the fat boy?" That is an addict. they play on your sympathies.
I got to go with buffalo wings. You can get them sweet or spicy and one is never ever enough!
That is a girl I wish I was young enough to date!
I love girls with big guns. And that one is a whopper! The .50 BMG sniper rifle is PURE TESTOSTERONE to me! I got to shoot a real Ma Deuce and behind the handles of that thing you feel like GOD! That gun has so many compensator on it though. It probably kicks like a hiccup! Still, anyone who can put the pain on the paint deserves a lot of respect. |
Still well known, PINK FLOYD! I am not sure how King's X if faring these days. It is a band I still love the hell out of for a UK thee man band!
SHPONGLE! Caviar for the mind! |
Billionaires Dumping Stocks
When do you know the ship is sinking?
The rats are bailing off of it before anyone else knows the ship is sinking! |
The more serious answer is that your picture is stored on your computer oriented sideways. Windows Picture Viewer can reorient your picture and then you have to SAVE it in the new orientation. Same idea with the apple computers and phones. You have to rotate the picture and resave it and reupload it!
Then you will come out upside right! ![]() |
Maybe because you are in a different part of the world?
If Australia is the Land Down under don't they see everything upside down to a person say in Sweden? |