Community > Posts By > Amoscarine
Newly Bloomed
To judge with justice, that is a cultural striving. : -)
time origins
Cuddle, I didn't read your original post first, but what if the perception is expanded into one that includes nature in it to, like that it was real... Maybe a bit too fanciful.
Moe, a state being a group of particles that at an instant has so much information, such energy and so on, and time as some effect that is accrued as one state changes to another, there is still the question of what lets time procede. What is it? It is true that here the particles aren't quatified in the energetic sense, or any- whatever... but first the time itself, that which moves the pieces in the changing process, that must be clarified. So that's a second question, or version of the first. If not from whence exactly, then what allows that cascade to happen in the first place. What makes time allowable, that from it such change can develope? |
time origins
LOL I meant on a normal day doing the same normal things Onhot days, there is an increase in thermal energy on a portion of the planet. Pretty obvoius, right? But it may be something of a surprise that on such days the radius, the surface of the earth expands upwards more than a foot. The whole thing with dynamics in relativity is that energy, or mass (the conversion between the two makes them equal)effects spacetime behavoir. Spacetime equals the seat of causality, and the rate of time ticking by. So perhaps this extra heat energy actually slows down time by a bit. Minuscule, perhaps, but who knows what other energy factors come into play on a given day. Maybe a solar flux, cosmic wind getting through the magnetic sheild around the planet. Maybe it's just having a mind like nature. Neat thinking! Why normal conditions might change time experience is interesting. |
time origins
...just like a vocal cord. And as the Holy Bible says - God spoke all things into exsistance and it is His power that continually holds it all together. Therefore the origin of time came from God who created it to point us back to Him so that we would know and glorify Him. As far as i am concerned, religion and science can attempt to describe the same mysteries, a sense of moreness beyond the easily known. So it is a personal position that all literature is using a language that has been distorted too much, but which tries to talk about the same material that science does. It's just like a story book version. If the universe happens to come about some way by science, that is also described in a religious teaching, then cool, what a fit! It is likely supposed to be like that, science with a religious feeling... But to say that time is an arrow pointing back to a creation act, like a hey, i was here, this is what i did, is beautiful, but what would that mean in hard language? That the arrow of time occurs when there is novelty, when the conditions for a creative act in the natural and physical sense are met? The idea is cute, but it would need more substance to be fully appreciated from a knowledge based side. |
I ate some casserol veggie mix and then cereal with a kiwifruit and peanuts on top for dinner. And I don't see how i have earned any respect from you that you could take away from me by any means. I think I would have to show you some first, because that is how respect works, right? Haven't you seen posters like that about giving to recieve in your schoolor someplace as a kid? But anyway, thank you for your expression of concern.
I don't think you should have used that comma after mushrooms. |
Some part of my mind likely wants them both, but oh well.
So, i don't know why i am messaging you this, but sometimes i have thoughts and forget who they are supposed to go to, kind of like buying a gift before you know who it is for. I've been blocked or deleted on fb or other such social networks, and sometimes i have the due burden, but other times i can only think that it is not only me. I think then 'what is this world, that made two such people' as this, and my love for nature increases further. I also think i might be making a mistake, and that word is running through my brain, but i don't know if it goes to anything, or if it should. And i know this is a long message, out of the blue, but i think you responding in the first place to me was equally so. I guess what i'm getting at is that i want to be blatant. I don't know how to regard you, or others possibly at other times. Your daughter seems friendly, so I'll try to be that for a month or however long it is. If you could tell me what you are, that would be nice. I am trying to not identify with anything around me but the cosmos, and that hardly ever works out when it comes to people. I think about things, sure, but i really do doubt that i have the required skills or tools to do anything about carrying out thoughts. I sometimes wonder how far a coarse grained human mind can see into reality. Having read this far, i feel privileged if my thoughts as a human affected yours in a meaningful manner, but I can also see how the thought "just shut it and nod sometimes!" could come to mind as well. I feel bad about being in a way. Yet i want to know what your thoughts are, since i can't read minds. Most of the time basing my thoughts on others is something i avoid, but i figure your thoughts might actually come in contact with mine in the real world.I would write more in the delusion of communicating, but i fear i already vastly exceeded a normal word quota for a fb message without a prompt. I just want you to know that i'm maybe becoming a little crazy, and it goes something like that. But i'm trying.... |
Big Bang Debunked?
At least speculations like these can be talked about in a public setting nowadays, no witch hunts or threatening dry stocked stakes!
Big Bang Debunked?
Moe, I'm glad that a sense of dogma or societal conflict haven't clouded the reasonableness of Big Bangs as recurring happenings, in your mind.
I find that this view as i hold it doesn't require the multiverse idea neccessarily, though maybe it could be worked in, but i try to avoid it. |
Big Bang Debunked?
Does anyone else just get irriated when religion is hinged on the Big Bang? Or any other science? To me it is just an event, either way. The BB is not a beginning, it is part of a process of laws of physics changing how they described natural phenomenon. Argueing on way or the pother just destroys the religious feeling that is needed to search for new understanding of the greatest and most prominent mystery known to man, the presence of the Cosmos.
