Community > Posts By > Seamonster
This is not news.Every church has laws and every member understands the rules and laws set by the church.If you are going to go against the teachings of your church then it should be no surprise if they get upset with you.I know this is especially true in small towns where everyone knows your business.I have been in churches where they are very strict about how you live your personal life and will scold you if they see you making a bad impression since you represent the image of the church.Although I do not think it is a bad thing for the church to scorn this woman for going against what her church is teaching her not to do.I disagree that the church should not make her sins public as this could be very embarassing.If I was in her situation I would go before the church and apologize and ask for forgiveness. first off shes not a member of the church anymore, so why should she ask for forgivness? And if they were going to realy follow the bible then she should be put to death. But no-one realy cares what the bible actually says. but again this is just normal behavour from the people that want to control the lives of others, and the sad thing is people want their lives controled. Give me a break.She is not going to be put to death.Jesus died so people would not have to die for their sins no matter how severe so the whole putting people to death is not relevant. You know I read on these posts all the time how Christians say one thing and do another.So you have a church that not only follows the bible but also expects its members to follow it also and you are blaming the church for putting its foot down.It's not about control it's about not letting a member or members give the church a bad image.I remember in the 80's when Jimi swaggert(a very popular preacher)was caught with a prostitute.The amount of damage done to the Christian church was huge because of that and it shredded his career faster than a branch through a wood chipper.Any Christian church wouldn't want that guy with in 500 feet of their church. If I was the head of the church and I knew there were certain people in my church dealing drugs,engaging in prostitution,getting drunk on a regular basis,and doing other things that made the church look bad I would probably kick them out also.They can always repent and come back to the church later but why would I put up with it? again she is not a member of the church. They are going to humilliate a non-member. And she wasnt dealing drugs or protituting she lived with her boyfriend. and yes we all know that god changed the rules he him self made. So how realy knows what the rules are anymore if he changes them on a whim. I love it when christians say, oh the OT rules don't apply but they still tout out the 10 commandments. |
This is news???Yawn....Coming to the General Religion posts soon....Christian in small town broke commandment by taking the lords name in vain.Get a life! ![]() and to christians, your right this is not news. being humiliated in front of your kids for liveing your life the way you want is old news to people like yourself. You realy think thats cool? Wow dude. Who's fault is it hers or her kids?She brought this upon herself.If she was going to do something that she knew her church would get upset with then she should have made very sure she didn't get caught.I don't see how this is any different from guy who teaches people not to drink and drive and then gets caught by the police for being drunk behind the wheel.I know it's easy for atheist to not take responsibility for your actions but Christians see it a little different. it's totaly different. fist, she's not the pastor she was just a memeber. and yes christians take responsibilty as soon as they get caught ie. Kent Hovlend,Ted Haggard,Jim Baker....list goes on and on. So don't give me the holyer than tho bull****. |
This is not news.Every church has laws and every member understands the rules and laws set by the church.If you are going to go against the teachings of your church then it should be no surprise if they get upset with you.I know this is especially true in small towns where everyone knows your business.I have been in churches where they are very strict about how you live your personal life and will scold you if they see you making a bad impression since you represent the image of the church.Although I do not think it is a bad thing for the church to scorn this woman for going against what her church is teaching her not to do.I disagree that the church should not make her sins public as this could be very embarassing.If I was in her situation I would go before the church and apologize and ask for forgiveness. first off shes not a member of the church anymore, so why should she ask for forgivness? And if they were going to realy follow the bible then she should be put to death. But no-one realy cares what the bible actually says. but again this is just normal behavour from the people that want to control the lives of others, and the sad thing is people want their lives controled. |
This is news???Yawn....Coming to the General Religion posts soon....Christian in small town broke commandment by taking the lords name in vain.Get a life! ![]() and to christians, your right this is not news. being humiliated in front of your kids for liveing your life the way you want is old news to people like yourself. You realy think thats cool? Wow dude. |
DARN and I thought this story would be much more interesting, I thought, maybe, she had lesbian lover.... darn! No drama, just another poor Christian choice. i'll try and find a juicer one next time. ![]() |
A 49-year-old Florida woman says her former church is threatening to reveal her sins to its congregation after learning that she is in a "sexually immoral relationship.
