I was saying that his theory is val;id to him, it is your choice to dispute it or not.
I admit I don't know anything about this subject (but i enjoy learning about others) I happened to be a "vampire" not by choice though lol. my sis and i have porphyria and in the middle ages etc...people with this were thought to be vampires. just throwing that in..sorry lol What is porphyria? |
Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this. indeed, you speak good wisdom, as for self to "first identify onself" with any belief "outside of itself", show self at first knew not what itself is was, so found a "belief" to descibe self, and once this is done, then self "stay as what the belief say itself is", so does not grow or move past this point of knowing more of itself, until "any constant definition of what self "is" be left behind"??? Nice observation of what was implicitly stated, but I didnt go that far, good work. Self-definition in my view is a set of rules to follow to increase your knowledge of self and others. The self is not something to be maintained or glorified as any interpreation you conclude defend and adhere to becomes a point of non growth or learning. As the self contains far more infromation than conciousness is capable of or that can be attained in ideas, it is something that can only be experienced without any label or specific paradigm because ultimatley that paradigm is your limitation to self growth. |
Aldous Huxley, he was keenly aware of the questions and nature of the human condition and creatively expressed them in fictional works as his philosophy was best suited to this style. One of the most important writers for modern day readers.
L. Ron Hubbard He's sci-fi, this is philosophy. |
This idea is only true with external verification, you have an idea that is pleasing but constantly is in contradiction with your experience, shouldnt you reevaluate your idea/beliefs?
I think, therefore I am
Descarte was famous for another thought experiment, called descarte's demon, with this being unprovable you may not exist. So I think the definition is a little simplistic.
Philosophically speaking...
Freedom of speech is an integral part of a free society such as the one we live in... assuming, of course, that we do. ![]() There are limits and conditions to this freedom in the US. One major contingency is that the words spoken must not be physically threatening towards another, or a direct threat to the listener or society. The spoken thoughts must not infringe upon the inalienable rights of others. There are many directions in which this topic could travel, and I would hope that whichever path chooses it will be an enlightening one. ![]() I would agree with the contingencys, however can you show me a free society? |
My philosophy.
What I want to know is if you have extensive knowledge, what can you tell us about the aliens? How about the structure of reality? What about the Higgs Bosen? What is it and will they find it? What is the Holy grail? Who is making all these crop circles? (I want names and addresses if they are human.) ![]() Aliens don't exist. The structure of reality is a three dimension construct inside a four dimensional one. The higgs boson is a theretical particle predicted by and named after the theorist. I believe its associated gravity? I forget The holy grail is a story, a fable fiction. Crop circles are made by people with strings and boards. If you google crop circle makers you'll probably find a few, saw some on tv once. Names and addresses your on your own but who wants that, to actually see the boards and strings they used? |
It never ceases to fail me. It is one aspect of experience. Reason implie the conotation of being sound or worthy of building other ideas, however it is relative and sometimes when encountered with something new reason fails us. Reason is a set of rules for operating in a particular environment, this changes with considersation of socail factors, personal interpretaion and a host of other influences. Reason also mediates emotional responces but can also cause them. I guess im using my defintion if you want to provide a clearer defintion maybe i can better awnser the question.
Define: Consciousness
The question of conciousness is relevant when we consider whether or not and how the unconcious effects the concious, for instance the processes of our brains give rise to conciousness, that we are unaware of, called the subconcious. The concious sends feed back(sends back what we experience) back to the subconcious level where upon a new form of conciousness is created; is it a fair assumption that the conciouness we experience can not be verified if this is true? Are we aware of the feedback of our concious mind and its effect on the subconcious? That would be a contradiction in terms. Therefore conciousness from an introspective position can never be understood and as we are all different any interpretation would be governed by the experience of another in the same predicamint who may not exactly, who does not at all share your particular experiences. I suppose descartes' demon lives in all of us.
Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this.
Evolution is it a fact?
I would disagree with the idea of teaching intelligent design because knowledge is built on what is measurable and demonstraighted. Where as intelligent design isnt eaxctly going to lead to the cure of diseases, the foundation supports nothing more than beliefs. Now that is backwards.
