Topic: Where do we go after we died? | |
Where do we go after we died?
Some said, the spirit goes to the other side world and waits for the re-incarnation (re-born) Some thought, deeply sleep (feel nothing, think nothing, do nothing, just stay idle breathless and whilst spirit goes back to the God as the creator of all) till the resurrection time and lives again in world of Eden and some believe we go to heaven and live there eternally. Some stated, all disappear for good and remains none (atheist). Since I believe in God, for sure I do not agree with this. |
who knows?
the only people who knows for sure are the ones that died. one day we will find out. |
Yes, it's your beliefs but I'm of the opinion that you should make the most of the life you have and don't waste it on thinking about what might be
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Ty for the respons y'all.
Well, I brought up this topic because just lost a friend of mine who died after suffered from bone cancer. We had used to the church together, have coffee, joking, arguing badly as well (because we both have opposite way of thinking}, etc. She was a very strong woman before she had cancer, and after about a year, slowly she lost all her strength, even got blind at the end... "Life is only a journey to a valley of the death". |
Sorry for your loss RunneRae.
![]() I sometimes think that’s the worst thing about losing someone. We can’t picture them anywhere else, because here and now is all we can see. I beleive our energy or spirit goes on somehow, even if it’s just obsorbed into this beautiful universe. But I take comfort in reasoning that without the body there should be no more pain to endure. |
TY ShybutKind
Yes, she must be happy by now, feel no more pain, free from things had burdened her mind. Definetely, it is the living one (me) who feel the loss. |
Ty for the respons y'all. Well, I brought up this topic because just lost a friend of mine who died after suffered from bone cancer. We had used to the church together, have coffee, joking, arguing badly as well (because we both have opposite way of thinking}, etc. She was a very strong woman before she had cancer, and after about a year, slowly she lost all her strength, even got blind at the end... "Life is only a journey to a valley of the death". sorry for your loss, I can understand why you are curious about the subject. |
I am sorry for your loss.
The Scriptures tells us we sleep until the Resurrection. CLV John 11:11 He said these things, and after this He is saying to them, "Lazarus, our friend, has found repose, but I am going that I should be awakening him out of sleep." 12 The disciples, then, said to Him, "Lord, if he has repose, he shall be saved." 13 Now Jesus had made a declaration concerning his death, yet they suppose that He is saying it concerning the repose of sleep. 14 Jesus, then, said to them with boldness then, "Lazarus died. 15 And I am rejoicing because of you, that you should be believing, seeing that I was not there. But we may be going to him." CLV Jn 11:22 But even now I am aware that whatsoever Thou shouldst be requesting of God, God will be giving to Thee." 23 Jesus is saying to her, "Your brother will be rising." 24 Martha is saying to Him, "I am aware that he will be rising in the resurrection in the last day." 25 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living. 26 And everyone who is living and believing in Me, should by no means be dying for the eon. Are you believing this?" |
TY ShybutKind Yes, she must be happy by now, feel no more pain, free from things had burdened her mind. Definetely, it is the living one (me) who feel the loss. ![]() ![]() |
I have been raised as a catholic and still a catholic.
Yet I am also learning bible teaching of Jehovah Witnesses. It makes sense to me... they stated when one died it means one goes into a deeply sleep for long until the resurrection time. |
Firstly sorry to hear about your friend
Secondly, I’m not sure what happens when we die but I’d like to think it’s not the end. I believe in some sort of spirit, maybe an afterlife of spirits. I believe when someone dies it’s only the body that dies, something of them lives on inside us and all around. I was brought up a Catholic too but maybe the ancient Egyptians were closer to what I imagine about an afterlife. |
I have been raised as a catholic and still a catholic. Yet I am also learning bible teaching of Jehovah Witnesses. It makes sense to me... they stated when one died it means one goes into a deeply sleep for long until the resurrection time. Much closer to what the Scriptures say. |
I have been raised as a catholic and still a catholic. Yet I am also learning bible teaching of Jehovah Witnesses. It makes sense to me... they stated when one died it means one goes into a deeply sleep for long until the resurrection time. we could make this point of view more clearer. let's look at it this way: 1. we die 2. our bodies no longer function, but there is our spirit. so where does our spirit go is the big question. this leads to death being a transition of multiple things: 1. the body dies and becomes functionless. 2. the spirit separates itself from the body. 2A. depending if you believe in God or not, our spirit goes to God [our creator] and dwells with God until our bodies are resurrected. 2B. the non believers spirit is also separated from their body. and their spirit awaits final judgement spoken in Revelation before being cast into the Lake of Fire. but one thing is definitely for certain: 1. when the body dies, the spirit continues to live. so, you can view your friends loss as being her soul is with God waiting for her resurrected body. she believed in God and is with God in spirit. and one day she will be reunited with her perfect heavenly body. and one day you will get to be with your friend again and with God!! |
In death...
