Community > Posts By > iceprincess

iceprincess's photo
Wed 08/20/08 09:05 AM
Edited by iceprincess on Wed 08/20/08 09:05 AM
sounds like a plan.............a commitment retarded male whore...........LOL

No really when your ready you'll move on till then just ride it out......

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:45 PM

Money can buy a bed but not a good night sleep. It can buy a house but not a home...........

true..........but most times makes the possibility of those things more of a reality.......

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:42 PM wait ...............let me guess..........LOL

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:37 PM
money may not buy happiness but it sure as hell makes your world spin smoother.........

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:30 PM
If you can't be happy on your own you'll never be happy with someone just fool yourself for a short while.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:16 PM

thought you could see me............laugh

I can...but oh my THAT's Different! surprised

shhhhh don't tell it took me long time to perfect this talent.......laugh

iceprincess's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:11 PM
thought you could see me............laugh

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 08:39 PM
probably not you seem kinda needy

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:44 PM

I respect your view very much,but,in my opinion,Mother Nature always knows best.
It is when we all interfere that problems occurr with the envoirnment,thinking we know best,in which we truly dont,becuase Mother Nature was around LONG before the human race showed up and the earth did just fine!

that is true and we screwed her up and made her Bi-Polar (in a sense) so now at times she can't be trusted.......LOL unfortunatly humans aren't going anywhere soon so nature now has a whole new set of "instincts" so to speak.

but again i really liked what you wrote.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:35 PM

Animals do have an instinct about people,and other people should go by this instinct,becuase animals know good,becuase they dont reason,they go by instinct alone!

however instinct at times fails.....this would be why some animals kill their young.......their inability to reason and it is all instinctual.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:31 PM

hmmm second job maybe...........I have two kids and work roughly 60 hours a week and do it on my own.........your single no kids it's not like you need a life.........try a second job.....LOL (i get no child support)

seriously tho i hope you make it and maybe you should try living cheaper if your getting yourself that far in the hole.

Remember this is coming from a totally biased viewpoint and i have no clue what your situation is, and i have no right to be judgemental......flowerforyou

If I didn't have classes right now, I would take a second job. and I live as cheap as I can.

guess not darling if your this screwed............try a roommate maybe.......

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:28 PM
did you fix the extra "n" in contact........:wink:

seriously how was your day since your now free?

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:26 PM long as it's by my rules

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:21 PM
LOL.......a lot of serial killers have pets who love them.......

seriously tho good write and i'm sure your an awsome person.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:19 PM
Edited by iceprincess on Thu 08/07/08 07:20 PM
hmmm second job maybe...........I have two kids and work roughly 60 hours a week and do it on my own.........your single no kids it's not like you need a life.........try a second job.....LOL (i get no child support)

seriously tho i hope you make it and maybe you should try living cheaper if your getting yourself that far in the hole.

Remember this is coming from a totally biased viewpoint and i have no clue what your situation is, and i have no right to be judgemental......flowerforyou

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 07:07 PM
i guess........could you maybe take the extra "n" out of contact in your profile.........sorry i noticed it....happy

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:34 PM

Ok darling if you really want the turtles we'll go to Wal-Mart next week and you can pick it out............No accidents allowed tho.........LMAO
rofl rofl rofl rofl No problemo....I'll contain myself and remember to rush to the potty quickly!!!

LOL cute

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:31 PM

I hung with the kiddo's............bought my daughter a new Dora bed she went a whole week with no "accidents"happy that was her prize.

she is 3
I'll bet she's a little cutie too....good for her....I'll bet you're proud....I would be....that's awesome!!! YAY!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yes I am......she was so much harder than her brother to potty train......laugh
I don't have any children so I wouldn't know. How hard is it to potty train a child???

OMG.........ever trained a puppy? very similar except the treats are bigger as are the messes...........they however mamnge to be in the same hidden spots with some children tho.......laugh

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:30 PM
Ok darling if you really want the turtles we'll go to Wal-Mart next week and you can pick it out............No accidents allowed tho.........LMAO

iceprincess's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:28 PM

I hung with the kiddo's............bought my daughter a new Dora bed she went a whole week with no "accidents"happy that was her prize.

she is 3
I'll bet she's a little cutie too....good for her....I'll bet you're proud....I would be....that's awesome!!! YAY!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yes I am......she was so much harder than her brother to potty train......laugh

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