Community > Posts By > ChangeofHeart

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:52 PM

To be a afterthought by people that love you, when they have something better to do with people they dont think you fit in with?

pretty much every day of my life... sometimes it bothers me, but whatever i'm sure they still love you, but you can't be with them all the time. What about when you go out with the guys, and leave your wife at home? same thing, just a different situation. don't worry about, even family needs time and friends to themselves.
You are right

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:50 PM

Maybe you are viewing it wrong.

What if you really wouldn't fit in with what they are doing and they are doing you a favor by not forcing you to deal with crap you wouldnt like anyway?

I personally am thrilled to be left out of gatherings of the other side of the family or church funtions or water board council seat election dinners.

Did they all go to disney land?
That maks sense

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:34 PM
To be a afterthought by people that love you, when they have something better to do with people they dont think you fit in with?

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:12 PM

How many people truely believe that Love exists?Is it really that googoo,gaga,my world turned upside down and sweep you off your feet feeling like everyone says?Or do you believe in convenience?Well,he/she is there for me,they do everything a good woman/man is supposed to but I just don't think I'm 'in'love with him/her.They put up with my b.s.,the family loves 'em...I guess I could grow to love this person.What is your opinion?
If you dont feel googoo gaga over yourself and your life path, how can you expect to feel that way about someone else. Unless you are just that insecure. Most of the fantasy Love crap comes from Books and Movies. And from the way Men are conditioned to treat Woman. Love is the feeling you get from waking up everyday to a happy, healthy,productive and unified life. Everything else is just feelings. What is, is whats real.

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:27 PM

Because there is more to Love, does it take more to Love them?

drinker :heart: love flowers
Only asked the question, because so many judge the cover first. Preference is one thing,Loving is another

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:03 PM

I'll make sure to tell my customers
its better than them buying crap

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:02 PM

I have been Stupid all my life. I just proved it again by putting a hole in my 48 inch 1080/240 LG TV. BECAUSE THE FARKING GIANTS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE ALL EAGLES FAN GET MAJOR BOWEL BLOCKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahhaahahahah...yes, the giants suck... so do the eagles....
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I hope you dont root for any of the teams in Texas. they both suck

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 03:50 PM

Oh yeah. One more thing. Damn, that was a good
[/quote Unless you have a PLasma which is 600hz, you cant get any better than 240hz in a LED. Plasmas also has its limitations. The game sucked. But thank you

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 02:54 PM
Because there is more to Love, does it take more to Love them?

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/19/10 02:50 PM
I have been Stupid all my life. I just proved it again by putting a hole in my 48 inch 1080/240 LG TV. BECAUSE THE FARKING GIANTS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE ALL EAGLES FAN GET MAJOR BOWEL BLOCKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

ChangeofHeart's photo
Mon 12/13/10 07:37 PM


ChangeofHeart's photo
Mon 12/13/10 06:02 PM
I am the Pope.

i can make you have a Heart Attack or a Stroke.

My Veins have no blood.

My Pillow holds all my dreams.

I make the Clouds rain aborted tears of angels rejected from heaven.

Mothers Breast filled with powdered milk suffocate Newborns.

Gays gaze into the eyes of their bowel filled hourglasses.

Waiting for Hymns of acceptance from the Holy.

My world is not universal.

My people are normal to the unnatural nature of rotten egg filled air.

Rivers flow with the eyes of the blind.

Trees are filled with the limbs of Amputees.

Fathers Jerk the Placenta of thier Stillborn children.

Feeding the uncontrollable urge to Orgasm in a sock filled with Fish Roe.

I am never lonely or teary eyed.

Just sad that i wasnt the chosen one for happy endings.

ChangeofHeart's photo
Sun 12/05/10 05:04 PM
Hell No. No. Did i say No?

ChangeofHeart's photo
Fri 12/03/10 04:31 PM

Isn't that the one with a young Heather Locklear? That might explain it........smokin
Yes and she looks finelove

ChangeofHeart's photo
Fri 12/03/10 04:25 PM
Why cant i turn the channel. Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

ChangeofHeart's photo
Thu 12/02/10 08:07 PM

I roll a blunt full of a sexy man, smoke him for awhile then put him out after a few hours and go to bed.
Love itrofl

ChangeofHeart's photo
Thu 12/02/10 08:06 PM

Nothing....I don't smoke and I am having enough of a hard time breathing because of being sick...sick
im sorry you are sick. I will smoke a cake for yousmokin flowers Feel betterflowers

ChangeofHeart's photo
Thu 12/02/10 08:03 PM
so if you could roll something else up and smoke it, what would it be?
I would roll up a fat Whole Wheat Pancake, and smoke my head off.noway And maybe a pair of Emily Scott's undiesnoway noway

ChangeofHeart's photo
Thu 12/02/10 01:44 PM


All Day I Dream About Sex

glasses smokin


Sex All Day In Dad`s Apartment
Bad Bad But Good Good

ChangeofHeart's photo
Thu 12/02/10 01:42 PM

glasses smokin

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