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Bart's photo
Tue 06/11/24 03:00 PM
Edited by Bart on Tue 06/11/24 03:16 PM

How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.

Counterpoint: Biden is fully competent and has been more effective than most any other recent president.

Trump got nearly nothing done beyond illegal actions at the Southern border, tariffs on China and some tax cuts--exploding the federal deficit. Biden has lowered the deficit, despite getting $trillions invested into the national infrastructure and has recently lowered prescription drug costs and eliminated several junk fees for regular consumers. The only reason Ukraine has not fallen to Russia is Biden's decisive actions immediately before and since the invasion that Putin personally promised wasn't happening--until it did. Russia has really taken a beating and lost more than they bargained for, for their apparently underestimating of Biden. Trump openly admits he'd just let Russia have its way in Ukraine, along with pulling the US out of NATO and various other treaties. Time for Republicans to wake up.
. More Fake News:.. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine and stop the horrible death and carnage. Your twisting of the actual statements sounds juvenile at best, Biden is the one that said , well maybe if it was a minor incursion from Russia into Ukraine it wouldn’t warrant a response.. a very weak and reckless statement you honestly believe Biden is competent at anything, including telling Ukraine on how to run their war or tell Israel how to fight their war. He should simply give the weapons they ask for and shut up or stop supplying either one all together, his actions are prolonging the war. Certainly not speaking or walking or finding his way off stage. We are jeopardizing our safety both here and abroad with this guy at the helm.. his approval rating is now at a all time low at 34% approve of the job he is doing overall.. how does that decider into a competent president? Trump got plenty done , but we know dems ignore the facts and make up their own truth.. Biden could be responsible for many Ukrainians lives because of his dragging his feet to give Ukraine the weapons and aircraft they needed at the beginning of that war so Ukraine could push the Russian backs. Ukraine is holding their own better than anybody thought they would ,, imagine if Biden would have allowed Ukraine to have the weapons they needed instead of supplying them with the weapons the Biden team thought they really needed. That is the bunch that butchered the Afghanistan withdrawal…meanwhile Biden is talking tax hikes when people are trying to decide what they can do without , a meal , a RX , or miss a bill payment. This is the state of our economy , now! And the 34% approval rating states that very clearly… And BTW: NATO is no longer the friend or real partner of the United States. Wokeness has found a home in NATO

Bart's photo
Mon 06/10/24 03:21 AM

Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise.

Before you start posting threats against a federal judge, I'll remind you that even if the judge gives Trump the full four years in prison, Trump won't report prison before his appeals have been exhausted, which won't happen this year, and that's even considering that Trump has almost nothing to appeal on. Judge Merchan knew he'd be carefully scrutinized so handled the case about as well as anybody could. Trump's the dope who misdirected his attorneys and made his situation worse by threatening the judge.

Nobody to blame but himself.

You accused me of threatening a judge and Trump for the same. Are your feelings that fragile that you view anything that doesn’t counter with your way of thinking as a ‘ threat’ .. you are as unrealistic as the fools that say Trump will be a dictator. .. People with sound minds know better than to believe anything coming from the democrats talking points. After four years of made up charges and constant lies about a former President that makes the current President look like a doddering deranged idiot. 80% of Americans have no trust in the Biden justice system. The only thing this judge handled well was his thumb on the scales for the prosecution,…

Bart's photo
Sun 06/09/24 12:50 PM

Like him or not , but Trump is going to districts that politicians have ignored for years. He’s talking with folks of all races and these people are listening, but all we hear from the democrat politicians and their media is how dare Trump go see these people to hear their concerns. and let them know things will get better for all.. CNN and msnbc mouthpieces called the people there “ clowns” .. while Biden speaks at Morehouse telling them they have to work 10 times harder to get ahead in the country that hates them. What kind of message is that for these graduates?..

Biden wasn't telling those graduates that they had to work ten times harder. His actual line was "What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?"


"Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you have 100 times more opportunities: good-paying jobs you can raise a family on in your neighborhood — (applause); capital to start small business and loans to buy homes; health insurance, prescriptions drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible."

