that's not a joint... this is a joint! and a Bob Marley look-a-like just hangin' 'round the joint... ![]() ![]() |
Let's try this: ALL women secretly do admit to themselves that they are NOT from Venus and that all men are NOT from Mars, but that ALL of us are from Earth and the real problem is that not all women can deal with that; it's a tacit but shocking Truth and not some modern and convenient 'Pop Psych' placebo that lets them escape the stark reality of life. The more Madison Avenue tells you that were are irreparably 'different' and misunderstood, the more assume it is true and both are then placed into a needless and negative conflict where none should rationally exist. My question has always been why does Madison Ave. magazines do this which perpetuates a conflict between males and females; is it simply a tool for profits from the sale of their 'socially significant' influence or is there really an agenda to so change and alter society through some bizarre form of behavior modification that ultimately destabilizes all relationships between the sexes. If one is familiar at all with the history of all the Madison Ave. publications beginning around 1914 to now, it is and has been constant abuse and denigration of both sexes going from one extreme to the other; 'Goddess to whore; 'Adonis' to wimp and all shades in between. Look back on the history of how women have been used and misused in ads and men also with tons of articles that are more denigrating than praise for all our respective differences. Anyone who has worked in the magazine advertising knows how ads depict males and females in a state of conflict, from mistrust; distrust to outright physical abuse always using sex as the luring bate to look and read their latest 'provocative topics' which just further any conflict. Photos of airbrushed models and products are loaded with subliminal images depicting all manner of sexual sadism and death and every four letter word you can imagine. Art directors are told what must be inserted as are the photo dept.'s Those words and images are not meant to produce healthy relationships with the opposite sex ; they are meant to only further produce total chaos and disparaging images/ ideas of all of us to each of us including how we see ourselves filled with 'inadequacies' and self guilt as we fail in repeated relationships in which we seek solace with the miserable excuse that 'nobody understands me'.....The advertising and publishing world really opened my eyes and the view was sickening and totally perverse. Ok, that is what and how I see about things done in 'secret'. They know how to manipulate the masses to feed on what their sponsors are selling and depend on their magazine for advise. It's like in the sex advice columns in those magazines...I don't think men really like it when you do that. If you will be single again very shortly....and need new shoes. ![]() Single women aren't the only targets for the various forms of vilification that magazines have; many are for the ones euphemistically labeled as 'home makers',ie. married/ divorced with children. Those range from the Cosmo to Red book, using overt and cleverly disguised articles that only promote distrust to outright hostility against males while at the same time suggesting how lacking they all are in sexual techniques and what they must do to correct this 'puritanical vestige' that is oh, so 'out of date'. Look at all the negative images of sex and death painted into ice cubes for all liquor ads it is always males torturing females or killing them. (Ice cubes can't be photographed, so an artist has to paint and draw them , then insert all the various images and symbols; even on crackers and margarine...there is no end to this just as there are no laws in North America against this insertion of 'subliminal images'. Many in Europe are now forbidden to use these subliminal 'persuasive techniques' to sell products of the sponsors of these magazines. One early women's magazine that spoke out of the permeating negative images of women and all females in general by a continuing marginalization of women was Spare Rib, from England, seeking 'liberation for women' in 1972. Yet it still continues; marginalization by demeaning, insulting and depraved sexual imagery of women from the old style 'Police Gazette and 'girlie' type of mags for males with an extremely limited intelligence. For those with a bit more, they have the 'playboy' types with emphasis on the term 'boy' as opposed to man, but all at a reading level equal to 4th grade, just like 95% of newspapers...Ever get the feeling that this so called 'war of the sexes' was started by and maintained by Madison Avenue and Hollywood ? Everyone is more preoccupied with 'getting a piece' instead of making peace with each other...both hedonistic and combative for the continuing assault on all of society. |
Let's try this: ALL women secretly do admit to themselves that they are NOT from Venus and that all men are NOT from Mars, but that ALL of us are from Earth and the real problem is that not all women can deal with that; it's a tacit but shocking Truth and not some modern and convenient 'Pop Psych' placebo that lets them escape the stark reality
of life. The more Madison Avenue tells you that were are irreparably 'different' and misunderstood, the more assume it is true and both are then placed into a needless and negative conflict where none should rationally exist. My question has always been why does Madison Ave. magazines do this which perpetuates a conflict between males and females; is it simply a tool for profits from the sale of their 'socially significant' influence or is there really an agenda to so change and alter society through some bizarre form of behavior modification that ultimately destabilizes all relationships between the sexes. If one is familiar at all with the history of all the Madison Ave. publications beginning around 1914 to now, it is and has been constant abuse and denigration of both sexes going from one extreme to the other; 'Goddess to whore; 'Adonis' to wimp and all shades in between. Look back on the history of how women have been used and misused in ads and men also with tons of articles that are more denigrating than praise for all our respective differences. Anyone who has worked in the magazine advertising knows how ads depict males and females in a state of conflict, from mistrust; distrust to outright physical abuse always using sex as the luring bate to look and read their latest 'provocative topics' which just further any conflict. Photos of airbrushed models and products are loaded with subliminal images depicting all manner of sexual sadism and death and every four letter word you can imagine. Art directors are told what must be inserted as are the photo dept.'s Those words and images are not meant to produce healthy relationships with the opposite sex ; they are meant to only further produce total chaos and disparaging images/ ideas of all of us to each of us including how we see ourselves filled with 'inadequacies' and self guilt as we fail in repeated relationships in which we seek solace with the miserable excuse that 'nobody understands me'.....The advertising and publishing world really opened my eyes and the view was sickening and totally perverse. Ok, that is what and how I see about things done in 'secret'. |
