Community > Posts By > breathless1
I think it's just your age AND having a child. Most guys that age are still getting their groove on and not ready to settle down with that much responsibility of taking on someone else's child.
I know I sure wasn't at that age. I'm just being honest. Give it time, enjoy and raise your child, live your life by continuing to better yourself with your educational pursuits. That love thing will roll around in due time. ![]() |
why don't guys like me?
Just a thought here.
![]() Maybe because you are only 19 years old and say "Ive been waiting so long and for what?". Maybe because you are impatient and not willing to put forth the effort and time to wait? Then, you become pushy for some guy to commit his life and ever dying love to you like in the movies? Maybe because you whine, "Waaaaah, no guy likes me - boo hoo"? I don't mean to be an a$$ here, but you asked, right? All 3 of those personality traits would have me running for the hills and never look back at my a$$ trail. Just simmer down, slow down and allow yourself to grow-up some. Enjoy life and your YOUTH! ![]() |
Annie...get your gun???
Would you like BAMBI'S mother's head stuffed and mounted on your wall? Not particularly, but my ex mother-in-law's stuffed head over my mantle would add to my decor nicely. ![]() |
I was thinking......
"I was thinking...."
And that was your first mistake. (just kidding!) ![]() I've been saying that all along the people get the government they deserve actually I see this as analogous to 1976 (Jimmy Carter) the people are so weary of a strong President like they were with Nixon ("the Imperial Presidency" it was called) in 76 (Ford doesn't count) that they want a weak President who won't be a threat. Tha is what we have with Obama and McCain. Neither one of them is going to be a strong President This is the most wisdom I have seen posted in these politicals threads yet. ![]() Who put the politicians in office?
All I'm saying is, that the people should soak up some the blame as well, learn and make better decisions. Not just as consumers, but who we elect to office too. Thanks for saying what I have said for many elections - "Quit your b*tching if you do not vote!" There was a very important adage, from a relatively famous thing and it said: "WE the PEOPLE". Remember that one, "people"? ![]() |
I Don't Understand Something
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Mon 09/29/08 08:00 PM
Not sure about the requirements in your state, but when my ex and I bought our primary home and an additional plot of land later on, I fought the PMI with my mortgage company. Tooth and nail!
We had and still do have, exemplary credit, solid income and I challenged the mortgage company on this issue. I told them if they required me to pay PMI, I would take my business elsewhere. I/we won. Fight it, if that's what you are currently up against. No lender in their right mind in today's economy is going to turn down a viable and credible lendee over a few bucks of PMI a month. ![]() |
sounds perfect twenty years from now it'll put a tear in her eye Shoot, it put a tear in MY eye! ![]() I hope I can write something as sentimental in my own daughter's graduating yearbook 9 years from now. ![]() Job well done. ![]() |
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Mon 09/29/08 04:34 PM
Maybe you should find a nice woman then? ![]() Sounds like something I said to my ex-wife once! ![]() How about investing more than six months of your life trusting someone you were drawn to, attracted to, interested in and really cared about - to then find out that *SHE* lied: *She* was MARRIED vs. single. *She* had 4 CHILDREN from 4 different fathers vs. childless. *She* had been UNEMPLOYED for over 2 YEARS, living on WELFARE vs. working in a highly compensated position with a Fortune 500 company. *She* lived in a nasty, run-down TRAILER PARK vs. owning her own home in the burbs. *She* was a RAGING ALCOHOLIC, CHAIN SMOKER and POTHEAD vs. a "non-drinker / non-smoker". *She* had a CRIMINAL RECORD for FRAUD, BURGLARY, EXTORTION vs. being clean as a whistle in the crime department. Did I happen to mention *She* was also facing charges for three counts of child abuse and neglect via her local DSS Agency? How about them apples, *ladies*? Yes, I agree - Us *Men* are just PIGS, aren't we? ![]() |
Would it bother you?
It would depend on the duration, depth and quality of the relationship.
I'll be honest, it would sting a little or hurt like hell, depending upon those three variables. Either way I would get over it though. |
This may sound egotistical but I had numerous offers to be unfaithful while I was married but I never accepted them. Why? Because I was with the woman I desired to be with. When the dynamics of that desire changed, I left. I would never dishonor a loved one with being unfaithful. Not to mention, I'm kind of attached to my *package* and don't want to ever find myself fishing *it* out of the neighbor's garbage! ![]() but then again, I might cheat with you I have been told I have a purdy mouth. ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 09/29/08 02:53 PM
This may sound egotistical but I had numerous offers to be unfaithful while I was married but I never accepted them.
Why? Because I was with the woman I desired to be with. When the dynamics of that desire changed, I left. I would never dishonor a loved one with being unfaithful. Not to mention, I'm kind of attached to my *package* and don't want to ever find myself fishing *it* out of the neighbor's garbage! ![]() |
Are we only allowed to list ONE thing?
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i dont care
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Sun 09/28/08 03:22 AM
and i think both of your statments are ridiculous in case your wondering. ![]() Just in case you were wondering if I was wondering anything: In keeping with the forum title: "Nope, I don't really care!" ![]() ![]() And, in keeping with the true forum, I must admit again, I do not really care either if folks like or dislike the woman who posted this thread. Why should I? I do not know her, she has no true bearing on my life, I'm not a friend to her, I'm not aware or unaware of why people would be drawn to or shun away from her. It certainly doesn't mean I don't wish her well in whatever she seeks in posting this topic, but I certainly don't "care" what it produces for her and I won't lose any sleep over it or chant for her during my meditations every day. Will you guys? Honestly? |
The Dog House
breathless..hon, You're fairly new too. Trust me on this one. You get into the wrong thread and post something not agreed on by'll think you're revisting your marriage all over again! ![]() New to this site, but not new to internet dating sites, "hon". ![]() I'm not skeered, and anything that could potentially happen here cannot and would not be any more frigtening than what I experienced in my marriage, TRUST me and my ex on that one, "hon". ![]() |
The Dog House
I'm not married anymore, so hopefully there will be a permanent VACANT sign swinging over the dog house around here.
