Community > Posts By > honeyrobber

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Tue 09/12/06 03:17 PM

Wild is used for to many action in a relationship. I like wild untamed
passion but if they are wild as in needing to grow or stay at home then
I just do not want them around. There is no changing me as I will not
bend to what others think or say. I hope a woman would not try to please
me and settle for me. This is a big problem people thinking they must
have a husband or wife. Well off topic. I am not into partying and
clubbing. Not to say I do not get wild when I go to concerts like
Ozzfest or this up coming Motley crue/Aerosmith that I hope to get to go

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Tue 09/12/06 03:04 PM

When every you deal with bees you need to get a good identification.
The reason is bumble bee worker when the old queen dies become fertile
in a few days and mate and continue the colony. Honeybees if you kill
the queen and the hive has eggs they will make a new queen in 16 day and
she will have mated and started laying in another week. Hornets and wasp
I have not read up on to tell you how they would react with a dead
queen, but I believe they are more like honeybees and have to be raised
from an egg as a fertile queen.

I am a beekeeper and that is where my screen name comes from. I never
kill honeybees. Now yellow jackets wasp and hornets all get the
treatments that work best for each. It sounded like you had the true
bumble bee. Carpenter bees which are the bumble bees that drill in wood
to nest are larger and do not build large nest. Bumble bees love to nest
in hay and fiber glass insulation. They are a big problem in hay lofts.
Best treatment for bumble bees that I have found is a pitch fork(hay
lofts) and a can of Hot Shot instant knock down wasp and hornet spray.
Spray all you can from a distance. Rake over the insulation/hay to stir
up more and hopefully uncover nest. Spray all you can and wait til dark.
Waiting till dark gets all worker bees home for the night. Now spray and
make sure you uncover the nest and spray all live bees. Now carry the
insulation/hay outside and burn it so any unhatched bees can not hatch
as reinfest the area. Then use a cup of vinegar in a quart spray bottle
filled the rest of the way with water to spray the whole area to remove
the bee smell as it attracts other bees(all kinds) and rats looking for
a meal. Then repair the damaged area and try to find the intrence and
stop up the hole.

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Tue 09/12/06 02:43 PM

Jack of all trades master of none fits me well. About your saying that
true knowledge is to no nothing, I disagree. True knowledge is knowing
what you do know and knowing what you do not. I know I can wire a house
and it will be safe and it will all work properly, but since the codes
change all the time and I have been out of that trade 6 years I will not
say I can wire a house in code. I can rebuild the old chevy V8s like a
350 and have no problems. But these dang computer chip operated cars are
crazy. How does a car getting spark, getting gas, and still has
compression not fire? If it had jumped time it would not have
compression. It was the computer itself that was bad and even the
mechanic could not tell us how the engine would not fire. It just goes
against all principals I have been taught in chemistry(conbustion),
mechanic books, and dear old dad. I try to learn something every day.
Wether it be something with my tropical fish or now learning how to tell
which acorn fell from what type of oak tree.

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Tue 09/12/06 02:22 PM
Many of the for telling of the end of times is in the old testament.
One of them talks about 12 armies will be encamped around Isreal. In
another it speaks that once Isreal becomes a nation again(happened just
after WWII) that this generation will not pass away before god calls his
children home. A generation is the life span of a human being. So a baby
born on the day Isreal became a nation again can live 120
years(predicted as we get better medicine and we have a few people 115
on this earth now). So it could easily happen during our life time.

As someone else said I want Christ to be alright with me. I do not
want to be one of those crying Lord look what we did in your name and
all our service to you and the lords says depart from me as I never knew
you. I want Christ to know me and know me well.

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Tue 09/12/06 12:04 AM

This is what pisses me off about the quota system. You should be
allowed to work here animal. You were legal. I am guessing you never had
a run in with the law here, so if this is true they had no reason in my
eyes to refuse you a work permit or even perment resident status. We
were founded on give us your huddled masses. Give us your poor. It will
be upto them to make it or fail. I do say we should not give them aid
like families first(given to single mothers and in a few cases single
fathers). I know a couple which are illegal who are married in mexico
yet she draws families first payments claiming he is her brother who
just lives with her. I tried turning in this abuse yet it did no good.
Many are using our well fair policies against us as in the case listed.
I told yall I was stuck in the middle as I see the good and the bad
being in an area where we have alot of them.

