Community > Posts By > thewrongplaces

thewrongplaces's photo
Tue 07/05/11 01:03 AM

the word is the thought energy, if the universe was the materialization of this energy than it would be fairly to say that all minds --- terrestrial and from others planets----producing countless thoughts

this enormous power could be called God?

thanks for your answer

The way i understand it all, my personal unified theory of everything, is that each human is in their own universal reflective reality tunnel, and in their own tunnel, their thoughts are all represented in a 3d fractal hologram; created by their own thoughts, and mistaken for reality and solid objects by their brain. Of course, no human is using their own brain, so that should properly be worded, "The mind that they are using instead of their own brain." An additional side effect of everyone having their own tunnel for themselves, which is an entire universe, is that each human is God of their own tunnel, and through it, the whole multi-verse. The part I am still trying to figure out is how peoples' tunnels interact with each other. This and the 4 main types of each sex of people could explain why witnesses to the same thing will each give a different version of what they witnessed. Further study is needed. And that power could be called God, but that would be in error. If God exists at all, which I doubt, then He is everything everywhere everywhere, and Love above all else. He never punishes anyone or anything, and just wants us to be happy, hence things like awareness, free will, and choices.

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 07/04/11 04:34 PM

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 07/04/11 03:38 PM
I blame the invisible race of parasites that eat and run all of humanity, for why a good man or woman is so hard to find. People don't have enough energy left to themselves to be anything but self-important and ego driven. Only out for themselves, in other words. While alone this is alright, but in a relationship, from the other person's point of view, they should be first, not your own selfish wishes.

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 07/04/11 03:34 PM
Normally, I would guess that he wasn't. That doesn't really answer your question though. Going by the Bible, I would put it at August 5th, 35 B.C.

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 07/04/11 03:26 PM
I'm a Toltec/Discordian/Spiritual Satanist. Is anyone else following a path between several faiths? I started my own path when, after studying almost all of the world's religions, no one made any sense by itself. For those of you who are unfamiliar with any of those three religions, I will give a very brief overview of each:

1) Toltecs were an Native American Indian tribe, whose capital city was Tula. (Now Mexico City) They were sorcerors, who could see energy directly, instead of processing the energy into what we all understand as the world around us. They taught love and freedom, basically.

2) Discordians are all geniuses, and we worship Eris, the Roman goddess of Chaos. We have 5 commandments instead of ten, and are pretty random.

3) Spiritual Satanists work on their own energy fields, (Chakras and auras) until the point that they ascend to Godhead. (basically, turning from a human to a God.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:44 PM
I am almost certain that there was no Yeshua ben Yosef. (Jesus.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:41 PM
I'm a single singer/songwriter/filmmaker, however I do not have my own. Neither job, nor home, nor car. I pretty much have my camera and my computer and that is about it. Maybe a few outfits.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:38 PM

So what have ye to say about they pyramids? Who built them and how?

Are the pyramids a fraud?

I believe this guy did know the secrets of the pyramids.

I saw years ago a doc. where he would not let them watch and had to turn the cameras away as he put a several ton stone onb a 4 or 5 ft high flatbed truck. as they turned the camera u heard a thud and they swung back around and the stone was on the truck. i personally do not believe in aliens that helped build stuff long ago but that at one time we believed we could do things and the earth is at our beck and call u might say to do it.. Even Yahshua and Gen. says this. we use very little of our minds and know very little about it. but the capabilities are in all of us we just have to figure out how and to believe we can..IMO..Blessings Miles

Coral Castle is a lesser technology than the one I mentioned, it is just anti-gravity. Nothing special. I do think that it is quite interesting however, the similarities between the clues in Coral Castle, (on how to make your own anti-gravity device) and the corresponding information on the walls of various Freemason lodges. (Notably two of them in PA.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:36 PM
as far as your pyramid question...(who built them and how) I can answer that one. Atlanteans that the Egyptians mistook for Gods. In particular I am certain it was Thoth, as his home on the Astral plane is the exact same shape, with a crystal capstone, that is missing from the great pyramids in Egypt. (stolen and broken apart by greedy idiots.) He used a crystal technology which will focus the user's thoughts through the crystal wand, enabling the movement and even shaping of pretty much any weight of any material, or even the creation of the material from thin air. Just don't ask me to prove it.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:25 PM

And the truth is exposed....

