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Gay Marriage and Atheism
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Sun 03/08/09 10:08 AM
I have always been amused by the argument that allowing gays to marry would destroy the American family. I say if anything is destroying the American family, it is the high divorce rate, which obviously can't be pinned on the gays. A benefit to heterosexual society of gay marriage is the fact that the commitment of a marriage means the participants are discouraged from promiscous sex. This has the advantage of slowing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which know no sexual orientation, and are "equal opportunity destroyers". These benefits of gay marriage have changed the attitudes of the majority of people in Denmark and other countries where various forms of gay marriage have been legal for years. Polling results now show that most people there, now recognize that the benefits far outweigh the trivial costs, and that far from threatening heterosexual marriage, gay marriage has actually strenghtened it. So, having established the value of gay marriage, why are people so opposed to it? Many of the reasons offered for opposing gay marriage are based on the assumption that gays have a choice in who they can feel attracted to, and the reality is quite different. Many people actually believe that gays could simply choose to be heterosexual if they wished. But the reality is that very few do have a choice -- any more than very few heterosexuals could choose which sex to find themselves attracted to. Kat …a shining example of acceptance of ALL as equal, generating greater freedom... Freedom from the grips of self-centered misery that insists that we judge everything around us as "less"... Lonely place. If mankind suffers any crippling disease (like AIDS)… fearing it to no end, and then shifts its experience to acceptance of what once was called the culprit, it seems to loosen the grip of that fear... The physical manifestation of that fear dissipates... literally. Acceptance of all as equal frees anything. The more I let it spew out of my mouth, the more I can see it and the more free I feel... the closer connection I get to feel between myself and humanity (I hope). I trust it and stand by, waiting for it to show up in anything I have the eyes to see. Call it God, if you wish... I'm okay with that. |
Baiting, or overreaction?
I oppose nearly all forms of censorship. Only in extreme cases of national security or personal privacy do I support it. Or if at some point Bea Arther ends up naked. That would be a matter of world security. If anyone should email it to you, Take Weird Al's advice . . . Delete immediately before someone gets hurt! If you [see it], you'll wish you had never been born Turn off your computer and make sure it powers down Drop it in a forty-three-foot hole in the ground Bury it completely; rocks and boulders should be fine Then burn all the clothes you may have worn any time you were online! Hey... I'm sure there are camps of folks just itchin' to see a little more of Bea. And THEN there's Maude! I'll be happy bury those people right along with their golden girls porn in that forty-three-foot hole. Yikes... Golden Girls Porn? Somehow, I don't think I'll sleep too well tonight. Thanks a lot, Thomas! Insert evil/maniacal laughter |
I have looked at many religions to find any truths there may be to be found. While I have found no real truth, I have noticed what I would call a completely unscientific observation. It seems to me that there is some kind of universal law that all energy in the universe seeks to find a balance. I am not suggesting there is any supernatural forces at work or that there is any form of intelligence behind it. All seek a balance... Yes! And that could explain humans constantly striving to create (force) nothing but positive, falling to the side of negative (quite naturally) time and time again, as all laws of nature point to equal. |
Baiting, or overreaction?
I oppose nearly all forms of censorship. Only in extreme cases of national security or personal privacy do I support it. Or if at some point Bea Arther ends up naked. That would be a matter of world security. If anyone should email it to you, Take Weird Al's advice . . . Delete immediately before someone gets hurt! If you [see it], you'll wish you had never been born Turn off your computer and make sure it powers down Drop it in a forty-three-foot hole in the ground Bury it completely; rocks and boulders should be fine Then burn all the clothes you may have worn any time you were online! Hey... I'm sure there are camps of folks just itchin' to see a little more of Bea. And THEN there's Maude! I'll be happy bury those people right along with their golden girls porn in that forty-three-foot hole. Yikes... Golden Girls Porn? Somehow, I don't think I'll sleep too well tonight. Thanks a lot, Thomas! |
Baiting, or overreaction?