Respected quantuam physists have even more exotic explantations for their theories, I dont think its the job of the scientist to refute his own theories, thats anyones job who takes an interest. Qauntum physists would at least admit its possible. I dont know the experiment, but their could be possible explanations for any posistive results, if their were any, the experiemnet was poorly concieved.
I suppose the general premise that smart people believe wierd things is a very ambigiously stated hypothesis. I agree that the social influences in that person environment will give rise to beliefs, called self-fulfilling phophecys in cognitive psychology. This happens on a regular basis with the "bad" kid at school. Studies have shown that unachieving students under the instruction of a teacher who is decieved into the belief that these children are in fact gifted influences the performance of the stundents learning and ability to be taught. By the end of the semester the children in the study far exceeded their former classmates. Reason being? The teachers belief changed their way of thinking about the situation when confronted with a student who didnt grasp what was being taught as well as the subconcious attitute that these children where special. Instead of labeling anyone a trouble maker and coming back to that paradigm whenever extra effort was required, instaed the teaher thought, well it must be something I'm doing wrong. The idea of wierd itself is implied by, not being the norm, so you can defend the history of science and "wierd ideas" by looking at the long journey and oppisition by peoples beliefs, religious beliefs often when opposed recieved harsh punishments. Its no mystery why that might be the current view, that people who believe in something like religion may be less reliant on logic and reason. Howevr einstien believed in god which is something that science cant quantify, to say it cant be quantified therefore it doesnt exist discounts a lot of theries with in the realm of science. Evolutionists are more likely to discount the idea of extra terrestrial life because of their intimate knowledge of the conditions and reactions pertaining to life, as well as why some believe in a god. Where as Astronomers confronted with sheer number of other galaxies and suns likely believe that other life is an inevitability, also less likely to believe in god for other reasons. There are many factors involved in ones beliefs and to say they are correlated with IQ or a measure of school aptitude seems trivial to the subject and premise.
Thread ender. Muhahaha
![]() This must be the E-meter ROFL |
Science as a religion
science, like math, leads to concrete answers. proven facts that require little faith. religion requires faith and does not always lead us down a clear path. is having a baby just biology?? O not really. Math and Science are separate. Nothing in Science is ever "proven" a "best explanation" or "theory" doesn't necessitate reality or attempt to make a claim about it in the positive sense, science is just as much also about being falsifiable. If you cannot plausibly falsify it, its not science. Math on the other hand is more so absolute in trying to find an answer through basic rules rather than experiment and predictions. Its the difference between top down causality as bottom up. Math is more absolute? how so? See Godels therom. Math isnt about experiment, check out string therory, those big particle accelerators they use, nah no math the no therorys. Math is an intimate part of science as well as abundant with theroy. |
Does time truly exist?
You know they actually have found there to be a time differance is several experiments where differnt clocks give different results based on einstiens equations. Gravity also distorts time, so as to its existance if it can be measured have differnet properties under different cirrcumstances, this is proof enough for me.
Free Will
Freewill a defintion - Freewill is the idea that I can perform tasks based on abstract ideas that are not merely governed by emotions or a pleasure pain principle. It assumes that i can assess and decide free from constraints my own thoughts, ideas actions etc. It assumes that something else is governing behavior patterns besides a program reacting to external stimulis. That we are not constrainted by a set of rules in the pursuits and choices in our lives,that hings are not predetermed. Most of all it is the subjective experience which gives rise to these ideas. That I can choos between several possibilities or courses of action. Well then, since your "will" is free from all constraints, and isn't governed or dominated by any past, then its not really free, its actually 'random' and if its random, its not really a 'will' is it? IE if what governs it is indeterminable, then isn't it random? Why not? Hopefully people are catching along. I nevr said it was and your referring to the idea of absolutes which really cant be proven, as i said its a subjective expeience. Also the universe has a certain amount of predictabilty and a certain amount of non predictability. Some aspects appear random but you cant say there is no cause and effect, both these aspects exist, at least subjectively and neither can be proven as absolutes. I gave you a defintion which stated it is defined as a subjective experience. If your trying to argue freewill is dependent on predetermanism or materialism as it is refferred to, think of quantum pysics in responce, if youre suggesting randomess drop an object maybe it will fall up, though i doubt it. |