Community > Posts By > martymark

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:58 PM
Abra wrote:Christians disagree with each other all the time!
Not "all" the time, no way! reality check brother, luv yaflowers

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:55 PM

Lent? neither a borrower nor a lender be!

tears :heart:

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:52 PM
God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:52 PM

Smiless, my brother, wrote:
There should be a writer who rewrites what Jesus was truly trying to do and say at the time. That would be a great book to read and maybe clear up some confusion amongst those who are interested in Jesus and can only find some of the information in the Bible. What do you think?
My reply:
waving winking
why do you think I'm on here!

Well it is about time brother. As soon as it is written tell me where to buy it!drinker
No way am I gonna try to charge for the things God has givin me! The title will be something along the lines of "In the middle of a lie"

Pretty good title! How many chapters will this book have?

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:49 PM

Smiless, my brother, wrote:
There should be a writer who rewrites what Jesus was truly trying to do and say at the time. That would be a great book to read and maybe clear up some confusion amongst those who are interested in Jesus and can only find some of the information in the Bible. What do you think?
My reply:
waving winking
why do you think I'm on here!

Well it is about time brother. As soon as it is written tell me where to buy it!drinker
No way am I gonna try to charge for the things God has givin me! The title will be something along the lines of "In the middle of a lie"

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:46 PM
How can I say thanks
For the things you have done for me
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done

Just let me live my life
And let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And should I gain any praise
Let it go to Calvary

With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:44 PM
Lent? neither a borrower nor a lender be!

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:40 PM
Smiless, my brother, wrote:
There should be a writer who rewrites what Jesus was truly trying to do and say at the time. That would be a great book to read and maybe clear up some confusion amongst those who are interested in Jesus and can only find some of the information in the Bible. What do you think?
My reply:
waving winking
why do you think I'm on here!

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:33 PM
Edited by martymark on Fri 12/05/08 05:35 PM
and in the process you will discover who you truly are. You will also discover who others are trying to be, and have the wisdom to know them as they are! God bless all who have ever been, are, and will be:wink: frustrated :heart: flowers

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:25 PM

I can say a phrase in English, and it be misconstrued.... add to that the local slang, and the manner with which the english language is used outside of ENGLAND... anything is possible.

Then again, perhaps aussie engrish, and yank engrish, and cannuk engrish ...are not engrish at all...laugh :wink:


Just look at all the different interpretations of the English version of the King James Bible!

Protestants and Catholics disagree.

How many different denominations have protestants protested to now? laugh

Clearly they can't even agree on the interpretations when it's written in a single language.


Morever, look at this!

John 12:47 "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."

I don't care how other people might take this, to me it shows that Jesus himself did not demand that people believe in him.

Yet almost all Christians demand that it's important to believe in Jesus and accept him as your Savior.


I guess that makes me a Protestant! laugh

Clearly the book of John claims that Jesus does not demand that anyone believe in him.

So I can worship my Moon Goddess and know that Jesus is cool with that. shades

Of course the Christians won't be cool with it, but who cares about them? They don't speak for Jesus.

Even though they think they do. :angry:

There should be a writer who rewrites what Jesus was truly trying to do and say at the time. That would be a great book to read and maybe clear up some confusion amongst those who are interested in Jesus and can only find some of the information in the Bible. What do you think?
why do you think I'm on here!waving

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:23 PM

Hey smiless, see I'm talkin to you brother, 1st, read this little riddle, 2nd, look at the name of this thread, 3rd, study the scriptures with this in mind. The bible was written not only in a different time and language than we use today, but much of it was metaphors and analogies, as to get the point across. If you will do this, I promise you will find all the answer's you can ever use in this life time. luv ya brother

Okay thank you for the information. It will be a slow process trust me. Why don't you just give me a book of riddles instead! I will get so good at it you can call me the riddler. Oh wait we don't want that Bat Man kicks his ass all the timelaugh drinker
Actually the "process" is life long. But it is more than worth it. Don't try to do it all in one don't go beyond what you develop understanding of. keep me posted, I like success stories!