I was asked to bring illegals to TN from TX. The price is $2000 per
person and I can get 4 in my car besides myself. So $8000 to drive 1700
miles one way or 3400 miles round trip. So there is money to be made
from the illegal status just like the pot discussion. Where ever there
is illegal money there will be other crimes.

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Mon 09/11/06 11:11 PM

I have to much to loose by partaking. But I am 100% for legalizing it
NOW. I still have my water pipe(bong) which is not kept at my home. I
used to have a small indoor garden for tomatoes and from time to time a
cutting to be over wintered. If only my kids were grown or it was legal,
I could have a nearly free medicine which works better than these damn
pills I have to take dailly. If you ask me it is this reason it is being
kept illegal. The drug companies want to keep pushing their liver
destroying pills to those of us with cronic pain.

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Mon 09/11/06 10:58 PM

One of the items needed for a work visa is a job. How do you get a job
where you work for oneself? Many of the nurseries arround here can not
hire mexicans full time. Like my father has only 13 acres in nursery
stock. He only need about 6 weeks worth of work for 2 people. Yet when
we need ball dug in the fall we may need 10 people digging to get the
order out so we only work them 2-3 days at a time several times a year.
But they can come here and work solid year round. Dad lets a mexican who
is now a perment resident know his needs and he sends a crew out to do
the job. This mexican is a broker of sorts. The mexicans give him a fee
for finding them work according to the job size and type of work. This
is the same as a migratory fruit and vegtable picker. They do not work
for one person. They work on several different farms.

The larger nurseries place a request for immigrants. So many immigrants
without an approved job get these requested jobs. I find the biggest
problem for most illegals is having a job given to them which can be
approved by the US for them to get a work visa. Once they get here they
have no problems finding jobs.

The next hurdle is the US only allows so many active work visas. I know
of a mexican who has only came to the US to visit a child he had with an
american girl and stayed a couple weeks of the last 6 months. He comes
here every fall for digging season as it is piece work and he can make
$300 a day. Yet he keeps his visa active all summer when someone else
could be here working legally. He has a good reason for keeping his visa
as if you drop it you rarely get another one as the US looks at it like
you had your chance. But he is only here about 1/2 the time.

The back ground check maybe a problem for some of them but it has not
been a problem for the few I know who are here legally. The issue for
them was getting a job here lined up so they could apply for a work
visa. One of them came here as an illegal and worked. He talked to the
nurseries and got a job. He then went home after making arrangements
with his employer so he could use that job to get his work visa. He had
told his employer that if he did not get a visa in six weeks he would be
back as an illegal. He got his visa as he now had a job lined up with
housing as this employer provides housing for a fee(rent and utilities
but he owns several mobile homes).

So let them all come over here and try to find a job. The flood of
immigrants into the US would make finding any job very hard even for the
immigrants. Many of them would go back home empty handed and it would
balance out quickly. Then in a few short years mexico's economy would be
up and so would its job pay rate resulting in fewer immigrants.

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Mon 09/11/06 10:33 PM

I believe in natural medicine. Alcohol is a good medicine but it gets
abused and people drive drunk and kill each other by its use. Pot has
much less harmful side effects to our bodies. People on pot are calm for
the most part and in a state of happiness or laziness or both. People
who have been drinking tend to become agressive and want to fight. Opium
is a great natural drug which was and still is used by doctors to treat
patients for pain. Codine is one of the drugs found in raw opium. Yet
this drug is easily abused in its raw or even pill forms. So making them
prescription only will not stop the abuse or the illegal side making
money and more crime will follow the illegal money.

Pot where it is legal is treated like drinking. It is much less a
problem than drinking in these countries and since the illegal side is
gone you have tax paying industies processing and growing the pot for
sale. So I am 100% for legalizing pot.

Meth, cocaine and many other hard core drugs have no place in society
other than being used properly by a doctor prescription. These drugs do
have real medical uses. Plus many people using these drugs OD. You can
not get enough THC(pot) into your system to OD on by smoking or eating
it. You would pass out before hand. You can OD from drinking.

As to how to clean out the jails. It is very simple kill all convicted
murders after allowing them sometime for proper appeals. And when you do
it do it on the county square like they did in the old days. Let all see
what happens when you commit a crime. Then make the second offence for
theft death. Child molester and rapist death. I think you get the idea.
No one would be in jail over a couple years. If they need to be jailed
more than 2 years kill them and remove them from society forever. You
will either change and live right or you will commit another crime and
get death.