So it’s near the election, I guess Joe thinks it’s time to pander to the Blacks and promise something he will not follow thru with, like the promise of U.S. tax payers to pay for loans for college graduates.. just for votes..not sure the justices will let him keep skirting their rule. The Blacks have broken down those doors long ago, in case Joe forgot , again, we have had a black man for President… but Joes words are far more accepting these day of the black man than they were 50 years ago when he said he didn’t want his kids to attend a urban jungle and voted against busing minorities to white schools.. Joe is the reason housing is out of reach for a lot of folks of all races.. but now he’s going to blow smoke up their (a##) and tell them of all these great things he is going to do for them … to little to late and they aren’t falling for the same old bluster and promises, than nothing after the election. President Trumps policies created more jobs for the working class and poor of all races.. Blacks, Latinos, and Caucasian’s.. but Joe thinks they are dependent on his government to make them equal. He is so prehistoric in his way of thinking..

Bart's photo
Sun 06/09/24 05:26 AM
How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.

Bart's photo
Sat 06/08/24 03:17 PM

Crime's not going up since Biden got into office; crime rates are down, despite Trump claiming crime is up. Not surprised, since the guy's a pathological liar.


He was raised in the black church
He was raised in the synagogue
He was raised by Puerto Ricans
He was raised by the Polish
He was raised by the Greeks
He was raised by the Spaniards

His son was killed in Iraq
Biden helicopter was shot down by insurgents in Afghanistan
His uncle was eaten by cannibals in the Pacific.

When you say A you have to say B.

Don’t forget the lie he told when he was describing how the border gaurds on horseback were whipping those poor migrants. The video proves they never tried to or touched the migrants with the horses raiens . Biden called the raiens whips. He is such a putz.

Bart's photo
Fri 06/07/24 04:09 AM
Weak and pathetic, two words that best describe president Joe Biden. From the problems affecting the lives of most people in America to the wars going on across the ocean that is close to dragging America into active duty with boots on the ground . Most Americans now struggle with paying their bills on time or eating regularly or buy their meds. Joe Biden is out of touch with Americans. He has no empathy or desire to do what needs to be done to get this country back on track to prosperity and safety… I disagree with most everything Joe stands for and his failed policies, but the worst thing I ever heard him say was , he will not pardon his son ( hunter) if convicted.. he is a Father , first and foremost. To hell with the rest when it comes to family.. I do believe Hunter is guilty of all his charges but no one got hurt and no violence. I think his decision to let his son sit in jail says a lot about his lack of integrity as a person.. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree..

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 03:03 PM

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, conducted during the trial and released before Thursday’s verdict, found 67% of registered voters predicting that a guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote. Fifteen percent said they’d be more likely to vote for Trump and 17% that they’d be less likely to do so. Among Trump’s current supporters, 7% predicted they would be less likely to vote for him if he were convicted.

This is important
17% of trump supporters are less likely to vote for him because of the conviction

Less likely until they see that ugly alternative they have to vote for. And they will come back to their senses..and vote Trump … whew’ that was close…

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 02:53 PM
Edited by Bart on Sun 06/02/24 02:56 PM

So you’re saying that unless something is 100% reliable then there’s no point in doing it?

So much for medical science then, because nothing is 100%

You better stop taking any medication you’re on, and no more Tylenol either, Bart

For that matter you might as well stop brushing your teeth, washing, or rinsing off the food you eat.

And there’s no need to sleep anymore since it’s not 100%reliable in helping us feel refreshed

Lol,, your missing the point Josh, the point isn’t weather science is perfect. It’s not and everybody knows that. The point is the people we are supposed to trust to give us their best and honest advice should tell us the truth from the beginning. than we as individuals can decide for ourselves. We don’t want those same folks mandating their beliefs on us just because they think they know better. The restrictions put on because of covid set school age children back in their education. Many people lost their jobs including many military personal because of Joes mandates. But we saw plenty of democrats violating their own covid policies because of who they thought they were. Rules for thee but not for me seemed to be their rule.

