Community > Posts By > Thomas3474
It was great to see the people of Iowa stand up and unseat the three activist supreme court justices who thought they could get away with legislating from the bench! We need more of that in the rest of the states in our union. Go Iowa! ![]() I expect to see more of the same from other states.The peoples vote should always have a final say regarding these issues not a bunch of liberal judges. |
Are they connected with Moveon? The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an independent Baptist church known for its stance against homosexuality[1] and its protest activities, which include picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag.[2] The church is widely described as a hate group[3] and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists mostly of members of his large family;[4] in 2007, it had 71 members.[5] Located in a residential neighborhood on the west side of Topeka about three miles west of the Kansas State Capitol at 3701 West 12th Street, Topeka, Kansas, United States, its first public service was held on the afternoon of Sunday, November 27, 1955.[6] The church has been actively involved in the anti gay movement since at least 1991 when it sought a crackdown on homosexual activity at Gage Park about a mile northwest of the church.[7] Westboro has nothing to do with Christianity.They are simply using religion as a excuse to spew hatred towards everyone because they can claim it is freedom of religion.If you have never visited their website I strongly urge to do so because you will quickly see they are nothing but a group of idiots who hate everyone including other Christians. You will also not find any support from other Christian churches backing these morons or anyone who agrees with them.Personally I can't stand them and can only hope their church ends up in flames one day which would be nothing less than a act from God. It is also a rarity to find any Christian churches not supporting our military.I think the only Christian church that doesn't support our military is Wesboro. |
I often feel as if I am reading stories from patients in Oregon state mental hospital when I read some of these posts.
Carry on ![]() |
In response to davidben1 unnecessary,extraordinarily long post which has to be some sort of record on this site.... I have to say what you posted is some of the most ignorant statements I have ever read in my entire life.What the people believe is what defines a country.It is their beliefs that shape a form a country from the beginning and make it what it is today.It is hardly surprising that when you look at Atheist countries they are almost the opposite of what Christian countries are.Communism is usually the way a Government runs,people have little or no free speech rights,news is censored or banned,freedoms are non existent,charities are non existent. What are the best countries in the world with the most freedom and best way of life?United States,Australia,the UK,Canada.Are these Atheist countries?Are these some other religion?They are Christian and they are Christian by a huge majority.If you would read you history books you would learn that these countries were founded on Christian principles by Christian followers who had Christian beliefs.These countries were not founded on by Atheist beliefs or some other religion. The rest of your message which deals with hate by Christians is still puzzling to me.I think you and others have a big problem telling the difference between the way someone acts and hating people for no reason at all.Of course Christians have morals and of course we are going to speak out against issues that effect us such as homosexuality and other issues.That doesn't mean we hate these people we just don't accept the lifestyle they are living. I have said this many times before and I will say it again.Homosexuals,Muslims,Atheist,and others the Christians disagree with have more freedoms here and other Christian countries then anywhere else in the world.If the homosexuals think they are being racked over the coals by Christian countries I would strongly suggest they try being openly homosexual in Atheist China where it will get you swift death sentience. I found you rant about Obama amusing.Considering Christians make up the majority of the population in this country if the Christians didn't approve of Obama he would get no more than 20% of the vote.Yet he got over 50%.Seems like your logic is looking pretty stupid on that one. The rest of you worthless post claiming Christians are somehow just hiding in a hole waiting for the time to take over and force everyone to convert is totally stupid.I would really like to see some truth in that statement.I would love to see how Christians are saying they want to take over and force people to do anything. Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning. lol... the sign of any lack of intelligence, is to first believe that anything that does not think as SELF, be the most ignorant in the world, lol... is that suopposed to convince me your words are the opposite of ignorant? hum... no extremist christian in america? so, you wish to exclude christian's from any extremism guilt? lol... there is never a time, that anything that exist, doth not exist in any ONE GROUP. SO YOUR WORDS BUT SHOW EXTREME BIAS IN THEMSELF, WHICH IS WHAT EXTREMISM BE. hello... love to see proof you say? if you would love to see proof, then you would have found proof, lol... am i to believe your post is not extremly slanted to the "self agenda" and self belief? it drips from every word. not working dude. ok, i'll lie... please hold. wow... the accuracy in your post is utterly astounding. lol... unneccessary long post? u mean you deem your own personal wants, as the guide to all that is neccessary? lol... is that not why the post itself said "largest religions" were what needed opposing the most. do you not see, the post was LONG, because I WANTED IT LONG. because it pleases ME! but, i do not ASK, NOR WANT, NOR MOST INSIST, THAT "YOU" PLEASE ME. lol... is a long post NOT OK? dude... you don't HAVE TO READ IT! just lettin ya know, in case you didn't know. of ocurse, a long post espousing all that opposed your BELIEF AND WANTS AS SUPREME AND SPECIALL INTEREST AGENDA, is not neccessary to you, lol... but it was too me. those are my feelings your steppin all over! wa wa wa wa wa wa... no dude, i'm not religous, you can step on any feelings i have, lol... i am not a demander. lol... of course, i know, and understand with total empathy, that the natural inclination of what believe's it's own belief be "of the supreme or divine, shall naturally feel it's own wants should be reveered as divine, somehow as "guide for all"... lol... sorry man, my condolences. sorry to burst the bubble, but that is not the "real world", where ALL words AND ALL BELIEFS, must be taken into account as THE GUIDE FOR ALL. but, then of course, i know in advance, no ONE BELIEF IS DIVINE PERSON, will ever embrace such at first, as that would oppose the SPECIAL INTEREST AGENDA, of a SELF AND SELF GROUP. too bad dude. i shall oppose such forever into eterninty. for that is what create "freedom for all in the beginning and ending". your words are extremly biased to the most extreme degree, in the self favor, and you want me to use them as some good guide of "good". if you demand your belief be the "good" guide for all, then tell me what be "good"? what "GOOD", FOR ALL, DO YOU WANT? hate to break it to ya, but you can't win in your quest to RULE THE WORLD WITH YOUR BELIEF. why. because there are too many different agendas dispersed into humanity itself at this point. THANK FUCCKING GOD. so, which agenda shall i back? well of course, the least accepted, the smallest, as those be the one's that keep freedom for all alive, and balance the power of majority, as these most only but seek EQUAL REPRESENTATION, and not to RULE THE WORLD WITH THEIR OWN BELIEF. of course, i don't expect you to fight for the same, as you only care most about your own belief, and it being DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ENDORCED AND HAILED BY ALL AS SURPEME. SORRY, I DON'T NOR EVER WILL, SEE THIS AS A "GOOD THING" FOR HUMANITY. so, carry on... lol... and so the gears of the "religious brain" ticks and tocks, with more malice, and pre disposed bias toward anything NOT LIKE ITSELF, as evidenced in all your words? so what new. i already knew that. lol... and btw... i thought you loved your enemies as a follower and believer in the "good ole book"? damn dude, not feeling the divine love here... please hold for one moment while i embrace my sorrows from your hateful and maliced words against me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wow... what oh what shall i do to be as smart as you? i have a ignorant idea. post a list of all desired words and behaviour for me to abide by, to be as smart and as "good" as you, and i swear to abide by them. i shall post a list of all things i wish for you to do and speak to be as wise as me. mine shall include but one want of you. your list may include as many as you wish of me. if i ever break one thing in your list, you may call me on it at all times, and i will bow unto you and insist it be my error, and cease to do it. IF, you agree to abide by my ONE WANT, for you. now how's that for compromise? you get as many demands of me as you want, and i get JUST