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Mon 09/11/06 10:03 PM

See everyone of you are still focusing on the fact they are illegal.
How to fix the problem is allow all that apply to get a visa after a
back ground check. Then all that are here are paying taxes and then make
it so you break one simple law we deport there ass and do not allow them
back in. What this would do is make all illegals know criminals or they
could have gotten here legally. All legals I have met are hard working
honest people. But the US only allows so many work visas a year to
supposedly protect our jobs. Well Nafta did away with most of our jobs
and did much more harm than what I suggest would do. So when there time
was up they would become illegals if they did not return home or marry.
3 years saving money or sending it home should be over enough for them
to get ahead. So lets limit the amount of time each person can stay here
to about this amount of time. What this will do is drive prices higher
in mexico because more people have money. With higher prices comes
higher wages. This would soon make mexico less appealing to industry and
bring many of our lower paying jobs back home. Much of my reasoning is

Canada has never been a problem with illegal immagration to the US.
But the open border policy did allow terrorist to get into the US
through Canada. I personally like the open border. But an ID check would
be nice. Make it so US and Canadian citizens can still cross relatively
freely but all non citizens to these countries has to go through a full
customs check like they do at airports. It would help protect us yet
keep good relations and business between the US and Canada.

BTW I am against the Canadian goverment allowing as much logging as
they are allowing for export to the US and other countries. To me we
raped our own country of trees and are now raping the world to satisfy
our want for lumber. Old growth forest take atleast 200 year to recover
from a single clear cut done in strips so natural reseeding accurs. If
you do a total clear cut and replant a lumber tree like pine arround
here the forest can not ever recover. On my dads farm we harvest a few
trees/logs every 15-20 years. We do not have a true old growth forest
but it is a balanced hardwood forest of all native trees as we cull the
non natives.

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Sun 09/10/06 08:41 PM

I try to always speak the truth. Some of which is not pretty. But if a
person lays the good and the bad on the table ahead of time there is not
any surprises. We are not perfect beings and we tend to see things from
one point of veiw and that is our own. Just like I said I would post a
pic and then the film developer was training a new employee and exposed
my roll of film. Wed. is now my pick up date for the new roll of film.
So maybe by Thursday of Friday I will have a pic up. I openly state I am
poor and disabled. Being disabled does not mean helpless. It just means
I can not work most jobs and I have not got any that I applied for. I do
work. It is self employeed collecting of seeds and plants for local
nurseries. Since I am disabled I am slow at this. So I have worked 12
hours for $30 on a bad(pain) day. The work is not steady either. This
subject is not pretty but it is my life. It is a major issue with most
women. Read the profiles of women and many say the man they are looking
for must have a J O B and a car(which I have and it is paid for). So
there yah have it even a bit deeper into my life. No need for a front as
those glass store fronts get broke easy when you meet in person and to
me that ends the relationship.

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Sun 09/10/06 08:24 PM

My soon to be ex and I have everything writen out. Our only reason for
delaying the actual divorce is neither of us has come up with the full
lawyer fees. It has just been about 6 months for me and I have not seen
anyone. That is not because I have not tried to move on. She moved in
with her lover so there is no way we are getting back together. So it is
over and I am trying to move on. Legally divorced means very little as
she has moved on. Why should I stay alone because she wanted out of the

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Sun 09/10/06 08:13 PM

Short on time so I skipped a few replies. I am in the middle some where
on this topic. It is to hard for mexicans to come here legally. Then
when one of these illegals breaks the law WE pay for them to be
imprisoned and released right back here. I know one who have been caught
5 times for DUI. Since he has no ID he has been put in jail under 2
names. The state finally caught this the last time and deported him. He
was back in 2 weeks. He has fathered 4 kids that I know of(2 with my
ex's half sister) and has never paid any child support or even helped to
pay for one diaper. This one is nothing but a burden on us. The other
illegal I know is a great guy. He has done his best to learn english. He
is working 7 days a week all summer but has just today had his first day
off since spring. He goes to the store buys his beer and goes home to
drink and has never cost the rest of us a cent. He sends over half his
pay to mexico on a bi weekly bases for his parents and son.

Here is why the USA needs these workers. How many of you will work for
$6.50 an hour with no over time and work 10 hours a day Mon-Fri and 6
hours a day on Sat and Sun no matter the weather outdoors?