" Rebecca Hancock told FOXNews. com that Grace Community Church, a non-denominational church in Jacksonville, Fla., was against her relationship with boyfriend Frank Young because the two were sexually active but not married. When she wasn’t willing to obey the church's orders to leave him, she decided to leave the church instead, allowing her two children to remain active members. Now, she says, church elders have given her the worst ultimatum yet: In a Dec. 8 letter, they told her she either has to meet with them and end her "immoral" relationship or she will face public humiliation. “Bottom line, on January they 4th they are going to the church publicly with my sins, and my children will be sitting in church at the time,” Hancock told FOXNews. com. TO SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AND A COPY OF THE LETTER, GO TO http://www. foxnews. com/story/0,2933,469928,00. html |
I know, I know, its probably been done. But since its Christmas time and all....Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them {his daughters} as is good in your eyes." This is the same man that is called "just" and "righteous". How do folks feel about this? ![]() It's a sad time when someone can't give their daighters to an angry mob with rape and death on their minds. I mean just last week I......well that a whole diffrent thred. |
Edited by
Wed 12/24/08 05:52 AM
aaahhhh dang charlie brown!!!!! there wouldn't be a Christmas if it weren't for CHRIST what happened to the real meaning of Christmas. so when you open your gifts on the greatest day of the year and feel the love from family and friends, think about who made all this happen JESUS CHRIST OH by the way it's MERRY CHRISTMAS NOT happy holiday's do you live in the U.S.? If so name to me something that is not commercialized. Thats the U.S. we created it's capitalism. Money IS god, ****, it's writen right there on it. get used to it, or move. In Cash we trust |
Wow, people realy do suck.
The right to food
Sometimes, we suck.
mmmmmmm rummy nog.
Velcro Shoes...
if there ever comes a day when I have to live on bran muffins and soup, then I'll buy the velcro shoes until then I'm out.
Your probably right.
But I think that there are far less non-religious people that are aganst it. I personaly have not met any. |
I thinks it's just insane that gays can not get married.
To me it's the same thing as saying mixed races can't get married. It's still a form of discrimination. It seems the only ones that are haveing a hard time with this are the religious. |
jesus is better than santa
Santa is alot more jolly.
Santa can't heal cancer kids but he gives them gifts. Jesus can heal them and refuses to. Yeah, I think Santas better. |
What are your predictions
It is hard to predict how much harm Obama will do. Obama's tax increases are going to be a problem, and are one of the major factors in the current market turmoil. A really big tax increase combined with the inflationary policies at the Federal Reserve would be mimicking the US policies that led to stagflation in the 1970's, although the lack of wage and price controls might allow us to escape with less damage this time around. You won't get an argument here. Obama's global warming policies have the potential to cripple the US economy, but if he actually passes them, the republicans would win in a landslide in 2012 even if they nominate another Bush. The eco-terrorism goes on in the DNC. I wonder how the DEMS are going to explain to the working class (and UNIONS) that they aren't going to produce more jobs because because of the global kabaal they got us into? Nationalized Health Care will cause some significant problems, but most will be long term issues, not short term problems, so passing this will not be as big of a problem over the next 4 years. We wouldn't need natl. healthcare. Instead people should be fighting for jobs WITH benefits. What's wrong with this picture? Obama's trade policies remain a big question mark. Hopefully he will not push major protectionism. My best guess is that we get into some more trade disagreements over the next few years, but nothing to terrible. How about stop calling it protectionsim & start calling it rebuliding our nation & our industry base back up again? How about making OUR NATION prosper with our own hands instead of the paper tiger lie we've been fed all these years? From a foreign policy standpoint Obama seems to be moving towards the Bush policies, although I remain concerned that he will look the other way while Iran builds a few nukes. From a foreign policy POV how about the problem we are going to have if OBAMA decides to make all the illegals naturalized ???? Not to mention the cost!!!! Not to mention how much more we AMERICANS are going to lose!!!! In the end most thinking Americans will realize they bought into a lie that OBAMA was this great savior & DEMS were for the little guy only to find out that it will never be more than politics as susal & that even tho they didn't like REPS they will know who was being honest with them. I predict that that will be the craziest thing I read all week. Bush and the REP was honest, oh man thats funny!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
...a woman was when I was in the Statue of Liberty. one of my favorite Woddy Allen lines. |
A girl that smells like caramel or chocolate, very sexy.