ONE FOR YOU. that siding in your favor. so thats more than fair. then i can please you my lord, and never dissapoint you, so that i may be deemed as equal unto you. that is why self belief as supreme for anything, is damned, but to create human hell for other's, creating the will, and intent, and motive, to control a populous per self wishes alone. just a ignorant rant. hold on, are rants ok? If you are going to say there are Christian extremist Then show me the facts Because I have better things to do Then to argue with someone about facts that don't exist Philosphy,what if's,maybes,maybe great for you But it doesn't work for me If you are going to debate like a normal person from time to time you will have to back up what you are claiming with some facts if not I certainly dont care I have heard it all before how the Christians are jerks,homophobes,racists etc.etc.etc. so insulting me is not only boring it's lame I suggest you go to some website such as Craigslist where you can post anything you like and spew hatred towards Christians 24/7 all the in comfort of knowing you can hide in behind your little computer safe and sounds in your little room. You want to debate with me? Then act like a real man because that is who you are debating with |
Well I personally enjoyed reading your divine wisdom even if it be a mere rant. Sure beats reading the repetitive bigotry and hatred being spewed in the name of a jealous bigoted God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and cannot forgive or love poor souls unless they condone his lust for sadistic violence. Is there truly any wonder that people who worship such a God would in some sense be somewhat like the God they choose to worship? After all, stupid is as stupid does, as Forest Gump always says. Repetitve bigotry??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh yeah I think if you looked up repetive bigotry in the dictonary you would find a certain members name who is a frequent poster in this section. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I can't stop laughing at that one. |
I wouldn't expect any of those illegals to carry car insurance.
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Fri 11/05/10 06:53 PM
Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning. So, what's the first thing the Religious Right does when it gets a leg up in Congress? People like Mitch McConnell say their numero uno prioity is to repeal health care and unseat a moderate Christian president. Besides bitching and moaning about how much in taxes they have to pay to support the social safety net. It's easier to drop a a sawbuck in the offering plate and feel good about yourself than to actually BE your brother's keeper. See, that's why your post's logic fails-- Christian churches don't even begin to have the means to be doing what's claimed and they are stingy about the government money it takes to do it, preferring to spend it on guns rather than butter. Or healthcare. WWJD. And that's another reason I don't believe in militant Christianity-- because if there were a God, he'd punish the people that talk out of both sides of their mouths. -Kerry O. Oh sure and Atheist's can't possibly have problems with what our Government is doing including health care?As a regular poster in the politics section I know you are wrong. Once again who passed the health care bill?Was it Atheist or Christians?This finger pointing with Christianity as the scape goat is getting old. I also fail to see what the health care bill has anything to do with the bible or Christianity.The health care bill was though up by our Congress and has nothing to do with the bible. Can you post any truth that churches are buying guns before butter?Churches have bought guns before to get them off the streets and they were destroyed on the spot.Considering the churches run all the food banks and Atheist run none I think you are out of ammo. |
Is masturbation a "sin"?
Well it is probably the lesser of two evils(the other actually going out and having sex).The bible doesn't talk about masturbation but it does say if you are lusting for a girl in your heart it is a sin.So I suppose the short answer would be if you could do it with out lusting for someone it wouldn't be a anything to worry about.Personally I don't see it as a big deal since the bible does not talk about it and it keeps you from getting involved with real people or pornography to relieve sexual tension.
Can't say I have ever heard of Keith Olbermann.Then again why would I waste time watching some worthless news network that comes from MSNBC.
In response to davidben1 unnecessary,extraordinarily long post which has to be some sort of record on this site....
