Free Will
Freewill a defintion - Freewill is the idea that I can perform tasks based on abstract ideas that are not merely governed by emotions or a pleasure pain principle. It assumes that i can assess and decide free from constraints my own thoughts, ideas actions etc. It assumes that something else is governing behavior patterns besides a program reacting to external stimulis. That we are not constrainted by a set of rules in the pursuits and choices in our lives,that hings are not predetermed. Most of all it is the subjective experience which gives rise to these ideas. That I can choos between several possibilities or courses of action.
Agnostic's and Atheist's...
I practiced Jediism when I was 8 but I got tired of playing Luke Skywalker waving my lightsaber around. I wanted to be Hans Solo. So I gave that up real fast. and yes Jediism is a real religion today. Over a million followers. Then I was to be baptised once but a terrible thunderstorm happened and a tree blocked a road to the church. (This is a true story by the way). So my parents postponed to baptise me and at the end they where to lazy to go to that church again, so I was never baptised to any mediterrenean mythology. I lived a life non religous but very spiritual just because it makes me feel good. I am a mixed mut when it comes to belief systems. I like to use my imagination and often use mythologies to create fantasy stories. ![]() In the end I am human and get silly at times. Some days I am a druid or a warlock, the other day a prophet, and then some days I like the stories of demons and devils. In reality I have been a humanatarian for over 15 years before a accident occurred. I would say being a humantarian is my true calling in the end, but I couldn't find a thread for that alone ![]() Most practicers of jediism do in fact end up hands solo. |
Does time truly exist?
Is that some kinda cry for help?
what if there is a GOD
Since God is not awnsering I will be taking questions. Long ago I challenged the christian deity for dominoin over the earth, he never showed, so I am in fact the new sumpreme being by default.
what if there is a GOD
Ok I'll argue myself and give you an out not that it matters. Ok strange you say that logic and reason are guides to knowing correct? "I suppose" Are you farmiliar with the concept of emergant properties? "I am". Well it is used in biology and in other cases where a holistic view is nessesary, the compistion of cells would never be predictied by looking at atoms, that things behave differently and are more than the sum of their parts, correct? "Yeah...I agree" For instance I could explain swimming to you, I could elaborate on styles, bouyancy(exuse the spelling) and other aspects in a logiocal fashion, now would that prepare you for the subjective expereince of swimming? "no...I suppose not" You'd be in for a surprize assuming youve nevr have been swimming. So somethings can not be broken down into their component parts and correctly be experienced yes? "well....I'd have to agree." So isnt it possible that if you view the idea of God rationally and use logic to understand a wholistic experience you may in fact be missing something, because as you agreed the sum is sometimes more than the components. So in fact aplly logic and reason, which break things down for a better understanding may not be the correct way to interpret something that is interpreted holistically correct? "I guess" SO you admitt that it is possible, that emergent properties is in itself a scientific paradigm and logic and reason has limits on understanding things of a holistoic nature? " OK I GET IT FINE!" Good.
what if there is a GOD
Paradox anyone?
