Community > Posts By > Amoscarine
The mind remembers only certain things. The body remembers everything. The information it carries goes back to the beginning of existence. -Sadhguru |
The Turnings
In some indirect way, about how if we lived like predictions forecast we will have to, if we went through all that rationing and draught for but a few days today, then predictions would have more motivation to not come true. Looking at how only disaster is predicted, this would be default an improvement!
The Turnings There was a time when, I thought I could still remember what was then, But I forget everything, a case of young stricken college dementia, except the fact, that everyday, I am back to ground zero unless I chose to play. And outside it seems great or grey, because nobody wants to take responsibility, which means in this case, dance in the rain, or say to someone complaining, that yes, it was me all along that started that weather song. And then there was that other time, you know, when you lived in the other-realms, those outlands, for O! so long, and all that could be said of me, whenever you where gone, was Idk, idk, idk... eking out warped like an ancient haunted vinyl player. So I was there too, I guess, in a world of lack-of-no-material distress, In in it expressed is a feeling of embarrassment, One fudge factor behind saying I simply forfeit, and before the race even begun, homespun my weave was living it. Leaving the distrust to the curbside, along with whatever clandestine rubbish, that a puffed up ego can hide, and leads to a sort of intoxication with life, that strife left the city such blessed, that it is the seat of dones and undones yet to do. Again, plain as swine rolling in half-baked clay, I marked the distance of tomorrow from today, cast off the misery of the forgone bygone, a repetition endless like the sirens song, long longings too oft held a-sway, to end, to have swindled them and not played the eternal day. O lonely, effervescence. Dark swamped heart, Pull a half-Hamlet and let the better split, fall away like grease from a boar spit, pores stuck out at arms range, closer proximity, the greater is the pain, Yet gain measured in half measures breaks any bill in twain. Money printed in the honey ink of philosophy, will drive an economy to a most glorious reign, of gilded silver vessels, and life coated, in soft, delicate, oozy cheery marmalade, served and offered by a silver tongue, just to anyway turn into the same dung. Higher the dimensons, of dark hued crimsons, crystals of painted blood, colorless pigments, bridging me to you, Struck quite whimsically, the clouds parted chromatically, and bit by bit the blue bird of happiness sang and flew! To eschew a lover, is a certain type of cover, that says today I will be better off than before, and yet, the door not quite closed, you (not fully clothed) return to this hither, and whither we go from there, happenings happened, to breaking ground for a new age it doesn't compare. The fare may be costly, but mostly because it was said with a voice so haughty, the ferrying plans were approved, and now, all the lonelys, the unfulfilleds. can be sorely moved. But to better- I am just confused. The muse of one wise, wrinkled and way past the smarts prime, can only caution to others young in spirit Simplicity, simplicity, wrecked in this atrocity, has to return to the destroyed cozily, inhabited youth of long past that no longer shines. In such words, there is a sense of divine, a caretaker, beyond utterances of yours or mine. The hind of a acoustic play, near and always followed by is the roadies rind, of fried octave ovums and little diced fate cards, which add a bit of spice that was missed in the lighted hours. Cold glowing hands place themselves strategically, mesmerizing people with bad circulation, who see red, white and black all over, but imprinted in their minds is but an only, a slender tease of a silhouette, of what the wretchedness of our current read all about its may quick beget. Still accumulated is the drier love of the impartial, those champions who can see it fall either way, and harbor no wish or desire, unfulfilled, to wile awhile their speedy, Wiley trials, as all is said and done before, except that, there is a new consciousness, a shining door! To twist is not in ones own hands to decide, It is no mantra- no I love you, Not such a simple open sesame will suffice, but a dire need, a fill-in of ultimate sacrifice, may do the trick, but only barely, and when if but it was a just mere trickery. In a homily-cast sky, any poor beggared will look at himself and ask why, and in a devil twisted orthodoxy, the monopoly of that guy said this, and justifications in the name of religion, fly, with flying colors. My eye can not see all the trespasses, all the times gone astray, but turned aside, is not always turned awry, and it is the stone angels only then that cry. Lighter their tears fall, and unfortunately, the only drinkers are beaten to lack any wherewithal. Gravity might as well not make tesTaments fall. Yet past commanding stones, buildings also have risen, and they are not the only high rises, Between factories and modern production, the world is full of new surprises, But the crisis is not in marketing this fine globe. Shown hitherto, is an enterprise, called hold on tightly, and close your shiny peeled eyes, because when you wake up, mother nature, or the spirit of these green fields of earth, May not so readily lend a hand. Or even say sup? |
Female Supremacy...