I just don't understand the reasoning and when I sent my reply earlier today I have not received a response, this bothers me given how long I have been on this forum. Thank you. Jeremy. The Mods are just like the rest of us, only... they feel some sort of special responsibility to be "right". This clouds the judgment and rash(ish) decisions can be made. Once made, those decisions are, perhaps, more difficult to reconsider publicly. I'd love to see a mod change their mind and admit it to the rest of us. We're ALL human. |
Baiting, or overreaction?
I oppose nearly all forms of censorship. Only in extreme cases of national security or personal privacy do I support it. Or if at some point Bea Arther ends up naked. That would be a matter of world security. If anyone should email it to you, Take Weird Al's advice . . . Delete immediately before someone gets hurt! If you [see it], you'll wish you had never been born Turn off your computer and make sure it powers down Drop it in a forty-three-foot hole in the ground Bury it completely; rocks and boulders should be fine Then burn all the clothes you may have worn any time you were online! Hey... I'm sure there are camps of folks just itchin' to see a little more of Bea. And THEN there's Maude! |
Rational Believers?
we should all get along, regardless of what we believe for sure When we don't "get along" seems to be when we learn the most. |
Religion breeds peace
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Sat 03/07/09 08:53 AM
Religion breeds peace
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Sat 03/07/09 08:54 AM
Whatever anyone is saying, it's nor religion that breeds peace, neither does it breed atrocities. It's people using religion to do whatever they want to do. I disagree. Whenever you take a doctrine and inbed it into a person with the implication that if they question it they will be forever damned the doctrines power supersedes their personal power. The doctrine gains "power" and the individual exponentially loses confidence in the wisdom of his/her own heart. Continued bullying to push any doctrine's agenda feeds a machine of lost children. The more lost we become, the more feroceously we bang blindly into one another while becoming further and further isolated from our own wisdom. |
Religion breeds peace
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Sat 03/07/09 08:52 AM
Well I think empathy breeds peace. I agree. And it seems that people have difficulty understanding how another person might feel in any given situation. So instead of giving them the consideration of the possible misunderstanding of their feelings they judge and discard them. Yes... And inso doing, we discard our own hearts' wisdom... continually damning others (ultimately ourselves) and attempting to counter-act our own living hell by further finger-pointing and intolerance of any belief other than our own. |
Individuality is authenticity. be authentic, then you will find individuality in EVERY aspect of your life. Religion is a tiny droplet in the ocean of WHO you are. Today, this individual is authentically pessimistic. |
I believe religion is a personal decision. Its our own personal relationship with god. Does god really care if we come together and pray, or does god care about each of us praying, his or her own way. From my own studies and experiences, all religions follow the same basic tenants. I think its man who twists and bends the truth to benenfit his or her own personal beliefs and ideaology. Religion is the biggest propaganda tool man has ever seen. If all the religions of the world would agree with one another AND agree with all the non-religions (and be done with it), then... wouldn't the world finally see peace? Give up spouting for the sake of hearing your own voice... (hmmmm... maybe I should just shut up now) Fighting (almost obsessively) to prove the validity of one's own position seems like just an excuse to prove to self one's individual "worthiness". No matter how brilliant the argument, the result only gets more loneliness. Maybe... Prove each other correct and feel the grip of insidious self-doubt exponentially lift. Then again... am I STILL trying to be right? Am I still caught up in the same cycle? D'oh! |
Healthy escapism????