WGN Chicago
well you get what you pay for if you are lucky many restaurants pay servers very minimal amount and expect customers to subsidize that pay with tips they then charge a price that could cover the cost of a decent wage sorry but a good worker should get a decent wage without customer charity Workers in all restaurants still have to pay rent, utilities, groceries etc. etc. not to mention the mandatory car insurance if they have one, social security and other amounts automatically deducted from their pay. Not much left to live on at 8 something per hour . Tips have to be divided up among all the doesn't earn much in tips except call girls. In many studies dome for the last several years by private and union companies an overall figure was for what can be an actual and real day to day living wage in both the US and Canada is between 17 and 18 dollars an hour, given the average ratios of rents to wages. Those with one or more children may still have to rely on social welfare to bring those families up to par. In some cases, a surplus of perhaps 20% may appear; from 15 to 25 dollars extra! WOW! Party Time to the critics of the concept of a "living wage" . This vast amount will result in having to hold more than one job at least part time, This will usually mean infant care payments which may be paid by social welfare to keep the family barely at par with what the average base income should be with necessary life expenses of food and shelter not withstanding...Give people a living wage and the expenses for all related 'welfare expenses' paid out by the govt. gets reduced and saved. Perfectly obvious. It generates the ending of the poverty cycles endemic for many and society, along with the economy can operate more cost efficiently. Eventually everyone benefits by reducing and hopefully eliminating poverty, stage by stage. |
They, (the students), would probably benefit more if the school showed them The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler and gave them copies of the book to take home for a test later on...
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5 seasons?! Not up here where I was living. It went totally off the air in Canada; certainly in this province. That sometimes happens...
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I have wondered at times if God produces new souls for those who are born or are their souls being re-born into new bodies. If it is the latter, then most Western religions have got it all wrong from what they inherited from all the past and ancient religions that had seen very little change in their core belief systems in thousands of years and being adopted and adapted to by many peoples around this world...
I've had some long and very interesting talks with various monks and priests and by far the best were with Jesuits but in the end nothing was theologically ascertained; not even from the Suma Theologica from St. Thomas Aquinas, perhaps the greatest writer on theology. |
No can handle
Are there some things you cannot handle or stand? I don't like seeing real operations. Watching them on television I know they are fake and they don't bother me. This is why I became an engineer instead of a veterinarian. I did not feel I could operate on animals. Another thing that I can't handle is about the first five minutes of 'Saving Private Ryan.' It is too much. Other than that, nothing fazes me too much. Other than that, uncivilized and hygienically challenged 'Bozo sapiens' who fart on buses and restaurants... ![]() |
Emotions are not logical things. sometmes they are quite logical it would be illiogical to be lacking in their appropriate expression. their absence where appropriate is a feature noted in the criminal personality Well, you just failed the Vulcan Psych Test that dictates one must 'keep it all together and inside by learning to suppress those emotions as you don't want to be labeled a social deviant as they have no 'criminal Vulcans' ![]() Time to put on the tin-foil hat with antenna and tune in to the Vulcan Zen Hour, (brought to you by Romulan Ale! The drink for uncivilized deviants!) |
What do u thinking about money I thinking dat I needs some... thought dis is da place to sign up to gits some... ![]() |
Man Rules
I saw this on my FB stream and thought I'd share it here. It's pretty funny. We always hear 'the rules' from the female side now here are the rules from the male side (please note: these are all numbered #1 on purpose!). 1. Men are not mind readers. 1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Crying is blackmail. 1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: * Subtle hints do not work! * Strong hints do not work! * Obvious hints do not work! * Just say it! 1. Yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days. 1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. 1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one. 1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself. 1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials. 1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we... 1. All men see in only 16 colors, like windows default settings.. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is. 1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. 1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.. 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine...Really. 1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football or motor sports. 1. You have enough clothes. 1. You have too many shoes. 1. I am in shape. Round is a shape! 1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight.. But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping... Ahhhh, shades of the original TV program 2 and Half Men with Charley Sheen saying most of those things in all his shows. One day, reading the credits, it turned out that most of the scripts were written by women writers, what a surprise; obviously some do understand the male general outlook on things domestic. ![]() |
The Gong Show I'll go with the above PLUS one that was called "Street Smarts" sidewalk interview with random people passin and being asked simple questions like in what country are the Pyramids? Most get them all wrong, as this one. Many answered with European or North American cities; follow ups were worse: Where is Egypt? Most placed it in Asia or Europe...One could nearly die laughing so hard...It made the US look bad and it was removed after several weeks...what a pity. |
chubby or skinny?
