Community > Posts By > iceprincess
hmmm if they mention forgetting thats kind of the first clue they didn't for the urgent well if they forgot there is no urgent to mention.
No i don't get offended.......people have lives before they were with me and will have them while they are with me and after me. I don't expect to be the center of a mans universe as he won't be the center of mine. Now if you tell me you'll be somewhere and don't show up that's a whole other ball game |
Depends on the relationship ![]() Met at a bar on December 10. what kind of bar..........if it was upscale then maybe.......if it was a sleazy dive then go for it remember where you met them how long could it really last might as well have fun. |
did you get or are you giving?
if getting who gave it to you? if your giving then who are you giving it to? |
why demand they stop? Just join in never know might find something interesting to try I love you =P LOL only because you don't know me my dear Hey stop that... your bursting my bubble God forbid i be so create whatever image you wish of me and i'll try not to let reality intrude.....perception is everything my dear |
why demand they stop? Just join in never know might find something interesting to try I love you =P LOL only because you don't know me my dear |
why demand they stop? Just join in never know might find something interesting to try
|'s much better for him to "sweat" and wait wondering If i'll tell the military what I know everytime his clearance comes up.
Would you like to know about your partner's previous love life?? Imagine,after one year of relationship your partner discloses that she/he had 3 living relationships before you..what is the point in hiding despite being asked by you specifically in the begining itself ??? How would you take this??? I hope you meant "live in" and not "living". Although her past relationships would be none of my business, all that information usually comes out in the first day or so of getting to know each other. If it took a year of being together before she told you about her past relationships, there's something wrong in my opinion. Dennis Do they have a bearing on the present? Maybe they are times in their life that they are less than proud of. Maybe who they were then isn't who they are now and don't want past actions that have nothing to do with present company to "distort" opinion. There are many resons not to disclose some information.I would recommend not asking ?'s that there may be chance you won't like answers too, especially if they don't have a direct effect on the present. |
D O T did a good job...
you can have our blizzards and the -20 or lower we have had at night for the past week
Lying is just a way of life. We are taught to lie from infancy be it by ommision or outright falacy. I mean think about it when your little and susie/johnny asks if you like their new dress/toy and you think it sucks if you say so what does your mother do. She tells you thats not nice and to apologize to Susie/johnny and tell them their dress/toy is beautiful/awsome. What does this teach you? It teaches us that it's better to lie than to hurt someone than to tell the truth and be mean. As we get older we twist this logic to benefit us personally as we lie to get out of punishmnet (why hurt yourself with the truth) to gain something we want (why deprive ourselves by the telling the truth). It's human nature to tell the truth we have just taught ourselves to override it and in time the instinct goes away.
Looks don't matter when: A) your blind B) they have something else of higher tangible value you want and plan to use them for C)They are rich and have one foot in the grave and the other on a bannanna peal and your poised to push them in Do I know you? that really sounded like something my ex would say... lol but it is true........Human nature always prevails. We are mainly visual unles there is something of higher importance to over come that natural instinct. |
My living room
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Mon 12/15/08 02:09 PM
Kind of ironic, when so many people like to say "looks don't matter." I agree !!!! Thats all you hear people say on here.. Both sides of the fence eh?? Looks don't matter when: A) your blind B) they have somehting else of higher tangible value you want and plan to use them for C)They are rich and have one foot in the grave and the other on a bannanna peal and your poised to push them in |
Why did you pick your...