I fail to see the humor in this. if you don't want to believe then DON'T I fail to see how there was any humor intent his comments. Did he hit a nerve? Are you lashing out because you secretly know that you can't refute our arguments and it makes uncomfortable. Doubt is normal and it is nothing to fear. It can either make you stronger or open your eyes to a new truth. isn't referring to a particular post. you are right...doubt is normal. and nothing wrong with questions to learn more. Which post did you fail to see the humor in? One's own freedom to see truth is no joke... to anyone. |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
Perhaps my personal definitions of "ego" and "pride" differ from yours. my ego and pride place me as absolute truth, it's impossible to prove to myself that I don't exist and it's impossible for me to doubt that I do exist therefore nothing can exist above me and that's why anyone that thinks themselves as not being absolute truth or that something exist above their existence has a lack of ego and/or pride .. In an existence or perspective of only those known and/or visible dimensions, little, if anything, "outside" will be seen. Let's just say, for the sake of entertaining all possibilities, we ARE physical manifestations of something greater (I won't call it "God". - Not comfortable with that label at this time)... At this point, our cute little pea-brains can barely begin to grasp limitless possibility. This is what Religions have been attempting to do all through the ages. Each one presenting a fraction of possible pictures. In ancient times, it seems Philosophers sort-of bridged the gap between Science and Religion... Perhaps mankind is coming to a point in which Religion will collaborate with Science and visa versa to uncover an even greater, more complete picture. anytime science merge with religion it presents a view outside of the belief, ususally those that choose this path becomes New Age or Scientologists, the establish religions can not afford to merge with science because it would go against the teaching of the belief and it's kind of hypocritical also when someone say that their brain is to limited to comprehend God or another supreme entity only means they don't want to understand, and faith demands that you don't understand Since I was not raised on religion, I know little of the faith that religious speak. Yeah... Well, my guess is that ALL religion is bound to be turned up-side-down to the point of barely recognizing itself. all faith is the same.. for your faith to not be religiously based, you would have to describe it without the inclusion of any other supreme or supernatural entity Uh... Why? |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
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Fri 02/27/09 11:38 AM
Perhaps my personal definitions of "ego" and "pride" differ from yours. my ego and pride place me as absolute truth, it's impossible to prove to myself that I don't exist and it's impossible for me to doubt that I do exist therefore nothing can exist above me and that's why anyone that thinks themselves as not being absolute truth or that something exist above their existence has a lack of ego and/or pride .. In an existence or perspective of only those known and/or visible dimensions, little, if anything, "outside" will be seen. Let's just say, for the sake of entertaining all possibilities, we ARE physical manifestations of something greater (I won't call it "God". - Not comfortable with that label at this time)... At this point, our cute little pea-brains can barely begin to grasp limitless possibility. This is what Religions have been attempting to do all through the ages. Each one presenting a fraction of possible pictures. In ancient times, it seems Philosophers sort-of bridged the gap between Science and Religion... Perhaps mankind is coming to a point in which Religion will collaborate with Science and visa versa to uncover an even greater, more complete picture. anytime science merge with religion it presents a view outside of the belief, ususally those that choose this path becomes New Age or Scientologists, the establish religions can not afford to merge with science because it would go against the teaching of the belief and it's kind of hypocritical also when someone say that their brain is to limited to comprehend God or another supreme entity only means they don't want to understand, and faith demands that you don't understand Since I was not raised on religion, I know little of the faith that religious speak. Yeah... Well, my guess is that ALL religion is bound to be turned up-side-down to the point of barely recognizing itself. |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
Can our conscious mind actually induce anything in the subconscious, or is that just an idea being fostered by popular contmporary "metaphysical" and psychological schools of thought? Seems to me that it's the subconscious "mind" calling the shots and that we are merely it's puppets. We "consciously" have only a tip-of-the-iceberg. either way the conscious and the subconscious at this point in time are both puppets of reality ...that is the purpose of reality to control and confuse therefore the two has to work together to break this control Perhaps the subconscious is the actual connection to whole reality and it's been our limited conscious, ego-driven, thought that has continuously been attempting to dictate reality? the subconscious contains all the power the conscious mind need to control reality or to find truth that may be hidden within reality, reality will not cause itself to be destroyed or control so it induce the subconscious to secrete chemicals that block