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 01:54 PM

Bart if you can point me towards any respectable peer-reviewed medical journals which support any of the claims you made about Covid then I’ll change my opinion

And I’m not talking about the national inquirer or fox network news or any other right wing news sources

I’m talking about real science journals
Fauchis own words ,, he admitted he didn’t hear or know of any facts that 6 ft. was a safe distance , he just guessed. Same with masks he said they wouldn’t keep 100% from breathing in covid. Same with shutting down schools, all the rules and mandates put in place were just a flip of the coin basically. But maybe you just answered why you never heard the other side of that argument. You only watch the democrat leaning news networks. They have marching orders to never say anything that contradicts sleepy Joe. Or his hinchmen .I’m not doing your work for you to post a link.. it’s there you just have to believe in something other than the daily democrat talking points..

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 11:16 AM
Edited by Bart on Sun 06/02/24 11:18 AM
I’ll repeat a previous post: if people actually heard what someone says instead of what they perceive them as saying, simply because of a different but varied opinion…they may learn something they didn’t already know….there were lies about covid , such as , stay inside , stay 6 feet away , masks stop the disease and the biggest lie of all , the vaccine will keep you from getting covid.. we heard that from Biden to Fauchi to many others..

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 07:56 AM

A convicted felon (34 counts) should not be allowed to become our next president. Wake up people this man should be behind bars.

They have awoken . Thanks to the Constitutional violations this President and his democratic co-Horts have allowed him to get by with are very apparent to the growing numbers turned off by the democrats and looking for the alternative, weather they like Trump or not , it’s the current situation in their daily lives that really matter to the voter. And Biden isn’t saying anything to ensure any improvement.

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 07:01 AM

It may not be hurting you
You have to consider other forms of life though
Caring about only the human species, in my opinion, is one of the cruelest and most dangerous forms of selfishness.
Millions of different animal species are suffering from the changing weather patterns Bart.
Are we really so selfish as to let them disappear? Have you considered how painful it is for these innocent animals to die slowly from starvation?
And what about your favorite animal, besides people? Do you really think that those bass and trout will survive in twenty or thirty years from now, when the planet is roughly five degrees warmer than it is now?
We have to consider what we are leaving behind for the future

Do you believe in nature. Nature is an amazing thing.. it gives the opportunity for species to evolve to survive the ever changing environment of the earth. It’s common knowledge that the dinosaurs that didn’t die off evolved into birds, and other species. Fish will be fine . You know bass belong to the ‘ sunfish’ species.

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:29 AM

Weather patterns are changing Bart
We’re warming the oceans and the atmosphere much faster than we thought

Rachel Carson was the first to notice
She wrote books about it back in the’50s

But we chose to ignore it and just live in luxury, creating more children and more pollution.

When I was a kid Bart my school district had TEN snow days built into each school year, and we usually needed them all.
There were under three billion people on earth then

Now it hasn’t snowed in Philly for three years, and there’s ten billion people here now

The world is getting too hot now Bart, you have to admit that.
And it’s not going to get any better

Yea, it hasn’t snowed here more than a couple inches in several years , we used to get a couple good snowfalls each year.. but that hasn’t proven to be a bad thing.. saves missed school days , saves city funds from not having to plow the roads, and it keeps people doing business without closing for bad weather . Seasons change and so does the climate here on earth. It’s been happening for eons and we are still here. How did climate change affect population. More people means life is abundant here on this planet. It sure doesn’t sound like a dying planet…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:55 PM

and therein lies the problem with the Democrats. Anything goes, as long as you "got" Trump. A serious rise in crime doesn't matter because you got him. Every person in America paying 20% more for everything doesn't matter because you got him. Illegals by the MILLIONS coming across our border unvetted doesn't matter because you got him. Dependence on foreign oil doesn't matter because you got him. Two new wars doesn't matter because you got him. Being feckless and weak on the foreign stage doesn't matter because you got him.

It's all irrational emotional thinking from simpletons whose ONLY motivation, even to the detriment of their home county, is due to disliking Trump. Trump has his faults, but few can say their life and the world outlook is better under Biden.

Crime's not going up since Biden got into office; crime rates are down, despite Trump claiming crime is up. Not surprised, since the guy's a pathological liar. The Biden administration negotiated a border deal that would've cleared out millions of undocumented immigrants, but Trump shut it down.

Honestly, if Trump goes to jail, we could probably fix a lot more problems. For all your claims of "trump derangement" it seems Republicans are deranged by Trump's agenda to make himself supreme ruler.