This is a job that even many of the other illegals will not take. I
believe he needs to be rewarded with a green card for his efforts to
better his life. The other sorry dead beat father which has been nothing
but problems for us needs to be hung/electric chaired because we
deported him and he came back. We later found out he is wanted in mexico
under his real name for some kind of crime.

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Sun 09/10/06 07:54 PM

I try to always put something into the email about there profile when
first contacting a person. I do not try to slant my likes/dislikes to
match their's. I even mention conflicts like type of music favorites and
such so they know up front something a bit deeper about me. Without
doing this on both ends you can not get a relationship over the net. You
have to communicate.

no photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:57 PM

Best advice I can give is meet in a very public place. Do not ride with
them when you leave your meeting spot as this still give you an easy way
out as you have your car. By this time you should have a better feel for
the person and you can use you judgement from then on.

I like meeting at the local Waffle House as it is located on the
intersection of the 2 highways through town and you can talk over a
drink(coffee/soda). Here you can decide what to do if it was not planned
out before hand. For me it was going to the mid day movie. She insisted
we take her car and this is why I added take your own car to the next
spot and I found out she was married. I wanted out of the date then but
had to wait till I could get back to my car. So much for my only try at
dating since the ex left.

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Fri 09/08/06 08:45 PM

Hardman, The reason you do not see real cowboys much anymore is the
range is gone. The south eastern cowboys ride 4 wheelers more than
horses now days. Cowboys for the most part dislike computers. It took
having a broken back to get me to sit down long enough to learn how to
turn it on(exagerated a bit). My ex called my horses my girlfriends as
it was common for me to spend 5 times as much time with them as with the
ex. The life style is almost a memory and that is why you find so few of
us. You still find plenty of southern gentlemen/country raised men but
true cowboys are about gone.

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Fri 09/08/06 08:19 PM

Thanks I will have to check these out Sunday when I have some more

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Fri 09/08/06 08:14 PM
When money is no problem I drink Crown Royal. Beer is nasty and I will
not touch the stuff. I drink Long Island iced tea when out and about.
But I prefer my whiskey out of a freezer with no ice. Nothing beats GOOD
shine though. But finding good shine these days is hard to do. Also have
some family members that make some great homemade wines.

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Fri 09/08/06 08:00 PM

Payday, Herseys with almonds, herserys special dark are my favorite 3.
I have not seen the special dark with any kind of nut. I sure will grab
one if I come across one.

Here is a great halloween treat idea I had several years ago and have
not seen anyone else do it(like in the womens mags that the ex kept in
the bathroom and my mags never stayed in there). Get a bag of the
herseys minitures. Unwrap them and use either pb or marshmello cream to
stick to of them together. They are now a little casket. That is the
simple version. I also cut some of them in half and left the casket open
so to speak and used food items like raisins, nuts, and candies of
different types to make a little person in the casket. Creamy pb in a
syringe(like give at pharmacies to give kids meds) is an easy way to get
a brown hair on your little peson but it looks better on the marshmello.
I did the same thing with different jellies as well but you need to
blend them a bit before use. BTW halloween is my favorite holiday.

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Fri 09/08/06 07:44 PM

I see them to often. But I think I know where they are coming from.
There is an air craft development base near me(35 miles). The mountains
give them cover from radar when they fly low. I used to see things in
the air from 2-4 nearly every night. I think one of these things was a
jet plane which could hover as it was real close to me as I was camping
one night. The horses went nuts(rode them into the mountains and
camped), one even breaking the halter and getting loose. She came back
to the other horses after a bit.

Like someone else said I doubt any of the UFOs I have seen had E.T.s.

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Thu 09/07/06 09:47 PM

Well my idea of a perfect woman is far from models anyway. But yes we
do have a goal woman just as women have a goal man. We look for the
thinks that turn us on sexually then look inward to see if we can
connect. The problem is this is backwards. I was falling for someone
over the net a couple months back and had never seen her photo. When I
did see a picture of her I was shocked at how pretty she was. But she
turned out to be a crazy married woman who just wanted a bed partner
when her hubby went on business trips. To many of my ex's were money
hungry. I worked hard and played hard. It was not uncommon for me to
make $500 a week while I was going to high school. I got tired of
feeling used as they would leave me as soon as I would not do or give
them something. Then I found my exwife. A bit plain girl who wore size
14 pants. I found she cleaned up real nice. The ones before her were
from dance team preps to hoods. Pretty, ugly, and fair women are the
same. They all need love and will drive men insane, LOL.