I am not a fan of any supremacy, but i think at certain times of the moon cycle, both sexes will outshine the other at tasks related to the upkeep of energetic areas, like temples or even the home or individual people. So half the time, yes, and half the time, no, but that is not really a dominance, is it?
Poems sent to non-friends
I enjoyed these... ![]() ![]() Thank you very much miss! |
Science as an end game?
I used to think that the world around me, and even my own cognition, boiled down to physics at the deepest level. And I still do. But I think that it takes intuitive and subject leaps to reach that conclusion in an experiential manner. In order to do that, it could be advised to drop the strictly logical and just look at the tendencies of nature and beings in it to get the gist of the play as it is going down. But there is the impasse, the spot I appear to be stuck at. Is science better left abandoned in this age, science in the sense of advances in theoretical knowledge and not technology, and should I try to be more spiritual because that is more needed than lofty understanding in print? Or is there a new subjective science yet to be born, or revitalized, where understanding of the whole cosmos comes from just understanding the human form in its utmost realization as it is formed in this universe? The scientist may become more of a seer or physician, and less of a lab result dependent thinker using just external facts and no personal experience. I mean, really, the world will call for one order of scientists or the dismissal of another class, but I still would like to have some effect, if only this business of what science can do and be in this tried age can be sorted out before opportunities for a new way of conducting science pass.
Poems sent to non-friends
Do you think that,
Not like you personally, but in general that messages sent to, That ominous OTHER box, could ever turn out any other way than, bad and bat-*** crazy? Or may it be like, how fire fighters fight like mad, protecting a city's common good, but not the clogged engine, encased in stretchy sweaty, porous skin, in their own ribbed hood. I mean, that such messages attempt to do some effect, outside their case or jurisdiction, on some external situation, but really start to burn up the insides, of a being, and lead to puke fire from the heart. like starting good intentionally, for a moment,and ending in a hospital. All this is to say that, that's been what I've been doing, only with people whose name only I know, And so far it is going nowhere, this selling of anywhere meetings, And I can't help but feel like i am going into the land of internet creeplings. So deceiving the internet is, A million plans and opportunities at one pages creasings, but deceased are any real plans, but I don't want to plan anymore no ever, because the greater number, and indeed however many takes, The real mistake is believing that plans address a lack of spontaneity. I am finding that they don't, at all. //////////////////////// You know Cody Chalmers, and he is my friend, but I have no idea at all, Who you are. So I am a random guy, writing you a random-*** message, yo, so that you know how low I'm or can go. If you knew me. But- you don't... so isn't that grand? you can pardon my craziness, and weirdness right outta hand. But then again, you don't have a clue, how I relate to you. But don't even think about it, because I really don't in any way whatsoever either. Still, I am down, to be down in whatever way, FULLY, for just sitting, or staring, or drawing or chatting. I am wanting to be alone in every way. every single day, see? and since I can't seem to be like that, then down-pat I want to be around people that don't know me, then it is almost the same thing. God, you feel it? ////////////////////////////// Damn, there was a time when it mattered, But it still does matter, even though I am the only one that digests, what my words apparently color as digress, and appear to show, what ever it is that you do not know, though, as you never read these words, anymore... So I am a loner, in that sense, And also, in the way that I want to write these words, twisted, gnarled illogical ramblings, even in the absence of hope of reply, Oh why, tired will, can't you sit still, and stir the chasm of an empty past, of silly talks bygone, past like a short, homely western song? Even your "nopes" are discontinued, Off of the production line, No longer signed in I love yous, but I am past that somehow, and though you may die a thousand deaths a day, and be an island without wants, I still talk without praying for a return volley. The need is not there, but the illusion screens real, and as ever strong it held sway, nay to this day it blows, a tarp that keeps the moisture and bitter cold, away from my mind when it traces the days of old. Yes, it was fake, but I am yet to celebrate, its total cessation, because that would mean only, That I am dead. You may not respond, but the weaves of a yarn, once cast will stay out in the field for a while, and though you may tire, of clearing your inbox of messages you never read, I cast my seed without worrying about soil fertility, I don't care if you chose not to fruit it. |
Good points here Van!
Our modern lifestyle has produced indigestion to the extent that more people suffer from that then depression. Is it too far a reach to say that that our U.S. lifestyle is causing earths stomach to become upset?
Classical mass where from?
