The Defective Scenario
Oh great one! Thank you for setting me straight. I obviously have no idea what I am talking about. Now that you have me completely convinced of your superiority all you need to do is convince the other 7.5 billion people. Grow up |
The Defective Scenario
From Tom4Uhere
I only know what I was taught about what happened. Those instructions formed my sense of the religion as I understood it. I'm glad you are an authority on God and God's motives and actions. Perhaps I would have a different understanding if you were the one that taught my Sunday School. Some basic things you need to know before you go posing about what makes sense to you about Christianity, and what doesn't. I see you were trained in a religion as a child. I am not sure what training you have had since, but it seems that your views are from a child's point of view. No research. Do what you're told. My faith in my God is not dependent on your approval.
I don't understand where this idea comes from. But, again, it sounds like a child-like perspective. Perhaps you put too much importance on what others say to you? Y'all might think I'm atheist but I'm not.
I just believe in a God that has very little to do with religion. Yes, you sound very much like an atheist. Would it surprise you to know that I agree with that last sentence? Living in His Presence and living a life of religion are two very different things. That includes Lucifer, his once trusted Angel.
There is no "lucifer" in the Scriptures. The name comes from a mistake in the Septiguant. The info on "lucifer" is really about a king (Tyre) in the OT. I don't study the Bible.
I should go to Hell. This is abundantly clear. But as I mentioned before, there is no "hell" in the Scriptures. There is no ancient word in the Scriptures that means "hell" as we use the word. I would suggest that if you want to keep making these little "Defective Scenarios" on Christianity that you do some research and clean up your act. By the time I was 18, I had visited 50 churches, including Kathryn Kuhlman's, and had been healed the say way that is described in the Bible. |
The Defective Scenario
I wish we could send an e-mail to God asking what we should be doing. I'm sure she would have some interesting answers
![]() There is a show on Netflix I watched called Interview with God that has some pretty cool perceptions. I really enjoyed the script/dialogue between God and the reporter.
I amazes me the lengths people will go to just to avoid following His instructions. |
The Defective Scenario
From Tom4Uhere
I am not worthy. I am a POS. I don't study the Bible. I should go to Hell. There is no "hell." Now, where do you think you are going? The issue isn't the Book.
Its the implied meaning within the book. What some people do with that implied meaning. How that implied meaning stacks up against normal logic and reason. That's where the issue is. Actually, it is you who are judging people who do not believe as you do. Thes "implications" are in your own mind. They do not truly exist. Case in point. You keep saying "people like me.' But you don't know me at all. You don't know what I believe. And no matter how many times I tell you, you don't know where you are going. Any comment you make about the Bible are moot, as far as I am concerned. You have made it abundantly clear that you have never read it. What would you think of a man who comments on Moby Dick, but never actually read it? CLV Mt 22:29 Now, answering, Jesus said to them, "You are deceived, not being acquainted with the scriptures, nor yet with the power of God. |
The Defective Scenario
Edited by
Sun 03/17/19 12:54 AM
From Tom4Uhere
I only know what I was taught about what happened. Those instructions formed my sense of the religion as I understood it. Typical how so many people refuse to take the blame for their lack of education regarding the Scriptures. What do they say in an American court? Ignorance of the Law is no excuse. Here is the problem with this Defective Scenario. When your education of God and His Book stops when you are a child, then you have a childish idea of God. I remember when I was a child having a religious discussion about the size of God's big toe. And learning that a thunderstorm was really only angels bowling. CLV 1Cor 13:11 When I was a minor, I spoke as a minor, I was disposed as a minor, I took account of things as a minor. Yet when I have become a man, I have discarded that which is a minor's. 12 For at present we are observing by means of a mirror, in an enigma, yet then, face to face. At present I know out of an instalment, yet then I shall recognize according as I am recognized also. I'm glad you are an authority on God and God's motives and actions.
Perhaps I would have a different understanding if you were the one that taught my Sunday School. God has chosen revealed Himself through the book we call the Bible. And, yes, I have studied this book. CLV Matt 22:29 Now, answering, Jesus said to them, "You are deceived, not being acquainted with the scriptures, nor yet with the power of God. So, where were you?
As for reading "the Book" you refer to, My instruction about religion started before I was able to read? Why didn't you give the right book to my parents, my pastor, my Sunday school teachers and all the other people I have asked questions about religion? It was not my job to blow your nose and feed and cloth you. I have already raised my kids. And you were not counted among them. But you have been given instructions. You just chose to ignore them. CLV Matt 6:33 Yet seek first the kingdom and its righteousness, and these all shall be added to you. CLV Matt 7:7 Request and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. However, If I was meant to read the "right" book, and God is God, don't you think He would have made sure it was available to me?
He has. Again, you have chosen to ignore Him. For much of my life, I was willing to learn anything I could about religion.
In fact, I was taught it was my duty. That's funny. Because I have see you post that your interest in Christianity is limited. That you don't care enough to do what needs to be done. And your lack of Christian education shows. It's time to grow up. Stop blaming others for your short comings. Take responsibility. You know what to do. |
The Defective Scenario
From Tom4Uhere
Eve broke that agreement with God when she partook from the fruit of knowledge. The first sin. Right? Wrong. Adam fell long before he ended up in Eden. You might know this if you read the book. My question is why was the tree with the fruit of knowledge even there if man was not supposed to take sustenance of it?