I have to say what you posted is some of the most ignorant statements I have ever read in my entire life.What the people believe is what defines a country.It is their beliefs that shape a form a country from the beginning and make it what it is today.It is hardly surprising that when you look at Atheist countries they are almost the opposite of what Christian countries are.Communism is usually the way a Government runs,people have little or no free speech rights,news is censored or banned,freedoms are non existent,charities are non existent. What are the best countries in the world with the most freedom and best way of life?United States,Australia,the UK,Canada.Are these Atheist countries?Are these some other religion?They are Christian and they are Christian by a huge majority.If you would read you history books you would learn that these countries were founded on Christian principles by Christian followers who had Christian beliefs.These countries were not founded on by Atheist beliefs or some other religion. The rest of your message which deals with hate by Christians is still puzzling to me.I think you and others have a big problem telling the difference between the way someone acts and hating people for no reason at all.Of course Christians have morals and of course we are going to speak out against issues that effect us such as homosexuality and other issues.That doesn't mean we hate these people we just don't accept the lifestyle they are living. I have said this many times before and I will say it again.Homosexuals,Muslims,Atheist,and others the Christians disagree with have more freedoms here and other Christian countries then anywhere else in the world.If the homosexuals think they are being racked over the coals by Christian countries I would strongly suggest they try being openly homosexual in Atheist China where it will get you swift death sentience. I found you rant about Obama amusing.Considering Christians make up the majority of the population in this country if the Christians didn't approve of Obama he would get no more than 20% of the vote.Yet he got over 50%.Seems like your logic is looking pretty stupid on that one. The rest of you worthless post claiming Christians are somehow just hiding in a hole waiting for the time to take over and force everyone to convert is totally stupid.I would really like to see some truth in that statement.I would love to see how Christians are saying they want to take over and force people to do anything. Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning. |
********... bull pooey... horse dung... cow patties too... no! not the cow patties approach! lol... are country is not happy! we just had a restore sanity march! many states want/wanted to remove themself from the grip of the land of the free! and America is happy! the worst depression in 80 years? unemployment at all time record highs? the poor getting poorer and the rich richer? further in debt than ever? government owning stocks in private business? government mandating more "religious moral codes" each day? politicians that control the fate of all fighting like overgrown kids? America is happy? if one live basing it upon ITSELF. if one seek to prove what it wants to prove to suite it's own BIASED AGENDA FOR CHRISTIANITY, is the only way any could see America as working IN UNITY.. WHICH IS HAPPY! please... thats the whole problem! AMERICA IS NOT CHRISTIAN! NEVER WAS. it's just been slowly and increasingly tried to be turned into that! which is why the country as a whole becomes more unstable more each day. please... the first notion to declare America a "christian country", was when the disunity began. all of the problems in America right now, are all the root issue of NO COMMON PURPOSE, OR NO UNIFIED PERSUIT. WHICH A MANDATE OF ANY MORAL CODE, OR RELIGION, CREATES. so we are NOT A CHRISTAIN COUNTRY. christianity IS ONE OF THE LARGEST CREATORS OF ALL HATE IN AMERICA, AND THE WORLD. it is a foul "i wish to control other human bodies", to suite myself and my feelings, at any cost mentality. please... Well if America is so bad perhaps you can move to China or Ethiopia and tell me how life is going for you a year later. Can you show me how Christianity is one of the largest creators of Hate in this country?There is only one church I see that is spreading hate and that is Westbourgh.That church is not Christian and you won't find a single supporter outside of it's doors showing support for their cause.Westbourgh is nothing less than a bunch of idiots who hate everyone and everything and are using religion as a excuse to go out in the public to spew it. As far as this country not being Christian.What a stupid statement.There is something you can find in every town in America no matter how small.That is a Christian church.Christians from the start of this country have always had a huge majority in this country and always will. Christianity is the life blood of America and it would be dead with out it.From Christianities influence towards blues and country music,to our holidays,to our famous Presidents.From the homeless shelters,charities,orphanages,and feeding the World,Christians are front and center.Christianity has been a huge influence in our nation