Edited by
Tue 04/01/14 06:39 AM
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." He also said in his later years that in progress in physics will take a certain amount of speculative thinking and daring. I didn't really say anything against it. But I don't think the truth of a statement is reduced because it is a building block of another idea that works. To incorporate an old idea into a new scheme that works is the highest grace that can befall an idea. My last reply was just a little joke, But I agree with you. I would love to be as bright as the great man. I'm always a little envious and fascinated by someone with brains. We have some professors in Uni and I just stand and stare at them, they must think I'm a little strange. After a while, you may see the same thing applies to their talks that modern science is saying about the universe, that it is all a vibration of energy. Go to school if you are interested, but a uni. education or not, the ideas that lift science up again won't be paid research under anybodies eye who is already in the academia. I wish sometimes that I could have known or experienced some part of His life, sorta breathed in the same air he exhaled, but at other times, perhaps his life was not the best. I like to think that he tried to make the best of situations, like even the divorce he went through, or his initial difficulty in finding a university post. I am not against academics, but I think that a farm that uses all natural methods, no tilling or killing, and that has its science down is a better soil for the mind than any other venue. Very few farms like this exist, but they do the world a favor. Most college campuses are new and most building material is toxic, like contaminated with heavy metals. Plus, there is a lot of contact with plastic and usually they have bad water. I also heard that most spirit memorabilia is also dangerous because it is made cheaply. Plus the typical student diet, not that all people eat like that, but some do, is not conducive to a healthy brain. So when I think of college, I don't think of a learning environment, or one that lets a body thrive to its fullest. Look around a bit, just beneath the softness that youth in years has, there are very stressed people who are destroying their like of learning, and even innate intelligence, in the name of getting a degree and a job. I think it is unfortunate at best that most but not all are giving up the full capability that their minds can attain to for a 4 year long job fair and social scene. I seriously doubt Einstein would have made it through college in the U.S. This is based on a statement he made himself about how he would have likely flunked out if he had be enrolled in American higher education. Still, no one can doubt the strength of his intuitive mind, a brain that could ask original questions and then deliver the answer to his own paradoxes and thought experiments too! |
THis is probably the simplest way to put it in sr. I think Dick Feynman was the first to put it this way
Classical mass where from?
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity."
He also said in his later years that in progress in physics will take a certain amount of speculative thinking and daring. I didn't really say anything against it. But I don't think the truth of a statement is reduced because it is a building block of another idea that works. To incorporate an old idea into a new scheme that works is the highest grace that can befall an idea. |
Classical mass where from?
The thing about the equivalency, is that it says so much mass is worth such a figure of energy by the square of the velocity of light, but this does not say anything about how much energy that value is in terms of how much excitation it may have on the metric or spacetime. So true, yes, but maybe not the whole story. Could this equation be just a part of another, or will it always stand alone? I guess that it is a supplement to another equation. It is too fundamental not to be useful as more than a concrete truth. Photons are tricky when it comes to weighing them in hand. Even if you are a ten o'clock automatic with equations, you may have think twice.
From what I can tell under the physical characteristics the math is set up so that the energy and frequency of light particles does not depend on the mass, or that the mass equaling 0 does not mess with the equations for frequency or momentum. I can't tell if this is artificial though! I expect that it is just so that the view can be maintained and the theory be useful for the calculations need for light quanta. Ideals are often used in physics, like the friction-less plane every high school kid is familiar with, which also helped Galileo come to his laws of motion. Ideally, the speed of light could be a limit even if photons do have mass and velocity so reduced. Then, it could be that gravitational waves travel faster than light itself, which would implicate a very minute excitation in the photon as the wave went past it. It would be like a little tick or earthquake line in the frequency or something. How crazy would it be if that is what the quantum turn out to be, quite outlandish, right! hahah But anywho, this would mean that the gravity from some potential well would be interacting with the photon, and since the photon is tied into the electromagnetic, then that as well. But this is within the realm of classical gr I think, so if it was thought of, perhaps it wasn't so interpreted. Greater excitations near gravity field.... I am getting off topic on my own post! yikes! I don't know about the Higgs and the photon. Why are particles separate, and does the