Eden was just a stop off point for Adam. Did you think God was going to rearrange all of creation over this? Consider this. Perhaps you should read the book if you are going to make comments on it. |
Pure marriage bed
The marriage bed can only be as "pure" as we are.
And those who think they are "pure" are greatly deceived. |
Is Religion homophobic?
criminal phobic Now that is an interesting concept. Maybe we can start prosecuting you for your fears. The fact is, we all have fears. It's part of the human condition. |
Pure marriage bed
Pure marriage bed
BigD If you aren’t religious, why do you feel the need to quote scriptures on every post you comment on? A lot of people Do Not care what the scriptures say and most do Not follow them either, regardless of their religious beliefs. Frankly, I find it annoying! There is alot more to the Scriptures than what most people perceive. I might suggest, it might be an instruction book to a higher evolution. Alot of people do not care for your opinions. Frankly, my dead, I don't give a damn. |
Your quote does not answer the question for many people.Even if one accepted that what is written in Scripture is true the above quote refers to those who believe.What happens to those who do not believe in Jesus ?
It wasn't designed to. All you are doing is twisting my words. And I do not dictate what nonChristiand believe or do. |
CLV 1Cor 7:1 Now, concerning what you write to me: It is ideal for a man not to be touching a woman. 2 Yet, because of prostitutions, let each man have a wife for himself and each woman have her own husband. Fornication is an unscriptural term Much like "hell" the word "fornication" was made up by the Catholic church as yet another means to help them control the populists of Europe. The definition wasn't all that clear many years ago, so the church would use this term as it saw fit. Even today the definition can get a bit fuzzy... Merriam-Webster consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other The Bible Encyclopedia “The Greek word for ‘fornication’ (porneia) could include any sexual sin committed after the betrothal contract. …In Biblical usage, ‘fornication’ can mean any sexual congress outside monogamous marriage. It thus includes not only premarital sex, but also adultery, homosexual acts, incest, remarriage after un-Biblical divorce, and sexual acts with animals, all of which are explicitly forbidden in the law as given through Moses (Leviticus 20:10-21). Christ expanded the prohibition against adultery to include even sexual lusting (Matthew 5:28).” (Dr. Henry M. Morris) Idolatry. The Free Dictionary adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness, extra-marital congress or relations or sex, living in sin, extra-curricular sex (informal), pre-marital congress or relations or sex Fornication is a crime in some American states. Can you see some of the contradictions here? But the real confusion lies in the practical use of the word. Many people feel it describes a certain type of sex. For example, some believe "fornication" means oral, or **** sex. Some think it means sex with animals. Some feel it involves what we call "toys" or ropes. Some think it is about dominance or submission. It seems it all depends on who you talk to. Today the Catholic church uses the word to help with their lists of immorality. Often times this word will be added to a list that the Catholic church wants to make look horrible. In many cases, if we are to believe that "fornication" simply means "consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other," the term is redundant. AV Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, If we are to believe the bible it seems that the words "fornication" and "adultery" are two different and unique terms. Not the same thing at all. So what does the word "fornication" really mean? Much like the term "hell," "fornication" is used to substitute a different word from the Scriptures. Just as "hell" is used to substitute 4 different words, so is "fornication used to substitute 4 different words. These are... porne? That means a prostitute (Revelation 19:2 uses porne) porneia? is Prostitution (1 Cornithians 7:2 uses porneia) porneuo? is committing prostitution (1 Cornithians 6:18 uses porneia) pornos? that is a male prostitute, which might be knows as a Gigolo today (1 Corinthians 6:9 uses pornos) I list these as examples only. The word "fornication" is used in the KJV 36 times, 4 times in the OT and 32 times in the NT. I would like to concentrate on the NT use of this word. Matthew 5:32 Matthew 19:9 John 8:41 Acts 15:20 Acts 21:25 Romans 1:29 1Corinthians 5:1 (2) 1Corinthians 6:13 1Corinthians 6:18 (2) 1Corinthians 7:2 1Corinthians 10:8 2Corinthians 12:21 Galatians 5:19 Ephesians 5:3 Colossians 3:5 1Thessalonians 4:3 Jude 1:7 Revelation 2:14 Revelation 2:20 Revelation 2:21 Revelation 9:21 Revelation 14:8 Revelation 17:2 (2) Revelation 17:4 Revelation 18:3 (2) Revelation 18:9 Revelation 19:2 Prostitution is a business transaction, where money is exchanged for sexual services. This practice (called the oldest profession) was so popular in Rome that there was a street named after it. Prostitution in Ancient Rome was legal and licensed. Prostitution was big business in Rome. So why would it be so strange that Paul was addressing this widespread problem? By restoring the word "Prostitution" to the Scriptures and eliminating the word "Fornication" we can see that the church has very little to say about mankind's sexual activities. Adultery is defined as a married person having sex outside of his/her marriage. Virginity is also defined in the OT. But there is really nothing that says two people who are in love cannot have sex. Unless, of course, you are willing to say that every woman who has ever given herself to a man is a Prostitute. Are you? |
If you read the Scriptures you would know that death is not the end.
