sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:49 AM

Did I ever make the claim they did not? However if you add obesity into the mix, you have dramatically increased your chances of acquiring a weight related condition. There is no need for the overweight folks to take a defensive stance. Especially when it is something that more than likley is in your control to change or at least improve upon. If the doctor told you that you were borderline Type 2, would you just blow it off?
well, it just cracks me up. When a woman has a weight problem men are suddenly all doctors.

Skinny people get sick too. Do you take a detailed health history of every woman you date to make sure there are no diseases lurking in her background?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:43 AM

I really have no problem with overweight folks or what terms they would like to use to describe themselves. Male or female, it’s their prerogative. That is a choice that they have decided to make in regards to how they want to present themselves to the world, or dating scene, whatever the case may be.

My only concern for the people in my life that I have more intimate contact with is that being overweight, or obese, can lead to all kinds of health issues and problems. Some are not quick fixes either and can pave the road to chronic conditions.

skinny people have health problems too. Especially the ones who smoke and drink.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:43 AM
Edited by sparkleplenty424 on Sun 08/03/08 05:44 AM

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:42 AM

People don't like to admit that they have been stay too close to the fork and too far away from the
I know skinny people who eat junk all day and never exercise. No one criticizes them.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:38 AM

In most states there is a "common law" provision that basically states that if a man and woman live together for 7 years or more, they are legally married and thus are subject to the same divisions in property as if they were married.
So if you are worried about the financial aspects of marriage, I would suggest getting a new live in mate every 6 years.laugh laugh laugh
that's a good idea on so many levels.laugh

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:36 AM

For most women there is less to "Worry" about in the case of a divorce since they're going to get Alimony and possible Child support
I have been divorced twice and never got alimony. I did get child support but believe me, raising a child cost way more than what he had to pay. More than twice as much, so he didn't even contribute half. And he never had to lose time from work for illnesses, doctor appointments, etc. He had time to re-marry. I haven't even had time to date.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:31 AM

I have never seen such an unforgiving bunch in my life. Apparently everyone here has led a perfect life and never made a mistake.

Amazing how we have so many perfect people assembled in one place! What are the odds?flowerforyou

You have NO idea what any of our situations are for leaving when/why we did. Who are you to tell me how unforgiving I am in my own past realtionships. You have no right to sit there and JUDGE any of us!!!!

rantrant frustrated rantrant
sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was judging you. It's just that some people - not all- act like if you make one mistake in a relationship then you are worthless. Everyone makes mistakes.

Some people are just plain evil, for sure. I am sorry for what you went through.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:29 AM

I have never seen such an unforgiving bunch in my life. Apparently everyone here has led a perfect life and never made a mistake.

Amazing how we have so many perfect people assembled in one place! What are the odds?flowerforyou
well.. speaking for myself alone..
i HAVE forgiven him.. dozens of times.. and ended up in the hospital or with my life threatened, or having to get tested for std's cuz he slept with 29 people at last count while we were together...

so i would say that i was MORE than forgiving..
that time is over now..

it ended when he raped me, and got me preg just to come over 2 days after i found out i was preg and tried to cut the baby out of my stomach....

hhhmmmm.. maybe i should try just ONE more time!! maybe this one will be the time he SUCCEDES in his plan to eliminate me..
no thank you!
flowerforyou flowerforyou
Well sometimes - often - the best thing is to get away from the person. Your ex is clearly a psycho. I was talking about how unforgiving people are of non-psychotics who have made poor choices.

Your ex is way beyond that. I am sorry that you went through that.flowerforyou

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 07:02 AM

I trust untill given reason not tobigsmile flowerforyou

I agree to a certain extent in theory. Giving trust works best when you are dealing with a local person. What of a site like this where people are sharing feelings and details of their lives to words on a page or a voice on the phone?
I know I have always had a problem with hearing what I want to hear instead of what the person is really saying. Then I jump to the wrong conclusions, and it can get messy. I have had to learn to practice hearing what they are actually saying and not what I wish they were saying. It's very difficult to do that in this venue. We add so much of our own expectation to every encounter.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:58 AM

First order of business when admitting a total stranger into your home and presumably your bed is to ask for photo ID.

... and/or a signed note from a parent! noway

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:51 AM

I've been cheated on by all but one of many exes. My ex husband added beating to that as well. Yet... I find it absurd how many people let bad experiences make them shut themselves off, not trusting, not loving, not letting things flow anymore.
Sure, the deepest trust has to be earned. However, there has to be just a little trust and independence from the get go, or most people aren't going to be very happy in the relationship. Don't let yourself be broken by the past. Sure, it was bad, sure, you dated some bad seeds. If you assume that every woman will be the same, or every man... you'll push them right away. Who wants to be compared constantly to the nasty ex? I sure as heck don't.
Nah, trust isn't as simple, or black and white. You give a little, then you build on it as you go. But you have to give that little bit. There has to be a foundation, I think.

YOu are a wise, wise, woman!flowerforyou

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:50 AM
First order of business when admitting a total stranger into your home and presumably your bed is to ask for photo ID.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:47 AM
If you are trusting people before you know anything about them, then you are probably setting yourself up to be burned. It takes time to get to know people, to find out what they are about and what their agenda is.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:45 AM

Does anyone meet the old fashioned way anymore? Like...pure chance encounters? Bumping into a stranger in the grocery store and your souls just connect??? Are we all online or is anyone out in the "real" world finding love?????????
Is that really old fashioned, or is it Hollywood? Do you know anyone who has ever met someone that way outside of a movie set?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:38 AM

Wow. Now I wanna meet this guy!

No, you don't. He has ficticious romances with people. If you talk to him, Lily's ex friend, you will all of a sudden become his girlfriend. I've heard enough about him from her... but still sometimes my mouth just hangs open. It is shocking.
Wow, he sounds like a total wacko. I changed my mind - I don't want to meet him. He sounds scary..I don't want to have to be someone's girlfriend just because I talk to him.

Are you guys making this up?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:35 AM

yard to mow!!
anyone wanna help:tongue:

I;ll help I miss gettng to do yard work :cry:
I hate yard work!! Come over here - my grass is about 2 feet tall.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:34 AM

Gotta mow today, too, Wolfie. And it's hotter than a goat's butt in a pepper patch.ohwell
Goat's butts get rather warm, I will tell you.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:27 AM

The only people I seem to meet in my "real world" are my patients....and I just haven't gotten that desperate yet that I would date someone whom I just finished massaging their feet or stretching their hamstrings...hehe. I have been asked out twice recently by patients, but sadly chose to keep the relationship purely business. Too bad I couldn't have met them at the library instead!

what man wouldn't fall in love with you after you massage his feet!flowerforyou

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:24 AM
goofy is good. And if you can't decide which pic you like best, switch them up as often as you like.flowerforyou

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:22 AM

I'm almost afraid I'll marry the first guy that comes alone just to keep from being lonely...that is if one comes alone. I've had dates, it's just nothing lasting.
you will still be lonely if you marry the wrong person. Better to be alone and free than to be married to someone that is wrong for you.

I would give anything to live alone. The freedom!! I would love it. Fill your life with friends and you will never miss having a man.

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