1. The body goes back to the ground (Gen. 3:19) 2. The soul goes to the Unseen. (Ecc. 9:5 + 10) 3. And the Spirit back to it's Maker. (Ecc. 12:7) So in this sense, death can be seen as a return. |
The spirit goes back to its owner, for it belongs to the Owner (the Creator)
The body gets rotten The soul only exists when the Creator give the spirit back to to soul The soul & spirit, without body (flesh & blood), it's called Ghost A living human is the most complete creation of all, has spirit, soul, body (and all its well functionally inner organs, especially brain) I am here and can discuss things because my brain's still functionally well. "I am therefore I think - I think therefore I am" Wonders sometimes, the breathing & living ones without well functionally brain, do they know they exist? |
From RunneRea
The spirit goes back to its owner, for it belongs to the Owner (the Creator) The body gets rotten This is very good. The body does get rotten and eventually (given enough time) turns to soil. Mulch. Compost. CLV Gen 3:19 By the sweat of your brow shall you eat your bread, Until you return to the ground, for from it were you taken. For soil you are, and to soil you shall return. The soul only exists when the Creator give the spirit back to to soul
The soul & spirit, without body (flesh & blood), it's called Ghost Regardless of what the Catholic church teaches, the Bible tells us that a soul is a product of a body and a spirit united. I have not seen an incident where the soul and spirit exist without a body. Not in the Scriptures, anyway. A living human is the most complete creation of all, has spirit, soul, body (and all its well functionally inner organs, especially brain)
Very good. Body, soul, and spirit make a man complete. |
I'm gunna get slammed for this...
When a person dies it all stops. The soul or spirit that I sense in me is a sense. Dead means no more senses, including sense of self. You don't even need to die to experience loss of senses. Being anesthetized for surgery causes the sense of self to be gone. Being 'knocked out' causes the sense of self to be gone. Dying is like being permanently 'knocked out'. You don't go anywhere. You don't meet anyone. You don't feel anything. You don't think anything. You don't remember anything. There is no you at all. You are dead and dead is, well, dead. Matter is composed of energy. There is energy in the process of firing a synapse. Energy can't be created or destroyed, merely changes state. In that sense, the energy that is in your body has to go someplace. Since we are all part of the Universe, when the energy that was us is released, it goes back into the Universe energy. In that sense, you do go somewhere but you go as energy not as self. Like a single drop of water into a vast ocean. The energy that once was you may manifest in other matter eventually but there will be no 'you' because you are merely the current pattern of energy that is identified by your senses and associations. |
An angel has soul and spirit, am I wrong?
Or an angel just has spirit? Soul gives personality. My small brain think, each angel own different angelic personality. And evil (satan) has spirit with satanic personality Or spirit's divided by 2, angelic and satanic?! |
What you've typed sound like an atheist's statement. You remind me one who said almost similar and that one told me frankly as an atheist. |
Tom4Uhere, What you've typed sound like an atheist's statement. You remind me one who said almost similar and that one told me frankly as an atheist. I don't consider myself atheist. I just don't buy into religion. My God has no requirements of me and I have none for God. I don't 'believe' God exists, I 'KNOW' God exists. I also know I am no more 'special' than a pebble or a galaxy. I don't fear death so I don't need comfort in belief. When I die, I end. Those I loved that have died before me are gone forever. While I still live, I remember them from the experiences we shared. It was those shared experiences that make me who I am now. When I die, I know it could be a month or two till my corpse is found. I won't know that because I won't know anything. There won't be a me to think about it. Because, I'll be dead. |