CLV John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living. 26 And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?" |
From greeneyes148
Where do we go after we died? _____________________________________________________________________ Well, if you ae rushed to the hospital and then die there you are taken down to the basement morgue. Wheeled past the intern sitting there at the desk texting his friends. He eventually gets around to putting a tag on your toe and he tell the funeral home to make sure they come by 4pm, because the hospital will not authorize overtime and he ain't working for free!! Two guys from the funeral home come and get you. They put you in the back of the van with the blacked out windows and start to drive back to the funeral home.but not before stopping at McDonalds for a #3 extra value meal and not before commenting on a few woman's passerby's backsides. that's where you go after you die This is a cute little fantasy. However, this poster fails to consider that eventually, every physical body decomposes... CLV Gen 3:19 By the sweat of your brow shall you eat your bread, Until you return to the ground, for from it were you taken. For soil you are, and to soil you shall return. And what of the soul and Spirit? |
Edited by
Thu 02/07/19 06:53 AM
From theskyisgreat4u Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Here this poster does not bother to post a bible verse, but rather a web page. The Bible verse in question is Matt. 16:19. But we might notice that the term "hell" is absent from the choices that Jesus gives us. Heaven and Earth, but no "hell." I can only conclude that he is supporting what I have already said.
Revelation 20:15 And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Again this poster Doesn't bother the Bible but puts his faith in a web site. By posting this web site, which focuses Rev. 20:15, tries to take our attention off of "hell" and replace it with the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20:14 proves that "hell" and the Lake of Fire cannot be the same thing. This is just another example of how so many try to replace rumor and hearsay replaces Biblical knowledge. I suggest you read the book. |
From nature lady
in the meantime: In rabbinic literature Gehenna is a destination of the wicked. This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, although the King James Version of the Bible usually translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell. In Hebrew, the language of the rabbi, Gehenna means... GEHENNA (Hebr. ; Greek, Γέεννα): By: Kaufmann Kohler, Ludwig Blau The place where children were sacrificed to the god Moloch was originally in the "valley of the son of Hinnom," to the south of Jerusalem (Josh. xv. 8, passim; II Kings xxiii. 10; Jer. ii. 23; vii. 31-32; xix. 6, 13-14). For this reason the valley was deemed to be accursed, and "Gehenna" therefore soon became a figurative equivalent for "hell." The Jews of the OT did not have a "hell." She is right about sheol/hades. Both of these term translate to mean "unseen." |
Edited by
Tue 02/05/19 07:04 AM
From theskyisgreat4u
To say that the basic concept of "hell" is not scriptural seems unfounded. I repeat: There is no "hell" in the Scriptures. It would be very simple to refute this statement. Just post the Ancient term for "hell" used in the Scriptures. CLV 1Cor. 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal put on immortality. 54 Now, whenever this corruptible should be putting on incorruption and this mortal should be putting on immortality, then shall come to pass the word which is written, Swallowed up was Death by Victory. 55 Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting? Chapter 15 of Corinthians is about the immortal body that will be used during the Millennium, or the 1000 year reign of Christ. |
I don't see anyone here that goes to heaven the way Jesus did.
Do you? |
Of course, the word "hell" is not in the Scriptures. It's an English term. English didn't exist until about 1000 years after Jesus was here. Here is the point that no one has addressed. There is no Ancient Hebrew term for "hell." The Ancient Greek term "Gehenna" was not used as "hell" in the OT, even though it did exist. This is from the Jewish Encyclopedia... SHEOL (): By: Emil G. Hirsch Position and Form. Hebrew word of uncertain etymology (see Sheol, Critical View), a synonym of "bor" (pit), "abaddon" and "shaḥat" (pit or destruction), and perhaps also of "tehom" (abyss). —Biblical Data: It connotes the place where those that had died were believed to be congregated. There is no Ancient term in Hebrew or Greek in the Bible that can be translated as "hell." You can believe in a "hell" if you like, but there is no Biblical verification for that belief. |
I don't recall reading about the internet in the Scriptures,yet the internet exists.Just because something is not mentioned in Scripture does not mean it is not real. This has to be one of the stupidest rebuttals for "hell" I have ever seen. The sad part is, I have seen it before. I do not say that "hell" is not real. No one living can know that. But I do say it is not a Scriptural concept. There is no ancient term for "hell." Not one that describes how it is used today. If there is no ancient term for "hell" then it stands to reason that the word "hell" is a substitute for something else. However, no one will ever discover what that "something else" is as long as he/she indulges in stupid theologies. The concept of hell as portrayed in Dante's Inferno may not be a Biblical concept.In earlier times in England I believe hell was a pit where potatoes were stored in the ground during winter.
So many Catholics had trouble with the concept that Dante's divine comedy is nothing more than a fictitious tale. It would be tantamount to reading a comic book. Anyone truly interested in what the Scriptures say about death needs to stay away from such literature. |