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Human Evolution
Check out Ray Kurzweil. He is a futurist that thinks, like quite a few others, that humans will be augmented with significant technology relatively soon. The next natural stage in evolution that would happen without modern society won't happen. The idea of human will change very rapidly, or it will not and will be erased. I think it is a become something now or go back to the dust moment for all humankind.
In general, i think it is anything with excess sugars (which is anything that calls for adding sugar at all) and unhealthy fats, or too much of even healthy fats that will do it for one. And then additives for shelf life or other properties surrounding the food industry. You know, the things that they do to food that they probably shouldn't and that are still bought?
Big Bang Debunked?
In Nd Buddhism they talk alot about Cause and Effect and the "mystic Law" the seen and unseen is fascinating ...The chant they do is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo penetrates into the universe into future and is very powerful like a ripple effect goes beyond science ....try it's awesome ...that type of Buddhism believes we are a microcosm of the universe and that we can attract positive change within our lives ...which has a ripple effect changing the universe and protecting it ..... There are a lot of very interesting similarities that nueroscientists are making between what they study and find out and what Buddhism says about the mind. Many such scientists find it remarkable that the religious teachings appear to have been so close with describing parts of the mind. Who knows what the Buddha or Christ actually knew, and I find it unfortunate that the science vocabulary wasn't around as a jargon at the time, i think the stories would have been told quite differently if it had! I've heard that Yoga goes beyond science as well, which makes me think a thing or two. 1. Science needs to catch up. 2. Perhaps science is used wrongly when applied to such matters, and what we call science was invented to do so. It might not want to anwser an inner question. 3. Scientists shouldn't believe anything. So it is limited. But a time of sufficient reason, where explanations for questions like 'Why anything at all' is upon the age. Tendencies like why matter forms and why people protect themselves may form a likeness; some of the comparisons may be very fruitful, others are not accurate, but that they are being made is progress in my book. Riskit, that is one way to look at religious adsurdities, but it might skip over some of the grey areas inherent in such an emotionalsubject... Would you ask current Buddhas if it works for them? I heard praying helps the brain activate certain regions even if the person is an athiest. I don't pray, but many religious practices are like going to the gym, even if you say this isn't going to work, muscle breaks down, no? If a temple is well designed, anyone will go into a meditative state, and such temples exist in India, but i admit most western buildings, even churches, are built stupidly. So just because it is perfect, doesn't mean it doesn't work. And why the emphasis on the real reality? That seems pretty redundant, saying that there is some quality of being real that must go before realitiy. It is my guess that the sense of real as observable, factual, documented by science, will not go past the state of science found today, which everyone woulod agree has its problems. Instead, a reality that includes inner facts and outer might push science along. Since religious ideas were brought up, Shiva is lounging throughout the cosmos, and i think an infinite one, So there was no matter or structure, but it was opaque. Then energy excites certain levels and particles organize, and when that happens there are many big bangs, and galaxies brought into existence. But they are not realities- they don't have inertial, and this is given when another interaction happens with energy that orders it to be stable. So those are religious ideas, but my point is that if these old eligious genuises could have been alive today to talk to scientists, perhaps they would have aggreed and that it is also likely a distortion from what they really knew when they made stories for the people of their time, stories which also were subject to many retellings and translationsin most cases. |
I don't think any medical program in todays medical environment will do any good in preventing disease, which is where most of the savings and health could be established over the long run. A lifesyle that includes little walking from here to there and an uninformed public is bound to see a rise in diseases and even new disorders becoming ever more frequent and common. Health has to start at the personal level. All of this back and forth about establishing a good system is vital, for medical treatment must be in place for those who need intensive medicine and treatments, but that is only a small part of the problem. It is like a band aid. Compared to an inner health lacking a sense of spirituality and the body combined, and with a media that tries to keep small organic and natural foodstuff out of the limelight, with the health of the individual before he needs medical intervention, the issue of finding a suitable government policy is secondary at that point. Much that was needed was not done for the person before it was too late, before they needed serious measures to be taken. Until a more thorough practice is established that focuses on prevention and a whole person view, well before tradegy strikes, any policy making is just idle political back and forth.