My main point, an explanation of nature requires both a sense of moreness behind appearances and a logical system without contradictions. |
Rubbish or Ruby?
gorgeous lines,
rise eyes, but not always brains, I want to sing, In a language of the stars, Once, i lived on marz, Not drugs, no, but sweet delphic isolation that still says without cut, what is real, is not that but what touches shoulders, with the remnants of what was once there. these in books, thoughts, all sung, hung matter, in loom, fruit to bear, but why would i care? to learn, yearn with the full of my soul, that is the only way to have one's cup full. I need tools, rules, but what the heck, who says it's good practice to load deck, i don't pretend to play fancy, no would i like to, god. what the heck, simple luck, gut stuck, matter without end, but what? drink vitimen water, grow and deplete soil, but new drugs won't wreck the forests, deplete the nature plethra of organic formed, coal, but mosrso, bacterial and an interweb, that depends on itself, to die and be burried, born, |
Edited by
Sat 12/07/13 04:49 AM
Way to keep it classy, Tommy.... And that was sarcasm, in case you couldn't understand me under the white sheet you're wearing.... A partially surpressed chuckle. --------- From the sheer amount of people that are reached emotionally with a passing of a significant public figure, there is a greater effect than ordinarily because of the wider imprint than with normal people. Whether fake caring or not, such passing aways have a real consequence for a wide range of people on the social level. |
Resting eyes, on me or you?
Clay eyes, whilst swiftly on me you turn, I secretly hide, away... inside, I let my day dreams skyward yearn, a universally blanketed, pearled low tide. Focus, drearily draw, small snail, CrAWL! forward, best be going, pin point interest, insist, and set sail, tide's arising, mind climbing, already snowing. But above the earth, really far up, is a glaze, past the hazy dew, of anew rays which hold as a cup, the mixed feelings, my mental stew, So fed, journey began, already contained, in that dirt that was picked, formed, drenched, cooled, heat treated, stained, now glass, and finally set. But now on you. |
computers and minds don't last forever.
My heart was once like a battery. It began it was light and it will fade out. Maybe it's a good battery, maybe it is not, but it can't run forever, as is. Sometimes it interfers with my thinking, and I have to tell it to quiet down. I like to think with my gut sometimes, but the heart sends me weird radio broadcasts. I try to tune it out, or down at least. Sometimes it behaves, and then i feel okay about what i decided to do. When I look deeper inside, I wonder, what to do. I mask it, and all comes untied. But it is not a bad feeling, it is like unwinding DNA. It is neccessary, and then again, it is not always a needed process for function. Getting older, there is more function with less fundamental devision of energies. The motherboard just can't be stressed. I don't see an engineer behind it, so I don't write complaints and send them in. Only I listen sometimes, and try to catch the wind. It says this way or that, but the awser is surely within. To that I search, and let on or lead none astray; I know nothing, and debate leaving it that way!
time origins
Boa, Examples are illustrative. Hit me!
lonely thanksgiving
I personally never got much out of the day. Gathering and making merry just got me down with even an once of thought about Health or how bad family relations are, at least for me. And negativity isn't so bad, if it is merited, and on the other side of the same token, being too upbeat about a happy holiday is Another form of distortion. I'm glad for my day, �be it that it was without Close family or all the helpings. Being away has done me some good, and cleared the mind. If I was at home, I'd be in the whirl of family problems and hacking at the same issues, going no where. I still might not be making any progress, but at least it's not because having to hang out with the same people.
conclusion after no cigar.
I see the Ashes of past cigars,
once lit and left to die shamelessly, sitting amidst, sprinkled, between prison bars, only to cast gray floaters Before my Eyes dully. In i breath, the rich, Cold, ashy soot air, whilst i sit, stare calmly, and wait, not just for my ragged soul to bare, but gingerly, for the rayed moonlight glistening. It speaks softly, timelessy, like a chill breaze, waiting, dutifully,for Another era, this one is short lived and passes with ease, and the darkness shrouds all reflections but mystery. Close friends say it feels wrong to smoke, and I haven't in quite a while. Part of it is being in protected Sweden, choke. Another is being born in a time without style. |
Change what is?
Lost, I agree. In the simplest sense, I meant only that the time that is commanded right now that is different from Before, and from what a person will be, is lacking in the common mentality. Of cou�rse change can happen for a person without full understanding. I doubt I get myself entirely, or even will. I just tried to convey that that moment in flux isn't thought of frequently, but is important to anyone reflective.
The World need not be observed or known by humans to exist or function. That is a type of World view chavanism, in my book at least. Thank you for these Words that ring true to me! Dear Boa, the people that are celebrated, and deservedly, for making contributions that better our World are persons of sound character. I don't see what it matters if the difference made is large or small. And I Think it is any generations responsibility to strive for doing even just a tiny bit better than their parents or the generation before them. kind thoughts and nice verse |
Clean Music
I play guitar on the side, So I'll definitely check out some classical style! I'll listen to Requim. |
Change what is?
What is the shift that is so commonly observed. I don't get all that the phrase "to change" means. I see that man changes all the time, in the since that his actual state is different than it was sometime in the past, or will be in the future. But what is the same is that there is a continuation of trait, of direction, maybe not in life as far as being stuck on a path, but a�paths are made, or we make them. Either way, It stands taht there is an intial condation of the human beaing that progresses and morphs thorugh out life or time. The term of the present is so central to the notion of change. CHange from what? from how things are now. But where is that moment in most ideas of change? they don't care for the passage of time, events and experiences taht has some feeling. There is no soul in the notion we've made of this concept. So where is the life, where is that indespencable iterance of a time and a place, not of tomorrow, or next month, or years down the line, I mean this very instant. We don't know, Or I don't, at least, what the present really is. Why it is different from the past, and that memories can have significance to a being. Before change can be talked about, first there must be definition of what is.