Community > Posts By > breathless1
1. Humbleness
2. Toenail clippers 3. *Her* little BLACK dress. |
Is it okay...
One of my best friends is a woman I used to date, many years ago. She's married now, has two kids and two jobs and a house and all that miserable stuff, and her husband has no problem with us hanging out. He knows I don't see her "that way" anymore, and I respect both of them too much to ever interfere in that relationship. I think I actually like him better than her now, ooooops.... But seriously, people of the opposite sex CAN be friends -- as long as they understand the boundaries.... Thank YOU! ![]() It really is all about boundaries. If it spans beyond boundaries that tip the scales of equilibrium in our relationship, then yes...there is a real problem. If we (ourselves alone) are the ones to draw the line in the sand regarding a partner's friendship with another - what does that earnestly say about "us" as a partner in a relationship? |
Is it okay...
I really am just curious here, but WHY are so many folks in here poo-poo'ing friends of the opposite sex?
![]() Why is nearly everyone assuming that just because a friend in need *late at night* equals suspected trouble and should not be trusted? Who exactly do you not trust? Your partner or his/her friend? Sure, if there were a frequent thing like Scarlett said above, I would be a bit annoyed. But, it wouldn't initially be out of distrust, just annoyance is all, because it was disrupting our sleep or alone time. If it became commonplace with the friend of my partner's, I trust that my partner would recognize the signs that it was time to cut the ties with said *friend*. Would you feel the same way if the friend were of the same sex? If not, why? Just tossing it out there, but there are a LOT (and I mean a LOT) of closet homosexuals and bisexuals out there, you guys. So, why not be fair here and offer the same distrust equally? Fair is fair, right? I just think those that are commenting..."he/she is a dog; kick them to the curb; hell no" really may have some issues of their OWN that need to be examined. ![]() |
question for the guys...
The rule of thumb is to never order more than the amount that the person paying spent unless of course they insist on you getting anything you want. First off, that's not my rule of thumb because I'm always a gentleman on a date and let the lady order first. Secondly, of course I would go out with the woman again even if she ordered everything on the left side of the menu. That's given we hit it off initially on the first date. If I got all squirrelly about what my date ordered for dinner due to the price of it, then I had no business asking her out for the evening in the first place. Last, but not least, yes - it is very rude and unbecoming to ask someone "how much can I spend" when you are on a first date. That would more than likely nix your chances for a second date...with me, anyway. |
Is it okay...
Yes, it would be (and has been) totally okay in my book.
Want to know why? Because when I have been, or when I am again, in a committed relationship - it would be based on that little thing we all SHOUT at the top of our lungs and find it so necessary to plaster on our profiles that is an absolute MUST in a relationship: TRUST. I must admit, the responses so far in this forum don't shock me one bit - especially from the women. If I couldn't trust my mate with a friend of hers, than there are more serious issues that need to be addressed - within myself. |
Why is it so difficult...
Please just assure me he is not some teeny-bopper idiotic IDOL on the cover of People magazine, k? ![]() Read, Cowgirl...READ! Yeah, whatever...agreed, you know WAY too much about that show than I care to know about. Oh, and the nano-second you (or anyone) referenced "BUFFY"...I'm outta here. Sorry! ![]() ![]() |
Why is it so difficult...
OMG, I couldn't stand it...I had to Google the dude's name.
IndianPrincess? I give you full permission to shoot me, point blank - sandles/slippers and all. It won't matter cause some woman above has afixed my likeness to some dude who played a "horned warlock" on that stupid show, "Angel" and I'll keep coming back to life anyway. ![]() |
Why is it so difficult...