IVE SEEN SOME STRANGE THINGS THAT SEEM TO ELUDE A VALID REASON..LIKE I SAW A SMALL BRIGHT LIGHT FLOATING I FIRST THOUGHT IT WAS A CATS EYE GLOWING IN THE DARK..BUT THEN I REALISED THAT CAT WAS ON THE COUCH ...SO COULD IT BEEN A SPIRIT? Later that week i found out my niece died same tine i saw it.I EVEN HAD A FREIND SEE IT TOO. Sorry for the loss. That is neat though, not the passing away part, but it was like a beacon signaling an event, a communication of some happening. Perhaps it was meant to give your and your buddy a heads up or something? |
Have worked in two places which were hunted very unsettling. One includes. Were i am now i hate locking up loads of things happen and not in mi head as others have experienced them too. ![]() i'm sure if given some time, all of it can be explained in some way, scientifically...lots of weird stuff has happened all over the world, and the only reason it's weird is because we can't explain it yet.. One could explain everything, that is a sound scientific basis of belief, but would it really make it any less chilling to know how these odd things happen? They still would be, at any rate, and a fear of ghosts rests on a belief also, which is akin to the feeling even of the completely rational mind looking at such strange occurences. A strong beleif is at the root of both types of being scared, even when the spooks aren't entailed by those who are entirely convinced in the paranormal. I'm not taken up by either view. I doubt it is as significant as what people embellish personally with such matters, but somethinggoes down... |
what to do
Convince a little little kid to go into the house on a recon mission for the doll, say while she's out for a walk or talking to a neighbor, etc. Then have a model built of your entire comuninty, and put it in a tropical paradise. The result being voodoo weather for you and all your mates! I'm sure you'd get a fruity drink with an umbrella, at least.
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life is getting harder...
I try to forget everyday, not just intimate relationships, but past events as well.
Blood clots
I don't know if clots can go away without chemical medicines, but i also heard that kiwi fruit, two a day will lower cholesterol and platelet activity. They will also help with being more regular.
Big Bang Debunked?
People keep debating whether relativity is correct or not, but it has already come to pass! It is a well experimentaly established theory.
Big Bang Debunked?
Gazer, So that is a very beautiful sentiment. I mean by that that nature might itself be illogical on the deepest levels. People higher up in acedemics call such situation 'fuzzy logic' which i take to mean it makes sense, but isn't strict. SO a lot of ideas out there have to be wrong, if this basis is right. What i look for is determism in the sense that this leads to that, but not in the traditional sense that all is determined. SO there wouldn't be a game plan written out in stone at the start of time. Rather, more an improve that still hased cuased actions, but not pre set events. New ideas happen, new interactions and novel outcomes. But it is just a skeletalinclination by itself. Still, such a view may help encourage new ideas on the more scientific side of things.
Big Bang Debunked?
Yes, a wild realm of speculative guessing, with one catch- they have to check out with reality.
Muscular girls
Muscles by themselves aren't attractive or even useful. If a person lives a certain way, say hikes or respects their body, is engaged with living a full life true to nature, the body will come. A body that is toned from walking or good posture is more functional and attractive to me. A sort of natural build.
Help me about my hairs
I heard that rosemary is supposed to prevent hair loss, but not restore or grow it back, unfortunately! You can get tiny little vials of it that say aroma therapy and ask the shop keep how to use it. Some people actually put oils into their hair made of rosemary, but i only have used the aroma type. I eat the spice in food, but i don't know if that really helps.
Blood clots
You could find a herbalist. I think ginger thins the blood and lowers clotting agents, and garlic is supposed to be anti-platelet. But a herb guy or gal would know more. I would say ask you doc. but they don't know anything about alternative medicines most of the time. If you want other options, ask around, but make sure you do consult a physician, especially if you're still on meds that need a prescription.
Liver Disease in Teens,,,,
It's tough to isolate it just to a sugar, not to say that the sugar mentioned isn't junk. But the more you read, the more connections pop up from this and that, though the important thing i think is human's relation to nature. The race is kind of taking matters into its own hands, and nature is fighting back. But it is larger, and will win no doubt unless more coperative practices are enabled in the food sector.
It is quite shocking. America's health is going down. I think i heard the nation is either 27th or 40 something in infant mortality. Not so good for a world leader in medicine! I wish other countries would not mimic the U.S. until they waited to see if it works out for the state-bound. Wrecking one country with food and nutrient experiments is criminal, doing so to the whole world is unpunishable because who will be the control? |
Stretching Good Nutrition
I eat kiwis (if you buy organic you can eat the skin, and if you bring a knife it's not so messy or much of a hassle) and avocados when they are on sale for nutrition emphasis.
Yoga for beginners
Edited by
Thu 12/19/13 03:32 PM
Don't let just any self-proclaimed yogi teach you. Bad yoga is like taking the wrong prescription. Look into the ISHA Foundation. They have a youtube channel about the non profit organization, and I think some centers in the U.S. If you're really into it, you could travel. The guy is called Sadhguru Yaggi, and he is legit, meditated without food or water for 13 days straight and all the nine yards. So look into him. I've watched many of his conversations about business and India and problems today and even a science debate. So he is well rounded. He also has tons of experience on the business side of matters, so I'm sure anyone in his organization is also of very high quality. Hands down, I recommend that yoga.
In the mean time, try to eat a nutritios diet. That helps... So After typing this i went and found the link: |
Resting eyes, on me or you?
Thanks, though the drinking is all yours this holiday if that's part of your celebrations. Either way, may they be merry!
conclusion after no cigar.
my friend i like it very much Thank you. It was based off of the experience of finding out i wasn't the type. I realize I don't have the health to spend. |