Higgs mechanism do anything with the photon? Or, if the higgs does not bash with a photon, and the particles are characterized b a higgs interaction, why is a photon a particle, is this your question? As I understand it, the higgs is sort of like a carrier particle which when interacting lets the other particle participate and be changed by the higgs field, this encounter being such that the mass is given to the product particle outgoing. So maybe the photon still interacts with the higgs particle but is dumb to the field, by some particle law. But without the higgs entirely, hmm. The nature of separate particles might be a trend or scale based on mass. Particles with larger masses would experience less information and information is just the amount of communication between two points possible. With less info present, and more mass, then the noise from grav. waves exciting particles may be more or less based on the effect that a grav. wave has with regard to the properties of the particle, like heaviness of frequency of emission. Mass then would be the limiting factor or resistance to the movement of one signal to another point. Everything could be light, with the ideal, c, being the most conducive state for this data transfer. When there is more conducive situations, then, greater mass occurs. |
Stinking Mud
Lord knows it is really cool,
to b e l fool lost, the flying from the mountain tops, to scream in the streets. Of where nightmares and ambitions meet. Then there is a mucky slide, a friendly course for the dirt, to swirl, have a go, let it go, but damn. that philosophy, because it justify doing nothing. or something, all too often. The best of it, is the the worst of it, the what it takes, the nearly killing you, part of it, is where the worth is, the value of working things out. Rubble of people at the mountain side, past t.v.'s and dog houses. last reminiscences of a micky mouse, before his face is morphed, to the architecture of the family living room. Where all is watched, n clandestine white, why prayers quiet the yells. And dons the best the hat can offer, the man escapes one offer after another. Goes by more wreckages, and jumps in his jeep to keep, the mud of his feet, and not cement him in misery, busier than a trickster of pumkin piper. The unkown are supposed to help the settled, not explained by the absecen, of a hero is no good reason, to hide under self made rubbish, cubbish tendencies erased, misplaced to infinty, and a step beyond, on, hold, mud slides gone by. Gold, God, glory, not to be had, yet, pursued, the standard, just isn't in the world today, in which is lived anyone, save sages and soothsayers, proclaiming doom, and not wanting to apply to bloom to Party's views. so just say bye already! Witch crafted apparatus, the dramatist of a new world view, called, Believe it or go, there is the door, So I left the Church of Being Sorry, of scarry door nails and bells ringing, warning!!! for longs hours boring, Nothing needs contained like that. Never to again go, to the point of needing a never statement to use one day, and not the Next. Best thing to eat, and indigestion plagues, all the better saids, of doing better next time. Sometimes, dark and cold, is the way, I am not an I in my dreams, so seemingly, gold colored heart, shouldn't be locked away, But i think I could spoil it. Limits, of self-imposed, impossible lifestyles, of misguided, helpless feelings, thwart any potential, withdrawal of petals, to settle on the bottom of a still pond, die, drawn in involvement, disolvement, gift of killing fluid, I drink. And hopefully, I am past, puking in the sink out of spunk, damn, I was a punk, BUT hell, he had it coming, only now it is me alone, or everybody, which expands back to become me alone again Sin, breakneck waste, of not living, and not of god, or some wise saying a philosophical draw, of the shortest straw, the least effort, to suck the fun out of life. such is a waiting divorce. Time gone, a week of nutrient dense thoughts, but damn stupid stomach fillings, leave green bil, in overproduction stints, ending with a recession, until the veggies enter again, and then, cold cuts, are still out, but not pead gout. So no, goad to receive, but the next time, I won't have to say next time I hope. And don't pray, because that has never gotten me, laid by any grace or excitement, about life and what I had to do. Company in life, makes it set aright, night boo, and turn out the lights, he doesn't love me, she doesn't care, But I don't want her to, want anything but her not to. tricky reverse psychology, ****s with my mind too much, So I just ignore anything that is borderline a disorder, which is half the women in this country, hiding antidepressants in their purses. Damn curses, I wish I could, make the place you stay, rain sweet flowers, but I have to make it realize, it stinks bad, so that it wants to flower, and scent nice. So I don't care about vice, the do-good philosophy is bunked, because it deprives, suppresses, a full on engagement of energies, a oneness, not with life, but whatever ******** is thrown your way. Sometimes it is nicely dressed, but that should excite ditress, because, not because, but just, that I think, I don't know, and to cover it any other way, is snow on my eternal summer. Make sense in the school days, grow up a slob, snob, bike riding wisdom inherited? not a chance, a fat slice of cake, of life, is a better educator that the majority given to the human race. Smell sweet before I go. Before you welt, and all my care melts. Which could happen, If I sign off here. But I gotta go, sincerely nowhere.... |
Classical mass where from?