If you wear those dorky sandals can I shoot you then too? YES, please...and do it quickly! And for shame if I am wearing SOCKS with any type of sandals, flog my publicly, numerous times, before you shoot me, ok? You have seriously got the David Boreanez thing goin on
HUH? Who the heck is that? Please just assure me he is not some teeny-bopper idiotic idol on the cover of People magazine, k? ![]() |
The ruling elite are in a crisis right now - brought on by their very own system of capitalism. What began several years ago during the housing boom as a way to make huge amounts of money through faulty sub-prime loans, has brought the whole system to the verge of collapse. As one investor stated in a recently uncovered email, “I hope we get out before this whole deck of cards comes tumbling down.“ And tumbling down is just what is happening - as more and more homes go belly up and the sub-prime loan crisis expands, more and more banks are losing money and some are going under. With more banks losing money and going broke, businesses and firms have less money to take out loans and do business. Rushing into save the system that screwed us is Bush himself, stating that the government is the only institution with the capacity to save the financial sector and get the economy back on track (you know, exploiting all of us, destroying the earth, and commodifying everything in sight). Thus, the government has been bailing out large banks and firms left and right, taking them over (nationalizing them) as it goes along. But as government bailouts of rich capitalists have grown, so has the anger by ordinary people as more and more Americans are welcomed into poverty’s fold. Feeling the heat, on Monday September 29th, the House of Representatives voted down the government’s plan to bailout Wall Street and give them a free ride for screwing us all over. However, Congress eventually passed the bill and Bush signed it into effect - is anyone really surprised? But the crises is far from over and repression is already rising against those who would dream against the ongoing cycle of poverty, wage slavery, depression, and recession. Offering up a short analysis of the present crisis was Crimethinc and the Center for Strategic Anarchy (an online blog), which wrote: [Magic Eight Ball says 'Ask again later'] Welcome to the 1960's...the 1970's...the 1980's...the 1990's...and the REAL WORLD! Reality can really suck at times. ![]() Sorry to report, I don't derive my impressions from *online* blogs. Although the Magic Eight Ball may come in handy for this upcoming election. I think MY "8 ball" is saying: REPLY HAZY, Try again later. No wait, I think it actually said: "Outlook not so good". ![]() |
The ruling elite are in a crisis right now - brought on by their very own system of capitalism. What began several years ago during the housing boom as a way to make huge amounts of money through faulty sub-prime loans, has brought the whole system to the verge of collapse. As one investor stated in a recently uncovered email, “I hope we get out before this whole deck of cards comes tumbling down.“ And tumbling down is just what is happening - as more and more homes go belly up and the sub-prime loan crisis expands, more and more banks are losing money and some are going under. With more banks losing money and going broke, businesses and firms have less money to take out loans and do business. Rushing into save the system that screwed us is Bush himself, stating that the government is the only institution with the capacity to save the financial sector and get the economy back on track (you know, exploiting all of us, destroying the earth, and commodifying everything in sight). Thus, the government has been bailing out large banks and firms left and right, taking them over (nationalizing them) as it goes along. But as government bailouts of rich capitalists have grown, so has the anger by ordinary people as more and more Americans are welcomed into poverty’s fold. Feeling the heat, on Monday September 29th, the House of Representatives voted down the government’s plan to bailout Wall Street and give them a free ride for screwing us all over. However, Congress eventually passed the bill and Bush signed it into effect - is anyone really surprised? But the crises is far from over and repression is already rising against those who would dream against the ongoing cycle of poverty, wage slavery, depression, and recession. Offering up a short analysis of the present crisis was Crimethinc and the Center for Strategic Anarchy (an online blog), which wrote: [Magic Eight Ball says 'Ask again later'] |
Why is it so difficult...
Why yes it is... ![]() I couldn't agree more. And if you ever hear of me desiring to wear *slippers*...just shoot me in the head out back, with Old Yeller, k? ![]() |
Why is it so difficult...
Fear if I had a man that was as happy to see me as my dog is and ran around my legs and tripped me and wagged his tail, well I don't think he'd last long... ![]() I may wag my tail for you because I am a "dog" afterall being male and all, but I certainly wouldn't want to trip you for fear I wouldn't get my almighty beer nor slippers handed to me properly when I walked through the door. ![]() ![]() hun even if you tripped me you could still get your own damn beer and slippers... ![]() ![]() Nicely done. Guess it's a good thing I don't drink beer OR wear slippers, huh..."hun"? ![]() |
Help with a breakup
[Thank you... Yeah... I get that way when the rest of the world can't sleep... ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah, I become a Harvard scholar when no one is really listening late at night too, bud! ![]() Welcome to the REAL world, dude. Trying to figure out women is like trying to figure out quantum physics when you failed simple algebra in High School. Not to play upon your age, or her's here, but you are caught in that immature "love me, get the "f" away from me, no really love me, but leave me the hell alone, I love you, but you are pure sh*t, I love you, but only want to be friends, you are the only one for me, but I need to find myself"...syndrome. Get OFF the ride, man! Be grateful you survived the rollercoaster with all your limbs and nuts intact. Don't feel "bad" about anything. You were honest, and yep, as someone said above...SHE couldn't handle the truth. Sorry to say, but most women can't handle rejection and they ultimately retaliate and want to make it all about you. Do NOT buy that ticket. Spend your money on some cotton candy instead. It WILL be sweeter. ![]() |
Why is it so difficult...