and around the world and continues to do so today. What has Atheism done for our nation? |
Why is that utterly ridiculous? Is it really utterly ridiculous that you will be rewarded by the God you wish to worship? If I worship a plastic bag, then the blessings from that plastic bag is all I can receive, is it not? For why would the paper bag bless me if I'm worshipping the plastic bag? Only the Abrahamic religions with their jealous God teach that kind of bigotry. It's truly a shame that you can't understand a genuinely loving God that isn't plagued with the human frailty of jealousy. That's a very negative trait right there. How did your God ever become so emotionally insecure like that? Did this have something to do with his angels turning against him? I sincerely hope he finds a way to get past this crippling emotional illness and learns to love freely again someday. Send him by most sincere regards and tell him I hope he gets well soon. ![]() We are made in image of our father. With this you can see he would have the same emotions as we do. We are of our father, with this you can see we would have the same emotions as he. It is ok to anger, it's a problem when it turns to a sin. Emotions are just emotions they are all fine and dandy, they are acceptable in every way. It's the actions that proceed the emotions that become the problem and or sin. Anger but sin not as it's said. So if there's an emotion you feel at at least one point in your life, you can safely say our father has felt the same at one point or other. Imagine “REALLY” hard that god is not a physical being and then strip the god model of all human attributes and characteristics. Really boil it all down, and what remains? Are the moral values of religious views of any less quality? Are the guiding principles of the entire universe any different? Does god require any emotion at all, in order to remain a concept through which ethical guidance can be attained? Why does a relationship with something that lay outside the physical realm, and thus outside our comprehension, have to be based on emotion at all? Why not appeal to logic – imagine a bible that explained something more useful – something basic and instuctive that all humans and societies could benefit from. Imagine the concept of ‘god’ developing as a strictly unemotional set of guiding principles that deal with our relationships to each other as we interact with out environment. The ten commandments of ethical interaction with our environment 1. Thou shalt not overpopulate – warning: human population can exceed environmental capacity 2. Thou shalt find ways to co-habit and not take over - Avoid destruction of lush vegetative areas 3. Share always what nature provides – consort with each for peaceful solutions when provisions are short 4. Thou shalt not encumber or corrupt water, its sources, or its pathways – it is a limited supply Imagine the great moral implications of an unemotional god model. Imagine a world in which this religion was the major religion. With these tidbits of knowledge together with human curiosity, how much more advanced would be. Imagine the role an unemotional and more rational set of principles might play on developing human intellect. Yep – it’s my opinion that people have made a grave mistake in continuing to equate god to humans and humans to god. Truly, When you put it that way it reveals the Abrahamic religions to truly be all about ME, ME, ME! What's in it for ME? It's about the petty behavior of individuals and whether or not Santa Claus is going judge them to be naughty or nice and either provide them with great luscious gifts, or a lump of coal. ![]() The religion is entirely about the saving of individual egotistical souls. Nothing else is important in this religion INCLUDING GOOD WORKS! ![]() It's precisely the opposite philosophy from a spiritual philosophy of the Eastern Mystics. For the Eastern Mystics spirituality is all about discarding the ego. For the Abrahamic religions spirituality is entirely focused on "saving" the ego! And what rewards or punishments the ego will be granted based on its own egotistical behavior. These two religions are at the extreme opposite ends of the spectrum. One is totally absorbed with ME, ME, ME, and the other is an attempt to recognize and acknowledge the wholeness and oneness of everything. One religion is entirely obsessed with the fate of the "self" and the other spiritual philosophy worships "God" as the essence of everything that exists and does so in the moment, every moment. ![]() What I find intriguing is the influence of cultures on spiritual perspectives. Following the historical path of some of the Eastern spiritual views indicates that ruling forces have taken just as much advantage of these belief systems as rulers in the Western hemisphere of monotheistic religiosity. Yes, the Eastern cultures surely influenced the origination of their belief systems. The cultural differences between East and West still persists in many areas today. Some cultures place the highest value on individuality while others value social conformity. The Hebrews were social conformists within their own tightly knit communities but they were also individualists of sorts, because