So the best way I can put the mass problem, the fact that modern science still doesn't know what mass is, is by inertia examples. But you say the goddamn higgs gives particles masses. Well, really it is more of an in between the higgs field and particles, and intruding another field seems fishy. Even if the higgs is responsible for that getting mass mechanism, the actually values are not found for what masses should be. If a body is going, it will keep going, that is newtons thing. So the body is just cruizing and that's all thee is to it, no shifts or turns, the ultimate gas millage. I mean it might as well as be still, which is the other part of the statement. It could even be still with all of space moving by it, but that was Newtons problem, that he said there was one space. He wanted to have a frame where a body could go, and for concerns be weightless, but if something were to happen to it, some force, then you had to get out of this free ride mindset and say that the object has to have a mass so that its force can be solved when it contacts another force and a resolution of resultant direction and speed can be calculated. Sure, it works for pool balls and such, but really, it is saying, here is something which has no properties that are associated with weight or mass, and yet when it is hit, it has mass. Where did it come from? The view which is chosen should not be able to impart a mass to an object, and a view ought to view mass, if it really is a valid concept and not an idle invention, the same way in both landings. The moving space idea just sounds odd. Can you imagine a moving wall? of space and not feel a little ludicrous?
Drop space. With time as a numbering system of events, or Lee's time in basic sketch, there would be only a numbering and then a a quality of these numbers. At each event, there would be a level of some kind which would be different for bodies at different times. But say there is some energy, then there could be a base for information to be about. Info would describe a certain amount of energy, or information is written on this energy as it goes from event to event. Without interaction with other bodies, the energy wouldn't change so much and the data would remain the same quantity, which would go along with a velocity of a certain value. So the body would keep drifting. But when there is another encounter with some heavy object, a dynamics could be proposed for how the introduction of mass facilitates a difference in the quality of how much info corresponds to such and such an energy. Done like this,mass is simply a correlation proportional with how much information is written energetically from point to point, with greater speed associated with less data, or more mass with less conveyed between the points. Even though this is likely bogus, trying to find out how mass comes upin physics is important in physics today. |
Redshift is something that happens like the Doppler effect, it just means that light takes a certain amount of energy or fuel to escape a gravity well. If something is trying to get out of the sky, it requires fuel. Maybe it a sport coach saying to athletes with medicine balls to defy gravity, there is a fuel of chemical energy in the muscles, ultimately of trying to reach escape velocity on eggs and bananas and toast or whatever they had for breakfast. Or consider a rocket, but for whatever is picked, in order for something to go outwards from a potential well, it needs fuel. If you could imagine something as a weightless object, you could just tap it going, and gravity would not act on it because gravity is only between toe massive/energetic bodies. If something is truly weightless, if it has no mass for gravity to pull on, or if you prefer the gr view, weight to slide down the spacetime warps, it will either just sit there no matter what hell breaks lose in the universe around it, or it will go straight without any force stopping it. which of the two isn't the point here. It is just that the redshift is the cost of the weight for photons to move in the presence of gravity potentials. You could make the point about the blushifting as well, but that would just involve a lot of hills, and we all know enough about rolling down those, Wasn't that what childhood was all about some afternoons?
What do you mean about cells uploading info, like they have a hardrive and then present it to an environment and then the result is sickness, in this case?
And this doesn't have anything to do with research really, cancer of the breast goes back at least 2 generations on my mums side. Maybe my great, great too, but I just asked about her and don't know yet. Either way, i am wary of having kids just because I think that even if I have a boy, it could pass the faulty gene material or expression on to its female offspring. I know there is still the chance that I could get the cancer as well. So I don't have a solid way of knowing, but I am sure enough not to want to have kiddos because of this, among other reasons. It is unfortunate, but as long as we continue to stir the earth up, cancer rates will increase. The main question I see is what is the mechanism that lets this information go from the DNA to the brain to there be interpreted. The other, more spiritual side, would be how can ancestors wisdom be conveyed to a new body. Perhaps they will one day be the same, if chemistry and biology continue to develop greatly. \ Information may be stored in the DNA. hmm, Have to read some FQXI essay now: That is quite a mythology! But anyway, perhaps DNA is a sort of duplicate but split record of how to build a body, and once that body is establishes, it interacts with the environment in a way that events happen like they did in the parents life, and so the information is different because it is a new mix and able to find another expression in the environment that the parent may not have an outlet for. I guess one could say heredity provides tendencies, but not a fortune teller. I don't know if it is any closer, but it could be that the cell division, all the way throughout life, enables the body to interact in such a way and it runs into resistances which it conveys to the nervous system, and particular the senses. Then the mind reaches out and says this is mine, that is not, and so makes some information. But if the self is expanded, I mean if you start to feel at one with everyone, then you could feel others, or at least say everyone is me, I am alone. If that is the case, then many bodies could be be interpreted with one intellect or mind, if it was made sensitive enough. One could inherit ancestors pasts of others, even when the source isn't just a body. Say it is a location that holds such a physical form, and then it can be interpreted as a spiritual place by a sensitive being. Then they could take a heredity from a place even. With these medical studies, it is just that a certain body, which is preserved through generations by DNA (I mean, your nose is your fathers or lips your mothers, or grandfathers....)and it is on hand, so to speak for the mind to inherit dispositions. Since the mind is used here, perhaps that is why mental illness is tied into cancer outcomes and getting it too. If this reasoning is right, then one could inherit tendencies from any individual, not just the family line, if they were not getting there info and the low down just from there body memory. The body is like a snowflake, every twist and turn is stored in a unique form, and it doesn't forget any weather condition or impurity- it is frozen in. I guess body is just dominant because people limit their access to that. But if any of the above works, there could be illness of health inherited from anyone one person to another regardless of blood. There could be social sicknesses |
Info, a what is topic
Well, what is information really? I've been looking at info for about a year now, and still, I am clueless as to what is the real substance or significance of information in physics.