![]() Well, unless the moderators get a hold of my last few posts that is. ![]() |
i dont care
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Sun 09/28/08 02:32 AM
i always care nope, I dont find humor in anothers bad situation. regardless if they have wronged me personally or not. now, smile happy Im almost outta work and the sun will shine today. and my kids will be home by noon I hope everyone has some sort of blessing today. Missed the point...again, Pollyanna. I would not find humor in their bad situation, but I certainly wouldn't care either. I guess our degrees of caring vary. When I care about someone, I react accordingly and in a loving and caring manner. When I don't care anymore or have no reason to care, I don't react accordingly. I'm smiling already, as my children are healthy and sleeping well tonight and we have many fun things planned for the sunshiney day tomorrow. Yes, I'm very blessed. Thanks for caring. ![]() ![]() |
i dont care
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Sun 09/28/08 02:25 AM
i always care Oh, come you do not! Just be really honest here. Let you hear about the guy who supposedly did you wrong one way or another being broke down on the local freeway, in a gale force wind and hail storm, with an angry, hungry and really ugly hussy in the passenger seat, without a dime to his name to call a tow truck or even God and you will be laughing your bootey off, won't ya? I sure would be less than caring!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All sin starts with a lie!
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Sun 09/28/08 02:06 AM
Sure, there's truth to this, why wouldn't there be? Pretty much an oxymoron question to me, "which came first-the chicken or the egg"?
Most folks will speak of Karma when they really don't know a darn thing about it because they are not a true Buddhist/Taoist. They just like the catchy sound of it and what they think it means because it brings about what they term "sweet revenge" and wow, doesn't that just sound really cool and take the pressure off of me? ![]() One must first be confused or troubled about what is truth for them to commit a sin. Depending upon the lie, some individuals don't even know they are in the throws of a lie until after the fact. We ALL lie to ourselves on many levels, but is this a sin? Or only considered one when it directly affects another? What about when we lie to ourselves and remain in unhealthy situations for the sake of others? Is this a sin and will be condemned as such? How about when we lie to others because we feel we are protecting them? Is this a sin also and should be "punished" as one? Where do we draw the line and pass judgment on one's lying? Are we really suitable to judge another's reasoning for lying? Should one not be forgiven, ever, for treating another less than how they wish to be treated? Are we not all human and fall from grace from time to time? How does one determine the level of sin and disgusting treatment of another? Should that yardstick be held by those that were harmed, or a neutral party, much like a jury of 12 angry men? If anyone in here has never fallen from grace in their lives, treated another less than what they expected to be treated themselves, then please present yourself and allow me to be the one to place the almighty thorny crown upon your head. You certainly deserve it, plus a waltz upon the red carpet and the prize behind door #3. ![]() |
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Sun 09/28/08 01:36 AM
Thank you for your comments Redshirt. I highly commend you and respect you for your input.
Teachers rank up there with the highly underpaid and severly dispected professions in our society, in my mind. ![]() My ex-wife and I agreed to homeschool our children for a number of reasons, all of which I'm sure anyone can understand given our current school system demise. However, due to our agreed divorce situation and the financial constraints this has placed upon us to co-parent in today's society, we can no longer do that and have found ourselves placing our children in *EEEGADS* the public school system. What my ex and I have found, and have fought, for many years is that the teachings of our children is just that...OURS, not those who publically serve and get "paid" to do so. Surely, those who want and choose to teach have a calling to do so, but for them to be placed in a position these days to not only teach, but to babysit, mentor, protect, direct, mold, punish and guide their ultimate direction in life is totally obsurd. How easy it is for some parents these days to drop their children off at the curbside, kiss and wish them well for the day, making sure they have their necessary lunch money and book bag, and expect them to be taught well, looked after, protected and honestly nurtured when the typical ratios are 20+:1 in a public school setting, and 12+:1 in a private setting. As you can tell, this is a topic that gets under my skin. The true teachings of a child begin and end in their home setting...simple as that. Teachers should only be expected and paid to supplement those teachings, nothing more. The breakdown in our children's society and in their futures and ours is with our own self-progressed, lackadaisical mode of parenting and not our school system, not their devoted teachers hired and whether they "paddle" or not. Step up to the plate parents...teach YOUR children WELL. Ask yourselves when was the last time you actually read a book to them vs. plopping them down in front of the Wii to play a game alone? When did you last help them actually figure out that algebra equation vs. suggesting they look it upon the internet? Just ask yourselves, "have I become complacent and potentially lazy in my parenting on any level?" If so, let's correct it. If not, and it's your child acting up, then correct it - at HOME, and not in school by strangers being paid to simply teach your child the basic educational skills to obtain a hopefully better than minimum-waged position. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, I'm choosing to add this EDIT here, as i want to hold true to what my profile states: Mankind really IRKS me at times!!! Here, I'll say it... 75% (or more) of mankind should be neutered/spayed in today's society. I would certainly contribute my hard-earned tax dollars to that human spay/neuter clinic vs. what else my tax dollars go to these days, and we all know what I'm talking about. |
Do you realize that before you asked that question, you talked about that if you find a "great guy" that all he wants is sex. And then you say that you are not dissin sex cause it feels oh so lovely? WTF????? I'll buy this man a tall beer and pass him the a manly sorta way, of course. ![]() |
Just being honest thank you.