paradox is not the same as contradiction. A commonly sighted paradox, you go back in time and kill your father before you were born. Paradox. the blue ball is red- contradiction. See the differance. Yes, I see the difference.I don't believe your example is an appropriate corollary to the true/false example though. And while I also agree that contradiction isn't paradox, contradiction is a necessary component of paradox. Two contradictory things that each appear to be true is pretty much the definition of a paradox. I believe the reason the example "The following statement is true: everything I say (write) is false" is paradoxical is rooted in our necessity, as humans, to accept each others statements as true, unless we have reason for suspicion (dealing with a used car salesman), or the statement contradicts what we already know to be either true or false: A blue ball is blue = true. A blue ball is red = false. Imagine what life would be like if our initial assumption when someone states something is that it is false until proven true. So: What I am about to say is true. Response- OK Everything I say is false. Response- OK... Hey, wait a minute! That means what you said before is false, which means that what you're saying now is true, and so on. Where, to paraphrase, if you don't mind: All blue balls(!) are blue. Response- OK This blue ball is red. Response- "...Whoa... no sorry try harder" - as you say. The statement "everything i say is false" is the same as the blue ball is red, meaning its observer dependant which is the explanation for godels therom. You con not dertmine the validity of a staement/equation without being outside that system or rules you used to come to that conclusion. See now? "Every thing I say is false" is self-contradictory only when one assumes the speaker's statements are true. You stated it more accurately earlier when you reduced both sides to "This true statement is false." It's no different than your earlier analogy assuming the existence of a time machine: "I can't kill my father because I can kill my father." A contradictory self-referential statement differs in my mind from a simple contradiction in that it appears to be simultaneously true and false, when, as you stated, considered within the system of rules used to consider it And, if I understand Godel's theorem correctly, once one steps outside that system of rules in order to consider the statement, the same problem arises because the original system of rules is contained within the new system of rules. That's so mind-numbingly paradoxical that I begin having serious difficulty thinking about it. Paradox? Contradiction? Who cares what we call it? Let's call it the "Pompitous Effect" and be done with it. Nicely stated. |
What would be the most vital
i dont think it comes down to just one. we are overcrowding the planet more and more and at an accelerating pace. seems to me that eventually were gonna outgrow it with our using up the food resources, and most every other natural resource. i dont know when? but eventually its GOTTA come to a head. be it 1000 years from now or only 100. i think something very bad will eventually happen unfortunatley. My, aren't we just a ray of sunshine? This is the single most important issue confronting humanity, to look on the bright side is folly, there isnt one. The population doubles every 40 years, the only reason we live so well is resources are not evenly distributed. Go tell tell the starving children in africa about your optimism. Mean while the expendature for wars waged for resouces(iraq) could have probably increased the living conditions of milloins of people dying of sickness and starvation. Instead our government decided oil rich iraq needed freedom. We already are using 40% of the net energy of the sun, in 40 years if we harness the suns energy completely we still wont have enough to support the expected population. The conclusions are obvious. More people, fading resources ponder this. |
that was funny, chimps are our closet relatives, hungry animals can perform a varieity of complex tasks. Some chimps play video games and learn sign launguage as well. Howevr the big secret is when they use language they are highly repetitive and it indicates they dont quite get the concept. Chimp signing for a banana is something like. Me bannana you me give me you bananna give bananna you.
Godzilla vs. King Kong who would win and why?
It would not matter to the natural world. It may not even matter to humanity. It is the battle that matters. The battle constitutes motion, action having both cause and effect. The outcome is simply the effect which will go on to become the cause for other motions and actions. Human evolution has given us the tools to perceive, question, evaluate and gain knowledge, understanding. Using what we've learned we attempt to use determinism to intercede in the causal to bring about desired effects. What occurs is of no matter to the Universe, its all just part of the universal emergent process; action, motion, cause and effect. you have to pick one. |
what if there is a GOD