People will one day completely discredit the Bible as mostly a work of fiction and discover how it was rewritten. It will be discovered that Abraham was a fictional character, as well as his so-called descendants. That is when all of the Abrahamic religions of the world will fall apart and the true lineage of the Jewish people will be discovered, because they certainly can't be God's chosen people when this happens.

So in this way, the Jews and the Abrahamic religions are co-dependent on each other in the desire to prevent the truth from being known.

This chipping away of the lies we have been told for centuries is happening now.

No need to loose your belief in God, if you have one. But we have been lied to.

i've known about them...for a while now. I didn't ever believe it, but then one of my friends who was one picked a very odd facebook profile picture...a vellocciraptor.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 06/18/11 12:41 AM
The fourth kind was awesome, makes me want to fly to alaska.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 06/18/11 12:40 AM
interesting flick, especially given who i believe myself to be and/or represent. I am a firm believer that the Freemasons use checkerboard patterns and rituals to place otherworldly entities into the people in their group so that they can infiltrate our society in the various positions of power. It is quite interesting to see what the Bohemian club was really up to. I take it, based on these videos, that they have complete control over pretty much everything and all of the police and military might to back it up. Pretty unstoppable at this point. JFK was a good man. I'm rambling. Well, once I finish stomping out the other two races of aliens that are trying to control mankind, (one of them already does) I will get around to putting an end to the nonsense in our leadership. At least that is the plan. Who's with me? Down with the aliens! Down with the possessed! Down with the other aliens! Down with the shape-shifting lizard people! Down with taxes! Down with being out of work!!!! Give me freedom or give me food or kill me!

thewrongplaces's photo
Thu 06/02/11 04:09 PM
i would eliminate the invisible parasites that run and eat all of humanity. They are also the root cause of poverty, war, and many other truly global problems with Earth.

thewrongplaces's photo
Thu 06/02/11 03:41 PM
maybe God needed more angels?

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 07:03 PM
Why people can't get along.

There is one simple root problem. The same root cause of poverty, war, the environmental issues, greed, human competition instead of cooperation, and all of the truly global problems with society. This one root cause is a race of thought-forms that have taken over the control of every human being over the age of two on the planet. They don't have bodies, but they are an aware energetic life-form. This, combined with their natural invisibility (they are a specific shade of black that absorbs the entire visible light spectrum, leaving no light to bounce back off of them and to our eyes.) makes them quite hard to prove. However, if you look at things from a sociological perspective, you will notice that no matter where someone grows up, no matter their beliefs or culture, people all over are mainly concerned with "me, me, me" This self-importance is a sign that the only energy left is at the bottoms of the feet. That energy is very selfish and self-centered.

That is my two cents on this topic. Questions? Comments? Am I crazy and full of lies, or am I the only sane one in an insane world?

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 02:42 PM
well we're all divine, but not every being is related to a God. All humanity has a bit of the divine fire though.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 02:28 PM
i never said i was human. technically, i am descended from a Finnish God. I am however, mostly human.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 01:56 PM
I suppose being in the debt business, you will lose your job when the new paradigm arrives sometime 2012, with the debt forgiveness that will happen, all debt will vanish. (So start splurging on those credit cards. I would do so, but mine is already way beyond maxxed out.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 01:51 PM
Plague Rat: A fan of Emilie Autumn.

Emilie Autumn:

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 05/28/11 01:41 PM
well first of all, I met Azazel in Seattle, WA. He told me who I looked like physically. I didn't believe him, since I was raised not to believe demons. I did some independent research on my own, and found an uncanny number of similarities between my life and who I supposedly am. After that I was starting to believe it, and I met the 5th crowned 'prince' of Hell (prince is in quotes, as she was female) we dated for around two months, and during that time I met Enlil. (Another crowned prince) I suppose Azazel could have just been insane, but between that and all of the other things, I'm starting to believe it.

First of all, I should explain that I am not the entirety of the entity most know as Satan or Lucifer or Samael. There is a rule in reality: as above, so below. I am the below counterpart to my higher self, which is Satan/Lucifer/Samael/Enki. Secondly, I am not even most of that entity, as He isn't the sort to put all of his eggs in one mortal basket (so to speak) I just happen to be the biggest fragment on Earth right now.