Community > Posts By > honeyrobber
Well I can say the same thing for a few women. One I met in a chat room we started calling and were talking about meeting in person. This was right after the ex left and I was looking for a friend not a gf and she was dealing with some heavy stuff as well. Next think I know she is no longer in the chat room her email is bouncing emails and both her phones were disconnected(home cell). I just hope she did not kill herself. If so they kept it quite as it was not in the area wide papers. Then there are a couple women from here that emailed me and I emailed them back. By the second or 3rd email I never heard from them again. It is weird. |
why do women like hispanics?
Wilro10, Racist I am not. You can say what you will but the bible says you will know the tree by the fruit it bares. This is my way of looking at people. There are good and bad people in all races, creeds, and religions. If you treat them all with respect sooner or later their true colors will show. Yours have shown. Religion no matter which one you believe in is not a mind/brain washing experience. A brain washing experience can not heal an uncurable disease. I am a living miricle. Nothing you can say will make me believe there is no God or that his son is Jesus Christ who died for our sins. I do not even bash other religions if they are a peaceful loving religion. Hindu love all live forms and are a very peaceful religion. Just because I do not believe the way they do does not mean I will bash them. Many people who call themselves christians would not call me one for the simple fact I play with snakes and they call anyone who plays with snakes of the devil. A church I used to attent called me the snake handler after a large black snake got into the church. I went over and picked it up and took it across the road and released it into the cow pasture. I have even caught poisonous snake by hand like this and released them. I never even bashed Islam which has had a bad spin put on it to acheive a goal made by man. |
I rather shake the tree and see what I get from the top instead of climbing. I got a few cane poles to knock off those stubborn ones, LOL. All joking a side I collect seed for the nurseries around here. I know how to get apples(crap apple) off a tree quickly. Shaking or knocking eating apples off a tree makes them canning apples due to the fact they get bruised and will not keep long after harvesting. |
According to your profile I think I may know you. Welcome back. I hope your problem is gone, LOL. |
I have buried a few things that I have done in the past and hope to keep them there. I still rather tell a woman or anyone esle for that matter, that them no comment or not until I know you much closer. There is one item that only 3 people know about. And those 3 are my ex, my best friend(still friends since 5th grade), and someone else that just happen to be involved in another group of the same people. For anyone to know this part of my life you will have to have my full trust. And women do not ask if we like your clothes or if they make you look fat. I for one will give you my honest oppinion. Part of the problem with that is we all have different taste. I hated my exwifes style. She got good comments from many people but when she asked me what I thought I told her the truth. She learned over the years to not ask. |
Good Sunday Morning
Myndlash, My thoughts exactly. I try to catch up on sleep on Sundays as my older girls can watch the smaller 2. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day yall. |
why do women like hispanics?
Bible thumping holy roller does not reflect me. But it is a proven fact that an areas religion does effect society. Just like the islamic thread, the islamic people have a problem with our way of life. The reason has its roots in religous differences. I have read part of the english writen Koran, but not enough to understand how what I saw as a peaceful religion is so into war to solve their differences. If you read my "Holy Roller" bit in the right context you would see the point I was making. But then again maybe you do not know how each church has different views and how those veiws show up in our society. So to me you are not just racist but anti religion. |
why do women like hispanics?
Not spanking our children is one of the reasons our country is in such a bad shape. But beating is no good no matter what race you are. I know several hispanic families and their children behave and have manners. They do spank their childen. The culture they are from does over look what many in the USA would call abuse because many times there are red stripes left on their children. I am sure from time to time they get some bruising from this. I have yet to see one take a fist or any object other than a switch or belt and strike a child. If I did I would report it. And yes hispanic RULE their houses. Most hispanics are catholic or at least christian in beleive. The bible states the man is the head of the house hold. I do beleive that to many people use this verse and not the one love your wife as yourself or and the two become one flesh(marriage). If you use the latter 2 versus and the first one you get a balance with power and co opperation. If you follow all three versus you will ask your wife for her oppions and try your best to choose the right path. Many people take this the wrong way but in the army you only have one commander in chief. Then He has the generals below him. God has a chain of command set forth in the bible for a chain of command to keep order in his church and in our marriages. He does not give us authority to abuse our wifes or to rule them as servants. But someone has to be given the power to settle split decisions. So yes I have seen abuse of wifes but it is nearly all verbal. The ones that got physical were put in jail for assualt. But like all physical abuse from spouses much of it goes unreported and kept hidden. |
let's talk....
