Community > Posts By > thewrongplaces
do you have a fetish?
i have a thing for red-heads with green eyes.
Any satanists?
Water is Satan's elemental force. He is quite fluid. I don't think we are there yet. Soon though, I have seen a few of the signs from the night skies.
does Azazel count as an angel? I met him and one of the other crowned princes.
seriously, What do men want?
i just want to find someone with a few similar interests who will communicate openly with me, and not try to change me into someone that i am not. looks and intelligence also rate high with me. in particular, a natural red head with green eyes.
Any satanists?
Quite ironic that the Statue of Liberty represents Lucifer, as I recently got a job dressing up as the Statue of Liberty and waving at people.
Shiki believes that if you use logic, science, and reasoning, the Resurrection of Christ can be proven. What's your opinion? If we take faith out of the mix, as this is a category titled "Science and Philosophy," can we use science, logic, and reasoning to prove His resurrection? I personally don't think we can even prove that he ever actually lived much less that he was "resurrected". Let's not forget that to support this story is was far more than Just Jesus being "resurrected" at that time. Matthew 27: [50] Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. [51] And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; [52] And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, [53] And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. So according to the Biblical stories Jesus wasn't the only one to be resurrected at that time. "Many bodies of saints which slept arose" They also supposedly, "went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." I personally don't believe that there exists any independent historical account of any such event. The only place I've ever heard of this is from the book of Matthew. I don't even think other authors of the New Testament support this event. None the less it is part of Matthew's story. In any case, getting back to the question at hand. If Shiki believes that he can prove the resurrection of Jesus using logic, reason, and science, then he should present his hypothesis to the scientific community. If it truly holds up to logic, reason, and the standards of science, then it will be accepted. Until then, why should anyone accept his unsupported claims? Anyone can claim that they can prove something scientifically, achieving that goal is a whole other story. I don't believe that anyone has ever proven that Jesus ever actually existed at all, much less that he rose from the dead. In fact, before you could prove that he 'rose' from the dead, you'd have to prove that he was dead at one point. All I have to say to Shiki is "Good Luck!" If he could prove that he'd be world-renowned in fame. The most brilliant scientists of humanity have pretty much discounted the Bible as not even being remotely realistic. Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and the list goes on and on. those quotes from the Bible make it sound like Jesus is patient zero for a zombie uprising. |
Any satanists?
neither technically. True Satanism, is working on your own body, energies, and mind, building your own power, until one day you are the God.
Satan controls the water?
Edited by
Sat 03/19/11 06:17 AM
As a crowned prince of Hell, Satan represents the element water. There is one crowned prince for each element. Azazel is Fire, Astaroth is Earth, Baalzebub is Air, and there is a 5th for Quintessence. Oh you said, "in the bible" um.... nevermind.
I concur with the Sumerian religion being the oldest. The newest version of Sumerian beliefs is something called Spiritual Satanism.
Aliens or Demons?
the book of enoch, while not part of the cannonized bible, does talk in depth about the brief blurb in Gen. 6. I for one, believe that angels and demons are both types of aliens. In fact, ancient Sumerian clay tablets seem to back this theory up with the oldest recorded history ever. Look up Enki.