Community > Posts By > durtydduck
Why do ppl have to 2 faced?
why do guys have to be 2 faced. they talk to u for a while then meet leave things on good standings and you are expecting to see and talk to them again like nothing is wrong then couple hrs later they up and text you and say oh i dont want to get to know you anymore sorry. WTF IS THAT? there is 2 things in this world i HATE more than anything. A LIAR & CHEATER. ANY INSIGHT THAT can be givin?? sorry had to vent and maybe see if anyone knew. HAPPY HUNTING lol So a guy or girl is talking to somebody for awhile, meets them, is polite and cordial, then texts later on that they are no longer interested. We should all be so lucky that people tell us how they feel so early instead of stringing us along. Just how does this make anybody a liar or a cheater????? This seems like a person just being downright honest. The only thing I dislike when meeting a new person is them expecting things of me when they don't even know me yet. As I was reading this and other posts including the OP. I thought the very same thing. It sounds like you had "high expectations" going into that meet. Something just apparently didn't click for him on the actual f "face to face". . So he did the best thing and said sorry I don't want to get to know you any more. so now men are condemed as being liars and cheaters? give me a break.. you don't think women do this very same thing? wish I had a dollar ever time it happens to either sex. take it in stride and find someone who does want to be with you. MOVE ON> JMO |
someone contacted me and said show up and bring those d@amn lolipops I always talk about.. so whats going on here?
I'm married to three different women who always post here....
when a prisoner I was escorting was allowed access to a gun by my partner he had the gun to my head.. my thoughts were **** I am going to die, and immeadiately there after if I don't die I am going to kill this bast@rd when I get my hands on him... And I almost did kill him later. He was handcuffed behind his back and I ran and I do mean ran with him to a van waiting for him It was about 30-40 feet away and I did not stop even when I reached the van as he went flying in..
at least the probe wasn't coated in gravel dipped in epoxy for etra firmness.
i'm an awful human being
I spent 6 months with a lady. greatest person I ever knew she was sweet, giving everything a man could want. BUT I didn't fall in love with her. the sexual chemistry just wasn't there for me. so we parted . I think of her almost everyday. And ask myself should of I tried harder or longer? maybe I should have but I didn't! So I have regrets now.
As for him being to "nice of a guy" whats wrong with that? seems some think it is some kind of illness? well they are wrong! I say just slow things down have an open and honest talk with him and give it some time. 2 months? isn't enough time if you ask for my opinion .. just saying.... best of luck to you. |
omg I am missing a few lines all together... Am I a zombie then?
Edited by
Tue 05/05/09 11:11 AM
me? I am as open and honest as I can be? Its always up to someone else if I am in their eyes.. Just like with "others" profiles. ( women) its all in how you interpete them.
flash... just got someone that sent me a message ( on another site) wants to get to know me? seems she didn't read the profile either. since when is average ( weight) about 60-70 lbs more then she should weigh She was as round as she was tall.... how's that for honesty in a profile. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Your business...
Edited by
Tue 05/05/09 10:31 AM
this is just for you .... a lolipop factory?..... really If I had the capital? an "Olive Garden" in the near by town there are not any good places to eat. Locate it across from the hospital. OR... by the mobile home park I live in and do some minor upgrades, lower the rent to seniors.. currently takes in 16,000 a month
You're SO Uncool, Man!
If you're being yourself and up to your own standards in what makes you happy. who the heck cares what others might think as being "uncool"..... so with that in mind... there is nothing I do that is uncool.
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This site is amusing!
welcome and enjoy..
What's Your Favorite....
Hersheys special dark or their "bliss" special dark, paydays, almond joys, snickers.....
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do you have all day? I couldn't begin to explain what it takes to make me feel loved. It depends on the woman I am with. what I can give in return. No not just sex. Its all the little things , like a hug a kind word just saying thank you sometimes. Holding hands, flirting with each other even if someone is looking.. doing the dishes or cooking together. showers washing her back for her, doing things together that we both like and sometimes what we don't like. Saying "I love you" for no reason , a glance, a little smirk of knowing what she is going to do later to you, yet you just got it.. accepting you for who you are and knowing she has made you happy and content And you do the same to her. Its a knowing of how deeply and emotionally you can love and be loved in return. Its knowing you wake up in the morning with a smile on you face and never dread what the day brings , because she is here next to you. having a note tucked in your jeans pocket and finding it later. a call from her when she says I was thinking of you while you are gone..... I guess you get the idea. oh and a lolipop
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welcome did you bring any lolipops?
GAH! Help the military man
Yes, suck it up, act like a man, and do what you went there for, you aren't there to screw around, can't you put your time there to good use, are you there to phuck around, can't you get by with friends for now? Or am I just some old lady who doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. Anyways, good luck to you. ![]() aw come on soldier.. this lady is right. besides your allowed to wear civies . So get out there go to place where you think you might meet someone. get away from the locals. Hey I served 20 years in the Navy .Its no different at a navy base. you make your life do not let others dictate to you what you should do. |
won't touch this with a ten foot pole... and you all know why
...if i was him and remarried her ..i would wait for her to go to sleep..and break out the SUPER GLUE...ouch..payback is a biotch... ![]() |
today is a good day
as a matter of fact .... the whole week is going to be fantastic... maybe even the month.
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Just STUPID or
I do agree that a college course for it is silly. But at the same time colleges are trying to get kids into school, if they only take 1 course thats about video games playing, I see no harm in it, esp as I haven't taken the course so I don't know what they actually teach in the classroom. want more students in colleges and universities? lower the tutition. $300 or more per credit? I have 137 credits so I know what it cost that was 3-4 years ago. My son was paying over 500 a credit. luckily his company paid him to go as long as he got "a's" He couldn't get a B? |