You should take a 2nd look at MrGood Guys post. The country is worse off by far than we were under Trump. No matter what democrat DAs or the cooked up numbers say about crime. Unless the people feel safe they aren’t safe. Same with food and gas prices, Same with world peace and border security.Biden is responsible for how people feel about their every day life and you guys seem to think you are gaining votes and doing what america wants by getting Trump . That kind of strategy is what brought Robert DeNiro to the court square to make a fool out of his self. Just looks juvenile and Pety

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:26 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 06/01/24 04:28 PM

But that’s simply more situational ethics
Now you’re saying that because many people do something that that makes it okay
But not everyone eats cows
I certainly don’t
Most of the world doesn’t
And about heating and cooling our little lives?
If we don’t rapidly switch over to renewable energy then the planet is doomed
There’s not much heating or air conditioning homes on a desert planet
What is more important- us being rich and comfortable or our grandchildren being able to survive a desert climate?

That just seems so far out of stretch to me and (I think) the greater majority of people thought the world.. please explain what happens when the planet is “ doomed”…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 03:59 PM

I don’t go in for situational ethics
Ethics are absolute
Something is either right or wrong

What you are saying is this:
Because china is doing the wrong thing
Then we can too

No, that’s not what I’m saying . I’m saying let’s use all options to make heating or cooling our homes and ways for commuting and travel affordable… I don’t think it’s right or wrong just as is it right or wrong to raise and eat cows , it’s what we do…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 03:30 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 06/01/24 03:34 PM

Actually I’m right there with you on both of those two issues
Especially about the Black Lives Matter thing
Police are the only thing that’s keeping the country from spiraling into utter chaos and violence
The police deserve out total respect and also much much higher salaries

But this doesn’t stop me from voting blue
My main issue is protecting the environment and you know that Voldemort sure ain’t going to do that

You don’t have to crash our energy security by “saving the environment” but that’s the only way Joe thinks he can do that.. Trump just wants to make our lives more comfortable with our own energy security with Solar and wind and fossil fuel ..we are not ready to scrap our idea of using a national commodity like what’s under our own ground. Only 8 of the 500,000 electric charging stations are now installed ( not all 8 are hooked up to charge yet). But mayor Pete said they will be hooked up by 2032. 8 in 3 years but 442,000 in the next 8 years. Good luck with that.. besides all that, unless China starts believing in your global warming theory , anything we do will make very little change in the atmosphere…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 02:16 PM

You’re quite right mortman
Yeah I know that quotes were not necessary but I just thought it might make it funnier
I can’t take these political arguments too seriously anymore. I tend to joke around in the face of conflict

By the way I’m keeping my fingers crossed he goes to jail but I’m not going to hold my breath.

I bet Hunter spends a night in jail before Trump ever does.. that’s another sample of how “ fair and unbiased “ Biden’s DOJ will be judged,, I say a plea bargain or some slap on the wrist. They have already let him sit out the statute of limitations on any charges of tax fraud .. now he’s claiming the gun store owner changed the form Hunter filled out. Yea right…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 12:11 PM
Blah, blah , blah,, you see it from a get Trump with any subverted rule of law point of view , the statute of limitations was already past but let’s dig it up and pump life into it, kind of like Cadaver Joe… believe me if the Supreme Court gets it it will be overturned.. it seems TDS has infected all facets of law and order in this country…

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 11:26 AM

To all you democrats that are so giddy with the Trump conviction and the perversion of our legal system, enjoy it for now because you just guaranteed a Trump win in November.. the people that support a fair and unbiased legal system will vote to stop this kind of corruption coming from the democrats. You people with no caricature or integrity just fed Popeye a case of spinach .. your woo-hoos will soon turn into boo-hoos than we can see who gets the last laugh.

Why should a fair and unbiased legal system let a criminal politician commit dozens of crimes without consequences? Michael Cohen went to prison for his part in the same crimes. It's Trump's turn to face consequences.

Yea, that’s what republicans have been asking since Hillary got to play her get out of jail free card and that fair and unbiased system won’t even look into Joes crimes that that same system have been covering up for years.. That rant of fair and unbiased is not selling . No one’s buying it !