Topic: N O T B N......... | |
notbn=nail on two boards naked...just another one of those pesky shorthand www things!
notbn=nail on two boards naked...just another one of those pesky shorthand www things! . nyotbn= nail you on................ |
Oh, I see. You're talking about Jesus. but, it's Christmas so we don't have to think about the crucifixation until Lent.
Lent? neither a borrower nor a lender be!
Lent? neither a borrower nor a lender be! |
Lent? neither a borrower nor a lender be! |
Lent is the 40 day period prior to Easter. It is a penitential season when we examine our lives and do penance. The focus is on the crucifixtion of Jesus and his suffering. |
Lent is the 40 day period prior to Easter. It is a penitential season when we examine our lives and do penance. The focus is on the crucifixtion of Jesus and his suffering. |
I was just explaining what Lent is. I'm not even Christian.
I was just explaining what Lent is. I'm not even Christian. |
No worries here.