I am thinking about the house I am going to look at in the morning to rent. Kind of doing the math to see if it will really help me. It also has a few other wheels turning due to location as there is an old store(last used as a game room/pool hall) right in front of it. Maybe this house is my dream coming true or it could be my worst night mare(loosing on of my kids). One of my life long dreams was to own a pet/aquarium shop. This house and store though sit right in the Y of heavily used roads. It is only 1 mile from the busiest intersection in town(major highway and Walmart super center on the cross street just south of the highway and this place is north). I have a hard time keeping my son out of the road out here in the county and it is not fenced. Other than that I am also looking into the future a couple days trying to get plans made for this work I have been doing. I really need a day off. My body with all its damage from the fall is not taking to kindly to this work. Have you ever had a person hit you because you said something was hurting and it made you forget about the lesser pain that you was complaining about? Well when I started this morning I would pull and the sharp pain would cause me to hesitate or stop for a bit. Before we left I was working hard with tears streaking my face. I was hurting so bad that I could not hurt any more. I could not take any more meds because I had to drive 1 1/2 hours back home. So to say the least it was another very painful day. I pray none of you ever have to learn what bad chronic pain is like. |
I thought I had already said illegals mostly take the jobs that no one else will take. The factory I worked in hired legals or illegals with fake papers. They did have a problem getting the new legals used to not having a siesta(sorry if I misspelled). It took them awhile to get used to the idea of a 30 minute lunch. Other than this point, and getting over the communication barrier(they now have hispanic bosses) they were some of the best workers. I think I posed the question how many of you would work at shoveling horse crap for 10-12 hours a day 7 days a week for $6-8 an hour with NO over time. Yah know what I took the job for a short spell because I needed to support my family. He actually liked hiring americans over hispanics(mexicans, cubans, ect..) as there were no communication problems. The thing is he rarely found an American that would do the job over one day. I got promoted from shoveling manure since I had tractor work experience and better pay and ended up working for him for 4 years. I was cutting, raking, baling, and hauling his hay. All he had to do is take me to a field and turn me loose. So to all that are unemployeed. Get off your ars and look for those undesirable jobs as they will be empty or needing people. Think of dirty jobs type jobs. Until I broke my back I was never out of work over 3 weeks. I only got one check of unemployment in my life. Most times I had a job within 2 days of a job ending(laid off a few times but never fired). |
Bump Really any hints before I waste another roll of film trying to get a few good pictures? I have a kodak outdoor camera with flash(our store does not carry the no flash). |
what is your favorite book
I tried to read Brian Herbert's first book. He does not has the gift. To me he ruined the name of Dune. The original 3 then second trilogy for a total of 6 books by Frank Herbert are the best lit on the planet. It takes a great author to keep me reading a fiction book. I mostly read non fiction. I am dyslexic so it takes alot of effort to read a book. It took me 2 months to read Dune but I was working and did not have alot of spare time. The next 2 took me about a month each. My exwife could read a book that size in a day or 2. So if I read it is normally to learn something and not for pure enjoyment. Dune series was the only books that were hard for me to put down. I lost sleep to read those books. Most books I never make it past the first chapter. |
Most of the good guys get grabbed up and married quickly. But since you are 19(forgot exactly), check out a college near you and ask around campus where they go to hang out/party. Most people will not get married until they are done with college. many finish the 4 year courses in 4-6 years so 18+5=23 and I think that should be close enough to your age group that you will not have an age issue. I know this sort of worked for me and I am 34. But since I started my family at 18 I have my 4 kids and really do not want any more of my own. All the girls I met that were in college wanted children. |
who like older women
There is a limit to age between people. I will more likely date a woman 20 years older than a woman 15 years younger. But I am trying my best to find someone in 10 yrs of age either older or younger. |
why do women like hispanics?
Many of them have a serious problem with alcohol as well. My mother in law and sister in law both have mexican boyfriends. The sister in law is finally get back on her feet after the no good mexican who fathered her 2 kids and 2 more with other women during the same time frame and this is the one who stays in trouble and has never supported his kids. My mother in laws BF is real good to her unless he has had to much to drink and then it is all verbal assults. He tries to give her all her wants. Like in the thread about immigration these 2 where used as examples of the problems with illegals. One is he needs to be kept out of the US and the other needs a green card. |
How many drinks coffee?
Nope. But it is closer to me than where the picture was taken. It was taken at Pepper Branch city park. My daughter was standing on the paved path. Rock Island has really let there paths go down hill due to lack of funding. Fall Creek Falls is a much nicer park. They are still getting funding for it. |
The picture was taken in one of our city parks. But that type limestone cliff is common and natural. I live in the nursery capital of the world. More trees are grown here than any other location in the world. I collect seeds(acorns for one) for the nurseries of a fall for some income. That is why I have not been around as much as I once was. This only last about 2 months. I have been collecting grave yard vine(vinca minor) and ginko seeds which stink like cat crap(thank goodness they pay good). We are going to look for red bud seed Sunday. Saturday we are going to get more vinca minor. |
what is your favorite book
Dune series is by far my favorite. Where the Red Fern Grows is a sad book. Being a southern coon hunting lad who owned a pair of red bone coon hounds it really hit home. About a week before reading the book I had to shoot one of my dogs to put her out of her misery as she got hit by a car on the trail of a coon which her brother finished tracking and treed. The idiot that told me I would like the book over heard me talking about putting her down. He thought it was funny as hell when I confronted him on his sick humor. |
It upset me that the closer photos turned out so bad. I took that one to show my personality(love of the outdoors). I was hoping to load about 3 photos. I understand you point as several other are a small part of their photo as well. |
How many drinks coffee?
King, Sun tea has a different taste doesn't it? I am picky about my teas. Earl Grey is a great morning hot cup. I also do green tea and a few other blends. Lipton is the best tea for the price. I still use 4 large bags to a gallon. The best method to make tea is to use a coffee maker, which has never had coffe made in it, and put a bit of cold water in the pot after filling the maker. This cools the tea down instantly to keep from over cooking it and making it bitter. I normally make 2 gallons at a time as you can add only one more bag to the already used bags to make a second gallon. I normally brew both and then split the brew between 2 gallons. |