Community > Posts By > Seamonster
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Wed 12/10/08 08:07 PM
accedntly posted twice.
my views on the subject. |
ok he may have not been like flaming gay but one thing that is proven.
is that mary was a hermaphotite. Now that much we know for a fact. |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others. They think they are GOD's Gift to the World. I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse. Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians. My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that. OH YES WE DO!! Jesus has to us to go forth and spead the Gospel........ Lindyy I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist. |
This idea that intelligent design is some kind of scientific theory is a great big joke. Theories needs to have power, what can this theory do to help explain nature as we see it now? Evolution has explained many things, evolution is the unifying theory of biology. What has evolution explained? Who has ever stated that I.D. is a "scientific theory"? Independent fields of science such as taxonomy, radio dating, ice cores samples, and tree ring dating have all matched up with the predictions of evolution and that isn't even mentioning the one field of research that hits one out of the park for evolution, that is genetics. Junk science. Non of it verifyable in a laboratory. Without genetics many fields of medicine would be dead ends now, literally. The human race is at a cross roads, and only through nano tech and genetics will our medical knowledge keep up with the demands of life in the 21st century. Genetics has nothing to do with Evolution. What's your point? What does ID do? I have not seen anything yet, other then look at something complex and presuppose it cannot be worked out so it must be made by an unfathomable creator. Jeremy. I.D. is is a theory. Like Evolution. Mere attempts to explain the origin of things. Unverifyable. That is why they are both called "theories" and NOT fact. To declare either one as such is just wishful thinking based on subjective acceptances of perceptions that fullfill one's personal choice of a world view. It is as easy to dismiss Evolution as it is I.D. read over your own posts and substatute evolution for ID and show me how you can disprove the validity of those statements as easily as you expect others to accept your disproving the validity of ID. I would expect that you'd need more information to support your own arguments in that circumstance. ID is not a theory. Evolution is. ID can and will never be a theory. It can not be tested therefore it can not reach the state of theory. So why should we teach things to children that has no evidence what so ever outside of the bible? It's like teaching that we all live in a flower because it says it in Horton Hears A Hoo. Obviously you don't know what the word "theory" means. You have your own definition of it, so without understanding what you are refering to when you say "theory" - there is no way to give your statement any validity. actually it's you that seems to not know what a theory is or how it works. Maybe you should look it up. I think maybe that were the issue may be. It's when people try to say ID is a theory when it is obviously not then we have the break down. I did look it up - and the idea of Intelligent Design is EXACTLY what a theory is. As is evolution. And if you look up religion - you'll find that this also tends to describe exactly what evolution is. What you will not find - is evolution fitting the description of pure science. A theory is the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another, there are no facts what so ever in the ID idea. It is untestible and therfore can never be concidered a theory. |
Well, I don't know about marriage and all that... whatever floats your boat, I guess. I do know this... if 100% of the population on Earth were gay and lesbian, the species of the organism would die off in one generation. Seems kind of socially suicidal in a certain light... agreed, but that of course can not happen, evolution will not let it. |
I am amazed that this thread is here at all considering that it is considered hate speech to disagree with the gay activism in this country???? I wonder if any mod can explain that to me? Especially since this has been discussed prior with the OP taken off the board & points given against it (like the float your boat mindset that got people dependant on govt. to begin with) being given the "hate speech" diatribe. ?????? so you disagree with it so now your trying to get the thred taken down? Why even bring that up? you seem to have an agenda. |
Actually Seamonster has a point, winx. I never actually wondered that before so that's interesting. Why would he create gays and hermaphordites? That's a very good question if god were around to answer that. Since Lyndyy seems to have God on her side maybe she knows... Hey, Boo, I'm the one that brought it up. ![]() right, Winx, im sorry my post realy jacked things up it looked like i acused you of something you did'nt say when in fact you were the first to say the thing about the hermaphodites. |
Case Closed
The Supreme Court throw out the case against Obama, not being an american citizen. i can't seem to bring the link up |
I'm going to open a can of worms here. I'm going to talk religion. I don't usually do that. This is my opinion: God made everything and everybody. That means that God made hermaphrodites, gay people and straight people. God DID NOT CREATE SIN..........MAN DID......... I wasn't talking about sin. so hermaphordites are just sinning by being born that way? Did god make them? Why would he do that? your logic breaks down very quick. I don't think hermaphrodites are sinning!!! ![]() that comment was'nt directed at you thats why i put that little diclamer at the end. sorry if i wasnt more clear. i jacked up the post. it was meant for the comment about god not creating sin man did. |
Edited by
Tue 12/09/08 05:56 PM
I'm going to open a can of worms here. I'm going to talk religion. I don't usually do that. This is my opinion: God made everything and everybody. That means that God made hermaphrodites, gay people and straight people. God DID NOT CREATE SIN..........MAN DID......... I wasn't talking about sin. so hermaphordites are just sinning by being born that way? Did god make them? Why would he do that? your logic breaks down very quick. oops directed at the quote above the last one lol sorry i jacked it. |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. Because christians keep wanting to turn their views into my laws. Oh, NOW I understand-YOUR laws..............NOT the laws of the USA.... please tell me your joking and that your realy not that thick. The laws of the USA govern me so yes they are my laws. |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. Because christians keep wanting to turn their views into my laws. |