was feeling kinda witchy the day I signed up and didn't think I was old enough to be an ice queen so Ice Princess it is
ive decided
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Wed 12/10/08 05:33 PM
i know shes not an adult. and ive talked till I was blue in the face about why she cant/shouldnt be in a realtionship with this boy. i have hated the boy. i have not allowed him to call my house or see my daughter. honestly they dont even see eachother now. they dont go to school together anymore and are only allowed to talk over the phone and computer. i am trying to be a good mother. what she wants is to have him over for supper. at this point, im at my last straw here and im somewhat wondering if maybe the fact that i dont like him is why she likes him. i dont have blinders on. i know this is the beginning of the end of my daughters innocence. if she makes it to 16 and is still a virgin i will be happy. kids have sex in their face daily from movies, music, and hearing their friends talk about it at school. im not gonna close my eyes and be blind to this. shes growing up. i will fight for her to keep her innocence...but the past few weeks I have tried to be more accepting of this hopes that she willl grow tired of him. i have no reason to call the cops and get a restraining order on the boy, as of yet. he doesnt come to my home. i am at this point lost. i am not worried about offending my daughter or hurting her feelings about not letting her see this boy. heck thats what ive been doing. THAT has not worked though. If they don't go to the same school and the only contact is via computer and phone why do you allow this?.....are these items not under your control somehow? you not pay the bills for them? |
ive decided
Wow this is a very sad thread. I dont even know what to say. At 12 do you honestly think these kids have any idea about love. Regardless if they have "been together" a year now do you think they really get it?? They are way to young to know what real love is and they are children and have the right to a childhood. I can say this. My mom went as far as putting a restraining order on a guy I dated when I was 14. He was 18. I thought I was in love with him as well. After the restraining order there was no contact allowed or he would go to jail. By the time the restraining order dropped I had turned 16 and realized that he was not the one I was in love with and furthurmore he was not even the person I had thought he was when I was 14. If my child was in this same situation I would make the relationship stop, no matter if I was the "bad guy" or not. To allow it saddens me. I have to say I'm in agreement with you.....:)I was beiginning to wonder if I was the only one reading that these are preteens....... |
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Wed 11/19/08 01:49 PM
I think he meant he was looking for some "fur". ![]() Local rescue shelter can help with that and since most employ inmates it'll cover his fiend fetish also..........two birds with one stone......:) |
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Wed 11/19/08 01:47 PM
I'm new and love to talk,lookin fir the real deal You may wish to use spell check as according to what you just wrote your looking for a tree.........local woods can help you with that. And I'm sure we have a lot of fiends on here but I suggest starting with friends welcome to our world by the way........:) |
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Thu 10/30/08 12:08 PM
My opinion on child support (being a single parent) is that it should be treated just like SSI the parent receiving should have to account for every penny, deliniating out what portion goes for housing, food, clothing, "play", transportation, ect and provide documentation supporting this.........and reports should be supplied to the non-custodial parent and state child-support office quartely.....the Gov't has a right to know where there money is being spent and so should parents who have to pay. I did this on my own for my ex when he paid and there was never any issuehe could raise about where "his' money me the money is the childrens our marriage ended he was in no way obligated to support me any longer. How did you figure out roof over head, utilities, detergent, gasoline driving them around, toothpaste, and such? I took the average cost of those items in my area rent-700, groceries to logically feed 3 people for a month-200 (i choose to cook, don't do boxed meals this includes laundry supplies),gas-320(80per tank i use 1 tank per week going to from work and running after kids), utilities:fuel oil for the winter season-700,electricity on budget-140 no trash or water bill Total for this comes to-2060/3=686.67 and since I'm an adult and logically use more of these items I figure I am responsible for 2/3 my ex paid 750 for 2 children so there was approx 64 or 32 a month per child left over for my children to with as they chose. You could raise the argument that what he gave me barely covered the cost I estimated of raising my children but he didn't bring them into this world alone and I don't believe he is responsible for paying for them alone.No i never figured cost of clothing and school supplies and extra cirruculars but we alternated years on paying for these items in and we each spend enough throughout the year on extra things so it has never been an issue. On a personal level we detest each other but but I have never seen that as a reason to try andfleece him when i could. |
Trust ???
People are too unstable to trust. The best you can do is hope and put forth a little faith. I mean really - People suck donkey nuts for the most part. We are all out for our selves to one extent or another. Between our own moodiness, lust and self absorption and other peoples moodiness, lust and self absorption it’s a wonder we just don’t all just try and kill each other. Even people who try to be kind get kicked around and what happens most of the time when they do?? Eventually they get tired of the crap and turn into Assholes. Who can blame them really? After enough people have screwed you over, talked behind your back, stolen from you, cheated on you and broke your heart why not be an Ass? I don’t want to hear that bull about people making a choice to be good even though they have been treated poorly either. That is a load of crap. People who get kicked around and decide to be good afterward are always either cowards full of fear or mental weaklings. That’s the truth as I see it. PEOPLE SUCK!!! Actually it's those who hide behind that wall of anger and general guardeness that are weak. It takes more courage to put yourself out there now knowing the potential of what could happen than it does to stay locked up within one's self. That's not to say jump blindly caution is always healthy to a degree........but you also don't turn a blind eye to what might be just because you've been scathed by the fates....... |