they aligned their ‘individuality’ with that of their tightly knit community which often consisted of a social network of extended family. With the evolution of Christianity, we can still see the influence of the original Hebrew culture. The difference was that the social conformity of the new religion revolved around a concept that became ‘The Church’. Eventually, as The Church expanded into the Western world, the individualist culture was influential in creating the predominantly Individualistic view that most Christians hold. The Church, was simply not capable of replacing the tightly knit social conformity that only occurred because of Hebrew heritage and family ties. In the Eastern culture, the identity of people was closely aligned with a social perspective, hence the evolution of spiritual beliefs were heavily influenced by that view which allowed the people to tolerate all manner of spiritual adaptation, simply because the social perspective includes respect for all members of the far reaching social network. SO ABRA – WE'RE CLOSE TO THE POINT I WANT TO MAKE, I hope you're still reading. While I agree with you that the spiritual beliefs of many of the Eastern cultures is more in tune with my core values, we have to remember that it was these religions and the use of their beliefs, by rulers, that allowed the caste system to persist without resistance. The beliefs of the most oppressed of people within this type of culture required that they accept their role and placement in the social structure as a consequence of birth. Their culture prevented individual identity, their rulers created legal barriers preventing mobility between the castes and their religious views prohibited any form of egoism. This combination prevented people from striving to make their life better. While we may consider their spiritual beliefs quite aesthetic, we are also not viewing them through the perspective of the people to whom they belong. What this teaches us is that all forms of human spiritual belief systems incapacitate individual to some degree. Whether it affects self-efficacy, intellectual growth or rational judgment, individual potential is diminished. But that’s not the only consequence, perhaps an even greater consequence of such belief systems is that individuals, in mass, are so easily manipulated through their beliefs. Those are good reasons to advocate for individually constructed belief systems while limiting reliance on ‘organized and rigidly structured’ religious beliefs of the masses. That's a pretty good point and one I think all Atheist should examine. Why don't you just look around the world at the other religions and countries and see what religion is serving them best?Do you think Islam is good with all of it's blood soaked pages of the Quran?You think the people in Atheist China have the best quality of life and are most free because Atheism is the official religion? Look at all the religions of the World.How many of those countries other than Christian have started World wars and Genocide?How many of them have piss poor human rights records?How many countries care less if their people are starving and dying in the streets? I think is it crystal clear that the countries with the best quality of life,most freedom,and where the people are most happiest is Christian countries.It was,is,and will always be Christian countries that will bend over backwards to help the sick and poor.It has always been Christian countries that have fought Wars to help countries that have been invaded and over run by blood thirst murders.It is Christian countries that keep this world from being thrown into murder,chaos,and destruction. I think it is rather incredible Christianity is believed by half of the world by their own free will.With Islam you have no choice.You are born into Islam and you can not choose otherwise.You can not leave Islam.To do so would be a death sentence. I think if I was a Atheist I would have to take a long hard look at the Worlds religions and see what their belief has gotten them. |
America is starting to wake up from that coma Obama put it in.
We also voted to do away with the racist affirmative action at the state level too. Thats a good start and one that is long overdue ![]() |
We had it on a ballot here in Colorado also.They wrote that thing so fricken hard to read I actually had to go online to see who was supporting it.They need to make the writings in these bills as simple as possible because I don't think people can understand if they are repealing or supporting a bill with all that technical lawyer talk.
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Thu 11/04/10 10:06 PM
When ever I hear prune juice I think of that submarine scene with Slim Pickens in that movie "1941". and when I think of that movie "1941"I think of "Let me hear your guns"!!!! and when I think of guns I think of "Strafing run on a Taliban" |
Someone told me once Dr.Pepper was mostly prune juice.
hear hear ![]() I second! |
I loved Pork soda by Primus!
Don't they have a military base in India somewhere?I think if security was a issue he could stay there for free.
I don't belive 200 million is accurate.It is probably more like 8 million a day.Still way too expensive. |