Who cares about the wrapping when you should be more interested about learning what is inside? I'll **** anything lol as long as I can get to it Lock up your pets! Hide your plants! And don't forget all the poor defenseless barnyard animals! ![]() First, they have to be alive, sober a good sense of humour then other things can follow...proportionally |
Several countries in Africa have land mine zones between 2 large fences, electrified and barbed around their borders especially at what they term as 'sensitive areas'. Army patrols make their rounds inspecting for holes in the fences or bodies between them. Seemed to work in both wartime and peacetime...Perhaps landmines along the border with Mexico might work but then I suppose they'd tunnel under the mines, relatively short distances where town straddle the borders as several do in Texas. A few countries destroyed the towns to clear the ares for land mines though...might be viable...
I might have to see it just for the title alone. Is it on netflix? Dunno about Netflix. Torgo would probably know regarding that. The movie is in Spanish and there are subtitles, but I never really get bothered by subtitles. I actually prefer them than dubbing. I have to say again, the movie is worth watching. I was hilariously surprised by this movie. Loved the ending; who says Cubans can't make good zombie movies! Bravo! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 04/24/13 11:14 AM
You can sum up women into pretty much 3 categories. When it comes to dating. (1) attractive women with several options (2) moderately attractive women with some options (3) Bitter women, with no options. that turn to man hating. The first 2 have to be approached completely differently, As I stated in my previous post. However have you noticed that every woman bashing men in here either has no photo or fits my number 3 description? I haven't seen any man hating. I've seen women disagreeing with specific things men in this thread have been saying. No one has been man hating, though. Apparently my opinion matters less because I don't have a picture up at the moment ![]() ![]() it is also full of assumptions including the assumption that a person's worth is limited to their physical attractiveness. not many women are going to want to be objectified in that manner. it also assumes only women are bitter. I see much bitterness coming frm men on here - including that sounds very bitter to me from what I read on here, it seems that some men call women bitter when a woman points out something that they do not wish to hear many of us do not have photos because we are only here for the forums. some have photos on profiles but not on the threads...some of us are indeed attractive As a matter of observation, many men and women will agree that physical features are not the only attribute(s) that appeal to other men or women. Many men admire a woman's brain in how it works, creates, debates, etc. etc. Yet I have not seen one woman post a photo of her or any brain. That is truly astonishing; brains matter more for many than their breasts. Photos of brains can't be all that difficult to obtain and then post with a number or name, ( and don't resort to using stills from the movie, 'Hitler's Brain' or one called 'Fiend Without A Face', which has flying brains dropping down on people!); I have one should the mood strike me to post it, just in case... ![]() |
I seek the one who can unlock the secrets of my soul, as only they can, who can love every part of me, accepting all within and without and seeing it as true beauty. My soulmate, on every level. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Or so I wish, says Rapunzel from her tower. Beautiful; Life may take a lot things from us all, but Life cannot take away our old or current beautiful dreams. May yours come true. |
Emotions are not logical things. Very deep; Mr Spock said that years ago on the original series...'quotes' from Vulcan Zen concepts or something... ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 04/23/13 06:55 PM
true homosexuals of either gender have very little choice in the matter. The real choice is whether to be honest about it. I think it is wonderful that people in today's society can be accepted for their true orientation. With my long history in athletics I can confidently say that true homosexuals are born that way. You can find research to support almost anything so to me that is a lesser reasoning Bi sexuality is another matter. That is a choice, and it's mostly curiousity. A lesbian (true lesbian) who sleeps with a man was probably just curious. Being a lesbian, I agree. I was born that way. Bi sexuals are also born that way. The confusing part for those of us who are either homo or hetero is that we cannot comprehend well that state of being where sexual attraction has no gender. But sexuality is a born state of being. What we do with it is a choice but who we are attracted to in our basest biological state is born to us. well considering that there are few absolutes in this world, you could be right about some of the people some of