Topic: Do you feel this country is on the right path under Biden | |
I don't think we are
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Tue 10/31/23 07:45 PM
No, but Biden doesn't even run the whole government, much less the country. Congress, The Supreme Court and all the state governments have input, too, and I can't fault Biden for the mess in Texas or Florida or any other state, and we're all in different states.
Just looking at what Biden runs, the Executive Branch, and foreign policy, it's clearly better now than it was under Trump. Trump gave preferential treatment to states where the majority voted for him. That's why he promised to move Space Command from Colorado to Alabama, and the Trumps tried to get the first doses of the Covid vaccine to Texas & Florida and delay delivery to California and New York. Shenanigans like that made Trump look childish. At least now we're not working so hard to alienate Europe in favor of Russia, China and North Korea. |
Should just read "Do you think this country is on the right path?" Biden, Trump, and Clinton should have never been on the ballot for president or any other office for that matter. WTF are people thinking to allow this to happen in the first place? Are the people of the United States that easily brainwashed? Or just that stupid? I can fix a lot of things but everybody knows " you can't fix stupid" so until someone can figure out a way to intelligentize the population, and I'm not talking about free college! I guess all we can do is say it was a good run while it lasted. We can't keep printing trillions of dollars and handing it out without consequences, socialism just makes for lazy people, that is why we have to check out and bag our own groceries at the store. We need to bring back natural selection so if you are too dumb and/or lazy to work then you starve. We are breeding an ever weaker mankind and if a natural disaster doesn't wipe everybody out first eventually humans will become so useless that they will just die off. The only thing keeping the US going besides printing money are the babyboomers whom saved and invested money during a time when they were fortunate enough to do so. When that money has runs out it's going to become a very rough world to live in that most spoiled brats will never understand til it happens. Who's running in 2024? Like it even matters? You don't actually get to choose who is on the ballot much less who wins. It's all rigged, your best bet is to bury you head in the sand and just go out and enjoy your life while you still can.
No, but Biden doesn't even run the whole government, much less the country. Congress, The Supreme Court and all the state governments have input, too, and I can't fault Biden for the mess in Texas or Florida or any other state, and we're all in different states. Just looking at what Biden runs, the Executive Branch, and foreign policy, it's clearly better now than it was under Trump. Trump gave preferential treatment to states where the majority voted for him. That's why he promised to move Space Command from Colorado to Alabama, and the Trumps tried to get the first doses of the Covid vaccine to Texas & Florida and delay delivery to California and New York. Shenanigans like that made Trump look childish. At least now we're not working so hard to alienate Europe in favor of Russia, China and North Korea. You have a right to your opinion but did you watch Bidens inaugural speech? Where he claimed to open the boarders? End the stay in Mexico policy? Do you watch any speeches? Foreign policies? Did you not see Trumps speeches in other countries? He packed stadiums in every country he went to around the world. Biden is the one who shows favoritism to our enemies around the world. He help cause the Ukraine war, he aided Iran in getting nuclear weapons and funding Hamas in attacking Israel. Dont believe Bidens posturing on this conflict he hates Jews. Him and Obama screwed Israel every chance they got. He is only helping them because our treaty with Israel says he has too. He has broken so many laws hes afraid to push his luck anymore what with the impeachment investigation hes hanging by a thread. Watch he will get us in a war with multiple countries by the way he handles this conflict. ( " OH DID I DO THAT" ) I swear I can't tell if you just like to piss people off or you're a paid propagandist. Have a good night |
Should just read "Do you think this country is on the right path?" Biden, Trump, and Clinton should have never been on the ballot for president or any other office for that matter. WTF are people thinking to allow this to happen in the first place? Are the people of the United States that easily brainwashed? Or just that stupid? I can fix a lot of things but everybody knows " you can't fix stupid" so until someone can figure out a way to intelligentize the population, and I'm not talking about free college! I guess all we can do is say it was a good run while it lasted. We can't keep printing trillions of dollars and handing it out without consequences, socialism just makes for lazy people, that is why we have to check out and bag our own groceries at the store. We need to bring back natural selection so if you are too dumb and/or lazy to work then you starve. We are breeding an ever weaker mankind and if a natural disaster doesn't wipe everybody out first eventually humans will become so useless that they will just die off. The only thing keeping the US going besides printing money are the babyboomers whom saved and invested money during a time when they were fortunate enough to do so. When that money has runs out it's going to become a very rough world to live in that most spoiled brats will never understand til it happens. Who's running in 2024? Like it even matters? You don't actually get to choose who is on the ballot much less who wins. It's all rigged, your best bet is to bury you head in the sand and just go out and enjoy your life while you still can. I agree with everything you said but I feel Trump did a good job in getting this countries heart beating again. That's why the went after him with lies and exaggerations. I don't think he was perfect but he does love this country and his actions proved it. He kept almost every promise he made. The ones he didn't keep was because the democrats blocked him from keeping. He never did have a full cabinet they blocked it. |
The problem is both sides are wrong, everyone has seen the divisive nature of both sides. It's "Party" first and country second. My side is always right and your side is always wrong. When has that ever been true on any subject? Never is the correct answer. Truth is there are probably good politicians on both sides that have good ideas that can help us moving forward as a country. Those people aren't embraced by the other side they are viewed as a threat and must be removed by any means necessary so they can get one of their own in that person's place. Our political system is broken, did you ever hear of so much talk of impeachment and rigged elections before these last few years. It's embarrassing, we're becoming an embarrassment, and it's not one party that's doing it, it's both. But y'all are too blind to see it. You're both to blame.
