Community > Posts By > iceprincess

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:16 PM
darling i don't want it slow i much prefer fast

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:13 PM
My my aren't we just the valentine charmer...LOL

can it at least be quick

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:09 PM
kinda hard to make ice bleed darling...........LOL

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:05 PM
ahhhh but of course darling you'll have to melt me first......

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:03 PM
shhhhhh we won't tell's our little secret

cute though it's kinda catchy

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:01 PM
LOL death are you trying to make us think your gonna stain those roses with our blood.................LMAO

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:33 PM

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:27 PM
I don't know i usually try to at least say hi if i peek in a profile......i figure it's just polite .........

iceprincess's photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:35 PM
LOL that was cute widower

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 08:55 PM
i slept in my vehicle once when the power went out because the house was too dark and i could at least turn the dome light on in the truck...........LOL i know i'm pathetic. that's when i started buying flashlights...........LOL

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 08:34 PM
my brothers used to think it was hilarious to lock me in the basement when i was little and make all kindsa of noise.............LOL i know it stems from that and i'm somewhat better i don't have a million flashlights any more.............LMAO

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 08:30 PM
I have this irrartional fear of the dark.........I can't go into in a room if it's dark i panic and freeze and i can't breathe i totally shut down.........your not alone darling.LOL

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 08:26 PM
screwed my ex husband in the bleachers at an omaha royals game while the blimp was going nobody knew what i was doing......LOL

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 01:23 PM
what resturaunt do you work at again......that way i can ask if the chef is having a good knife day

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 01:06 PM
hopefully you didn't cut yourself at work

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 01:03 PM
gotta love equality......LOL

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:59 PM
It shouldn't be ? just limited to men why does anyone lie about their personl state in life.........why does anyone feel the need to potray themselves as something else and better ? yet why is anyone dumb enough to believe you can truly fall in love with words on a screen or a voice on a phone till you've actually met and spent an extended period of time with someone your falling for an idea and image you've created in your mind

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:54 PM
? should also be in fairness to men why do women do all the above also

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:51 PM
i really couldn't say........i know i don't want someone who smothers me and does everything for me. Nor do i want a man that will let me walk all over him....I have a very dominant personality and if you will set back and let me run you I will and that gets boring. I will also admitt I have a tendency to push for my own way and if you let me. mayby you need to find someone a little more passive to compliment your personality mayby they've all been a little more on the dominant side.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:46 PM
seems kind of pretentious and i'd go with a diff pic........JMO