God and religion is preoccupied with the governing of human conduct and influencing people socially though fear and promises of rewards. This was not always the case, religion changed remarkably after societys became stratafied into social classes, recorded history documents this as king hammurabi was given a code of laws by god governing and distributing punishments for social conduct. It has followed this theme hence forward, mordern christianity can be proven as a collection of stories adopted and changed to have as thier own. As of now or ever no proof has been given as to the existance of this entity. Moses in his time still believed in many Gods but chose yaweh as his personal god. Monotheism sought to futher consolidate competing religions for social reasons during the time of rome. All three branches of modern religion based on the old testament are based on the adopted stories of the jewish people who encountered many religions and adopted their stories as would someone growing up in a different part of the world adopt social customs. The great flood is a borred story predating the old testament, jesus is another borred chararcter from the mythrain religion who was born of a virgin, had 12 disciples was betrayed cruicfied and ressurected. Hardly anything in the modern bible has not been borrowed from other cultures, this is factual history, you can look it up. So my question for god is if he wants people to follow and believe in him why is this being so elusive and uninvolved, why not reveal himself/herself/itself and state its true purpose for mankind, it would bring an end to violence and renew the broken bonds of the human race from political and ideological differances. Why not show yourself? Punk. Anyone wanna address this? As for belief being a requirement to see god and reason dictating that there likely is no god, why would god do this? Belief can be powerful it can help you believe things that are not. what are the origins of your belief? Comfort, release from pain or a gain in pleasure? This is the ultimate source of what operates in belief and faith if you completely deny logic. What possible mechanism does Faith, which = blind bias and adherance to what can not be logically proven or even reasonably made a case for grant you in higher understanding? Are you stating the path to higher knowledge is through a denial of reason? In fact your beliefs prohibit you from making any case at all as you would than be using reason which negates your claims. Reason asks what is more plausable, a story history has traced its origins and motives and use for social control through fear and ignorance, or a prankster god who hides fosils to test your faith equips you with logic that discredits his existance and sentances you to eternal damnation for it. Seriously come on now. Make a case, i can make any claim as well and challenge you to disprove while circumstance prohibits it. It does not in fact make it likely or even worth while. A common axiom is you can not prove a universal negative, with your use of reason therefore big foot also exists yet you have no motives to believe this, so you deny logic and side step to pick and choose what suits your conditioned emotional states. Isnt this obvious? |
Does time truly exist?
Edited by
Tue 01/06/09 08:09 AM
A professor provided a thought experiment with a line of reasoning stating that 1 dimension objects only exsit with in 2 dimensional objects and we can percived 2 dimension objects because we have 3, therefore dimensions are dependant on higher dimensions for there existance, implying that our three dimension universe exist in a four dimensional unverse and so on. Whatever the conclusions some experiments and theories imply that there is more and it can not be intuitively grasped, in fact it is counter intuitive and contradicts our own experiences. See double slit experiment.
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Oh her i hardly noticed, yes wondeerful.
what if there is a GOD
There is a God. I have asked many questions of God and some questions God has answered and some God has not or maybe I did not hear the answers because I have not learned to listen properly. Not what if and not only 2 questions. ![]() Maybe you wanted funny answers. I would ask "can you hear me now?" "can you hear me now?" Would you care to share your revelations from the supreme creator? There is a book you can read for your own answers. I let you guess the books name. ![]() Fictional stories from long ago greatest hits? Believe or not believe is a free choice you have. You can say with fact stories are fictional if your are not a 2000 year old person. I will not attempt to convince you of anything. You must find your own path and your own destination. So basically you have nothing to offer, no proof or guidance, why participate at all? |
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Was that meant for me? Besides I was reffering to myself.
Godzilla vs. King Kong who would win and why?
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Depresion, history of alchohalism, unstable intimate relationships.
what if there is a GOD
There is a God. I have asked many questions of God and some questions God has answered and some God has not or maybe I did not hear the answers because I have not learned to listen properly. Not what if and not only 2 questions. ![]() Maybe you wanted funny answers. I would ask "can you hear me now?" "can you hear me now?" Would you care to share your revelations from the supreme creator? There is a book you can read for your own answers. I let you guess the books name. ![]() Fictional stories from long ago greatest hits? |
The Meaning of Life
Safe assumptions, you like wholistic foods and medicine. Practice your own religion or one similiar to buddism. Theres a 80% chance you have had your shakras cleaned. 85% chance you had a psychic or tarot card reading. 70% chnace you belivev in reincarnation. You have read siddhartha, also you may believe in the healing effects of cyrstals. Most likely youngest child and your parents had you when they were older than average.????? Or im just making stabs in the yourself Why... Yes, I AM the youngest of parents who had me late in life. Guess I'm just a predictable and pathetic drone. All we have are stabs in the dark, aye? Admitt the the stuff about the shakras and power cyrstals |
Does time truly exist?
No idea some clever people have started adding dimensions in a language I can not grasp.