There could have been another big bang somewhere else. This just made me think- Somehow multiple big bangs, but one eternal playing field, somehow connected, maybe by a history of evolution in some system, god, like the space doesn't matter or something. I doubt that is even what you mean, but that is what I got from your sensibility yo! |
Just guessing it, black holes are not part of the physical theories of modern physics. Relativity is a physical theory only, it deals with matter-energy and how some medium bends and is stretched. I think we are interpreting the stoppage of domain of applicability, that is the limits of one grand theory, as a part of nature according to that theory, instead of just a stopping point in the road. See, mass is physical, matter, which is like the holder of heaviness, sorta, and so too is a metric that responds to this clutter. What is needed for black holes to not be so problematic is to see them as pointing to another theory. This cut off, boundary and singularity business is just unnatural. So I think the idea that they are not real is useful now. Not that there isn't something going on, but just that our view right now doesn't incorporate it. To expand, the non-physical needs to be considered. I am not talking religious notions, but just that a dynamics that included a sort of active nothingness, a sort of downer for matter-space excitement. The trend would be to resolve to this state where a creation happened. So, if you wanted to put into three parts, there could be the material: The matter energy including mass and particles and electric forces, sounds- the tangible what-have-yous. The metric of spacetime, which is the stretchable tarp which molds itself around mass and keeps planets warm by pulling in flaming meteors and and trying to get everything sucked towards it. It is physical because it directs the path of points, like particles, in what are called worldlines or geodesics, which aren't technically the same, but just wiki the diff. if you care. If not, it doesn't matter much even if you did know. The third thing would be that active emptiness. It would be the resolution of the duality of mass and spacetime metric. It wuold not have bounds, but when it is in certain conditions, there would be a form, and there is where this gravitation business goes down. So I am not saying that there are no very energetic and mass-dense areas of gravity wells out there, but only that if a deeper understanding that embraces a type of energy that goes beyond 'so much mass always gives such a dent to spacetime' in the way that an ounce of mass bends space the same amount, from around a baseball, or around the center of the galaxy, so that the contribution to gravity felt is the same for both places. Well, if that strict sense of quantity was reduced, there would be a view past the point were current figuring gets stuck. I mean, that is the problem, isn't it, that the math just doesn't go through? That is what science is trying to do, so a principle that lets numbers behave more loosely would help facilitate a view that hits black holes and pulls a Buzz Light year. I always sympathized with the side characters in that story more than Woody or Buzz, but you have to admit, the latter's daring did get the whole story moving, and that is what is needed now... I now wonder if data can be sorted in such a way that the amount of information encoded on a certain amount of energy is something which would change the numeric on basic matters such as counting of events.
In gr in newer mathematics, one needs to know matter and space properties, given by the classic equations, the swirling coffee of space and the grains in it, and additionally the events that happen in the area. But perhaps, after some further contemplation, the number of events in phenomenon to be modeled may be seen to not be absolute. |
fo-doc. (no1phd) The weight of light is that it has some mass, the energy has an equivalence of mass. And mass is drawn towards other mass by processes of gravitation. The weight of light is the extent to which it is 'pulled' on by a gravitation. It is the bending observed around masses like our sun. Or, if you want to slightly personify it, it is them amount of pulling on hair that nature will tolerate before things happen.