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Wed 11/01/23 01:19 AM
The problem is both sides are wrong, everyone has seen the divisive nature of both sides. It's "Party" first and country second. My side is always right and your side is always wrong. When has that ever been true on any subject? Never is the correct answer. Truth is there are probably good politicians on both sides that have good ideas that can help us moving forward as a country. Those people aren't embraced by the other side they are viewed as a threat and must be removed by any means necessary so they can get one of their own in that person's place. Our political system is broken, did you ever hear of so much talk of impeachment and rigged elections before these last few years. It's embarrassing, we're becoming an embarrassment, and it's not one party that's doing it, it's both. But y'all are too blind to see it. You're both to blame. Have you ever seen the interview with Yuri Bezmenov in 1984? How about the document The Muslim Brotherhood distributed amongst it's leaders on how to take-out or takeover the United States? Did you see Louis Farahkan's interview in 2001 after 9/11? Have you ever read The Art of War? Particularly the chapter on bloodless takeover of a country ? That's where all the above originated from. If you read or seen any of the above you would understand why you are seeing what you're seeing. You are witnessing exactly what happened in Venezuela, Serbia, Chechnya, Germany in the late 20's early 30's, the Sudan and a few other countries. No president can save this country now we are in the end stages now. The only people who can save this country now are us. They feed the right one thing and the left totally the opposite. They do this to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. They are keeping us from joining together as one unit to speak our voices United under one cause to save this country from there every politician has to be booted or voted out of office from the house and senate to governors and mayor's even DA's, Attorney Generals and replaced by honest patriotic Americans who support our Constution and founding principles. Then the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and every government agency needs to be gutted and replaced with the same like minded people. Including the leaders of our military. our entire school system needs to be gutted and all I repeat ALL our news media's need to be reined in and held accountable for violating our first amendment by lying to us. It is against the law for them to lie to us. They've been skirting the law by saying it's opinionated news to keep from being shutdown. The only thing we have that has held to our Constitution is our Supreme Court and you can thank Trump for that. I know he's not perfect but the NWO screwed him and took him broke a few times to hold him down. ( he doesn't think like them) He hates them and wants to stick it to them so bad he can taste it. Plus what they are doing to him now multiples his hate for them. No other country in the world could he of made a comeback like he did that's why he loves this country. I know there's a few people who don't want to hear this but Trump is the only candidate that if he makes office will let us raise our voices ( peacefully ) and not turn the military loose on us. That is the only way to save this country in my opinion. If we don't there will be a civil war like in all the countries I mentioned earlier unless WWIII breaks out. If anyone looks up the Yuri interview on YouTube when Obama was in office YouTube broke up the full interview and made small 10-15 minute clips. Some parts may be missing but the full interview was a hour. I remember watching it in 84 and saying that will never happen here. Man I was wrong. WE HAVE TO SET ASIDE OUR DIFFERENCES TO MEET THIS COMMON GOAL. It's either that or war. It will take 40 years for this country to be in its prime again. |
Not at all! This guy is a complete failure for America. From our economy , our education system, our security in our own country, our security from other nations, our discourse for others that don’t share our opinion, the unequal push of justice aimed at one particular side… it’s true this stuff has become common core for the most part in our government, but it has become increasingly more since Biden became president. And it will get much worse if Biden is elected president again. I still believe the 2020 election was rigged, but when I see these idiots on the streets or in our universities protesting Israel and supporting Hamas, I can understand why he got so many votes. Cluelessness and no common sense can cause great harm, if left unchecked it can grow into a malignant mass and devour anything in its way…
Not at all! This guy is a complete failure for America. From our economy , our education system, our security in our own country, our security from other nations, our discourse for others that don’t share our opinion, the unequal push of justice aimed at one particular side… it’s true this stuff has become common core for the most part in our government, but it has become increasingly more since Biden became president. And it will get much worse if Biden is elected president again. I still believe the 2020 election was rigged, but when I see these idiots on the streets or in our universities protesting Israel and supporting Hamas, I can understand why he got so many votes. Cluelessness and no common sense can cause great harm, if left unchecked it can grow into a malignant mass and devour anything in its way… I agree 100% Keep in mind the schools primed them but you can sure bet The Muslim Brotherhood and The Nation of Islam organized and funded travel for them. With those open boarders there's no telling what was smuggled into this country. I fear the possibilities that could happen if Biden starts bombing Iran. Although a terrorist attack here just might wake-up the woke and reunite this country as one. Hopefully it won't be at the cost of thousands of people |
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Wed 11/01/23 01:25 PM
Biden is an incompent man for POTUS.