the conscious access to this power emotions may be one reason the conscious is not granted power, emotions cause people to act irrationaly and with the power of the subsonscious a person can do total devestation upon something get rid of the emotions which will lessen the chemicals that may block the power of the subconscious and your subconscious may grant your conscious some of that power Very interesting! It's emotions, based on all past memory, that run us dog-tired and ragged. If the grip of past memory somehow gets released, emotions become neutralized. Neutralized emotions unleash unlimited potential... If it's the conscious mind that grips tight to memory, then something "greater" than the conscious mind may be needed to intervene. How might the subconscious step in and release this? Perhaps, in part, through our dreams. Dreams displays how the person has the power to alter reality but there is no logical reason for dreams to release the power of the subconscious to the conscious, Dreams usually shuts down the body to make sure it doesn't hurt itself in conscious reality and that is when Ego and pride may play a key factor, you have to go into the Dreams knowing that you can control the power outside the dream think of it in reverse ...if you had the power what could you do consciously to get rid of it What "it" are you speaking of? |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
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Fri 02/27/09 09:44 AM
Can our conscious mind actually induce anything in the subconscious, or is that just an idea being fostered by popular contmporary "metaphysical" and psychological schools of thought? Seems to me that it's the subconscious "mind" calling the shots and that we are merely it's puppets. We "consciously" have only a tip-of-the-iceberg. either way the conscious and the subconscious at this point in time are both puppets of reality ...that is the purpose of reality to control and confuse therefore the two has to work together to break this control Perhaps the subconscious is the actual connection to whole reality and it's been our limited conscious, ego-driven, thought that has continuously been attempting to dictate reality? the subconscious contains all the power the conscious mind need to control reality or to find truth that may be hidden within reality, reality will not cause itself to be destroyed or control so it induce the subconscious to secrete chemicals that block the conscious access to this power emotions may be one reason the conscious is not granted power, emotions cause people to act irrationaly and with the power of the subsonscious a person can do total devestation upon something get rid of the emotions which will lessen the chemicals that may block the power of the subconscious and your subconscious may grant your conscious some of that power Very interesting! It's emotions, based on all past memory, that run us dog-tired and ragged. If the grip of past memory somehow gets released, emotions become neutralized. Neutralized emotions unleash unlimited potential... If it's the conscious mind that grips tight to memory, then something "greater" than the conscious mind may be needed to intervene. How might the subconscious step in and release this? Perhaps, in part, through our dreams. |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
Edited by
Fri 02/27/09 09:29 AM
Perhaps my personal definitions of "ego" and "pride" differ from yours. my ego and pride place me as absolute truth, it's impossible to prove to myself that I don't exist and it's impossible for me to doubt that I do exist therefore nothing can exist above me and that's why anyone that thinks themselves as not being absolute truth or that something exist above their existence has a lack of ego and/or pride .. In an existence or perspective of only those known and/or visible dimensions, little, if anything, "outside" will be seen. Let's just say, for the sake of entertaining all possibilities, we ARE physical manifestations of something greater (I won't call it "God". - Not comfortable with that label at this time)... At this point, our cute little pea-brains can barely begin to grasp limitless possibility. This is what Religions have been attempting to do all through the ages. Each one presenting a fraction of possible pictures. In ancient times, it seems Philosophers sort-of bridged the gap between Science and Religion... Perhaps mankind is coming to a point in which Religion will collaborate with Science and visa versa to uncover an even greater, more complete picture. |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
Can our conscious mind actually induce anything in the subconscious, or is that just an idea being fostered by popular contmporary "metaphysical" and psychological schools of thought? Seems to me that it's the subconscious "mind" calling the shots and that we are merely it's puppets. We "consciously" have only a tip-of-the-iceberg. either way the conscious and the subconscious at this point in time are both puppets of reality ...that is the purpose of reality to control and confuse therefore the two has to work together to break this control Perhaps the subconscious is the actual connection to whole reality and it's been our limited conscious, ego-driven, thought that has continuously been attempting to dictate reality? |
I'm On The Yahweh To Hell
the love is there and much understanding. My self-centered blinders have prevented me from being able to see and take it in, thereby creating a greater sense of isolation. In that isolation, my ego and pride have lashed out and blamed those around me for my own short-comes. "Spendidlife''s called Human Nature Cursed Human Nature! |