the time. but I still think that bi sexuality is a choice OR eventually that person will have to make a choice if they want to marry or enter a committed monogamous relationship. Exceleent observations. I fully concur with both on the Bi; it is both; one of curiosety and one biologic. Though from my own experiences with Lesbians and 'Bi's from the friends of my mother, when a child being cared for by them many times and growing up with/ while around several, I certainly valued them all as family. However when much older, I met a rather disconcerting number of women to out of mainly domestic trauma with their males, husbands and boyfriends, they chose the comfort of being around them as it was 'safe'. Much psychological damages was dome to these women over extended time. They were truly sick of men that beat and abused them or even pimped them out to other men who behaved in the same manner. When the normal urges for sex and the desire to love and be loved finally kicked in, they found the 'soft side of sex/ love' very satisfying. As one told me when I was 15 or so, everyone needs love and expressing it sexually comes naturally as does the returning of love. Most people suffer through life with little or no love. No one is hurt by a mutually loving relationship. That has pretty much stayed with me since that time. What many males do to females has also stuck. The damages some inflict upon females makes for a lasting impression and commitment never to do the same for any reason. Sadly I've also seen time and time again the raping, the torture and eventual killing of women and even children in war charges were or should be ever filed for shooting those that committed those types of atrocities. A person's sexual orientation is the least reliable trait one can rely on for character, innate decency or values. Morality is even less so. Orientation is certainly not anyone's business other than the person's partner. |
You guys go on and on with your jokes and conspiracy theories....that is a BUNCH OF BS!!! The government wants to catch the bad guys and there are many devoted to that cause. F all your BS conspiracy theories....they are not reality. The FBI should be tracking your posts and paying you a visit soon. Same with all you 9-11 conspiracy theorists....FBI should come knock on your friggin doors because as far as I am are the problem! Signed, An American I havent read where the FBI has actually said much of anything to the public about it really. And perhaps the reason they didnt have much on Tamerlan is because there was not much to find. We are the country that allows religious freedom so his religion alone was not reason for them to search very deeply. Also his trips abroad to a country where family was living was not enough to really dig deep. They investigated where they could with the suspicion of Russian intelligence, but like WMDs, they found nothing. PErhaps they decided to err on the side that nothing was there instead of risk more failed intelligence costing them an uproar in the religious community .... I am still baffled by this, not drawn to conspiracy theories, but suspicious about the details provided,,,,like how it is possible to be 'throwing bobms' unless they are grendades? Where were they keeping all these things when they were running and how do we know those details are accurate and how do we know which brother was doing what ,,,,,,,,just alot of unanswered questions that I find discouraging but consider more a functionof police force (they have planted guns on people before, so they sometimes can give the reports that fit their actions and give them legality) I can believe the older brother was involved deeply, I just am not sure about the details being given since there are no actual witnesses to the chase or the capture. I can agree with much of this. First the FBI is not going to release their prior intelligence. I am sure despite religious freedom though; known islamists are "listed" The freedom is there, but muslims are watched and they should be. I really don't think we should allow them into the USA at this time (jmho) the FBI is also not going to release details of their investigation, because WE don't know the details doesn't mean that there are not details. The details are for the authorities at this time, not the public. So I agree it's best to withhold judgements because as members of the public we don't know all the facts. Since so much seems to be withheld, however, makes me think that both boys are in deep do-do and prolly should be. We all know the NOI is a separatist Islamic group. Fairycan has made that perfectly clear. They need investigated to see if they are supporting, aiding or abetting sleeper extremists. And I'd bet that the FBI has more 'sleeper' agents inside the Nation Of Islam that they have members. Don't forget, the FBI has had agents in there as so called members since the days of Malcom X; same with all the other 'extremist groups', both right and left, Black, White and Hispanic. Where have you been for the last 30 years, rounding up stray doggies on the back 40... ![]() |