In times of war like now for Israel and Hamas the president is totally clueless on how to handle it. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get America in the war. Military Leaders I hope will advise him. Biden oftentimes helps the enemy. |
Biden is an incompent man for POTUS. In times of war like now for Israel and Hamas the president is totally clueless on how to handle it. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get America in the war. Military Leaders I hope will advise him. Biden oftentimes helps the enemy. Biden hates Israel trust me on this. Under Obama both him and Obama snubbed Israel screwing them out of military equipment. He'll why do you think he kisses Iran's butt. The only reason he is acting and saying what he's saying is because the majority of Americans love Israel and he's bound by a treaty to help them. If he broke that treaty he would be impeached and his bribe money would be cut off. Plus the 2024 election is around the corner and he needs the voters butts so he doesn't loose anymore support. If you notice he's up in the polls not that I trust the polls. If you ask me this attack was planned for after the 2016 election when the rig was supposed to go to Hillary. Both Biden and the Clinton's hung with Byrd when he was alive. Byrd was the leader of the KKK and the KKK hate Jews |
Biden is an incompent man for POTUS. In times of war like now for Israel and Hamas the president is totally clueless on how to handle it. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get America in the war. Military Leaders I hope will advise him. Biden oftentimes helps the enemy. How do you not know that not all Palestinians are Hamas? There are many innocent civilians in Palestine who are victims, too, but the IDF is set to slaughter them all for expediency and vengeance. It's such a tough situation. |
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Thu 11/02/23 05:28 AM
I’d like to know where you are getting your information, for you to not see that the IDF are asking for the civilians to leave . Plenty of warnings coming from the IDF.. And still they are not blowing up these hospitals and schools where these cowards hide and lob there bombs at Israeli civilians. .. we can disagree and be civil but don’t deny what’s actually happening and spread propaganda about the real atrocities and unattended casualties . Israel is doing exactly what any other country would do to protect its citizens. That is the #1 job for any president or prime minister .
I just hope this world ends soon.
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Thu 11/02/23 08:26 AM
I just hope this world ends soon. The world is mostly a beautiful place and if normal everyday people like us join as one we can make it, a fully beautiful place |
POTUS Biden He is the reason this Country is future in decline. We need a conservative in Office whomever that will be. Democratic leaders are too Liberal and supporting everything evil in this Nation. |
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Thu 11/02/23 10:09 AM
Biden is an incompent man for POTUS. In times of war like now for Israel and Hamas the president is totally clueless on how to handle it. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get America in the war. Military Leaders I hope will advise him. Biden oftentimes helps the enemy. How do you not know that not all Palestinians are Hamas? There are many innocent civilians in Palestine who are victims, too, but the IDF is set to slaughter them all for expediency and vengeance. It's such a tough situation. I dont think they all are Hamas. I am up on what's happening with Hamas and all Terrorist trying to take out Israel. War brings on Murders of innocent victims that's always been. Hamas started the attack and it will continue until Israel wipes Hamas out. Iran supports Hamas and concerned our enemy also. It has Biblical History for decades. It is not America's responsibility to stop that War. Israel has a President to make that decision. |
Biden is an incompent man for POTUS. In times of war like now for Israel and Hamas the president is totally clueless on how to handle it. Hopefully the idiot doesn't get America in the war. Military Leaders I hope will advise him. Biden oftentimes helps the enemy. How do you not know that not all Palestinians are Hamas? There are many innocent civilians in Palestine who are victims, too, but the IDF is set to slaughter them all for expediency and vengeance. It's such a tough situation. With the way the Palestinians are programming their kids to kill Jews not sure there's a lot if innocence there. |
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Sun 11/05/23 03:42 PM
I just hope this world ends soon. The world is mostly a beautiful place and if normal everyday people like us join as one we can make it, a fully beautiful place People don't ask to be born, it's a fight from the start to get feed and a diaper change, then they force us to go to school so that we can work for the next 50-60 years til we are crippled and confused, then we die. Do people realize how much better off Earth would be if humans did not exist? Humans are very selfish and destructive, but who cares? We will only be here for a spec of time in the big picture so why not ruin whatever we can in that short period of time? Someday maybe people will learn to show a little more respect, or will be wiped clean off the face of the earth, but til that time we will continue to do what we want, when we want, and how we want. ![]() |
I just hope this world ends soon. The world is mostly a beautiful place and if normal everyday people like us join as one we can make it, a fully beautiful place People don't ask to be born, it's a fight from the start to get feed and a diaper change, then they force us to go to school so that we can work for the next 50-60 years til we are crippled and confused, then we die. Do people realize how much better off Earth would be if humans did not exist? Humans are very selfish and destructive, but who cares? We will only be here for a spec of time in the big picture so why not ruin whatever we can in that short period of time? Someday maybe people will learn to show a little more respect, or will be wiped clean off the face of the earth, but til that time we will continue to do what we want, when we want, and how we want. ![]() If only Eve would have listened to Adam and not ate that apple…? We are only human…. |