Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Thu 05/07/09 01:16 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Thu 05/07/09 01:17 PM
oh crap.. now I forgot what the topic of the thread was about? oh yeah.. now I remember..

I can only speak for my own actions okay? so If I was in a committed relationship I would end all viewing of Dating sites etc. BUT.. if i have friends from that site .. for argument sake lets say friends from here and the forums. I would gladly give them my e mail address. and gladly let my S.O. see each and every one of those e mails at any time. I will never hide anything from my S.O> and here is your lolipop.

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Thu 05/07/09 01:04 PM
her picture and the "reality of it" are galaxies apart.
she is fat and claims to be average.
she is bi polar
she is materialistic
she is its my way or not at all
she is always right
your to dumb to do anything

you don't get to have friends

you don't get to have a life

or your own ideas

oh never mind I will stay single screw this... and here is your lolipop for the day

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Thu 05/07/09 12:54 PM
I just came back across this thread.. I can not believe its still alive...and no KimmIM I dislike being a "hard azz" its just stupid this thread and this so called persons problem she wants the attention thats all. wait "ATTENTION WHORE ALERT" beware Will Robinson" Danger danger

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Thu 05/07/09 12:46 PM
I posted this the other day in a different thread. I guess it will apply as to "how do you show love" also

do you have all day? I couldn't begin to explain what it takes to make me feel loved. It depends on the woman I am with. what I can give in return. No not just sex. Its all the little things , like a hug a kind word just saying thank you sometimes. Holding hands, flirting with each other even if someone is looking.. doing the dishes or cooking together. showers washing her back for her, doing things together that we both like and sometimes what we don't like. Saying "I love you" for no reason , a glance, a little smirk of knowing what she is going to do later to you, yet you just got it.. accepting you for who you are and knowing she has made you happy and content And you do the same to her. Its a knowing of how deeply and emotionally you can love and be loved in return. Its knowing you wake up in the morning with a smile on you face and never dread what the day brings , because she is here next to you. having a note tucked in your jeans pocket and finding it later. a call from her when she says I was thinking of you while you are gone..... I guess you get the idea. oh and a lolipopflowerforyou

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Thu 05/07/09 12:41 PM
if it's real love then you make it work You have to put forth effort and if traveling every so often is part of that. Then you do it with a smile... Love does not come easy. It will never be handed to you in a pretty little package with ribbons and bows. It comes in a burlap sack and needs the eye of someone who wants it.


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Thu 05/07/09 12:24 PM

Can someone steal your identity with your name, age, address, card type & job description!? They dont have my account # or card # but I think I may have just gotten scammed!

want to really know the answer? go to and ttype in all the information you think someone else has. And it will show you whats available about you There might even be a special for $1.95 to get records that are public info. and if you want to pay more? for about 50 dollars you can find out all or most all things about you.

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Thu 05/07/09 11:00 AM
Edited by durtydduck on Thu 05/07/09 11:00 AM

i think its just a bunch of BS. i mean jesus.. make ya mind go WOW ALRIGHTTTTTTTTTY THEN!! ITS SIMPLE. if u dont like him tell ok be gone dude and walk off. u obviously are stayin round for some reason. so either kick him to the curb or deal with it.! and i think u need to address your own probs first b4 u bring someone else into your crazy mix next time. like maybe you are lil too high maintence or too full of yourself. so find someone who can deal with that. and u will ok.

i cant wait to see what kinda replies come after this lol

yep... thats the ticket I went and read her profile... not much there actually, Hey you reap what you sow? does that ring a bell.?

personally you want that drama in your life.. so you deal with it. I am tired of these whiney people of poor me. get a life and then live it lolipop#3

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Thu 05/07/09 08:51 AM
when you can afford them? nope its when you can love them unconditionally. be able to give of your self unconditionally. afford them what are you shopping for kids then? Oh by the way sweetheart we can afford a child now so lets have one? But are you ready mentally and emotionally for one?... geesh.. thats like saying I will get a new car "when I can afford one"


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Thu 05/07/09 08:28 AM
when both people are totally aware of the consequences of raising a child. Being a parent does not mean you just conceive a child. For myself ? Had 1 child when I was 22. Loved him to death, but I also found out I was not parent material as he grew up.I was not the type of father you always hear about , doing things with him , being there, all I wanted was to see him grow up already. And subsequently I had a vasectomy done.

I did not find out till later in life ( my fifties). What I missed and was capable of with children ( lady I was dating and who moved in with me had 3 kids).

The point is not everyone is capable or even aware of if they are good parents. you really have to be able to feel it and know its there. I admire the parents who do things for their children unselfishly. giving up their time and their wants in life for a child. till then I say no you shouldn't have children

here is your lolipop for the day

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Wed 05/06/09 07:04 PM
hey Dan it beats goat crotch scabbing

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Wed 05/06/09 06:43 PM
personally I use a ten foot pole to approach them.:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Wed 05/06/09 06:35 PM

:heart:If your boyfriend or girlfriend seemed to drop off the face of the earth and not have any contact with you whatsoever and then suddenly reappeared, what would be your reaction?:heart:

]gee de javu... so I said yeah right you expect me to beklieve this? I also said yeah right give it a few days and you'll be gone again. This time it took 6 weeks and suere enough poof gone again. And I suspect in another month I will get a call AGAIN

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Wed 05/06/09 06:25 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Wed 05/06/09 06:27 PM

Okay, before I decided to post here ...I went and read your profile.. I do that so I know the people in the threads.. And I found your profile to be very clear concise and well written. You expressed yourself and the important things. I do not see where anyone who would respond to you would have a problem .....wait... unless they are brain dead?... very nice lady here in my opinion. flowerforyou

What? No lolipop? laugh

laugh I thought the same thing when I read that! He always mentions a lolipop, but not when responding to my rant!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I am so happy I am not going crazy laugh
Some else notice's it too laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl poor poor ladies missed their lolipops today

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Wed 05/06/09 03:22 PM
good luck I know you put a lot of time and effort into this,flowerforyou

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Wed 05/06/09 03:20 PM
guess this leaves me out....

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Wed 05/06/09 12:31 PM
have not celebrated Christmas in the last 7 years. Well I did put up a tree twice in those seven years one came down 2 weeks before Christmas., so I am a...... scrooge? bah humbug to it I say just another day. like all the other conived so called holidays.

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Wed 05/06/09 12:18 PM
Okay, before I decided to post here ...I went and read your profile.. I do that so I know the people in the threads.. And I found your profile to be very clear concise and well written. You expressed yourself and the important things. I do not see where anyone who would respond to you would have a problem .....wait... unless they are brain dead?... very nice lady here in my opinion. flowerforyou

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Wed 05/06/09 11:10 AM
Sometimes it helps just to sit and rationalize all the things that were wrong about the relationship. But you were to blind to see it. "Love is Blind"?

It does help to look at the person and " evaluate" what they said or they did. Not necessary to dwell on their short comings. But also not to dwell on all you did good. We all see different things at different times. BUT I have found that we do close our eyes to easily when it comes to love. And afterward when the hurt starts to subside we then see just how stupid we were.... amen do I get a lolipop now?

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Wed 05/06/09 09:56 AM
Let's see if I post on this one if it dies too. I have been known to post in threads and all of sudden they just stop...:banana: :banana: :banana: pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

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Wed 05/06/09 08:15 AM
hand them a lolipop and say "so long sucker" no..really if they are being 2 faced and I know it ? I let them know I know it and tell them how and why! And from that point on? I will not give them the same amount of trust and respect they once were entitled to from me. then... its the lolipop

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