Community > Posts By > thewrongplaces

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 12/08/12 01:52 PM
the real devil is all about liberty and freedom, so they are probably both the same entity.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 10/13/12 12:38 AM
I'm 33 and a local. Kids are cool in my book.

thewrongplaces's photo
Tue 08/21/12 10:27 PM
i firmly believe that there is an archangel who fell from heaven to rule Hell. heck, i firmly believe i am a representation of Him. what most don't know, is that Satan had Lucifer take over as Satan early on, so that any attacks would be directed at the puppet king. Lucifer was not the fallen archangel though.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 11/19/11 11:47 AM
sense of timing
sense of space
sense of radiation
danger sense
sense of continuity
sense of non-linear time
sense of energy
sense of truth

thewrongplaces's photo
Wed 11/16/11 06:01 PM
either nearly severing my brother's spine via a broken window from playing baseball indoors, or accidentally lighting the den on fire.

thewrongplaces's photo
Wed 11/16/11 05:58 PM

Where r the good woman in vegas

there are none. it's Vegas. Sin City. That means no good women.

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 11/14/11 01:49 AM
i prefer to give my life to the deity that does really exist.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 11/06/11 10:50 PM

Of the two books, I like the Urantia book better. It goes into more detail and it makes more logical sense.

I think it would make a great television series.

Check out a book called "Samael's Fall" by Marion Webb-De-Sisto. It is also channeled info. About the fall of the first Archangel. How, Why, What happened, etc... it goes into great detail, and is the closest i have found so far to the real truth of the matter.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sun 11/06/11 10:45 PM

I love you kiddo, whether you are christian or not .

And so does God.



Now what is this about.noway

This thread is crazy,surprised

Its just the words to a song, done by a Christian band called "Stryper", called "To Hell With The Devil", and everyone is getting all bent.whoa

And whats (((((:heart: thewrongplaces :heart: )))))??????what How are you hurt by this post thewrongplaces??

Please expain.

Is it unchristian like, to post these lyrics, or what??????what

Im not getting any of this silliness??indifferent

I just feel that The Light-Bringer, the very creator of humanity, deserves a bit more respect. Of course, I understand that Christian bands will continue to slander Him. After all, it's a cornerstone of their beliefs. Plus, I sort of happen to be closely...let's call it, related, to Him.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 11/05/11 11:57 PM
NOLA here, though i was not born here, i live here now. (for the 10th time.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 11/05/11 11:53 PM

pleased to meet you,
hope you guessed my name pitchfork

Now that is why I got hurt by the post. Not anything to do with being Gothic, as most of the Goths are indeed Christians. (I'm not.)

thewrongplaces's photo
Tue 11/01/11 04:11 PM
These harsh words hurt me, deeply...right here. (taps heart.) Just because someone wrote something down does not mean that it is true.

thewrongplaces's photo
Tue 11/01/11 04:06 PM

Emilie Autumn, Opheliac, off the album Opheliac.

thewrongplaces's photo
Wed 09/21/11 01:19 PM
mine change color with my mood, varying between hazel normally, blue when agitated, and green when i am happy.

thewrongplaces's photo
Mon 09/19/11 12:09 AM
kudos for "following" a path that encourages one to work on one's self. It's one of my three belief systems. Hail Satan.

thewrongplaces's photo
Tue 07/26/11 04:21 AM
a thought is a potential 3-d fractal hologram seed. Not all thoughts survive the entire process of becoming a 3-d fractal hologram, but the ones that do, make up "reality" as we (think we) know it.

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 07/16/11 08:08 PM
I think the real question is, "Have humans ruined the Earth beyond saving?"

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 07/09/11 09:15 PM
Emilie Autumn
(Album) A bit O This & A bit O That.
Song "Miss Lucy had some leeches"

Miss Lucy had some leeches her leeches liked to suck
And when they'd drank up all her blood she didn't give a
Funny when the doctors had locked her in her cell
Miss Lucy screamed all night that they should go to bloody
Hello to the surgeon, with scalpel old and blunt
He'll tie you to the table then he'll mutilate your
Come it's nearly tea-time, the lunatics arrived
The keepers bleed them all until there's no one left a-
Lively little rodents are eaten up by cats
We're subject to experiments like laboratory
Rats, I dropped a tea cup, how easily they break
I'm on my hands and knees until i've paid for my mis-
Take off all your clothing, we've only just begun
We have no anesthesia, it's 1840-
One thing we should tell you, before you try again
The tests were all invented by a lot of filthy
Mentally hysteric, she's failed the exam
Don't bother telling Lucy cuz she doesn't give a
Damn that nitrous oxide, for when you can't escape
They say that surgeons oft commit a murder or a
Razor blades are rusty and not a lot of fun
So when they try to amputate your legs, you'd better
Run and fetch the chemist, a patient's feeling sad
She's been in chains for ages and she isn't even
Madness is a nuisance, and no one is immune
Your sister, mum, or daughter may become a raving
Lunatics are dangerous and doctors are obeyed
They also go together just like toast and marma-
Ladies are like children, with brains the size of squirrel's
Let's give clitoridectomies to all of the little
Girls are helpless treasures, that daddies must protect
So lay back on the table for the doctors to in-
Speculums are super and stir-ups all the rage
So spread a lady's legs and put her back into her
Cage of naked crazies the surgeon's here to bleed
The doctors are all learned men and some can even
Reading can be risky, for women on the verge
It only did us worlds of good to poison, leech and
Purging is a penance, phlebotomy's a chore
no need to sterilize the tools, we never did
Before the night is over, before you go to bed
They take a hammer and a nail and jam it in your
Headstones in the courtyard, and statues in the park
Are not for the insane, just leave them rotting in the

thewrongplaces's photo
Sat 07/09/11 03:02 PM
I call ********. "Suitable" is too vague a term, she should walk free...Not that she should even be able to go to jail for this. smh.

thewrongplaces's photo
Wed 07/06/11 11:03 PM
interesting. most of that matches quite nicely with the middle path that I follow. I am a bit less on the Celtic, and definitely not an atheist though. I also work on Chakras and kundalini though. It is not exactly easy to be a Toltec.

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