Fear if I had a man that was as happy to see me as my dog is and ran around my legs and tripped me and wagged his tail, well I don't think he'd last long... ![]() I may wag my tail for you because I am a "dog" afterall being male and all, but I certainly wouldn't want to trip you for fear I wouldn't get my almighty beer nor slippers handed to me properly when I walked through the door. ![]() ![]() |
Bad Insomnia
honestly... it sounds nice and simple but getting off the computer only means she'll spend the next 2-3 hours bored and not sleeping. Honestly, being bored is a state of mind and nearly anything mind-based can be altered, if you are willing to put forth the effort to change the habit. Basically almost all sleep disorders originate in the brain as that is the driving force for our sleep (except for those that are pathologically driven outside of the brain). Change the brain's learned pattern of insomnia, and the body WILL follow. Yes, it IS simple. Quickly fixed, no...but, simply...yes. It all starts with the first step. If you are not willing to try healthy suggestions offered here, just smack yourself in the head with a 2x4, really HARD. That should do the trick. ![]() |
most comforting sounds...
Thanks, Puffins...
Guess you could say I'm one of those who actually "listens" around this joint. Here's a few more of my favorite sounds: My computer when it shouts "YOU HAVE MAIL" and it's actually from someone I WANT to hear from. Clapping from a pleased and entertained audience. An old clock ticking in the background. My loose change hitting the "change bucket" in my bedroom. Windchimes. Metal being crushed or glass being broken. My dishwasher running. A high school band playing their hearts out, hopefully in unison and in tune, but if not - WHO CARES? My paper shredder - shredding the crap outta my spam snail mail. The infamous "DING" when the elevator I've been waiting on finally arrives. A really good FART - talk about comforting for BOTH parties involved. ![]() |
most comforting sounds...
My children's heartfelt laughter
Rain on a tin roof (or anything for that matter...posted this earlier...sorry) A strong wind through the trees A jet flying overhead Soft pitter-patter of footsteps in the house, because I know it is likely my children sneaking around My truck starting on a cold winter morning A harp Rushing water. Any body of water (creek, brook, ocean, river, bathrub, sprinkler, faucet) Fireworks on the 4th of July My chainsaw or weedeater firing-up on the third pull Cheers from a fan-based crowd when their team has scored A crackling fire My lover whispering to me, anything at anytime - doesn't matter what she is saying A really creaky, wooden door that clearly needs to be oiled and my favorite of all: The sound of complete silence (according to Simon & Garfunkle) |
when meeting
Edited by
Sat 10/04/08 11:13 PM
First look is an overall look...body language DING, DING! I agree 1,000,000%. I observe the whole package initially, and not in a physical attraction sense, but rather how the woman carries herself and how she moves within her own space and time. Everything else will fall nicely into place if she is comfortable with herself. And for the woman above who mentioned hands? That is likely my second, and most intense, observation. A person's hands offer a very realistic story about or woman. ![]() |
"I love lamp"
That's easy...
Anchorman. ![]() |
What happened???
Edited by
Sat 10/04/08 09:34 PM
In the past, there were so many good times to be had here. I know how busy we all get in the summer, but I cannot explain or understand what is the reason for it being so dull and drab. I have talked with some that turn out to be all together "STRANGE" after getting to know them. And I have met some who are true and genuine. The hard part for me is figuring out who is a player and just here to mess with other's feelings and emotions. To the point of absolute distrust. Sad but true. This is just my humble opinion. What I find rather intriguing and most *humorous* is often times *we* post about the exact same thing that occurs in REAL life and solicit advice/opinions/feedback. Certainly, the internet has provided a different venue for scammers to be scammers, yet these scammers were and are alive and kicking in real life, long before we all paid a "fee" to experience them here, right? Don't we read, post, share and engage about "real life" experiences where we perceive we were burned, wronged on some level left whimpering in the corner, licking our wounds from hurt feelings? I've been "done wrong" on the internet, like most here have. I've also had the same experiences, if not worse, occur in real life. I've simply learned over time how to armour myself against it or *them*, if you will. While I do everything I possibly can to guard myself against the wrong-doers, I will not allow them to control my life to point of distrusting EVERYONE on the internet. I simply pick and choose accordingly and carefully who I think should be "file 13'd". |