Community > Posts By > breathless1
Yeah, I looked at your profile, and I am NOT gay. Looks like you already caught one "big fish", who's to say you couldn't catch another. Cast that line, bro! ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, sh*t!! JUST SHOOT ME NOW and DON'T MISS! ![]() ![]() |
Everybody lies. In one form or another. Thanks for saying what was on my mind and bluntly stated in my profile. Choose your battles carefully and make sure YOU are not guilty of the same "sin" or close thereof before you cut all ties with a friend or loved one. Those who live in glass houses and all, you know? ![]() |
Yeah, I looked at your profile, and I am NOT gay.
Looks like you already caught one "big fish", who's to say you couldn't catch another. Cast that line, bro! ![]() |
i am going to stop for now Wise choice! ![]() |
As usual, folks around here don't fully READ my comments!
![]() Correct me if I am wrong here, but did I NOT say: "Would I get heavily involved? Probably not. But, I certainly wouldn't discard a person I was drawn to simply because they were currently separated." I think that was ME who typed that, was it not? Believe it or not, I DO have "morals" too, folks. When I said I wouldn't discount someone I was "attracted" to, I did NOT mean in the sense I wanted to lay her down and cause her to bear my bastard child! I meant someone I was attracted to as a PERSON, enjoyed her company and wanted to get to know her better is all. Why would I NOT want to have coffee with this woman, share a meal and catch a movie with her, take a walk in the park with her, actually listen to what is going on in her life at the moment and strategically evaluate my feelings from there? That's what becoming FRIENDS FIRST is all about, right? Or so I thought. ![]() |
Would you date someone that is separated from their spouse? I'll go against the grain here and say, YES I sure would if I were interested enough in them and depending (yes, again "depending") upon their degree of "separation". Why wouldn't I? ![]() Would I get heavily involved? Probably not. But, I certainly wouldn't discard a person I was drawn to simply because they were currently separated. The risk of losing someone to them going back to their spouse is just as great as losing someone you met in a bar (or the internet) going back to an old flame or finding someone new. |
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 09:44 PM
What is important to you in a relationship, isn't necessarily what is going to be important to me. Having been cheated on multiple times, I am simply not willing to deal with that crap again. So faithfulness is extremely important to me. People who are seeking dates have what are called " deal breakers ". Well..unfaithfulness is MY deal breaker. I don't care how long the relationship has been going on or how " involved " it is. If she cheats, she's gone. It's as simple as that. I hear you, and totally respect that. As the phrase goes, "to each their own". We all have our lines drawn in the sand in regards to what we will accept/forgive or not, don't we? I, too, have been cheated on. NOT "multiple" times though - at least to the best of my knowledge. I'm just saying that the time I was cheated on, it was NOT the ultimate "deal breaker" for the demise in the relationship in the end. It was something that stung FAR deeper than her just having sex with another person for me. |
I find it sad that people have to be so cruel if a relationship is that bad end it first That was my point exactly. Did you even catch my ironic twist in my comment? ![]() I've witnessed first-hand people who have stayed in far WORSE situations that never even involved cheating. Not to mention, most of these folks just b*tch, whine and complain about how unhappy or unhealthy their relationship is, and totally belittle or degrade their S/O verbally to others who will listen, but they STAY. Sure, cheating sucks! But, why is it the be all/end all for relationships? I certainly place a HUGE amount of importance on being faithful in a relationship, and expect the same from my S/O. But, I certainly don't rank it as #1 because I personally feel there are a few more important aspects to a relationship. I will say again though: It would "depend"!!! |
I want to state I do NOT condone or support infidelity on any level, folks. I'm just saying, for ME, it would "depend" upon the situation and the relationship.
I also find it sort of comical and also sad the countless other forms of cr*p and abuse people put up with, whine, cry and complain about in a relationship, but they stay put in loveless, compromised and completely miserable relationship. But, the milli-second someone cheats...BOOM...GONE! I'm just one who doesn't get that. ![]() |
I've said this before on here with regards to a totally different topic: It would all depend. It would depend on the quality, duration and depth of the relationship. I certainly can't just give a pat yes or no answer to this question. It weighs too heavily on other factors.
Here's the thing the bothers me about this issue.People either believe that the person cheated because they weren't getting enough sex or that the other person being cheated on must have been half responsible I just love how some women (and men) will agree that a relationship is 50/50 or 100/100 or whatever ratio you place on it. However, when it comes to possibly taking partial responsibility for infidelity occuring in a relationship they quickly sumise "nope, it was ALL the S/O's fault for straying!" ![]() Granted, there are complete dogs in this world that just cheat for the sake of cheating. It's just part of their nature. However, most often times there IS a deeper root to the problem and that root existed IN the relationship, not just soley on one person. |
What do you
I'm a pretty cool "Daddy" for my children.
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Absolutely! In a NY minute!
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If U could
Kudos for leaving me the...."breathless one".
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Hot or Not??
And you are kidding too, right...Roco? I wasn't even referring to the "fling" innuendo!
I'm sure she will "love you long time" too...hit her up. ![]() Certainly hope your bank account is nice and padded there, buddy. ![]() |
Hot or Not??
You also state:
"So if you're looking for someone to love you long time, or just a fling, I'm your girl." You ARE kidding, right? ![]() |
To get my children up and ready for school because they *never* do it on their own.
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Annie...get your gun???
Would you like BAMBI'S mother's head stuffed and mounted on your wall? Not particularly, but my ex mother-in-law's stuffed head over my mantle would add to my decor nicely. ![]() Make sure you get the eye color right ![]() That should be easy: BLACK! The woman was/is the DeBil, I swear! ![]() |
Fully Body Pics!
I just wanted to drop by and see if any chicks were posting nudie pics yet.
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If you could........
To my children: You were the best part of my life and I'll always be with you, loving you, protecting you and very proud of you.
-or- To whoever is listening: I sure hope they have fresh, out of the oven, Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies on the other side - I always liked those. ![]() |