This idea that intelligent design is some kind of scientific theory is a great big joke. Theories needs to have power, what can this theory do to help explain nature as we see it now? Evolution has explained many things, evolution is the unifying theory of biology. What has evolution explained? Who has ever stated that I.D. is a "scientific theory"? Independent fields of science such as taxonomy, radio dating, ice cores samples, and tree ring dating have all matched up with the predictions of evolution and that isn't even mentioning the one field of research that hits one out of the park for evolution, that is genetics. Junk science. Non of it verifyable in a laboratory. Without genetics many fields of medicine would be dead ends now, literally. The human race is at a cross roads, and only through nano tech and genetics will our medical knowledge keep up with the demands of life in the 21st century. Genetics has nothing to do with Evolution. What's your point? What does ID do? I have not seen anything yet, other then look at something complex and presuppose it cannot be worked out so it must be made by an unfathomable creator. Jeremy. I.D. is is a theory. Like Evolution. Mere attempts to explain the origin of things. Unverifyable. That is why they are both called "theories" and NOT fact. To declare either one as such is just wishful thinking based on subjective acceptances of perceptions that fullfill one's personal choice of a world view. It is as easy to dismiss Evolution as it is I.D. read over your own posts and substatute evolution for ID and show me how you can disprove the validity of those statements as easily as you expect others to accept your disproving the validity of ID. I would expect that you'd need more information to support your own arguments in that circumstance. ID is not a theory. Evolution is. ID can and will never be a theory. It can not be tested therefore it can not reach the state of theory. So why should we teach things to children that has no evidence what so ever outside of the bible? It's like teaching that we all live in a flower because it says it in Horton Hears A Hoo. Obviously you don't know what the word "theory" means. You have your own definition of it, so without understanding what you are refering to when you say "theory" - there is no way to give your statement any validity. actually it's you that seems to not know what a theory is or how it works. Maybe you should look it up. I think maybe that were the issue may be. It's when people try to say ID is a theory when it is obviously not then we have the break down. |
jb, does this mean you agree with the assertion that most organized religions, by definition, are actually cults?
Yes. They all exert some kind of control upon their members. Some are more extreme than others and they tend to be labeled "cult" more often than larger and older accepted belief systems. But a cult generally has a leader. (The Pope is the leader of the Catholic cult and is even considered the leader of all Christianity, although some do not agree.) Leaders like Jim Jones are definitely cult leaders using Christianity as bait to get people into his flock. This is done by a lot of preachers. They use Christianity as bait to build a congregation around them self. Most preachers I have met are not so much men of God but men who love to be thought of as such. Eventually the cult just becomes a business. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and people say that sientologists are crazy. That makes perfect sense. That and the christians talking snake. |
I think Clinton could have had multiple BJ's daily and still come out with a better legacy than Bush will. Clinton is still loved and respected all over the world. We can't say that about Bush. If he hadn't treated us all with such contempt I might have had reason to feel differently. I don't like feeling ashamed of my president. Btw CAt, what goes around absolutely comes around. ![]() I agree. THAT is EXTREMELY DEBATABLE!!!! To 'coin' a phrase from obama's spouse: THREE TIMES I HAVE BEEN ASHAMED OF MY COUNTRY: (1) The disrespect to our Viet Nam Veterans, (2) Clinton's disrespect for oval office - sexual affairs, (3) the obamas and liberals. Lindyy so you were proud of our country when we segragated blacks? Or when we tourterd japanees during WW2? only three times, huh..... |
This idea that intelligent design is some kind of scientific theory is a great big joke. Theories needs to have power, what can this theory do to help explain nature as we see it now? Evolution has explained many things, evolution is the unifying theory of biology. What has evolution explained? Who has ever stated that I.D. is a "scientific theory"? Independent fields of science such as taxonomy, radio dating, ice cores samples, and tree ring dating have all matched up with the predictions of evolution and that isn't even mentioning the one field of research that hits one out of the park for evolution, that is genetics. Junk science. Non of it verifyable in a laboratory. Without genetics many fields of medicine would be dead ends now, literally. The human race is at a cross roads, and only through nano tech and genetics will our medical knowledge keep up with the demands of life in the 21st century. Genetics has nothing to do with Evolution. What's your point? What does ID do? I have not seen anything yet, other then look at something complex and presuppose it cannot be worked out so it must be made by an unfathomable creator. Jeremy. I.D. is is a theory. Like Evolution. Mere attempts to explain the origin of things. Unverifyable. That is why they are both called "theories" and NOT fact. To declare either one as such is just wishful thinking based on subjective acceptances of perceptions that fullfill one's personal choice of a world view. It is as easy to dismiss Evolution as it is I.D. read over your own posts and substatute evolution for ID and show me how you can disprove the validity of those statements as easily as you expect others to accept your disproving the validity of ID. I would expect that you'd need more information to support your own arguments in that circumstance. ID is not a theory. Evolution is. ID can and will never be a theory. It can not be tested therefore it can not reach the state of theory. So why should we teach things to children that has no evidence what so ever outside of the bible? It's like teaching that we all live in a flower because it says it in Horton Hears A Hoo. |
Someone In You!
If he loves me unconditonally how come I get sent straight to hell for sinning? If you accept Christ, you are forgiven. ![]() that is not an answer |
Martymark, What do you mean by "69 sweetness"? milli vinilli? |
The Religious right is doing nothing wrong or unconstitutional or different than what the left wing liberals have done over the past years..... The "religious right" as you put it, are simply standing up for what they believe in (which they/we have a right to do, it is our country too), just as the non-relgious left has done..... Lindyy ![]() the religious right will not be happy until they have everyone believe what they do and until public book burnnings are brought back. |