I actually enjoy Buddhism alot. Have a ton of books on that, but sometimes I go back to the Bible to see something. I have been nonreligous all of my life. I have only became interested in philosophy, religion, and spirituality a few years ago. I find every religion, mythology, philosophy, and belief system interesting. I wish I would have started earlier, especially philosophy. They also help me with my writing also.
I have one good thing going for me. I had over 15 years experience as a Red Cross Coordinator and been to over 27 countries helping those who are not so fortunate. So I am very culturalistic and humble to have seen so many idealogies in my lifetime. It has made me understand we may speak different languages, live different lifestyles, or even have different idealogies of religion, but in the end we are the same. We are all brothers and sisters with the same basic needs. One of them is to be accepted in society as a equal.

I'll let these little guys give my response to that smiless:bigsmile drinker brokenheart :heart: biggrin think smile2 :thumbsup: :angel: winking waving flowers :smile: :smile: :smile:

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:18 PM

Sometimes I feel like a bobblehead.
I'm not exactly sure how to respond to that...waving blushing

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:17 PM

It's got the authentic snoopy colletion sticker on the bottom, and is in near perfect shape. I can't read any stock # s on it. were all the posts you found on e-bay?
found em he's only worth about $10, oh well, I only paid 99 cents for him. I'll just keep him, I like snoopy! thanks for the info

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:08 PM
It's got the authentic snoopy colletion sticker on the bottom, and is in near perfect shape. I can't read any stock # s on it. were all the posts you found on e-bay?

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:54 PM
I found an original the other day and bought it. Does any one have any idea what it might be worth? I looked around on the net, but could not find any info about the old ones.

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:51 PM

Hey smiless, see I'm talkin to you brother, 1st, read this little riddle, 2nd, look at the name of this thread, 3rd, study the scriptures with this in mind. The bible was written not only in a different time and language than we use today, but much of it was metaphors and analogies, as to get the point across. If you will do this, I promise you will find all the answer's you can ever use in this life time. luv ya brother

Okay thank you for the information. It will be a slow process trust me. Why don't you just give me a book of riddles instead! I will get so good at it you can call me the riddler. Oh wait we don't want that Bat Man kicks his ass all the timelaugh drinker
Actually the "process" is life long. But it is more than worth it. Don't try to do it all in one don't go beyond what you develop understanding of. keep me posted, I like success stories!

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:45 PM
Hey smiless, see I'm talkin to you brother, 1st, read this little riddle, 2nd, look at the name of this thread, 3rd, study the scriptures with this in mind. The bible was written not only in a different time and language than we use today, but much of it was metaphors and analogies, as to get the point across. If you will do this, I promise you will find all the answer's you can ever use in this life time. luv ya brother

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:34 PM
"thow shalt have no other gods before me" one of those commandments from God that would seem to implicate the existence of other Gods!

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:29 PM

yea though I walk, because I have no car, I will fear no rain drop, my umbrella protects me. Dr scholls and good socks they comfort me, they keepeth my feet from hurting, surely the price of goods and services will fall, so I won't have to walk anymore! don't have any idea why I wrote that! sorry if it is off topic, no it's not I guess. that's what that passage "says" to me when I think about it. (the mechanics of thinking: holding a conversation with ones self within their own mind) I think....................and that's OK with me

Don't worry I talk alot to myself also. I post and post and many times no replylaugh
I talk to ya when I ain't to tired too make enough sense outa whats being said! But I feel the same way sometimes, I'd rather have it that way though than to be NOTBN. !

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:18 PM
Edited by martymark on Fri 12/05/08 04:20 PM
yea though I walk, because I have no car, I will fear no rain drop, my umbrella protects me. Dr scholls and good socks they comfort me, they keepeth my feet from hurting, surely the price of goods and services will fall, so I won't have to walk anymore! don't have any idea why I wrote that! sorry if it is off topic, no it's not I guess. that's what that passage "says" to me when I think about it. (the mechanics of thinking: holding a conversation with ones self within their own mind) I think....................and that's OK with me

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